AbsoluteFacts.nl - Doppler, Christian (1803-1853) De Oostenrijkse wiskundige en natuurkundige christian doppler werd in 1803 geborenin Salzburg. christian doppler openbaarde in 1842 zijn theorie met http://www.absofacts.com/wetenschap/data/dopplerchristian.shtml
Extractions: Met behulp van het Doppler-effect zijn sterrenkundigen in staat om de snelheid te bepalen, waarmee een ster op ons afkomt of zich van ons verwijdert. Dit effect heeft betrekking op alle golfbewegingen, dus ook bijvoorbeeld op geluid. De toonhoogte verandert als de snelheid wijzigt. De wet van Christian Doppler werd door Christophorus H.D. Buys-Ballot bewezen met behulp van een rijdende trein.
SAPERE.it - Doppler, Christian puoi consultare una voce enciclopedica piu ricca. 9893 caratteri http://www.sapere.it/gr/ArticleViewServlet?tid=1060037&rid=1060037&from=ArticleV
Physlets Home Page The applet on the right is a Physlet. It simulates the relativistic andnonrelativistic doppler effect. Wolfgang christian wochristian@davidson.edu http://webphysics.davidson.edu/Applets/Applets.html
Extractions: Welcome to the Physlets resource page. Physlets, Ph ysics App lets , are small flexible Java applets designed for science education. You do not need to become a Java expert in order to use Physlets. The links on the right contain tutorials, download instructions, and example problems to help you use Physlets in your teaching. Physlets run on the Mac using OS X Panther and the Safari browser.
Doppler, Christian Translate this page doppler, christian. (1803 - 1853), Physiker und Mathematiker. PUBLIKATION ÖBL1815-1950, Bd. 1 (Lfg. 3), S. 196. Biographie (PDF) http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/oebl/oebl_D/Doppler_Christian_1803_1853.xml
Biografia De Doppler, Christian Translate this page doppler, christian. (Salzburgo, actual Austria, 1803-Venecia, 1853) Físico austriaco.Estudió en la Politécnica de Viena, y fue director del Instituto de http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/d/doppler.htm
Extractions: Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Doppler, Christian (Salzburgo, actual Austria, 1803-Venecia, 1853) Físico austriaco. Estudió en la Politécnica de Viena, y fue director del Instituto de Física y profesor de física experimental en la Universidad de Viena. En su trabajo Sobre la coloración de la luz en las estrellas dobles (1842) ya se incluían los fundamentos teóricos del efecto que lleva su nombre, el efecto Doppler; en él se enuncia que la frecuencia observada de una onda de luz o sonido depende de la velocidad relativa de la fuente respecto al observador. El desplazamiento que se aprecia en el espectro de los cuerpos celestes en función de su velocidad respecto a la Tierra se utiliza para medir su distancia relativa a la misma. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio
Christian Doppler Translate this page Vor dem Flughafen ist eine Büste von christian doppler aufgestellt, Eine christian-doppler Forschungs- und Gedenkstätte gibt es in Salzburg (am http://www.christian-doppler.com/CD_FONDS/INDEX.HTM
Extractions: Viele Erfindungen gehen auf den von Doppler entdeckten "Doppler-Effekt" zurück: Wenn sich der Sender einer Welle im Verhältnis zum Empfänger bewegt, wird eine Verschiebung der Frequenz bewirkt. Das gilt für Wasserwellen, Schallwellen, Lichtwellen, Radiowellen, Röntgenstrahlen und alle anderen Wellen gleichermaßen. Dopplers Wahlspruch sehen wir hier in seiner Handschrift: "Die lohnendsten Forschungen sind diejenigen, welche, indem sie den Denker erfreu'n, zugleich der Menschheit nützen."
Christian Doppler Translate this page christian Andreas doppler wurde am 29. November 1803 in Salzburg geboren.Seine Eltern waren Johann (Steinmetzmeister) und Therese doppler. http://www.christian-doppler.com/CD_FONDS/LEBENSLA.HTM
Christian Doppler The world famous physicist, christian Andreas doppler, was born in Salzburg in 1803.To mark the 200th. anniversary of his birth, the christian doppler http://www.sbg.ac.at/doppler/index_e.html
Extractions: Christian Andreas Doppler 1803 -1853 The world famous physicist, Christian Andreas Doppler, was born in Salzburg in 1803. To mark the 200th. anniversary of his birth, the Christian Doppler Foundation has organised an international symposium with renowned speakers; it will be held in Salzburg from 2nd. until the 10th. October 2003. Christian Doppler discovered that the observed frequencies of a wave changed as a result of relative motion between the source and the observer; the so called Doppler Effect. Today the discovery has many uses in physics, medicine, astronomy and meteorology, transport and technology. Amongst the main themes of the symposium are a historical appraisal of Doppler as a person and the environment in which he worked.
