Democritus democritus was born at abdera. His father was from a noble family and of greatwealth, After several years of traveling, democritus returned to abdera,
Extractions: @import url(; HOME Philosophies Philosophers Library ... Zeno of Elea web here SITE MAP (460-360 BC) Democritus was born at Abdera. His father was from a noble family and of great wealth, and contributed largely towards the entertainment of the army of Xerxes on his return to Asia. As a reward for this service the Persian monarch gave and other Abderites presents and left among them several Magi. Democritus, according to Diogenes Laertius, was instructed by these Magi in astronomy and theology. After the death of his father he traveled in search of wisdom, and devoted his inheritance to this purpose, amounting to one hundred talents. He is said to have visited Egypt, Ethiopia, Persia, and India. Whether, in the course of his travels, he visited Athens or studied under Anaxagoras is uncertain. During some part of his life he was instructed in Pythagoreanism , and was a disciple of Leucippus After several years of traveling, Democritus returned to Abdera, with no means of subsistence. His brother Damosis, however, took him in. According to the law of Abdera, whoever wasted his patrimony would be deprived of the rites of burial. Democritus, hoping to avoid this disgrace, gave public lectures. Petronius relates that he was acquainted with the virtues of herbs, plants, and stones, and that he spent his life in making experiments upon natural bodies. He acquired fame with his knowledge of natural phenomena, and predicted changes in the weather. He used this ability to make people believe that he could predict future events. They not only viewed him as something more than mortal, but even proposed to put him in control of their public affairs. He preferred a contemplative to an active life, and therefore declined these public honors and passed the remainder of his days in solitude.
TMTh:: DEMOCRITUS democritus was a philosopher and physicist, master of all the sciences and He was born in 460 BC in the Thracian city of abdera, a place renowned for
Extractions: Democritus was a man with an all-embracing mind, as is evident from the scope of his writings, of which unfortunately only fragments remain. His philosophy incorporates virtually the entire body of knowledge of his age, while in their impressively comprehensive range his works can only be compared with those of Aristotle. 1. PHYSICS (books 25): "Great World System (Megas Diakosmos) ", ""Lesser World System" (Micros Diakosmos), ", "Cosmography", "On the planets", "On nature", "On the nature of man", "On the mind", "On senses", "On flavours", "On colours", "On the different states", "On successions of states", "Determining forces", "On images", "On the rules of logic´", "On disputed points", "Celestial causes" (celestial mechanics), "Causes relating to air" (aerostatics), "Causes relating to the plane" (statics), "Origins of fire and of fiery states" (heat and thermodynamics), "Origin of sounds" (acoustics), "Origin s f seeds and plants and fruits" (biology), "Origins of animals a, b, c" (zoology), "Origins of divers things" (miscellany), "On minerals" (mineralogy).
Democritus democritus was a Greek Philosopher who lived between 470 BC and 380 BC in Upon his return to abdera, democritus was broke and had no means of support.
Extractions: Democritus Democritus was a Greek Philosopher who lived between 470 BC and 380 BC in Abdera, Thrace; a northern territory of Greece. He is by far the most influential of the Presocratic philosophers. He was best known for his atomic theory, even though he did produce a number of works dealing with areas such as Physics, astronomy, biology, ethics, mathematics and grammar. During this summary of his life, I would like to discuss the history of Democritus and some of the teachings that he produced. During his studies of philosophy, Democritus produced a number of works; approximately 73 works or papers and about 50 books. Of all of these, none of the books exist today and merely a fragment of his works exist. For some reason, all of his books were destroyed during the third and fifth centuries. However, we do have a list of the titles of these books thanks to Thrasyllus who catalogued all of them and arranged them into tetralogies, the same way he did Plato's. Some of the works that Democritus produced have an effect on western science even today, by way of Epicurus; a follower of Democritus. Democritus was a very interesting philosopher. He lived during a time of great learning and a number of different theories on how everything began, including life and the universe. He seems to have had a good grasp on what existence is and how it came about. However, he answers the question of how atoms are randomly moving things, but he does not tell us why they move randomly or how they began to move randomly.
Democritus - Definition Of Democritus In Encyclopedia a preSocratic Greek philosopher (born at abdera in Thrace around 460 BCE; democritus was a student of Leucippus, and co-originator of the belief
Extractions: Bust of Democritus Democritus was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher (born at Abdera in Thrace around 460 BCE ; lived to be very old and died in 370 BCE ). Democritus was a student of Leucippus , and co-originator of the belief that all matter is made up of various imperishable indivisible elements which he called " atoms ". It is virtually impossible to tell which of these ideas were unique to Democritus, and which are attributable to Leucippus. Democritus is also the first philosopher we know who realized that what we perceive as the Milky Way is the light of distant stars. Other philosophers, including later Aristotle , argued against this. Democritus was among the first to propose that the universe contains many worlds, some of them inhabited: Hendrick ter Brugghen , "Democritus Laughing" (1629) He was also a pioneer of mathematics and geometry in particular. We only know this through citations of his works (titled
History Of Mathematics: Greece abdera democritus; Alexandria Apollonius, Aristarchus, Diophantus, Eratosthenes,Euclid, Hypatia, Hypsicles, Heron, Menelaus, Pappus, Ptolemy, Theon
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Dorlands Medical Dictionary democritus (demok¢ribreve-tschwas) of abdera (De·moc·ri·tus(de-mok¢ribreve-tschwas) of abdera) c. 460c. 370 B.C. a Greek philosopherwho was