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Science/AAAS | Collections: History And Philosophy Of Science History and philosophy of science. Refine by Section. View all, Original Research, News, Reviews, Perspectives Essays, Editorials, Letters Policy
Extractions: Jump to: Page Content Section Navigation Site Navigation Site Search ... Account Information , or Site Tools Note to users. If you're seeing this message, it means that your browser cannot find this page's style/presentation instructions or possibly that you are using a browser that does not support current Web standards. Find out more about why this message is appearing, and what you can do to make your experience of our site the best it can be. Site Area Science Magazine Daily News Science Signaling SAGE KE Science Careers All HighWire Journals Terms Advanced Guest Alerts Access Rights My Account Sign In Readers Members Authors Librarians Advertisers Refine by Section: View all Original Research News Book/Web Reviews Set E-Mail Alert Pages: Citations 1-10 of 446 total displayed.
Extractions: Athens/Institution Login Not Registered? User Name: Password: Remember me on this computer Forgotten password? Home Browse My Settings ... Help Quick Search Title, abstract, keywords Author e.g. j s smith Journal/book title Volume Issue Page Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Extractions: Contact Janet McKernan for more information The University of Minnesota houses the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science (MCPS) the oldest center for philosophy of science in the world. Founded by Herbert Feigl in 1953 the Center is a research unit whose members include faculty from a variety of units on the Twin Cities campus. It is the source of the series Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science , published by the University of Minnesota Press. Some of the Center's activities include bringing in guest lectures, organizing conferences, workshops, lecture series, and presenting luncheon seminars. Overall, the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science represents one the world's largest concentrations of resources for the study of philosophy of science. The faculty's research includes a wide variety of issues in the philosophy of science as well as topics relating to particular sciences. Its members include specialists in the philosophies of physics, mathematics, biomedical science, mind, psychology, and cognitive science. The Center maintains relations with and sponsors programs with other units, including the
Oxford Journals | Society The purpose of the BSPS is to study the logic, the methods, and the philosophy of science, as well as those of the various special sciences, including the
Extractions: @import "/resource/css/main.css"; @import "/resource/css/homepage.css"; @import "/resource/css/society.css"; @import "/resource/css/bsps.css"; Skip Navigation The purpose of the BSPS is to study the logic, the methods, and the philosophy of science, as well as those of the various special sciences, including the social sciences. More about the Society... For over fifty years The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science has published the best international work in the philosophy of science. View the current issue Advance Access - articles published online ahead of print Browse the complete BJPS Archive from 1950 Subscribe to the BJPS online Search the BJPS View RSS feed Featured sites: More
Extractions: Celebrating 40 years, 1967-2007 The Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST) is a graduate studies and research institute offering MA and PhD degrees. The main areas of faculty expertise are: history of medicine and biological sciences, history of mathematics and physical sciences, history of technology, general philosophy of science, philosophy of biology, philosophy of medicine, philosophy of physics and philosophy of mathematics. [more] We are proud to announce the launch of Spontaneous Generations , an HPS journal edited by graduate students at IHPST. Annals of Science
Reilly Center -- HPS Graduate Program Graduate program and lecture series for history and philosophy of science. Includes course descriptions.
Scientific Method And Philosophy Of Science Article comparing reductionism and emergence, in the context of history and evolutionary epistemology. Hosted by the Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Extractions: Notebooks 30 Dec 2007 19:31 Philosophy of science these days seems largely concerned with questions of method, justification and reliability - what do scientists do (and are they all doing the same thing? are they doing what they think they're doing?), and does it work, and if so why, and what exactly does it produce? There are other issues, too, like, do scientific theories really tell us about the world, or just give us tools for making predictions (and is there a difference there?). The whole reductionism emergence squabble falls under this discipline, too. But (so far as an outsider can judge), method is where most of the debate is these days. Of course, most scientists proceed in serene indifference to debates in methodology, and indeed all other aspects of the philosophy of science. What Medawar wrote thirty years ago and more is still true today: If the purpose of scientific methodology is to prescribe or expound a system of enquiry or even a code of practice for scientific behavior, then scientists seem to be able to get on very well without it. Most scientists receive no tuition in scientific method, but those who have been instructed perform no better as scientists than those who have not. Of what other branch of learning can it be said that it gives its proficients no advantage; that it need not be taught or, if taught, need not be learned? (Actually
Extractions: Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza and the students and scholars who have either visited it in Florence or have had reason to come to its Homepage. There is no attempt to provide a full listing of internet resources for the history of science or its many sister disciplines; it is hoped that the sources indicated will give access to that wider world. The Istituto is one of the main centers for those disciplines in Italy and Europe, and it provides several on-line services, including this one. The Museo has an important, specialized collection of scientific instruments and artifacts. Emphasized here, then, are Italian and European sites with related activities or interests. Emphasized also are sites which are the result of concerted efforts on the part of their designers to explore the use of the internet for serious research and teaching, wherever they may be in the world. Index A Titolo di Introduzione I siti selezionati in questo elenco si conformano ai criteri determinati dalle caratteristiche dell'
Taylor & Francis Journals: Welcome Interdisciplinary scholarly journal devoted to issues in the philosophy, history, and sociology of science.
