AMCA: Conferences Xth National Conference of finsler and Lagrange Spaces and Applications.February 1114, 1998 Organizers paul Popescu. Date received January 01, 1998
The Repressed Content-Requirements Of Mathematics paul finsler, Gibt es unentscheidbare sätze, in Commentarii mathematiciHelvetici (1944), pp. 310320, reviewed by Alonzo Church in Journal of Symbolic
Extractions: The Repressed Content-Requirements of Mathematics Henry Flynt [started c. 1987; this draft 1994] (c) 1994 Henry A. Flynt, Jr. A. Mathematics, as it is conceived in the twentieth century, has presuppositions about perception, and about the comprehension of lived experience relative to the apprehension of apparitions, which are repressed in professional doctrine. It also has presuppositions of a supra-terrestrial import which are repressed. The latter concern abstractions whose reality-character is an incoherent composite of features of sensuous-concrete phenomena. In the twentieth century, mathematicians have been taught to say by rote, "We are beyond all that now. We are beyond psychology, and we are beyond independently subsisting abstractions." This recitation is a case of denial. Indeed, if this recitation were true, it would allow mathematics nowhere to live. Certainly social conventionsbeloved by the Vienna Circleare too unreliable to found the truths which mathematicians claim to possess. (Truths about the decimal value of [pi], or about different sizes of infinity, for example.) To uncover the repressed presuppositions, a combination of approaches is required. (One anthropologist has written about "the locus of mathematical reality"but, being an academic, he merely reproduces a stock answer outside his field, namely that the shape of mathematics is dictated by the physiology of the brain.)
Paul Outerbridge - Expositions paul Outerbridge * 18961958 USA Aenne Biermann , Max Burchartz , Suse Byk ,Hans finsler , Hein Gorny , Florence Henri , Ewald Hoinkis , André Kertész
Extractions: tous les pays Albanie Allemagne Argentine Australie Autriche Belgique Canada Chili Chine Croatie Cuba Danemark Espagne Estonie Finlande France Grande-Bretagne Hongrie Irlande Islande Italie Japon Liechtenstein Lituanie Luxembourg Malaisie Mali Mexique Pays-Bas Pologne Portugal Roumanie Russie Serb/Mont Singapour Slovaquie Suisse Taiwan Turquie USA USA Japon Allemagne Australie ... Chine Paul Outerbridge
User:Gerritholl/mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia de Finetti paul finsler - Ernst Fischer - Sir Ronald Fisher - Thomas Fiske -George FitzGerald - John Flamsteed - Andreas Floer - Irmgard Flügge-Lotz
Extractions: Over US$155,000 has been donated since the drive began on 19 August. Thank you for your generosity! User:Gerritholl edit Ernst Abbe Niels Henrik Abel Abraham bar Hiyya Max Abraham ... Antoni Zygmund Retrieved from " Views Personal tools Navigation Search Toolbox What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages ... Permanent link This page was last modified 01:33, 19 August 2005. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see for details).
PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION NETWORK H. Breger, A restoration that failed paul finsler s theory of sets. D. Gillies,The Fregean revolution in Logic. M. Crowe, Afterword (1992) A revolution
Extractions: Number 6, December 1992 Editor: Paul Ernest This Newsletter is the publication of the Organising Group Raffaella Borasi ( USA ), Stephen I. Brown ( USA ), Leone Burton ( UK ), Paul Cobb ( USA ), Jere Confrey ( USA ), Thomas S. Cooney ( USA ), Kathryn Crawford ( Australia ), Ubiratan D'Ambrosio ( Brazil ), Philip J. Davis ( USA ), A.J. (Sandy) Dawson ( Canada ), Paul Ernest ( UK ), Ernst von Glasersfeld ( USA ), David Henderson ( USA ), Reuben Hersh ( USA ), Christine Keitel ( Germany ), Stephen Lerman ( UK ), John Mason ( UK ), Marilyn Nickson ( UK ), David Pimm ( UK ), Sal Restivo ( USA ), Leo Rogers ( UK ), Anna Sfard ( Israel ), Ole Skovsmose ( Denmark ), Francesco Speranza ( Italy ), Leslie P. Steffe ( USA ), Hans-Georg Steiner ( Germany ), John Volmink ( South Africa The aims of this newsletter are: to foster awareness of philosophical aspects of mathematics education and mathematics, understood broadly; to disseminate news of events and new thinking in these topics to interested persons; and to encourage international cooperation and dialogue between scholars engaged in such research. SUBSCRIPTIONS POMEnews is published twice annually (occasionally these may be combined), and there is an annual subscription charge (for the calendar year). Please send subscriptions to the following according to which is most convenient. Write your cheque in the name of the person to whom it is addressed, please.
