Welcome To Ripon Cathedral Online Explore 1300 years of history and Christian worship in the Cathedral Church of the Yorkshire Dales. Follow in the footsteps of St Wilfrid, lewis carroll and the medieval archbishops of York. Structured 'hands on' experiences are available for pupils and teachers in National Curriculum Subjects. http://www.riponcathedral.org.uk/
The Online Books Page: Search Results You requested author names with the words lewis carroll . carroll, lewis Alice s Adventures in Wonderland , illust. by John Tenniel (Gutenberg text and http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/search?author=Lewis Carroll&amo
Project Gutenberg Titles By Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898 Project Gutenberg Titles by. carroll, lewis, 18321898. Alice s Adventures in Wonderland Alice s Adventures in Wonderland (Project Gutenberg HTML version) http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Carroll, Lewis,
Lewis Carroll Collection - University Of Virginia Electronic texts of titles by lewis carroll archived by the University of Virginia. http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/ot2www-pubeng?specfile=/texts/english/modeng/pu
Charles Dodgson Ja Taiteen Autonomisuus The lewis carroll Society julkaisee parhaillaan päiväkirjan täydellistä laitosta carroll, lewis 1974 Liisan seikkailut ihmemaassa ja Liisan seikkailut http://www.helsinki.fi/~mlang/lewis/carroll-essee.html
Extractions: Christ Church -collegen Macmillanin , kuvittajien ja sukulaisten kanssa. Eric Blairin public school Liisan John Tennielin kuvitusta... Dodgson tunnetaan parhaiten lastenkirjoistaan Liisan seikkailut ihmemaassa , 1865) ja Liisan seikkailut peilimaailmassa Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There The Hunting of the Snark Lewis Carroll
Hinter Dem Spiegel Ausf¼hrlich werden die Entstehung und der literarische Hintergrund des Musicals ¼ber den Autor lewis carroll (Alice im Wunderland) beschrieben. http://www.hinter-dem-spiegel.de/
Extractions: Stück Musik Produktion Crew ... weiterführend Herzlich Willkommen! Das neue Musical über das Leben des berühmten Kinderbuchautors Lewis Caroll von Michael Bellmann, Jürgen Ferber und Joerg Mohr. Die Uraufführung der stark veränderten Fassung von "Hinter dem Spiegel", deren Fokus nun auf anderen Aspekten der Geschichte um Lewis Carroll ruht und zu der neue Musikstücke und Texte hinzu gekommen sind, findet am 15.Februar 2003 im Theater Heilbronn statt. Sämtliches Material auf dieser Homepage bezieht sich auf die alte Fassung des Musicals "Hinter dem Spiegel" vom 01. Februar 2001. Pressespiegel
Lewis Carroll Scrapbook Home The contents of a scrapbook kept by carroll from 1855 to 1871. Maintained by the Library of Congress. http://international.loc.gov/intldl/carrollhtml/lchome.html
Extractions: Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress Search by Keyword Author Title Subject ... The Lewis Carroll Scrapbook (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (1871), Dodgson was a lecturer in mathematics at the University of Oxford. The scrapbook contains approximately 130 items, including newspaper clippings, photographs, and a limited number of manuscript materials, collected between 1855-72. A timeline, authored by Edward Wakeling, former chairman of the Lewis Carroll Society, helps to place materials found in the scrapbook in their proper context. The mission of the Library of Congress is to make its resources available and useful to Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations. The goal of the Library's National Digital Library Program is to offer broad public access to a wide range of historical and cultural documents as a contribution to education and lifelong learning. The Library of Congress presents these documents as part of the record of the past. These primary historical documents reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. The Library of Congress does not endorse the views expressed in these collections, which may contain materials offensive to some readers.