Golem.de - Lexikon Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel christian doppler aus der freien christian doppler wurde als Sohn einer Steinmetzfamilie in Salzburg geboren. http://lexikon.golem.de/Christian_Doppler
Extractions: News Forum Archiv Markt ... Impressum Lexikon-Suche Lizenz Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel Christian Doppler aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation . In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar, dort kann man den Artikel bearbeiten Letzte Meldungen Intel plant Sicherheitsfunktionen mit Vanderpool Western Digital bekommt neuen CEO ... Originalartikel Bild: Doppler.jpeg
Christian Andreas Doppler The complete explanation ultrasound in detecting heart disease and cancer. http://www.karlloren.com/ultrasound/p73.htm
Extractions: to see a larger version Show birthplace location Christian Doppler 's family were stonemason's who had a successful business in Salzburg, Austria from 1674. The prospering business led to the building of a fine house in the Hannibal Platz [now named Makart Platz] in Salzburg, near to the river. Christian Doppler was born in this family house and, of course, the family tradition would have had him grow up to take over the stonemason's business. However his health was never very good and he was quite frail so he could not follow in the family tradition. Doppler attended primary school in Salzburg and then attended secondary school in Linz. His parents were unsure of his academic potential and consulted the professor of mathematics at the Salzburg Lyceum who recommended that Doppler should study mathematics at the Vienna Polytechnic Institute. The Polytechnic Institute had only been founded in 1815, so it was still a new establishment when Doppler began his studies there in 1822. He excelled in his mathematical and other studies and graduated in 1825. After this he returned to Salzburg, attended philosophy lectures at the Salzburg Lyceum, then went to the University of Vienna where he studied higher mathematics, mechanics and astronomy.
Christian Doppler Translate this page christian doppler. christian doppler. http://www.chemie.uni-bremen.de/stohrer/biograph/doppler.htm
Christian Doppler Biography christian doppler made a huge contribution to physics with his work on the christian doppler was born on November 29, 1803 in Salzburg Austria to Johann http://www.u.arizona.edu/~primeau/opti310/opti_310.html
Extractions: Christian Doppler and the Doppler Effect By Brian Primeau for OPTI 310 primeau@email.arizona.edu Abstract Christian Doppler made a huge contribution to physics with his work on the Doppler Effect. His contribution was to wave theory and frequency shifting caused by moving emitters has led to many applications including radar systems, meteorology and medicine. Biography (Image borrowed with permission from Hyperphysics The amount that the frequency is Doppler shifted can be explained mathematically. The math for the cases of sound and electromagnetic radiation are different because when dealing with light or other electromagnetic radiation, relativistic effects must be taken into account since objects do not follow classical physics when they are traveling at extremely high speeds. Therefore, a Lorentz Transformation must be used to modify the equation. The following equations represent the observed frequecy for an emitter moving at velocity, v. The first equation is for sound, and the second is for electromagnetic radiation (including light) [6]. Example: A source is emitting light with a wavelength of 550 nanometers (frequency = c/wavelength = 5.45*10^14 Hz). The source is moving towards an observer with a velocity equal to half the speed of light (c = 2.99*10^9 m/s). What is the observed wavelength?
AIP Niels Bohr Library Text und einem Bildnis. by doppler, christian, 1803-1853. http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/17201.html
Extractions: My List - Help Browse Books Archival Resources Archival Finding Aids Photos Browse FAQs Past Searches History Home Search: Author Subject Title Journal/Newspaper Title Series Computer File (Software) Title Video Title Refine Search AIP Niels Bohr Library Item Information Holdings More by this author Doppler, Christian, 1803-1853. Subjects Aberration. Stars Motion in line of sight. Double stars. Browse Catalog by author: Doppler, Christian, 1803-1853. by title: Abhandlungen / von C... MARC Display Abhandlungen / von Christian Doppler ; hrsg. von H.A. Lorentz ; mit 36 Figuren im Text und einem Bildnis. by Doppler, Christian, 1803-1853. Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 1907. 1907. Call Number: N8 DOP:A (bb) z Description: 194, [2] p. : ill. (port.) ; 19 cm. Notes: Photocopied from the Brandeis University Library Copy, 1984. Added Author: Lorentz, H. A. (Hendrik Antoon), 1853-1928. Series: Ostwalds Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften ; nr. 161 Contents: Copy/Holding information Location Collection Call No.