ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER FOR THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY 60 illus., ISBN 37466-8018-2, paperback DM 14.90 (= Aufbau Taschenbuch, 8018)Hawlitschek, Kurt johann faulhaber 1580 - 1635. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/aa/enha/enha13.txt
Èeský Hudební Slovník Osob A Institucí faulhaber, Emanuel johann, výrobce drevených dechových nástroju a klavíru, narozen5. 9. 1772, Vilémov u Haber, zemrel 9. 12. 1835, Louny. http://www.musicologica.cz/slovnik/hesla.php?op=heslo&hid=4205
Tipps Translate this page jedoch johann faulhaber (1631), der eine allgemeine Summenformel erhielt.Die Darstellung hier zeigt nur eine Möglichkeit auf, die Sum- http://www.mathcare.de/tipps.htm
Kahr-Glossar Translate this page faulhaber Michael von Fäustle johann Nepomuk von Fehr Anton Fehrenbach KonstantinFeilitzsch Maximilian Alexander Graf von Felber Ferdinand http://www1.ku-eichstaett.de/GGF/Landgesch/kahr/kahr-namensliste.htm
Ancestors Of John Crossley 799 Marguerite faulhaber. 361 Born on 14 Jan 1658 in Lochwiller, BasRhin, France . On 3 Oct 1693 when johann was 22, he married Margreta Kruckemeyer, http://homepage.mac.com/jcrossley/at/at01/at01_013.htm
Gat04a-lit Translate this page johann faulhaber and sums of powers. Mathematics of Computation 61(203), 277-294.HANS-ALBRECHT KOCH (1987). Buck. In Deutsches biographisches Archiv, http://www-math.uni-paderborn.de/~aggathen/Publications/gat04a-lit.html
Universität Heidelberg Translate this page sollte man nutzen, zumal man hier auch bisher unbekannte Persönlichkeitenkennen lernen kann wie jenen Mannheimer Schuhmacher johann faulhaber, http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/presse/news05/2503prinz.html
Extractions: "Expressionismus und Wahnsinn" Eine aufschlussreiche Ausstellung der Heidelberger Sammlung Prinzhorn "Expressionismus und Wahnsinn" Blick in die Ausstellung der Heidelberger Prinzhorn-Sammlung. Rechts im Bild: Das Gemälde "Der Irrengarten" von Christian Schad. Foto: Kresin Die Möglichkeit, Arbeiten berühmter Expressionisten mit den "Bildnereien" von Psychiatriepatienten in Konfrontation zu erleben, sollte man nutzen, zumal man hier auch bisher unbekannte Persönlichkeiten kennen lernen kann wie jenen Mannheimer Schuhmacher Johann Faulhaber, dessen beängstigende Horror-Fratzen auf Kubin verweisen und dessen spontane Notate Beispiele für jene zwischen Schrift und Bild changierende "Psychografik" abgeben, von der die Expressionisten träumten.
À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï faulhaber, johann faulhaber Born 5 May1580 in Ulm, Germany Died 1635 in Ulm, Germany; Feigl, Georg Feigl Born http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=F
Abstract - Zeng Translate this page Dans son ouvrage Academiae Algebrae (1631), johann faulhaber donne une formulepour la somme des entiers à la puissance m $1^m+2^m+. http://algo.inria.fr/seminars/sem04-05/zeng.html
Voegtly Cemetery Records 1833-1866 Name Index Translate this page Falter, johann Michael 808 faulhaber, Ernest Friedrich August Eugen 877 faulhaber,Mathilde Karoline 836 Faust, johannes 194 Feilbach (child of) 469 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~njm1/voegtly-names.html
VortragPaetzoldStadtimBild2004 Translate this page des badischen Bauwesens johann Matthäus faulhaber mit dem Auftrag in die Stadt, Seinem Bericht fügte faulhaber einen handgezeichneten Stadtplan bei, http://www.loebliche-singer-pforzheim.de/VortragPaetzoldStadtimBild2004.html
Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page faulhaber, johann (1580 - 1635) Feigl, Georg (1890 - 1945) Fejer, Lipot (1880 -1959) Feldbau, Jacque (1914 - 1945) Feller, William (1906 - 1970) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html
Extractions: Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Extractions: Receberam prazos de terras neste quarteirão 41 colonos; entre eles podemos relacionar alguns dos quais tenho mais notícias: Franz Hoelz, Adam Hoffmann, Peter Tesch, Christoph Hoelz, Anton Ternes, Heinrich Peter Auler, Paul Roux, Adam Bauer e Georg Zillig. Dentre eles temos uma breve descrição do colono Christoph Hoelz que era filho do também colono Johann Adam Hoelz. Christoph era o bisavô da Ilma Sra. Emygdia Hoelz Magalhães Lyrio (atual presidenta do Clube 29 de Junho, de Tradições Germânicas). Este colono recebeu o prazo de terras n.º 1615 e mais tarde adquiriu neste mesmo quarteirão o prazo n.º 1602 com frente para o Caminho Colonial (hoje Rua Saldanha Marinho). Vale ressaltar que parte destas terras, ainda pertencem aos seus descendentes (bisnetos e trinetos) o que cada dia torna-se mais raro entre as famílias dos colonizadores.
