Subresultants Revisited 26 26 DE Knuth, johann faulhaber and sums of powers, Math. Comput. 61 (203) (1993)277294. 27 Donald E. Knuth, The art of computer programming,
Geschichte Der Mathematik- Biographien Translate this page faulhaber, johann geb. 05.05.1580 in Ulm, gest. 1635 in Ulm,http//, Paul
Kunstportal Pfalz Translate this page Paul Goesch, johann faulhaber sowie Clemens von Oertzen. und gestischeSchriftzeichen des Mannheimer Schuhmachers johann faulhaber erinnern an die
Familie Mittermueller In Neupanat Translate this page 1735 Alsweiler Pf.Tholey +29.02.1788 Neupanat (Tdjohann Kud Maria Elisabeth CSABRADY *1874 +04.09.1943 (Td johann Cud Magdalena faulhaber) Kinder 1.
Extractions: Familie Mittermueller in Neupanat von Norbert Lorenz STAMMFOLGE I. Johann *26.08.1731 Oberlinxweiler Kr.Ottweiler + vor 1787 unbek. (S.d.Jakob M. u.d. Anna Elisabeth GEYER) oo 12.11.1765 Ottweiler proklamiert in der Pfarrkirche Tholey Anna Maria KOENIG * err. 1735 Alsweiler Pf.Tholey +29.02.1788 Neupanat (T.d.Johann K. u.d. Maria Elisabeth STEIN) Kinder: 1. Joseph *19.03.1766 Wetschhausen Kr.Ottweiler +24.09.1826 Np. (IIa.) oo 30.01.1787 Gl. Maria Anna HELLICH 2. Maria Franziska *20.10.1767 Wetschhausen oo 01.05.1787 Gl. Heinrich FOCK *1755 +01.01.1805 3. Johann (Franz) *16.09.1770 Wetschhausen +28.04.1844 Np. (IIb.) oo 12.01.1796 Gl. Anna Maria BRECHER 4. Anna Maria *12.01.1777 Oberlinxw. +17.08.1780 Olw. IIa. Joseph *19.03.1766 Wetschhausen Kr.Ottweiler +24.09.1826 Neupanat (Np.)
J Lecture Four but by johann faulhaber (15801635) writing in 1631. johann wanted to findthe sum of the first n-1 consecutive integers all to the kth power,
Extractions: Last updated: Oct 23, 2002 I. BASIC PROGRAMMING So far, we've been using J in an interactive mode, perhaps saving interim results in variables. When we end the session, our work goes away. For example, we might define polynomial multiplication in one line, and use it to generate a table: mp =: +//.@(*/) NB. polynomial multiplication 1 1 mp^:(i.11) 1 NB. (x+1)^n, powers through 10 Typically, however, we'll want to define a verb as a series of programmed steps, and have these verbs invoke one another. And we won't want to redefine these verbs from scratch every time we use them, meaning we'll want to save our code in persistent files. The interactive execution window is where to test fragments of a longer program, which, once debugged, may be copied to a text window and saved as a runnable file. When the file is run, the operators it defines (verbs, adverbs, nouns, conjunctions) will become available to us in some locale (more on locales another time). II. BERNOULLI NUMBERS
Michael Von Faulhaber - Wikipedia Kardinal faulhaber var en tidlig motstander av nasjonalsosialismen. domherren johann Neuhäusler, som ble arrestert av Gestapo og etterhvert sendt til
Extractions: Hjelp Wikimedia med ¥ samle inn Hans Eminense Michael von Faulhaber (f¸dt 3. mars i Klosterheidenfeld (n¥: Heidenfeld ) i Unterfranken i Tyskland , d¸d 12. juni i M¼nchen ) var kardinal i den katolske kirke og gjennom 35 ¥r erkebiskop av M¼nchen og Freising . Han ordinerte den senere pave Benedikt XVI til prest i i M¼nchen, og ved sin d¸d var han den siste gjenlevende kardinal utnevnt av pave Benedikt XV rediger Michael von Faulhaber begynte p¥ presteseminaret i i W¼rzburg , og ble presteviet den 1. august . Deretter virket han som kapellan i Kitzingen 1. september ble han prefekt for gutteseminaret Kilianeum, og den 6. mai tok han doktorgraden i teologi i W¼rzburg og ble privatdosent ved universitetet der. 26. juli ble han professor i gammeltestamentlig forst¥else og bibelsk teologi ved universitetet i Strassburg rediger Den 4. november