Extractions: de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) E ste artículo propone una sintética exposición sobre la presencia de la obra del escritor inglés Lewis Carroll en las ficciones de Jorge Luis Borges. Luego de establecer una serie posible de relaciones intertextuales, el articulista se detiene en un aspecto particular: la imagen de Dios (o de un dios) como sujeto que sueña al mundo y a los hombres. A partir de esa imagen, se traza un itinerario que, desde Descartes, pasa por Berkeley, Unamuno, Shakespeare y Calderón de la Barca, hasta llegar, por supuesto, hasta la producción de Carroll y Borges. 1.- Borges y Carroll S on varias y variadas las relaciones intertextuales que pueden fijarse entre la obra de Borges y la de Lewis Carroll. En este sentido, se ha señalado que Carroll, Kafka y Borges coinciden en la "hipótesis de que la alienación es y fue siempre inevitable, en razón de que emana de una toma de conciencia del desajuste entre las herramientas cognoscitivas de que disponemos y los hechos concretos que debemos afrontar" Con su característico hábito de legar indicaciones y contradicciones, Borges propone dos "genealogías" diferentes para su relato "La biblioteca de Babel"
Lewis Carroll @ Catharton Authors lewis carroll and resources concerning his works. lewis carroll. aka Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (real name). 1832 1898 http://www.catharton.com/authors/83.htm
Extractions: all of Catharton just Authors Catharton Authors C : Carroll, Lewis Lewis Carroll aka Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (real name) Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites: Jabberwocky Variations The Lewis Carroll Home Page Charles Dodgson - photographer Lewis Carroll: An Overview ... The Lewis Carroll Society (UK) Message Boards: Suggest or Request a board Mailing Lists: Jabberwocky the mad hatters tea party Chat Rooms: Jabberwocky the mad hatters tea party Can't find what you want here? Try searching Google for Lewis Carroll List of Works:
Lewis Carroll, Photographe - 1 Translate this page lewis carroll photographe par Pierre G. Harmant lewis carroll photographer by Pierre G. Harmant. http://www.marillier.nom.fr/collodions/pghCarroll.html
LEWIS CARROLL SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA (LCSNA) Home Page A nonprofit organization dedicated to furthering carroll studies. Site features publications, meetings and announcements. The lewis carroll Home Page offers links to other carroll sites. http://www.lewiscarroll.org/
Extractions: Welcome to the Lewis Carroll Society of North America (LCSNA) home page. The LCSNA is a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering Carroll studies, increasing accessibility of research material, and maintaining public awareness of Carroll's contributions to society. We intend to use the internet as another avenue to accomplish these goals. If you are a Carrollian and would like to help in these endeavors, or if you simply enjoy Carroll and want to be among other people with a like interest, please consider joining the LCSNA. Click here to go to: A brief description of the society and membership information A brief word on Lewis Carroll List of officers and board members Constitution, By-Laws LCSNA Publications ... You can help For links to other Lewis Carroll Sites access the Lewis Carroll Home Page. Upcoming Meetings and Announcements Here are some photographs taken at the Spring 2002 meeting. Here are some photographs taken at the Fall 2002 meeting in San Francisco. Here are some photographs taken at the Spring 2003 meeting in Chicago. The Spring 2004 meeting was held on Saturday May 8, at Harvard University in Boston, MA.
Www.bookcloseouts.com/default.asp?N=-3140 Used Book Central Search / author carroll, lewiscarroll, lewis MA Donohue and Co Dj is scuffed, soiled and ripped. carroll, lewis Folio Society London 1976 Fine in Near fine slipcase (minor browning http://www.bookcloseouts.com/default.asp?N=-3140
La Niña, La Muñeca Y La Muerte El humor metafsico y una l³gica dislocada, a lo lewis carroll, recorren las piezas narrativas de Pizarnik, por Ana Mara Moix. http://old.clarin.com/suplementos/cultura/2002/09/14/u-00401.htm
Extractions: A los ocho años, Luis XIII hace un dibujo parecido al que hace el hijo de un caníbal de Nueva Caledonia. A los ocho años, tiene la edad de la humanidad, tiene por lo menos doscientos cincuenta mil años. Algunos años más tarde los ha perdido, no tiene más que treinta y uno, se ha vuelto un individuo, no es más que un rey de Francia, atolladero del que no saldrá nunca", escribió el poeta francés Henri Michaux, en Pasages Prosa completa . La autora no reproducía gratuitamente en su artículo la cita de Michaux: la tragedia de Luis XIII niño que, al paso de los años, se convierte en mero rey de Francia. nos remite a la lucha que centró la vida de Pizarnik: evitar el atolladero que, para cualquier creador de lenguaje, significa convertirse en escritor, tras haber creído en el poder del lenguaje para nombrar la realidad y subvertirla, tras haber poseído el "don de formular las palabras que fundan el mundo, que erige palabra por palabra un doble mágico del cosmos". Como el Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, de Carta de Lord Chandos Prosa Este humor alcanza su máxima y terrible profundidad cuando analiza el "humor metafísico", propio de la literatura contemporánea, en el artículo dedicado a Cortázar en "Los perturbados entre las lilas", obra teatral digna de figurar junto a lo mejor de Alfred Jarry, Ionesco, y Beckett. Segismunda ("Es verdad que renuncié a ser persona. No obstante, vivo"), Carol ("No hacemos nada, pero lo hacemos mal"), Macho y Futerina conviven en un decorado plásticamente inspirado en De Chirico ("Menos mal que vivimos en esta casa, parecida a una plaza de gran belleza metafísica"), en el que se mueven montados en triciclos.
Carroll, Lewis Translate this page lewis carroll, geboren am 27.1.1832 in Daresbury, ist am 14.1.1898 in Guildford Hinter dem Pseudonym lewis carroll versteckte sich Charles Lutwidge http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/buecher/autoren/carroll.html
Extractions: Seine erste Alice-Geschichte schrieb Lewis Carroll 1864. Er legte sie seinem Liebling, der kleinen Tochter des Dekans, Alice Pleasance Liddell auf den Weihnachtstisch. 1865 erschien "Alice im Wunderland" als Buch. "Alice hinter den Spiegeln" erschien 1872. Alice im Wunderland und Alice hinter den Spiegeln Alice im Wunderland An Elementary Treatise on Determinants Eine weitere Episode mit Alice, die in zwei, drei und vier Dimensionen spielt, findet man in der 4D Animation mit Alice von Stefan Scheller.
Bibliomania Servlet Error Texts of carroll's works, including short stories and poems, and a brief introduction to the author. http://www.bibliomania.com/Fiction/Caroll/
Extractions: Don't Panic! An error has occurred in the Bibliomania Servlet Engine. You should not be seeing this screen, if you are it is my job to fix it, I would very much like it if you were to help me discover the cause of this problem. However if you just want to carry on surfing you should find that the rest of http://www.bibliomania.com/ is functioning correctly. Servlets only effect the OldUrlRedirects, the Search, Shop, Login and Messageboards, the actual content should be readable. If you can spare the time please email me at bibliomania@paneris.org ) and 'copy and paste' the coloured text below into the email body to help me solve the problem. yours Tim Pizey org.melati.poem.NoMoreTransactionsException: org.melati.poem.NoMoreTransactionsException at org.melati.poem.Database.openTransaction(Database.java, Compiled Code) at org.melati.poem.Database.perform(Database.java, Compiled Code) at org.melati.poem.Database.inSession(Database.java, Compiled Code) at org.melati.servlet.PoemServlet.doConfiguredRequest(PoemServlet.java, Compiled Code) at org.melati.servlet.ConfigServlet.doGetPostRequest(ConfigServlet.java, Compiled Code) at org.melati.servlet.ConfigServlet.doGet(ConfigServlet.java, Compiled Code) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java, Compiled Code) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java, Compiled Code) at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(JServConnection.java, Compiled Code) at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.run(JServConnection.java, Compiled Code) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java, Compiled Code)
The Latin Library A collection of Latin texts classical, Christian, medieval, and modern, including such classics as lewis carroll's Gabrobocchia . http://thelatinlibrary.com
Extractions: THE LATIN LIBRARY Alcuin Ambrosius Ammianus Marcellinus Apicius Apuleius Aquinas Asconius Augustine Augustus Aurelius Victor Ausonius Avianus Bacon Biblia Sacra Bonaventure Caesar Cassiodorus Cato Catullus Cicero Christian Latin Claudian Claudius Caesar Columella Disticha Catonis Donatus Einhard Ennius Eutropius Florus Frontinus Gellius Gesta Romanorum Gregory of Tours Gregory the Great Horace Historia Augusta Hyginus Isidore Jordanes Julius Obsequens Justin Justinian Juvenal Lactantius Livy Lucan Lucretius Manilius Martial Medieval Latin Minucius Felix Miscellany Naevius Neo-Latin Nepos Ovid Persius Petronius Phaedrus Plautus Pliny the Elder Pliny the Younger Poggio Bracciolini Priapea Propertius Prudentius Quintilian Roman Epitaphs Sallust Seneca Silius Italicus Statius Suetonius Sulpicia Syrus Tacitus Terence Tertullian Theodosian Code Tibullus Valerius Flaccus Valerius Maximus Varro Vegetius Velleius Paterculus Virgil Vitruvius Ammianus Apuleius Augustus Aurelius Victor ... Quid Novi? Please submit texts to: The Classics Page
Alice In Wonderland - An Interactive Adventure! An interactive website of Java games, and word puzzles featuring the characters from lewis carroll s Alice in Wonderland. http://www.ruthannzaroff.com/wonderland/
Extractions: Please Note: This interactive web site uses both Java and Javascript for many of the activities. Please make sure your web browser is Java enabled! To bookmark this page and add it to your favorites, click Control D on your PC, or Command D on your Macintosh. W elcome to Wonderland! Here you will enjoy activities with Alice and her Wonderland friends! Lewis Carroll's two Alice Books, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, have been my favorites since I was a child. I developed this web site to share my love of these books with others, especially hoping that it might influence those who have not read the books to read them. I hope you enjoy your visit! Read An Ode on Alice , the poem that inspired me to develop this web site! Check out the White Rabbit's new pocketwatch! Complete the Wonderland Word Search and win a special prize! Play Alice's Guessing Game Curiouser and Curiouser ! Make Alice change sizes and shapes! See Alice reflected in the Pool of Tears Write your own Long and Sad Tale Seek Advice From a Caterpillar Help Distract the Puppy Watch the Cheshire Cat disappear!
De Freitas Books-Works Of Lewis Carroll Books for sale by Wilfrid M. de Freitas Bookseller, the works of lewis carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodson). http://www.defreitasbooks.com/carroll.html
Extractions: For ease of reference, we've divided the list into five sections, cross-referenced as best we can, but of course we may have missed one or two, so please check all applicable sections (no prizes for finding any we missed!). At the risk of irritating some people, we have used "LC" for "Lewis Carroll" throughout, and we've also used the following less controversial abbreviations: Many of the items have been scanned; view the images by linking from the individual entries or browse through them by connecting to the Lewis Carroll Gallery . To browse a specific section of books, select from the list below.