Al-Battani (Alabategnius), 858 - 929 CE AlBattani, known in the West as albategnius, was a famous astronomer andmathematician. He has been recognized as the greatest astronomer of his time and
Ebu Abullah El-Batani (Albategnius) Ebu Abullah ElBatani (albategnius) (858-929 er) nga Dr. A. Zahur. El-Batani,i njohur ne perendim si albategnius ishte nje astronom dhe matematicien i
Extractions: El-Batani, i njohur ne perendim si Albategnius ishte nje astronom dhe matematicien i famshem. Ai u njoh si astronomi me i madh i kohes se tij dhe nje nga me te medhenjte e Mesjetes. Ebu Abdullah Muhamed Ibn Xhabir Ibn Sinan el-Batani lindi ne 858 e.r. ne ose prane Batanit, nje krahine ne Harran. Ai ishte pjestar i familjes mbreterore Sa'bi te Harranit dhe ishte musliman. El-Batani i mori mesimet e para nga i ati, Xhabir Ibn Sinan el Batani, i cili ishte gjithashtu nje shkencetar i njohur. Me pas ai shkoi ne Raka, ne brigjet e Eufratit ku ai mori mesime te avancuara ne shkence. Nga fundi i shek. 9 ai emigroi ne Samara ku ai punoi deri ne fund te jetes se tij. El-Batani vdiq ne vitin 929 e.r.. Gjate qendrimit te tij ne el-Raka, nga 877 deri ne 929 ai beri zbulime te rendesishme astronomike. Sipas profesor Filip Hitit, " solli disa permiresime ne punen e Ptolemit dhe gjithashtu korigjoi llogaritjet e bera mbi levizjen e Henes dhe disa planeteve. Ai provoi mundesine e eklipsit diellor, ndihmoi me te dhena me te sakta per sa i perket stineve, llogariti orbiten ekliptike (me pamje vezake) gjatesine e stineve dhe vitit tropikal, dhe minin (mesataren) e orbites se djellit. Llogaritja e sakte e tij per vitin djellor prej 365 ditesh, 5 oresh, 46 minutash dhe 24 sekondash qendron shume afer matjeve te fundit. Ai gjithashtu zbuloi qe largesia e djellit kishte ndryshuar rreth 16 grade 47 minuta qe nga koha e Ptolemit. Ky zbulim shpjegon levizjen e planeteve rreth djellit dhe nje dryshim te vogel ne matjene e kohes. Mendimi i tij per sa i perket ekuinokseve, ishte ndryshe nga mendimi i gabuar i Kopernikut disa shekuj me vone.
Members Photos Three craters stacked along the terminator Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, and Arzecheto the right is albategnius and Klein (inside albategnius)
Hitchhiker's Guide To Rukl Chart 45 albategnius B was apparent, though its floor was dark. It was fun to watch thelight slowly spill into albategnius. albategnius (David North d _at_
Extractions: Albategnius Robin Casady Each time I went out, Albategnius was different. Klein's wall slowly emerged from the shadow. By midnight much of the floor was illuminated and long pointed shadows pointed inwards from the peaks on the rim. Albategnius B was apparent, though its floor was dark. It was fun to watch the light slowly spill into Albategnius. Albategnius Look for shading in the floor of Albategnius, and for two depressions. The latter looked awfully subtle to me the time I noticed them; I assume they are older (or for some other reason, shallow) craters. Albategnius (...Akkana) Albategnius seems to be crossed by many north/south pointing rilles and catenae in addition to the catena leading into Klein , there's another very prominent rille on Albategnius' eastern wall. Perhaps these are secondaries from Copernicus, or even from Imbrium (though they're presumably younger than that)? Burnham Sunrise Ray Approximately as the sunrise terminator crosses Burnham, the rising sun shines through a gap in that crater's western wall, and creating a ray of light across the flat terrain lying between the west wall of Burnham and the east wall of Albategnius. This ray is finer and possibly longer-lived than the better-known Hesiodus sunrise ray . It has been seen in apertures as small as 70 mm. For predictions for it, see
Lunar R-v / Albategnius quartier. Photo de Denis Goyette, prises avec Scmidt-Cassegrain 20 cm et
Extractions: Albategnius est un cirque très ancien et délabré de 136 km de diamètre. Ses remparts en terrasses atteignent 4000 m. Dans la partie sud ouest de l'arène se trouve un cratère plus récent: Klein (encore partiellement dans l'ombre sur la photo) de 44 km de diamètre, parois de 1460 m. Au centre, le massif montagneux atteint 4000 m, de part et d'autre on distingue de nombreuses cuvettes et craterlets.
Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap (LTO) Series LTO77C1 - albategnius. Click here to download a 72dpi JPEG image ( 3.3MB ) Click here to download a 150dpi JPEG image (12.4MB )
Extractions: ALBATEGNIUS, astronom arab., Encyklopedia internetowa oparta jest na tekstach Multimedialnej nowej encyklopedii powszechnej PWN z 1998 r. Przynosi kompletny obraz wspó³czesnego ¶wiata i Polski, ¿ycia na Ziemi, dziejów cywilizacji i kultury. Dla wszystkich, którzy pragn± samodzielnie zdobywaæ i pog³êbiaæ sw± wiedzê, dla studiuj±cej i ucz±cej siê m³odzie¿y, niezbêdna w bibliotekach domowych, publicznych, szkolnych, naukowych.
Area Astronomia - Sommario Translate this page Le condizioni ottimali di osservazione di albategnius si hanno al primo quarto I crateri albategnius Be Klein interrompono i terrazzamenti interni delle
Extractions: Albategnius Sito di osservazione: Settimo Torinese (TO); data e ora (UT): 30-08-2002 01.20 UT; strumento: Vixen VMC 200 L ingrandimento: 278 x; seeing 2/3, foschia e nuvole sparse. Le condizioni ottimali di osservazione di Albategnius si hanno al primo quarto, ma questa osservazione è stata svolta in occasione dell'ultimo. Il cratere ha un diametro di 136 km, e si trova in prossimità dell'area di Ptolemaeus, sul lato E lunare (W celeste), immediatamente a S di Hipparcus. Si tratta di una formazione antica, dalle pareti tormentate da impatti secondari ancora insufficienti a eroderne completamente i contorni. Le pareti arrivano con le loro creste a quote di 3000-4250 m sulla pianura circostante, mentre l'imponente rilievo centrale, generato dalle forze elastiche in occasione dell'impatto primario, si presenta come una massiccia piramide triangolare. I crateri Albategnius B e Klein interrompono i terrazzamenti interni delle pareti. Riepilogo tavole selenografiche Prossima tavola Disegni e testi Federico Corno - Impaginazione WEB Stefano Lazzaro - GAWH Top of page
Afocal CCD Images Through A Galilean Telescope Only a small area, centered on the deeply shadowed crater albategnius, is visible . Many believe it is the crater albategnius shown larger in size (to
Extractions: Links, References, and Additional Information Site Map This website presents digital images taken through a telescope made from two 1-inch diameter singlet lenses. Such a telescope is an approximate optical replica of that used by Galileo Galilei for his epoch-making astronomical discoveries of 1609-1611. Although we have not personally had the pleasure of looking through Galileo's telescope , we believe our photographs are a close approximation to what Galileo saw . Even if they are not, they show the remarkable detail that can be seen through a small and very simple telescope constructed from good quality lenses. The replica telescope consists of a 25.4 mm diameter plano-convex objective of 1000 mm focal length stopped down to 23 mm and a 25.4 mm diameter plano-concave eyepiece of -50 mm focal length giving a power of 20X. The objective is mounted at the front end of a piece of 1.7-inch diameter PVC tube, while the eyepiece is mounted on a slightly smaller tube that slides into the rear. The lenses, both of whose flat surfaces face the interior of the tube, are held in place with plastic computer desk cable bushings obtained from a hardware store. Several baffles were placed inside the PVC tube to suppress reflections from its shiny interior surface. Since baffles were unknown in Galileo's time, Galileo's telescopes did not contain them, but their effect is no different from using a larger tube with a less reflective interior surface.
