People Whose Names Are Embedded In Math Subject Classifcation 01A70 drinfeld, vladimir (b. 1954) Fields medalist 1990, Ukraine (Now at Chicago) (1948 .) Kasparov, Gennadi G (1954- .) drinfeld, vladimir
Extractions: Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 12:40:49 +0200 From: "Yuri I. Manin" Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 12:43:10 -0800 From: "Antreas P. Hatzipolakis" Cc:, To: Subject: Suren Arekelov This list is devoted to Triangle Geometry. However, from time to time, will be allowed discussions on themes of general interest. Especially when the geometric traffic is not too much. (like this day). Some time ago I asked for information (in fact I FWD-ed an e-mail of D. Rusin) about a notable mathematician who disappeared from the math. horizon. The mathematician is the algebraic geometer Suren Arakelov. Andrei Arakelov has kindly sent the following: > > Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 11:29:55 +0000 (GMT) > From: Andrei Arakelov > Subject: Suren Arakelov > To: Antreas P. Hatzipolakis Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2005 11:35:53 +0000 Message-ID:
Faculty Of Mathematics - Prof. Vladimir Berkovich Faculty of Mathematics, Professor vladimir Berkovich. The automorphism groupof the drinfeld halfplane CR Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 321 (1995), no.
Extractions: På Kosmologikas sidor återfinns på många ställen länkar till kortare biografier över olika vetenskapsmän som har deltagit i utvecklandet av dessa spännande teorier. På denna sida finns länkar till alla dessa biografier samlade på ett enda ställe. Personerna är dels listade i både bokstavs- och födelsedagsordning men även efter nobelprisår (för de personer som har fått Nobelpriset) samt i betydelsefullhetsordning för vetenskapen. Dessutom har jag nyligen lagt till Brucemedaljörer som är den högsta utmärkelsen inom astronomin, Nobelpriset undantaget, samt Fields medalj som är matematikens Nobelpris och som dessutom bara delas ut en gång vart fjärde år samt slutligen Wolfpriset som är ett israeliskt pris som rankas steget under Nobelpriset men som ofta är åtminstone ett decennium snabbare med utnämningarna. Alfabetisk ordning Ahlfors, Lars (1907- )
Kleene Math Library New Books - June 2004 Beilinson, Alexander and vladimir drinfeld. CHIRAL ALGEBRAS. Colloquiumpublications (American Mathematical Society), v. 51.
Extractions: KLEENE MATHEMATICS LIBRARY University of Wisconsin-Madison ACQUISITIONS: June 2004 The following items were received by the Kleene Mathematics Library during the month of June 2004. These items will be placed on the New Book Shelf for one month and may be borrowed at any time. If you have any questions, please contact a library staff member. Books (in call number order):
Medallas Translate this page 1990, vladimir drinfeld, USRR. Vaughan Jones, Nueva Zelanda. Shigefumi Mori,Japón. Edward Witten, USA. 1994, Pierre Louis Lions, Francia
Extractions: MEDALLAS FIELDS "TRANSIRE SVVM PECTUS MVNDOQUE POTIRE" "Sobrepasar su propio entendimiento y apoderarse del mundo" Como un claro respaldo al estudio de las matemáticas en China, por primera vez en sus 105 años de historia, el XXIV congreso mundial de matemáticos, se ha celebrado en un país en vías de desarrollo. El evento comenzó, como es habitual, con la entrega de las medallas Fields, consideradas el premio Nobel de las matemáticas . El galardón, que se concede cada cuatro años, ha sido para el investigador francés Laurent Lafforgue y el ruso Vladimir Voevodsky Lafforgue, profesor del Instituto de Altos Estudios Científicos de París, trabaja en el programa Langlands, un concepto que busca una unidad subyacente entre varias disciplinas matemáticas. Vladimir Voevodsky, de origen ruso, es especialista en geometría algebraica abstracta. La medalla Fields, que sólo puede concederse a personas menores de 40 años, está acuñada en oro y lleva grabado en su anverso el siguiente lema: "Congregati ex toto orbe mathematici ob scriptia insignia tribuere" ("Los matemáticos de todo el mundo aquí reunidos rinden tributo por un trabajo extraordinario").
Autumn 2002 Course Descriptions Beilinson, Alexander and drinfeld, vladimir. This seminar is devoted to theGeometric Langlands theory and related subjects, which covers topics in
Extractions: Math 34100, Geometric Literacy Farb, Benson This years topics might include: basics of symplectic geometry, harmonic maps in geometry, pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms and Thurston's compactification of Teichmuller space, algebraic geometry for non-algebraic geometers. Prereq: First year graduate sequence Math 35002, Introduction to D-modules Ginzburg, Victor Introduction to the theory of algebraic D-modules after Kashiwara-Beilinson-Bernstein (more accessible than Borel's book on D-modules). Prereq: Basic algebraic and differential geometry (rather little) Math 36000, Topology Proseminar May, J. Peter Math 37002, Boundary Value Problems for Elliptic Equations Nadirashvili, Nikolai We will consider boundary value problems for general linear elliptic second order equations and for some types of nonlinear equations, including the minimal surface equation, Monge-Ampere equation. Math 38500, Applied Mathematics Literacy Scott, Ridgway Guest lectures by experts on particular subjects will be featured.