[Edu-sig] Re: Quadratic Functions Bernoulli got his numbers from johann faulhaber, who wrote=20 about this seriesin 1631.1 With this series, Bernoulli=20 could brag about how quickly he
Extractions: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 22:12:20 -0700 And is there a more general expression for n f(n,c) =3D SIGMA k^c =3D some polynomial of degree c+1 ? k =3D 1 The answer to the 2nd question is yes, and the Bernoulli numbers give us the coefficients of such a c+1 degree polynomial. =20 We calculate successive bernoullis using Pascal's Triangle. The bernseries algorithm will show how this works if passed=20 a non-zero "show" parameter (2nd argument): >>> bernseries(4,1) b[1] =3D (1/2) * (1) b[2] =3D (1/3) * (3*b[1]- 1) b[3] =3D (1/4) * (6*b[2] - 4*b[1]+ 1) b[4] =3D (1/5) * (10*b[3] - 10*b[2] + 5*b[1]- 1) [1, (1/2), (1/6), 0, (-1/30)] Those'd be the bernoullis used to compute the sum of=20 consecutive integers to the 4th power. The corresponding 5th degree polynomial: >>> summa(4) (1/5)*x**5 + (1/2)*x**4 + (1/3)*x**3 - (1/30)*x And the result for x =3D 10? >>> p =3D summa(4) >>> p(10) 25333 That agrees with our earlier answer. n And note we get the earlier formula for SIGMA k^2 k =3D 1 > Well, you have metal cluster experiments, written up in=20
[Edu-sig] Bernoulli Numbers Well, according to The Book of Numbers by Conway and Guy, it was actually adude named johann faulhaber, writing in 1631, who came up with the most
Extractions: Sun, 20 May 2001 23:29:41 -0700 Previous message: [Edu-sig] Standard Math 2001 Next message: [Edu-sig] Auto Reply to your message ... Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] ... mathobjects contains pyfraction, polynomial and simplematrix, all of which have source code in ocn/python (as well as HTML versions), but which are designed to operate in a subdirectory named mathobjects with the included i.e. as a package. Previous message: [Edu-sig] Standard Math 2001 Next message: [Edu-sig] Auto Reply to your message ... Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
Project MUSE Descartes visited the mathematician johann faulhaber at his home in Ulm, wherethe older scholar quizzed the young man on his knowledge of geometry and
Extractions: THE LIVES OF GREAT FIGURES The starting point for any historical investigation of Descartes's life is the first full-scale biography by Adrien Baillet (Paris, 1691), who had access to a great deal of original manuscripts through Descartes's associate Clerselier, which have long since vanished. Gregor Sebba conducted a meticulous study of Baillet's unique access to these documents and witnesses, and his scrupulous probity in reporting [End Page 437] to his employers. Sebba's work establishes quite clearly Baillet's basic reliability as the chronicler of Descartes's life. After fifty years of outstanding research in Descartes's life and thought, G. Rodis-Lewis retains a positive assessment of Baillet's basic probity. In her words, he is "a conscientious historian, who often enough shows a critical mind," though she does...