Comparison Of Photos With Galileo's Drawings albategnius, the crater thought by some to be featured so prominently in theengravings in Sidereus Nuncius , is the large shadowed crater to the right of
Extractions: Galilean Telescope Homepage Site Map The various astronomical objects portrayed on this website differ greatly in size; Mars at its largest, for example, being no larger in apparent diameter than a moderately small sunspot. To aid in understanding the relative resolution achieved with the current telescope on the various objects and how they compare to what Galileo saw, a sampling of our photographs is reproduced here, all at their original scale of about 0.73 arc-sec per pixel , together with drawings of the same objects found in the National Edition of Galileo's works shown, as nearly as possible, at the same scale. Because of their large size, only small portions of the Sun and Moon are shown. It is evident from this comparison that what Galileo saw must have been rather similar to what we see through the modern reproduction of his telescope. All Galileo's drawings, with the exception of his watercolor of the Moon and the starfield sketches shown at the bottom of the page, have been extracted from the Galileo//Thek@ website hosted by the IMSS in Florence, Italy. It should be noted that, with the exception of innumerable drawings of Jupiter's moons, a great deal of Galileo's legacy of visual observations appears to have been lost. For example he published many plates of sunspots in
Albategnius Translate this page Planet Moon. Ricerche Topografiche Lunari Sez. Luna UAI. albategnius (crater)Size Dimension 139x139Km / 82x82Mi Height 0 Height/Wide ratio 0,0287 albategnius.htm
Albategnius Translate this page T150/750 16 feb 2005.
A History Of Science Volume II - Chapter II This improvement was due to the famous albategnius, whose work in other fields albategnius was a student of the Ptolemaic astronomy, but he was also a
Extractions: by Henry Smith Williams Terms Contents BOOK II Chapter I ... Chapter XV Chapter II Mediaeval Science Among the Arabians he successors of Mohammed showed themselves curiously receptive of the ideas of the western people whom they conquered. They came in contact with the Greeks in western Asia and in Egypt, and, as has been said, became their virtual successors in carrying forward the torch of learning. It must not be inferred, however, that the Arabian scholars, as a class, were comparable to their predecessors in creative genius. On the contrary, they retained much of the conservative oriental spirit. They were under the spell of tradition, and, in the main, what they accepted from the Greeks they regarded as almost final in its teaching. There were, however, a few notable exceptions among their men of science, and to these must be ascribed several discoveries of some importance. Perhaps the greatest of the Arabian astronomers was Mohammed ben Jabir Albategnius, or El-batani, who was born at Batan, in Mesopotamia, about the year 850 A.D., and died in 929. Albategnius was a student of the Ptolemaic astronomy, but he was also a practical observer. He made the important discovery of the motion of the solar apogee. That is to say, he found that the position of the sun among the stars, at the time of its greatest distance from the earth, was not what it had been in the time of Ptolemy. The Greek astronomer placed the sun in longitude 65 degrees, but Albategnius found it in longitude 82 degrees, a distance too great to be accounted for by inaccuracy of measurement. The modern inference from this observation is that the solar system is moving through space; but of course this inference could not well be drawn while the earth was regarded as the fixed centre of the universe.
Al Battani Biography .ms AlGhazali quotes Al Bernstein quotes Chungliang Al Huang quotes Al McGuire quotes History of Mathematics. slAlbatani svalbategnius
Extractions: Al Battani (ca. ) was an arab astronomer (also spelled Al Batani , latinized Albategnius Albategni Albatenius ; full name ), born in Harran near Urfa . His epithet as-Sabi suggests that among his ancestry were members of the Sabian sect who worshipped the stars, however, his full name affirms that he was Muslim. Al Battani worked in Syria , at ar-Raqqah and at Damascus , where he died. He was able to correct some of Ptolemy 's results and compiled new tables of the Sun and Moon , long accepted as authoritative, discovered the movement of the Sun's apogee , treats the division of the celestial sphere, and introduces, probably independently of the 5th century indian astronomer Aryabhatta , the use of sines in calculation, and partially that of tangents , forming the basis of modern trigonometry. He also calculated the values for the precession of the equinoxes (54.5" per year) and the inclination of Earth's axis (23° 35'). His most important work is the ('the book of tables') with 57 chapters, which by way of latin translation as De Motu Stellarum by Plato Tiburensis in (printed by Melanchthon , annotated by Regiomontanus ), had great influence on European astronomy. A reprint appeared at
Sternwarte Singen Mond Krater Albategnius Translate this page Krater albategnius - Terrassenwalldurchmesser 120 km - Tiefe 4000 m albategnius verschmilzt mit Krater Klein, welcher einen Durchmesser von 44 km Earth s Moon Ranger 9Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, and albategnius craters on the Moon Alphonsus, diameter108 km, is at lower left and the 114 km albategnius crater is at lower