Fields Medal Winners vladimir drinfeld (Phys. Inst. Kharkov) Made significant contributions toLangland s program and quantum groups. Vaughan FR JONES (University of
Extractions: Fields Medal Winners Lars Valerian AHLFORS (Harvard University) - Awarded medal for research on covering surfaces related to Riemann surfaces of inverse functions of entire and meromorphic functions. Opened up a new ideas in analysis. Jesse DOUGLAS (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) - Did important work of the Plateau problem which is concerned with finding minimal surfaces connecting and determined by some fixed boundary. Laurent SCHWARTZ (University of Nancy) - Developed the theory of distributions, a new notion of generalized function motivated by the Dirac delta-function of theoretical physics. John Willard MILNOR (Princeton University) - Proved that a 7-dimensional sphere can have several differential structures; this led to the creation of the field of differential topology. Michael Francis ATIYAH (Oxford University) - Did joint work with Hirzebruch in K -theory; proved jointly with Singer the index theorem of elliptic operators on complex manifolds; worked in collaboration with Bott to prove a fixed point theorem related to the "Lefschetz formula". Paul Joseph COHEN (Stanford University) - Used technique called "forcing" to prove the independence in set theory of the axiom of choice and of the generalized continuum hypothesis. The latter problem was the first of Hilbert's problems of the 1900 Congress.
Medallas Fields 2002 Translate this page A comienzos de los años setenta, el joven matemático vladimir drinfeld habiatrabajado el caso de los cuerpos de funciones.
Extractions: Fields Procede el nombre de John Charles Fields (1863-1932), que en 1924 Presidió el Congreso Internacional de Matemáticas, en el cual se hizo la propuesta de concesión a los descubrimientos matemáticos más destacados. Se otorga el premio cada 4 años, y en total pueden recibir la medalla Fields hasta seis matemáticos en cada edición del mismo. Los galardonados han de ser menores de 40 años de edad. Aunque en algunas ocasiones se han concedido hasta un total de cuatro medallas Fields, en la última ocasión, agosto de 2002, solo han sido premiados dos de los posibles candidatos de todo el mundo. Han sido el ruso Vladimir Voevodsky y el francés Laurent Lafforgue. En lo que respecta a la cuantía económica, digamos que es irrisoria comparada con la de los Premios Nobel.
Matemáticos De Nuestro Tiempo (4) Translate this page vladimir Gershonovich drinfeld (1954, Kharkov, Ucrania) vladimir Gershonovichdrinfeld Geometría Algebráica, Teoría de Números, Teoría de grupos
Extractions: (y 4) La matemática actual tiene abiertos fecundos campos de un gran interés. Los grandes matemáticos de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y hasta nuestros días intentan el desarrollo de una matemática acorde con el tiempo en que vivimos, capaz de afrontar el reto que representa la tendencia social tanto como el progreso de las necesidades computacionales de las nuevas ingenierías o el avance vertiginoso de algunas disciplinas como la Astrofísica y la Computación Teórica. Mostramos aqui algunas referencias a su trabajo, utilizando diversas fuentes de datos, entre las que podemos destacar, por su excelente documentación, la base de datos de la Universidad de St. Andrews, Escocia. Es una somera indicación del quehacer en la disciplina de matemáticos de extraordinaria calidad, que nacieron en los últimos años de la década de los 50, ya durante la fase álgida de la Guerra Fría. Damos por terminada aquí, con esto cinco nombres punteros en la matemática actual, a esta pequeña serie de cuatro capítulos, reconociendo sin embargo que aunque son grandes matemáticos todos los que en ella están, no están todos los que son actualmente la élite del quehacer en la disciplina. Esperamos poder ofrecer, en la siguiente actualización de la Web, un nuevo artículo sobre la Medalla Fields del año pasado, 2002, y los dos nuevos grandes matematicos que la consiguieron.
Yuri Manin's Emeritierung Conference 1000 vladimir drinfeld Infinitedimensional vector bundles in algebraic geometry;1100 Tea; 1130 Helene Esnault Hodge level, slopes and congruences for
[math/0210114] DG Quotients Of DG Categories From vladimir drinfeld view email Date Tue, 8 Oct 2002 033753 GMT (45kb) Authors vladimir drinfeld Comments 50 pages, Latex; some typographical
Extractions: math.KT/0210114 From: Vladimir Drinfeld [ view email ] Date ( ): Tue, 8 Oct 2002 03:37:53 GMT (45kb) Date (revised ): Sat, 12 Oct 2002 17:53:19 GMT (45kb) Date (revised ): Tue, 19 Nov 2002 20:56:56 GMT (48kb) Date (revised ): Tue, 19 Nov 2002 21:47:39 GMT (48kb) Date (revised ): Fri, 6 Dec 2002 03:47:12 GMT (48kb) Date (revised v6): Tue, 20 May 2003 23:59:27 GMT (48kb) Authors: Vladimir Drinfeld
Matematica - Articoli - Interventi Di vladimir drinfeld Vaughan FR JONES Shigefumi MORI Edward WITTEN. 1994. Jean BOURGAINPierreLouis LIONS Jean-Christophe YOCCOZ Efim ZELMANOV
Books On Symmetries And Integrability ISBN 08218-3530-0 (free e-print); Beilinson, Alexander; drinfeld, vladimir Chiralalgebras. American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications, 51.
MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Fields Medal 1990, vladimir drinfeld (USSR); Vaughan FR Jones (United States); ShigefumiMori (Japan); Edward Witten (United States)
Notiziario UMI Agosto-Settembre 2002: Notizie Varie building on the work of vladimir drinfeld (also a Fields medalist, in 1990) . The second 2002 Fields medalist is vladimir Voevodsky.
Extractions: The opening ceremony of the 24th session of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM2002) was held on August 20 in Beijing. The current session of the ICM was organized by the Chinese Mathematics Society (CMS) under the auspices of the International Mathematical Union (IMU). Il primo Congresso del nuovo millennio ha fatto seguito al Congresso di Berlino del 1998. "This is an important event for the international community of mathematicians,'" says chairman of the ICM2002 local organizing committee Ma Zhiming, CMS president and a research professor at the Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, CAS. About 4,200 scholars from 101 countries will participate in the eight-day quadrennial meeting to share the latest developments and results. There will be 20 one-hour plenary lectures, 174 45-minute lectures specifically invited by the meeting, about 1,200 15-minute short communication reports and 90 or so posters on display at the session. In addition, 46 satellite conferences will be held before or after the session until August 30 in 32 cities such as Shanghai, Moscow, Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong, Macao, Hangzhou and Xian. The local organizing committee of the convention will host a series of public talks by inviting celebrated Chinese and foreign scientists such as Prof.
Fields Medal: Information From 1990 Kyoto, Japan vladimir drinfeld (USSR), Vaughan Frederick RandalJones (NewZeland), Shigefumi Mori (Japan), Edward Witten (US)
Extractions: showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Best of Web Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Fields Medal Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; Fields Medal The Fields Medal is a prize awarded to up to four mathematicians (not over forty years of age) at each International Congress of International Mathematical Union , since and regularly since at the initiative of the Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields . The purpose is to give recognition and support to young mathematical researchers having already made important contributions. Year Location Winners Beijing China Laurent Lafforgue (France), Vladimir Voevodsky (US) Berlin Germany Richard Ewen Borcherds (GB), William Timothy Gowers (GB), Maxim Kontsevich (Russia), Curtis T. McMullen (US) Z¼rich Switzerland Efim Isakovich Zelmanov (Russia), Pierre-Louis Lions (France), Jean Bourgain (Belgium)
International Congress Of Mathematicians MADRID 2006 Translate this page 0 páginas en una de las revistas más prestigiosas del mundo y extiende el trabajodel también medallista Fields vladimir drinfeld.
Fields 2002 Translate this page qui démontrèrent le théorème de Fermat en 1994, et vladimir drinfeld, dontles idées nouvelles lui permirent de démontrer une partie des conjectures de
Extractions: Der Krieg ist der Vater der Dinge. -HERAKLIT kokhaviv publications SEARCH CONTACT PRESS ... FEATURES May 6, 2002 A group of leading professors at the University of Chicago, joined by scientists from around the world has initiated a petition in response to calls for a European boycott of research links with Israel. The anti-boycott petition condemns the boycott calls and urges scientists to foster and develop further scientific ties with their Israeli colleagues. By now, more than 1900 professors and researchers from all over the world have signed the anti-petition and signatures continue to arrive. The list of signatories includes many world class scientists, respected leaders in their fields of research, among them Nobel Laureates, Fields medalists (the most prestigious prize in mathematics), members of American National Academy of Sciences and members of national academies of sciences in other countries. This is an astonishing show of unity and support for Israel among scientists. An editorial in the United Kingdom's "Nature", the leading scientific journal, noted that "Such boycotts are misguided and should be opposed in favour of constructive initiatives."
Extractions: Laurent Lafforgue Section : Laurent Lafforgue, né le 6 novembre 1966, ancien élève de l'École normale supérieure (1986), docteur ès sciences (1993), a d'abord été chercheur au CNRS dans l'équipe "Arithmétique et Géométrie Algébrique" de l'université Paris 11 à Orsay (1990-2000). Depuis 2000, il est professeur permanent à l'Institut des hautes études scientifiques (IHES). Laurent Lafforgue a généralisé en tous rangs l'étude géométrique des "chtoucas" pour démontrer la correspondance. La preuve comprend aussi bien des parties d'analyse, en particulier l'usage de la formule des traces d'Arthur-Selberg et de techniques de fonctions L, que des parties géométriques, la troncature puis la compactification des espaces de "chtoucas". Mises ensemble, elles permettent un calcul partiel de la cohomologie de ces espaces qui suffit pour réaliser géométriquement la correspondance.