Study Aid 5 Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom), Contantinople, 53237. Architects anthemius ofTralles and Isidorus of Miletus. S. Marco, Venice, 830.
Extractions: Byzantium, (mythologically it was Byzas, son of Poseidon, who founded the first settlement) ancient site on which Constantinople was built by emperor Constantine in 330 B.C. gave the name to the Byzantine empire. This empire, which lasted for over 1000 years until 1453, when Constantinople fell to the Turks, was a direct continuation of the Roman empire. Byzantium was a cultural unity at a time in which the rest of Europe was broken into numerous feudal units. See Byzantium Icon, Mount Athos Codification of Roman law. Justinian, 6th c. Arts: crosses for processions, Reliquaries for the remains of saints, treasuries in the monasteries. Constantinople the centre of the new empire and the beginning of a new era. Cardus and decumanus : North and South/Europe and Asia, East and West/Mediterranean and Black Seas. See Constantinople Christianity, the new religion. Its impact on the landscape: churches. Scheme of church decoration by Michael III (see Hosios Lukas.) Catholicon, Hosios Lukas, exterior, from R.G. Calkins, Monuments of Medieval Art, New York/London 1979, p. 42
Ancient Byzantine Civilization Built in only six years, the structure was designed by the architects Anthemiusof tralles and Isidore of Miletus. On May 7, 558, the dome of the church
Extractions: A ncient /Medieval Civilizations - Byzantine Empire - Home Ancient Civilizations Ancient Africa Aztec ByzantineEmpire Cambodia ... Ancient Civilizations Lesson Plans Since the civilization of the Byzantine Empire, and its influence, crosses the time frame between ancient and Medieval civilizations, I am including it under both headings. Byzantine, and Byzantine influenced civilization began under the ancient Roman Empire and did not flicker to an end till the Communist revolution in Russia in the early 20th century. Moscow was the final inheritor of Byzantine culture, though with a strong Slavic flavor, and was known as "The Third Rome," claiming direct succession from Byzantium itself. In fact, it may be said that the Byzantine Empire is not totally dead yet. The Double-Eagle flag of Byzantium can still be seen flying above the monasteries of Mount Athos, Greece. Ayasofya "Ayasofya" is another spelling for Hagia Sophia. "Probably Istanbul's most famous landmark, the Hagia Sophia (also spelled Ayasofya) was built by the emperor Justinian I in the year 537 AD. Built in only six years, the structure was designed by the architects Anthemius of Tralles and Isidore of Miletus. On May 7, 558, the dome of the church collapsed due to a December 557 earthquake, and though a new dome was quickly rebuilt, historical records tell us that it was not identical to the original." You will find a good article and images. Learn how a computer model of the ancient church is being created. - illustrated - From Byzantine Architecture Project -
NEWSLETTER 07 Built in only six years, the structure was designed by the architects Anthemiusof tralles and Isidore of Miletus. The church measures 77 x 79 m. and the