History - Prinzhorn-Collection The jobber johann faulhaber from Mannheim, also interned in Wiesloch, was likewisetransferred and killed. Their drawings, letters and writings,
Extractions: Time Table Hans Prinzhorn The Collection in the NS Era Approx. 1909 The psychiatric clinic assembles a study collection: Lehrsammlung. Development of the present Prinzhorn Collection by Hans Prinzhorn, Intern and Art Historian, supported by the director of the clinic, Karl Wilmanns. The Ministry of Education authorizes a Museum for Pathological Art , donations suffice for one room. First exhibition at Frankfurt's Gallery Zinglers Kabinett , moves to Gallery Garvens in Hannover. Hans Prinzhorn leaves Heidelberg. Hans Prinzhorn's Bildnerei der Geisteskranken is published. His colleagues react reserved, modern artists are enthusiastic. Exhibition in Leipzig on the occasion of the natural sciences congress. Exhibition in Paris, Geneva, Basel and in nine German cities (mainly at art associations); Hans W. Gruhle is in charge Clincal director Carl Schneider adds to the touring exhibition Entartete Kunst drawings of the collection (from 1938, Berlin station). He describes the collection and its creators as pathological proof material against Modern Art, however, does not discredit the collection.
Centro Interdipartimentale Di Studi Su Descartes E Il Seicento Translate this page HAWLITSCHEK (Kurt), johann faulhaber 1580-1635. Eine Blütezeit der mathematischenWissenschaften in Ulm, Stadtbibliothek Ulm, 1995, 376 p.
Extractions: of Cartesian Studies for 1994 LIMINAIRE Remarques et notes sur les rapports entre Francis Bacon et René Descartes : la Préface aux Passions de l'âme , par Marta FATTORI. Centre d'études cartésiennes de Paris-Sorbonne, dirigé par Jean-Luc Marion ; secrétaire scientifique: Giulia Belgioioso; secrétaire du Bulletin : Vincent Carraud. Ont collaboré à ce Bulletin : Mmes A. Bitbol-Hespériès, M. Fattori, K. Hiramatsu-Hiromitsu, L. Renault, G. Rodis-Lewis, L. Shapiro, ; MM. J.-R. Armogathe, J.-C. Bardout, T. Bedouelle, A. Bouvier, F. de Buzon, V. Carraud, M. Devaux, D. Kambouchner, M. Kobayashi, J.-L. Marion, D. Moreau, G. Olivo, T. Shiokawa. Les contributions sont signées des initiales de leurs auteurs. Il est possible de se procurer des tirés à part du BC chez Beauchesne, 72, rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris.
Centro Interdipartimentale Di Studi Su Descartes E Il Seicento Translate this page HAWLITSCHEK (Kurt), johann faulhaber 1580-1635. Eine Blütezeit der mathematischenWissenschaften in Ulm, Stadtbibliothek Ulm, 1995, 376p.
Extractions: of Cartesian Studies for 1995 LIMINAIRE I - Le quatrième centenaire de la naissance de Descartes: prèsentation des colloques et liste des communcations, par Michaël DEVAUX. II - Les premières éditions des oeuvres de René Descartes dans les bibliothèques romaines, par Giovanna Paola VERGARI - La diffusion romaine des Principia et des Specimina en 1645, par Claudio BUCCOLINI. Centre d'études cartésiennes de Paris-Sorbonne, dirigé par Jean-Luc Marion ; secrétaire scientifique: Giulia Belgioioso; secrétaire du Bulletin : Vincent Carraud. Ont collaboré à ce Bulletin : Mmes A. Bitbol-Hespériès, M. Fattori, K. Hiramatsu-Hiromitsu, L. Renault, G. Rodis-Lewis, L. Shapiro, ; MM. J.-R. Armogathe, J.-C. Bardout, T. Bedouelle, A. Bouvier, F. de Buzon, V. Carraud, M. Devaux, D. Kambouchner, M. Kobayashi, J.-L. Marion, D. Moreau, G. Olivo, T. Shiokawa. Les contributions sont signées des initiales de leurs auteurs.