Geschichte Der Mathematik- Biographien Translate this page finsler, paul geb. 11.04.1894 in Heilbronn, gest. 29.04.1970 in Zürich, Schweiz,http//
ALGEBRAS, GROUPS AND GEOMETRIES THE INTRINSIC finsler CONNECTIONS ON A finsler SUBMANIFOLD, 11 Marcela Popescuand paul Popescu Department of Mathematics, University of Craiova,
Extractions: with pre-payment of U. S. $ 0.10 per page, plus $ 3 for shipping and handling in the USA. For shipping and handling by air mail to any country outside the USA add $ 5 up to 30 pages or $ 7 up to 50 pages. Payment can be made in U. S. checks, international bank checks or Visa, Master Card or American Express. Important note. This page may be upgraded at any time. To inspect the latest upgrade, visitors should reload this page each time it is inspected. VOLUME 16, NUMBER 1, MARCH 1999
References finsler, paul (1926). Über die Grundlegung der Mengenlehre. Erster Teil.Mathematische Zeitschrift, 25683713. GROTHENDIECK, ALEXANDER (1985).
Extractions: Mazzola, Guerino Noll, Thomas / Lluis-Puebla, Emilio : Perspectives in Mathematical and Computational Music Theory Example Suppose again that we are given a form semiotic with form set denotator set , over , and with the above defined name form with name value . Given an identity morphism in , we introduce two forms , with diagrams and different name denotators having the same name coordinate . Then the exchange of forms and corresponding names defines an element of . Here, we have used the circular definition of forms by mutual reference. Proposition Every finite group is isomorphic to an automorphism group of type for a form semiotic over , and It suffices in fact to consider any group of word permutations and to construct name denotators with name values that are permuted under over the form , which are their proper names. Problem The main problem of this Galois theory is to investigate the relation between conceptual constructions of forms and denotators, their associated automorphism groups and the existence problem of such concepts. This problem is evidently related to the underlying topoi and address categories. In view of this latter
Welcome To Poznan & Wielkopolska 02/2001 indulged in experiments in advertising photography included not only AlbertRengerPatzsch, Hans finsler, Umbo or paul Wolff, but also August Sander.
Extractions: ART The Photography of the Weimar Republic In February the "pf" Gallery of Photography at the "Zamek" Cultural Centre presented an exhibition entitled "The Photography of the Weimar Republic". The exhibition constitutes a recapitulation of the expositions of German photography that have been organised over the last few years in co-operation with the Warsaw Goethe Institute. The impact exerted by German photographers on the development of world photography is immense. The exhibition consists of a few thematic series. The first one comprises photographs which constitute a kind of sociological record presenting the people of the epoch. Amongst the photographers representative of this series is, above all, August Sander, an outstanding artist portraying human types in their every-day life surroundings. A selection of his photographs was published in the form of an album "The face of time" in 1929. The Nazis withdrew this album in 1934 and destroyed the plates since, according to them, Sander's visions did not corres- pond to the prototype of a "pure race". What suited them were idealised visions by Erny Lend- vai-Dircksen, who photographed rural life with nationalistic touches. Thanks to this and to the high quality of her works she became one of the most influential artists in the Third Reich.
Welcome To Poznan & Wielkopolska 02/2001 Eksperymentom w fotografii reklamowej oddawali sie nie tylko Albert RengerPatzsch,Hans finsler, Umbo czy paul Wolff, ale i August Sander.
