About "História Da Matemática" Translate this page Abraham bar Hiyya, Abraham ben Erza, Alcuino de York, Anania de Shirak,Aryabhata I, bhaskara ii, Leonardo de Pisa, Levi ben Gershon, e Paolo Dagomari. http://mathforum.org/library/view/62519.html
Extractions: Previous SOURCES ............................................................... 200202 The mathematical papers and library of Sir Edward Collingwood in the University of Durham I. Grattan-Guinness ............................................. 200202 Archives of mathematical journals J. D. Gray ........................................................... 202 BOOK REVIEWS Lazare Carnot Savant Africa Counts by Claudia Zaslavsky (R. W. Wilder) ................................................... 207-210 Statistical Papers in Honor of George W. Snedecor by T. A. Bancroft (Churchill Eisenhart) ........................................... 211218 Ming Kan No Syuzan Syo Euclid and his modern rivals by Lewis Carroll (Daniel Pedoe) .................................................. 219222 Joseph Fourier 17681830 by I. Grattan-Guinness (J. W. Herivel) ................................................. 222223 ABSTRACTS
Sources In Recreational Mathematics Lilavati of bhaskara ii, c1150 and there are versions in Fibonacci, examples fromAlcuin, Mahavira, Sridhara, Abu Kamil, bhaskara ii, Fibonacci, http://www.g4g4.com/david.htm
A História De Lilavati Translate this page por bhaskara ii (1114-1185), possivelmente o mais famoso matemático indiano . The Lilavati of Bhaskara (traduzido para o inglês) definições (versos http://www.reniza.com/matematica/novidades/0011.htm
Extractions: Sobre Lilavati, conta Malba Tahan, em seu livro O Homem que Calculava "Baskara tinha uma filha chamada Lilavati . Quando essa menina nasceu, consultou ele as estrelas e verificou, pela disposição dos astros, que sua filha, condenada a permanecer solteira toda a vida, ficaria esquecida pelo amor dos jovens patrícios. Não se conformou Baskara com essa determinação do Destino e recorreu aos ensinamentos dos astrólogos mais famosos do tempo. Como fazer para que a graciosa Lilavati pudesse obter marido, sendo feliz no casamento? Um astrólogo, consultado por Baskara, aconselhou-a a casar Lilavati com o primeiro pretendente que aparecesse, mas demonstrou que a única hora propícia para a cerimónia do enlace seria marcada, em certo dia, pelo cilindro do Tempo. Os hindus mediam, calculavam e determinavam as horas do dia com o auxílio de um cilindro colocado num vaso cheio d'água. Esse cilindro, aberto apenas em cima, apresentava um pequeno orifício no centro da superfície da base. À proporção que a água, entrando pelo orifício da base, invadia lentamente o cilindro, este afundava no vaso e de tal modo que chegava a desaparecer por completo em hora previamente determinada.
Mathematics The authors also demonstrate that bhaskara ii (486 CE) had the expertise in thearea that was reinvented and, of course, systematized as Differential http://www.tlca.com/adults/origin-math.html
Extractions: Long before the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Mayans, and the Sumerians began civiliz-ing their worlds, mathematics had flourished in India. Does this thesis seem incredible? No, this is not a rhetorical proclamation of some overzealous Indian chauvinists. Two India-born American university professors, V. Lakshmikantham and S. Leela, have documented extensive new data on ancient Indian mathematics and on the bankruptcy of the theory of Aryan invasion of India from the northern-central plains in Asia. Along with their own meticulous research of original Sanskrit texts and related vernacular literature, the authors draw upon the works of a few European scholars. With the publication of this amazing monograph on Indian mathematics, the cloud of ignorance and deliberate misrepresentation of the many achievements in ancient India is beginning to lift. The authors remind us that the history taught even in Indian schools, colleges, and universities, is still filled with distortions that originated with the founding of the Indian Historical Society (IHS) in the late 18th-century Calcutta, overwhelmed by the prevailing colonial mentality. Naturally, the obvious conclusion one reaches is that the beginnings of world culture, as far as astronomy and mathematics are concerned, were not around the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers, but in the Sapta Sindhu of the Indus valley. This is a fact in Sanskrit; it may be fiction in English.
A/AC.105/INF.390 Remarks, Information on bhaskara ii. Avaliable Format, Adobe PDF. AvaliableLanguages. Arabic; Chinese; English; French; Russian; Spanish http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/Reports/inf390.html
Extractions: Document Symbol: A/AC.105/INF.390 Notifying State/Organization: India Main Title: Information Furnished in Conformity with General Assembly Resolution 1721 B (XVI) by States Launching Objects into Orbit or Beyond Sub Title: Letter dated 5 January 1982 from the Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General Remarks: Information on Bhaskara II Avaliable Format: Adobe PDF Avaliable Languages: Online Index Space Law COPUOS SAP ... Home
The Hindu : Tribute To Women Scientists In fact, the exhibition itself has been named after Leelavati, the daughter ofancient mathematician bhaskara ii, who taught her mathematics despite the http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/2001/09/15/stories/14152184.htm
Extractions: Front Page National Southern States Other States ... Next At first glance, they might look like just one of the many Indian housewives simple, unassuming and humble. But make no mistake, for behind that simple, straight face is a razor sharp brain. It is the year of women empowerment and the National Science Centre has decided to celebrate it in its own novel way. If the names Janaki Ammal, Asima Chatterjee, Archana Sharma, Indira Nath, Anandibai Joshi or Kasturi Dutta don't ring a bell, then the Centre is probably the place you must visit soon. On at the National Science Centre from Friday is a unique exhibition ``Leelavati: Indian Women in Science''. Organised by the Centre in association with the Department of Women and Child Development, the exhibition will showcase the achievements of Indian women in science. The show will travel to eight destinations across the country over the next two years, giving an insight into the contribution of Indian women. Divided into five categories Backdrop, Women in India: Looking Back, Beginning of Enlightenment, Post Independence scenario, Science, Society and Women the exhibition has 27 panels complete with audio, video and other forms of interactive commentaries. ``The backdrop'' segment gives the various socio-economic conditions under which Indian women worked in the field of science and technology during different historical periods. In fact, the exhibition itself has been named after Leelavati, the daughter of ancient mathematician Bhaskara II, who taught her mathematics despite the social conditions then.
The Date Of Mahabharata Based On The Indian Astronomical Works For critical study, the commentaries of Bhaskara I, Somesvara and Suryadeva Yajvan Siddhantasekhara (i.10), Siddhanta-siromani of bhaskara ii (Ii15). http://www.hindunet.org/saraswati/colloquium/astronomy01.htm
Extractions: Mahabharata as the sheet-anchor of bharatiya itihasa International Colloquium The Date of Mahabharata Based on the Indian Astronomical Works K.V. Ramakrishna Rao, B.Sc., M.A., A.M.I.E., C.Eng.(I)., B.L., Introduction The date of Mahabharat is analyzed for determination only based on the Indian astronomical works. The following facts are taken into consideration for such critical study: The Indian astronomers of Siddhantic works and followers have recorded the date of Bharata implying Mahabharat war in particular and starting of Kaliyuga or Era, that is used to reckon the dates of themselves at many places and in conjunction with Saka era in some places later. Aryabhata makes a specific mention about Bharata in his Aryabhatiyam. Most of the scholars including westerners have taken the connotation of it as referring to Mahabharat and in particular Mahabharat war, because, that is considered as the staring point of Kaliyuga / era in Indian astronomy and history too. Therefore, taking the astronomical works - Siddhantas, Tantras and Karanas like - Aryabhatiyam, Mahabhaskariyam, Vatesvara - Siddhanta
500_1499 Index (11141185) bhaskara ii (1114-1187) Gherard (1130-1180) al-Samawal (1135-1213)al-Tusi, Sharaf (1168-1253) Grosseteste (1170-1250) Fibonacci http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Indexes/500_1499.html
The Future Of Space - The Eisenhower Institute, Washington, D.C. Bhaskara I Earth scanning 1979 bhaskara ii Remote sensing 1981 IRS1A Remotesensing 1988 IRS-1B Remote sensing 1991 IRS-1C Remote sensing 1995 http://www.eisenhowerinstitute.org/programs/globalpartnerships/fos/newfrontier/a
Extractions: Solid rocket motors, on the other hand, were totally indigenous products. Weighing over 130 tonnes and containing Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene (HTPB) as propellant, India has developed one of the largest solid rocket motors of its kind in the world. With a thrust of 4,628 kN, and with strap-ons it provides for the first stage of propulsion of both PSLV and GSLV. Even before this booster, India had developed smaller boosters as strap-on for PSLV and other earlier rockets. These boosters typically have thrust in the range of 660kN.
Indologie Tübingen: Vorlesungsverzeichnis Sommersemester 2001 Translate this page wobei die Ansätze zur Infinitesimalrechnung bei bhaskara ii. und den zur Infinitesimalrechnung im Siddhantasiromani von bhaskara ii. anschließen. http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/indologie/ss01/8.html
Extractions: South Asia@No. 1@A-M@ No.1A-M No.2N-R No.3 S-Y All 276 No Name Title Journal Volume Date Page ABBAS, Syed Qamar Review of Research in Pakistan on the Muslim Freedom Movement in South Asia Asian Research Trends ABE, Akio A Brief survey of Japanese Studies on the Philosophical Schools of the Mahayana ACTA ASIATICA ABE, Masao The Concept of Vyapti in the Nyaya School ACTA ASIATICA ABE, Yoshio Mahabhasya ad Panini 1. 1. 56 Un essai de traduction ACTA ASIATICA ABU-ZAID, Nasr A Critical Survey of Indian Religions and Philosophy Chiefly base upon Japanese Studies ACTA ASIATICA AHMED, Momtaz Uddin Recent Social Science Research Trends in Bangladesh Asian Research Trends AKAMATSU, Shiro Development Activities for Impoverished Groups Technology and Development Jan-91 ALAUDDIN, Mohammad and TISDELL, Clem The Fundamental Standpoint of Early Buddhist Ethics ACTA ASIATICA ALRAM, Michael A Hoard of Copper Drachms from the Kapisa-Kabul Region Silk Road Art and Archaeology ANDERSON, Kym Tapo-dhana ACTA ASIATICA BANDYOPADHYAY, Sekhar Towards a New Social History for Colonial Bengal: A Review of Recent Research Asian Research Trends BAUTZE, Joachim K.
New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Translate this page bhaskara ii Bianchi, Luigi Bienaymé, Irénée-Jules Billy, Jacques de Bird, JohnBirkhoff, George David Biruni, Abu Ray?an al- Bjerknes, Carl Anton http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html
Bhãskara Aæarja Historycy nauki nazywaja tego uczonego bhaskara ii, dla odróznienia od innegouczonego o tym samym imieniu, który zyl kilka stuleci przed nim (patrz http://www.encyklopedia.drem.strefa.pl/B/bhaskara_2.htm
Extractions: Têdy wejdziesz wprost do dzia³u Ksi±¿ki. Du¿y wybór i tanio. Warto! Kliknij banner i wybierz dzia³: Ezoteryka - przy okazji pomo¿esz utrzymaæ serwis Bhãskara Aæarja Bhãskara II, Bhaskara Uczony (ur. ok. 1114 r. - zm. 1185 r.) Hinduski astronom, astrolog i matematyk. Dzia³a³ w Ud¼d¼ajnie w ¶rodkowych Indiach, gdzie prowadzi³ obserwatorium astronomiczne. Rozwin±³ dorobek swego poprzednika, wybitnego hinduskiego matematyka Brahmagupty (568-665). W swoich czterech dzie³ach napisanych ok. 1150, bêd±cych kompendium ówczesnej wiedzy, po¶wiêconych arytmetyce ("Lilawati"), algebrze ("Bid¼aganita") oraz astronomii i astrologii ("Siddhanta¶iromani" i "Karanakutuhala"), jako pierwszy systematycznie stosowa³ pozycyjny system dziesiêtny do zapisu liczb, oznacza³ niewiadom± symbolem literowym, rozwi±zywa³ równania algebraiczne pierwszego i drugiego stopnia, poda³ przybli¿on± warto¶æ liczby 3,141666. Opisa³ te¿ obserwacje zmian pozycji planet, momentów zaæmieñ, koniunkcji obiektów astronomicznych, stosowane instrumenty astronomiczne oraz wyobra¿enia na temat kosmografii i geografii. Historycy nauki nazywaj± tego uczonego Bhaskara II, dla odró¿nienia od innego uczonego o tym samym imieniu, który ¿y³ kilka stuleci przed nim (patrz:
Il Bambu' Spezzato bhaskara ii, 1150. http://utenti.quipo.it/base5/pitagora/bambu.htm
Scale Incrociate Translate this page Le prime versioni di questi problemi risalgono a Mahavira 850, bhaskara ii 1150,Fibonacci 1202. 3. La scala e la scatola facile http://utenti.quipo.it/base5/pitagora/scale.htm
Pergunta Agora Translate this page Shen, Khayyam, Brahmadeva, Abraham, Adelard, Ezra, Aflah, bhaskara ii, Gherard,al-Samawal, Sharaf al-Tusi, Grosseteste, Fibonacci, Albertus Sacrobosco, http://www.apm.pt/pa/index.asp?accao=showtext&id=3407
Dangerous-industries Search For BH bhaskara ii Typos/falses bhaskara ii Bahskara ii Bhaskraa ii Bhsakaraii Nhaskara ii Ghaskara ii . Bhat Typos/falses Bhat Baht Bhta http://www.dangeruss-industries.com/list.BH.html
Bhaskara-II Satellite bhaskaraii Satellite. (First Indian low orbit Earth Observation Satellite).image Launch Date Nov. 20, 1981 Weight 444 Kg http://www.csre.iitb.ac.in/isro/bhaskara2.html