Knuth: Selected Papers On Discrete Mathematics Bracket notation for the `coefficientof operator P143; johann Faulhaberand sums of powers P142; Notes on Thomas Harriot excerpted from Q68 http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/dm.html
Extractions: This is the sixth in a planned series of eight volumes that will contain archival forms of my published papers, together with new material. (The first book in the series was Literate Programming ; the second was Selected Papers on Computer Science ; the third was Digital Typography ; the fourth was Selected Papers on Analysis of Algorithms ; the fifth was Selected Papers on Computer Languages .) The Discrete Mathematics volume is characterized by the following remarks quoted from its preface. This book brings together almost everything that I've written about mathematical topics during the past four decades. I'm grateful for this opportunity to put the materials into a consistent format, and to correct errors in the original publications that have come to my attention. If any of this work deserves to be remembered, it is now in the form that I most wish people to remember it. Some of these papers were written purely as expositions in which I tried to introduce important work of other people and to explain it as well as I could. Other papers contain ideas that were novel when I wrote them down; but even in such cases I did not address the papers to specialists. I tried to make every paper self-contained, so that readers with a general mathematical background would be able to understand the details. My tendency has always been not to emphasize the theorems on the ``bottom line,'' but rather to tell a story of how various results fit together in harmonious patterns.
Extractions: Return to main document Go to alphabetic index George Winfield HEINE III Janet Lea BARNETT ... George Winfield HEINE 00017: Laura Amy MAWER (1866-1934) Joseph MILLS Elmyra I. RICHEY 00020: William ANDERSON (1868-1937) 00021: Emma Sophia WATKINS (1870-1953) 00022: Patrick McFarland BLACK (1855-1922) 00023: Laura Elizabeth FLAKE (1858-1936) 00024: Lonzie Zane BARNETT (1892-?) 00025: Nettie Jane HARGRAVES (1894-1987) 00026: Louis ANZICK (1879-1970) 00027: Mary JANEZICH (1880-1961) 00030: Joseph KOCMAN (?-1968) 00031: Mary VIDETICH (?-1965) 00032: George Washington HEIN (1812-1890) 00033: Mary Ann Greaver EGE (1825-1911) 00034: John MAWER (1825-1903) 00035: Margaret Louise COZAD (1843-1891) 00036: James MILLS (1831-1876) 00037: Elizabeth GASCOYGNE (1840-1909) 00038: Hiram Benson RICHEY (1834-1877) 00039: Margaret BOYER (1836-1925) 00040: William ANDERSON (1825-1900) 00041: Elizabeth FIFE (1836-1910) 00042: George WATKINS (1836-1901) 00043: Ann JONES (1843-1922) 00044: Samuel Alexander BLACK (1814-1902) 00045: Sarah Jane DUNN (1825-1869) 00046: John FLAKE (1830-1908) 00047: Amelia WELHOFF (1833-1899) 00062: Martin VIDETICH (1859-1927) 00064: Jacob HINE (?-1834)
The Zen Of Magic Squares, Circles, And Stars: Features reviews, information and index of Clifford A. Pickover s book.Publication focuses on historical and cultural attitudes towards the significance of http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/zenad.html
Extractions: Ian Stewart, University of Warwick Order from Amazon.com. "At first glance magic squares may seem frivolous (Ben Franklin's opinion, even as he spent countless hours studying them!), but I think that is wrong. The great nineteenth-century German mathematician Leopold Kronecker said 'God Himself made the whole numberseverything else is the work of men,' and Cliff Pickover's stimulating book hints strongly at the possibility that God may have done more with the integers than just create them. I don't believe in magic in the physical world, but magic squares come as close as we will probably ever see to being mathematical magic."
Stadtbibliothek Ulm Breitenbruch, Bernd und Wiegandt, Herbert Städtische Bibliotheken in Ulm. http://www.stadtbibliothek.ulm.de/spezial/volltext/verzeich.html
16¥@¬ö¼w°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www1.emath.pu.edu.tw/mkuo/æ¸å¸å®¶çå°æ äº/IV/1