Extractions: SZTUKA Fotografia Republiki Weimarskiej W lutym Galeria Fotografii "pf" dzia³aj±ca w Centrum Kultury "Zamek" zaprezentowa³a wystawê "Fotografia Republiki Weimarskiej". Jest to swoiste podsumowanie organizowanych we wspó³pracy z warszawskim Goethe-Institut na przestrzeni ostatnich kilku lat prezentacji niemieckiej fotografii, która wywar³ ogromny wp³yw na jej rozwój w ¶wiecie. Wystawa zbudowana zosta³a z kilku tematycznych cykli. Pierwszy z nich obejmuje fotografiê, bêd±c± rodzajem zapisu socjologicznego, ukazuj±cego ludzi epoki. W¶ród fotografów znalaz³ siê przede wszystkim August Sander - znakomity portrecista ludzkich typów w ich codziennym otoczeniu, których wybór zosta³ wydany w formie albumu "Oblicze czasu" w 1929 roku. Nazi¶ci, którym wizerunki Sandera nie odpowiada³y wzorcowi "czystej rasy" wycofali album z rynku w 1934 roku i zniszczyli klisze drukarskie. Odpowiada³y im z kolei idealizuj±ce wizerunki Erny Lendvai-Dircksen, fotografuj±cej wiejskie ¿ycie pe³ne podtekstów narodowo¶ciowych. Dziêki temu, oraz wysokim umiejêtno¶ciom warsztatowym sta³a siê w III Rzeszy jedn± najbardziej wp³ywowych artystek.
Extractions: FOR MOLECULAR ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION The Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution held its 2-day planning meeting at Massey University recently. This research group, which has members from both the mathematics and molecular biology communities, is one of the five Centres of Research Excellence recently selected by the Royal Society of New Zealand for support under the government's recent initiative. The research activities of the Centre are focused around four research themes: "Rates and modes of evolution", "Biodiversity", "Human settlement of Aotearoa/New Zealand", and "New ecological and biological models". The Centre is hosted by Massey University, with the twelve Principal and Associate Investigators based at Auckland, Massey, Victoria, Canterbury and Otago Universities. The Centre's name commemorates the New Zealander Allan Wilson, 1936-1991, who revolutionized the study of human evolution and is the only New Zealander to receive the MacArthur "Genius" Award. He spent his whole career at Berkeley where he introduced the study of evolution by molecular clocks, which led to the "Out of Africa" hypothesis from the study of mitochondrial DNA and the founding of the modern field of mathematical phylogenetics. (See
Extractions: MATHEMATICAL MINIATURE 16 Mike Hendy on Catalan Numbers and Evolutionary Trees ISSN 0110-0025 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE This newsletter is the official organ of the New Zealand Mathematical Society Inc. This issue was assembled and printed at Massey University. The official address of the Society is: The New Zealand Mathematical Society,
Goedels Impact On AI finsler Georg Unger (ed.) paul finsler. Aufstze zur Mengenlehre. Wissenschaftl.Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1975. Gandy 1 Robin Gandy The Confluence of
Extractions: (a preprint to encourage criticism) and not the final version of the paper) Dr. Werner Schimanovich (47) studied mathematical logic, mathematics, physics and mechanical engineering at the Technical University ofVienna, the Technical University of Berlin and the University of Vienna between 1960 and 1971. Since 1971 he has been working at the Department forStatistics and Computer Science at the University of Vienna. Every yearsince 1985, he has spent time doing research at the Universidad de Las Palmas, Spain. In 1986 he produced the 80-minute film "Kurt Gdel - AMathematical Mythos" together with Peter Weibel (an internationally renowned artist). In this connection he did research at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.) and at other universities in theUSA. His address: Institute for Statistics and Informatics
Differentiaaligeometria (Mat-1.166) Vasta vuonna 1918 paul finsler (18941970) otti yleisemmän asetelman tarkasteltavaksiväitöskirjassaan. Hänen kunniakseen tapaus tunnetaan nimellä