ISTG Vol 4 - SS Berlin Krampe m 30 Germany 103 johann Hens m 28 Germany 104 Anna faulhaber f 45 GermanyChicago 105 Helene faulhaber f 8 Germany Chicago 106 Susamie Fischer f 24
Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Peter Roth However, in the correspondence between Sebastian Kurz and johann faulhaber correspondence between faulhaber and Roth which seems to be lost. I have
Portraits De Personnages Celebres : FAU Translate this page faulhaber (johann)(1580-1635). Peinture 1 Dessin 1/2/3. faulhaber (Michael).Photo 1. FAULKNER (Lisa). Photo 1. FAULKNER (Trader). Photo 1 (en 1951)
Extractions: Dessin 1 (avec Mme Patrick Campbell)/2 FAURE (Jean-Baptiste)(1830-1914) FAURE (Margot) FAURE (Maurice) FAUSSETT (Robert Godfrey)(1827-1908) FAUST ( Docteur FAUST (Edwin Stanton) FAUSTA (femme de CONSTANTIN Ier , fille de MAXIMIEN CONSTANTIN II et de CONSTANTIUS II FAUSTINA I (femme d' ANTONIN LE PIEUX FAUSTINA II Sculpture
Template Translate this page faulhaber, johann (1580-1635), Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720), Ferguson, Adam (1723-1816),Feuquières, Antoine de Pas, marquis de (1648-1711),
Sample Pedigree Chart Translate this page Hanns Michael Schwarzenhölzer johann Michael Boger Elizabeth Bader johannes faulhaber Caspar faulhaber
Claudio Mutti: Il Gotteskampf Di Johann Von Leers (I Parte) Translate this page La vita e le opere di johann von Leers. Von Leers rispose a faulhaber, chealcuni chiamavano Judenkardinal, con un libro intitolato Der Kardinal und die
Extractions: Se dovessimo credere a certi cacciatori di nazisti alla disperata ricerca di criminali di guerra, il prof. dr. Johann von Leers sarebbe oggi, nellanno 2004 dellera volgare, ancor vivo e vegeto (1). E avrebbe la veneranda età di centodue anni. In realtà, il professor von Leers morì nel 1965, a sessantatré anni. Nato il 25 gennaio 1902 a Vietlübbe nel Mecklenburg, Johann (Johannes) von Leers studiò nelle università di Kiel, Berlino e Rostock. Conseguì il dottorato in giurisprudenza, ma coltivò anche studi linguistici, occupandosi di slavistica; studiò il russo e il polacco, ma anche lo yiddish e perfino lungherese e il giapponese; come tanti altri intellettuali tedeschi della sua generazione, scriveva correntemente in latino. Non ebbe dunque torto Ernst Jünger (1895-1998) a definirlo un genio linguistico (2).
Michael Faulhaber Und Der Nationalsozialismus Translate this page faulhaber Treffen Michael faulhabers mit Adolf Hitler und Rudolf Heß faulhaberLinks Klier, johann Von der Kriegspredigt zum Friedensappell.
Extractions: Links Literatur Bettinger Volk S. LIII, zitiert nach Hecker S. 21 ). Seine Blut- und Bodenhaftung zeigte Faulhaber durch eine von ihm zusammengestellte Sammlung von Predigten und Betrachtungen unter dem Titel Waffen des Lichts , Freiburg im Breisgau 1915. Klier S. 177, zitiert nach Hecker S. 21 24.9.1916. Feldpredigt: "Die heilige Fahnentreue"
ELEKTRONISCHE MITTEILUNGEN ZUR ASTRONOMIEGESCHICHTE 60 Abb., ISBN 37466-8018-2, Br DM 14.90 (= Aufbau Taschenbuch, 8018) Hawlitschek,Kurt johann faulhaber 1580 - 1635. Eine Bluetezeit der mathematischen
Extractions: *************************************************************************** * * * ELEKTRONISCHE MITTEILUNGEN ZUR ASTRONOMIEGESCHICHTE * * * * Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte * * in der Astronomischen Gesellschaft * * * * Nr. 13, 29. Januar 1996 * * * * Redaktion: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick