MSN Encarta - Aryabhata aryabhata, also spelt Aryabhatta (476c. 550), Hindu astronomer and mathematician,born in Pataliputra (modern Patna), India. He was known to the Arabs
Extractions: Aryabhata Aryabhata , k¤nd indisk astronom och matematiker , f¶dd i Pataliputra e. Kr. Hans verk Aryabhatiya behandlar matematiken. Aryabhata utformade ocks¥ en teori enligt vilken jorden kretsar runt sin egen axel. Han ber¤knade v¤rdet av pi till 3,1416, men gjorde ocks¥ felaktiga ber¤kningar av tetraederns och klotets volym. Aryabhatas framst¤llning av kvadratrotens och kubikrotens utdragning f¶ruts¤tter att dagens siffersystem anv¤ndes. Tidiga arabiska forskare studerade Aryabhata, och kallade honom d¥ Ardshabahr. Artikelkategorier: Matematiker Astronomer Vetenskapspersonligheter i Indien HERIBERT ILLIG, ERFUNDENES MITTELALTER, PHANTOMZEIT, Mike Baillie Meine eigenen, hier vorgestellten Texte sind veraltet.
Aryabhata - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Aryabhata aryabhata Wikipedia, frjálsa alfræðiritiðaryabhata (um 475 - 550) var indverskur stærðfræðingur. Hann er höfundur ritsinsAryabhatiya, sem er rímað rit um stærðfræði og er eitt af elstu ritum
Extractions: For webmasters: Free content NEW! Linking Lookup box ... Farlex, Inc. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.
Origin And Meaning Of The Name Aryabhata AryabhataEncyklopedia Astrologii czesc Astrologicznej Wirtryny Tuty. Docelowo - caloscwspólczesnej wiedzy astrologicznej. Zapraszamy.
A FÃBRICA Translate this page aryabhata, matemático hindú, o primeiro a falar do sistema de numeração decimal,o nosso sistema.Graças a ele, os pastores podem contar as suas ovelhas,
Extractions: Aryabhata, matem¡tico hindº, o primeiro a falar do sistema de numera§£o decimal, o nosso sistema.Gra§as a ele, os pastores podem contar as suas ovelhas, e George W. Bush sau Presidente em 2000, com uma contagem manual dos votos, n£o muito matem¡tica. posted by Armando sse @ View my complete profile
Besvarte Spørsmål Når ble aryabhata sendt opp og er det tilfelle at den styrtet etter bare firedager ? aryabhata styrtet ikke etter fire dager, men dessverre sviktet
Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap (LTO) Series LTO61D2 - aryabhata. Click here to download a 72dpi JPEG image ( 2.5MB ) Click here to download a 150dpi JPEG image ( 9.2MB )
Extractions: Aryabhata is the earliest Indian mathematician whom historians know by name. He lived from 476 to 550 C.E. Little else is known about him. There has long been confusion regarding his identity; there was another notable Indian mathematician named Aryabhata who flourished sometime between 950 and 1100 C.E. Often, the latter is referred to as Aryabhata II. Also, the Persian historian al-Biruni believed that there were two famous Indian mathematicians named Aryabhata who lived around 500 C.E. The subsequent confusion from this blunder ensued until it was disproved in 1926 (Suzuki 219-220). Prior to Aryabhata, Vedic sutras (early Hindu scriptures) had expounded on geometric relationships for religious purposes such as altar construction and keeping track of calendars. Jain mathematicians also excelled at mathematics prior to Aryabhata. In light of this, some scholars suggest that Aryabhata intended for his Aryabhatiya to be a commentary on previous mathematicians and astronomers or possibly a skeletal outline of his small contributions to the canon of knowledge (Srinivasiengar 42). It is written in the Sanskrit language, the language of the Aryans - the people from Europe who migrated to India around 1500 B.C.E. and melded with the indigenous Indian culture to form Hindu culture (Watson 30). The style of the Aryabhatiya is difficult to describe. It does not read like a practical manual as does the Chinese Nine Chapters nor does it read like a basic set of theoretical proofs like Euclid's Elements. The Aryabhatiya is written in poetic verse - typical of Sanskrit works - and seems to be more like a collection of anecdotes and mnemonic devices to aid in teaching mathematical and astronomical ideas than a traditional text. It is highly likely that the study of the Aryabhatiya would be accompanied by the teachings of a well-versed tutor.
Aryabhata - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia aryabhata. This is NOT the Wikipedia The content is from the Wikipedia.aryabhata (Aryabha?a) is the first of the great astronomers of the classical age
Extractions: Aryabhata astronomers of the classical age of India . He was born in Patna His book, the , presented astronomical and mathematical theories in which the Earth was taken to be spinning on its axis and the periods of the planets were given with respect to the sun . In this book, the day was reckoned from one sunrise to the next, whereas in his he took the day from one midnight to another. There was also difference in some astronomical parameters. sl:Aryabhata I.
Adhyapak: Dadima Ki Kahaniya-People aryabhata s greatest work is ARYBHATEEYAM which was written at his age of 23 . Algebra was brought to light only by aryabhata. He gave the world,
Extractions: ARYABHATA The first Indian built satellite launched by a Soviet Union rocket in 1975 was in honor of this eminent astronomical; scientist and mathematician who lived during 476-551. It was believed in the early period of science that Aryabhata lived in Pataliputra of Magadha kingdom of the past (now called Patna) near the famous Nalanda University which encouraged the study of astronomy. But scholars now accept that he lived and worked in Kerala.
Aryabhata/Indian Scientific Sat aryabhata byl pierwszym satelita stworzonym przez Indyjska Organizacje aryabhata zostal zbudowany przez Indyjska Organizacje Badan Kosmicznych ISRO.
Extractions: A ryabhata by³ pierwszym satelit± stworzonym przez Indyjsk± Organizacjê Badañ Kosmicznych ISRO. Zosta³ on wyniesiony przez ZSRR. Satelita nazwany na cze¶æ indyjskiego matematyka, prowadzi³ badania w prom. X. Satelita pracowa³ przez piêæ dni. Statek, wyniesiony 19 kwietnia 1975, powróci³ do atmosfery 11 lutego 1992. International Index: 1975-033A Charakterystyka misji: Rakieta no¶na / miejsce startu : Kosmos 11K65M (s/n 53731 - 279) / Kapustin Yar, RosjaIndie Parametry orbity : 568 x 611 km; 96,5 m; 50,7° Czas trwania : 19.IV.1975 (07:40:00 UTC) - 11.II.1992 Wymiary i masa: 26. ¶cienna bry³a o ¶rednicy 1,4 m , w tym 24 pokryte bateriami s³onecznymi (46 W), 360 kg £adunek: Cele naukowe: Opis misji: Instrumenty: Eksperyment rentgenowski korzysta³ z: licznika proporcjonalnego, wype³nionego mieszanin± argonu i CO . Mia³ on pole widzenia 8 stopni (FWHM). By³ ono równoleg³e do osi obrotu satelity (detekcja w zakresie 2,5 - 15 keV); dwóch teleskopów scyntylacyjnych NaI, zamontowanych prostopadle do osi obrotu. Prowadzi³y one obserwacje w zakresie 10 - 100 keV.
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