Extractions: ...eli virallisesti: Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) esitteli klassisena Riemannin geometriana tunnetun matematiikan alan väitöstilaisuudessaan vuonna 1854 erikoistapauksena tutkimastaan geometriasta. Siinä yleisen avaruuden metrinen struktuuri perustuu muotoa ds = F(x ,...,x n ;dx ,...,dx n olevaan kaarielementtiin kun normifunktio F on annettu. Laskujen yksinkertaistamiseksi Riemann keskittyi neliömuotoa F =g ij (x) dx i dx j oleviin metriikoihin. Historiallinen kehitys vakiinnutti nimen 'Riemannin geometria' koskemaan tätä erikoistapausta. Finsler-geometrialla on laajat sovellukset monilla luonnontieteiden aloilla, erityisesti kontrolliteoriassa, optiikassa sekä matemaattisessa biologiassa ja ekologiassa. Kurssia suositellaankin esimerkiksi inversio-ongelmista ja numeriikasta kiinnostuneille opiskelijoille. Kevään 2004 kurssilla tutustutaan klassiseen Finsler-geometriaan modernista näkökulmasta. Useimmilla Riemannin geometrian tuloksilla on luonnolliset vastineensa Finsler-asetelmassa. Geodeesit, konnektiot, kaarevuudet, eksponenttifunktio, Jacobin kentät jne. esitetellään Finsler-geometrian näkökulmasta ja Riemannin geometria saadaan erikoistapauksena. Esitiedoiksi riittää differentiaaligeometrian perusolioiden, sileiden monistojen ja differentiaalimuotojen tuntemus. Erityisesti viime keväänä luennoitua Finsler-geometrian peruskurssia ei edellytetä, vaan tarvittavat peruskäsitteet tullaan kertaamaan kurssin kuluessa.
Yurinsha Book News finsler Set Theory Platonism and Circularity. (Translation of paul finsler spapers on Set theory with Introductory Comments) 1996 278 pp.
Extractions: 2001 Aczel, P. et al. (eds.): Proof Theory. 1992 306 pp. (Cambridge) 0-521-41413-X 10,760. 2002 Adamowicz, Z. /Zbierski, P.: Logic of Mathematics. (Pure and Applied Mathematics) 1997 260 pp. (Wiley) 0-471-06026-7 13,120. 2003 Aliseda, A. et al. (eds.): Computing Natural Language. 1998 158 pp. (Cambridge) 1-57586-100-3 5,040. 2004 Anglin, W. /Lambek, J.: The Heritage of Thales. (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 1995 327 pp. (Springer) 3-540-94544-X 7,470. 2005 Anglin, W. S.: Mathematics A Concise History and Philosopy. (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) 1994 275 pp. (Springer) 3-540-94280-7 7,470. 2006 Arnold, D.: ÚñfÚ Abelian Groups and Representations of Finite Partially Orderd Sets. (CMS Books in Mathematics, Vol. 2) 2000 244 pp. (Springer) 0-387-98982-X 12,720. 2007 Arslanov, M. /Lempp, S.: ÚñfÚ Recursion Thoery and Complexity *97 Workshop, Russia.
Extractions: This book contains two introductory papers on important topics of nonlinear physics. The first one, by M. San Miguel et al., refers to the effect of noise in nonequilibrium systems. The second, by M.E. Brachet, is a modern introduction to turbulence in fluids. The material can be very useful for short courses and is presented accordingly. The authors have made their texts self-contained. The volume also contains a selection of the invited seminars given at the Sixth International Workshop on Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures.
Actualité De La Philosophie à Lyon paul finsler et les hyperensembles . -Mardi8 mars, 10-12 heures D. Dumouchel, Utilité et comparaison des arts
Extractions: , de la . Elle vise à prendre en compte des problématiques nouvelles en matière d’éthique et d’environnement (par exemple le "développement durable") ou en matière d’épistémologie des sciences du vivant (biotechnologies) ou des sciences physiques (complexité) ou encore cognitives. Elle s’efforce aussi de faire la part du mythe et de l’image dans les nouveaux savoirs. Dans le domaine de l' , il s'agit d'abord de prendre en compte les nouvelles problématiques issues du développement des sciences biologiques et des techniques d'ingénierie génétique, afin de leur associer une réflexion appropriée : l'extension des possibles liée à la récente "maîtrise du vivant" (IVG, fécondation in vitro, clônage, brevetabilité du vivant...) non seulement interroge la philosophie mais réclame son concours dans l'élucidation des risques que celle-ci pourrait faire encourir à l'humanité.
Maquette Du Master Translate this page «Mathématiques et métaphysique chez paul finsler», précédé de P. finsler, De lavie après la mort, Fougères, Encre Marine, 1999.