Extractions: Contact Us Careers Members of the Group All Products Books Journal Article eBooks Alphabetical Listing Journals by Subject New Journals Authors' Newsletter ... eBooks document.title = 'International Studies in the Philosophy of Science'; Published By: Routledge Volume Number: 22 Frequency: 3 issues per year Print ISSN: 0269-8595 Online ISSN: 1469-9281 Subscribe Online Free Sample Copy Table of Contents Alerting View Full Pricing Details International Studies in the Philosophy of Science is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing original research in philosophy of science and in philosophically informed history and sociology of science. Its scope includes the foundations and methodology of the natural, social, and human sciences, philosophical implications of particular scientific theories, and broader philosophical reflection on science. The editors invite contributions not only from philosophers, historians, and sociologists of science, but also from researchers in the sciences. The journal publishes articles from a wide variety of countries and philosophical traditions. The editors encourage participation in the annual Philosophy of Science conference at the Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, a forum for high-quality research and international debate in philosophy of science. Rated 'A' in the European Reference Index in the Humanities (ERIH)
Extractions: Home Site map Elsevier websites Alerts ... Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A Journal information Product description Editorial board Audience Abstracting/indexing ... Special issues and supplements Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Combined subscriptions Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal-related information Contact the publisher Impact factor Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area ... Select your view STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE PART A Studies in History and Philosophy of Science is devoted to the integrated study of the history, philosophy and sociology of the sciences. The editors encourage contributions both in the long-established areas of the history of the sciences and the philosophy of the sciences and in the topical areas of historiography of the sciences, the sciences in relation to gender, culture and society and the sciences in relation to arts. The Journal is international in scope and content and publishes papers from a wide range of countries and cultural traditions.
SpringerLink Home - Main asp?genre=journal issn=09254560 - Similar pages Centre for Logic and philosophy of sciencePart of the philosophy department at Ghent University, Belgium. Offers information about the research projects, lectures, and workshops.
Extractions: Vito Michele Abrusci, Roma ; Dario Antiseri, Roma ; Giovanni Boniolo, Padova ; Andrea Cantini, Firenze ; Mirella Capozzi, Roma ; Martin Carrier, Bielefeld ; Arturo Carsetti, Roma ; Ettore Casari, Pisa ; Carlo Cellucci, Roma ; Roberto Cordeschi, Salerno ; Giorgio De Rossi, Trieste ; Giuliano Di Bernardo, Trento ; Rosaria Egidi, Roma ; Maria Carla Galavotti, Bologna ; Sergio Galvan, Milano ; Pierdaniele Giarretta, Padova ; Gurol Irzik
SpringerLink Home - Main - philosophy of science at UC IrvineCourses offered in Logic and philosophy of science to graduate and undergraduate students. With location details.
Committee For Philosophy And The Sciences CPaS replaces two previous committees, the Committee for the History and philosophy of science, and the Committee for Cognitive Studies.
Toward A Buddhist Philosophy Of Science An essay examining science, technology, and related topics from a Buddhist perspective.
Extractions: Science is the cornerstone of the European-American culture that has transformed the entire globe over the last few centuries. Buddhism is a deeply rooted religious tradition of Asia, now emerging as a powerful global voice. Science and Buddhism both address the nature of human experience, but in quite different ways. Science elaborates and refines a collection of interconnected theories, facts, procedures, and equipment, constituting an ever more powerful tool for working with and in the world. Buddhism focusses more on the mind and how our way of thinking affects our experience. Both science and Buddhism show how everyday appearances arise from underlying structures. By understanding these structures one gains new freedom, to choose among alternatives by working effectively with the cause and effect relations. Science has given us great power to understand and change the world. But this power has also let us create new and bigger problems for ourselves. Without examining how the dynamics of mind underlies our experience, it might seem that the evolutionary path of science and technology is a matter beyond our choice or responsibility. But the profound insights of Buddhism reveal that our perceptions and actions arise in habitual self-reinforcing cycles, and the methods taught in the Buddhist tradition enable us to intervene in these cycles. Science and technology in some form or other, which is to say some way of thinking about and working with the world, are a fundamental dimension of human existence. Modern science has blossomed by driving the refinement of ideas through public debate grounded in clear evidence. Buddhism shows the dynamics underlying any such evolving pattern of experience, and provides tools to open these patterns to boundless freedom and joy.
History Of Twentieth-Century Philosophy Of Science philosophy of science,TwentiethCentury Philosophy, Introduction to philosophy of science,Artificial Intelligence, Pragmatism, Scientific Discovery
Extractions: Contents (Retrieval for display and downloading may take several minutes depending on the number of pages and your connection speed) BOOK I INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 50 pages Organizational Overview Romanticism Positivism Contemporary Pragmatism Computational Philosophy of Science Synchronic Metalinguistic Analysis
20th WCP: Philosophy Of Science The Paideia Project Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy. Archive of contributed papers in the subject area of philosophy of science.
Extractions: Philosophy of Science The papers indexed below were given at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998. Additional papers may be added to this section as electronic versions are aquired and formatted for the archive. These papers will be listed for a period of time at the What's New? page. Regarding browser support: The papers published in The Paideia Archive webmaster and provide details of the difficulty. In addition to browsing the numerous subject indexes, you may also enter a name or subject keyword in the space below and hit the search button. Philosophy of Science Author's Name Affiliation Paper Title David Boersema Pacific University Inductivism, Naturalism, and Metascientific Theories Universidad Central de Venezuela, The Relational Nature of Species Concepts Critical Comments on Laudan's Theory of Scientific Aims Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata Gustaaf C. Cornelis Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium Is Popularization of Science Possible? Gyorgy Darvas The Institute for Advanced Symmetry Studies, Budapest, Hungary