FABI -The Forestry And Agricultural Biotechnology Institute My research focus is in fungal population genetics using molecular techniques. This includes research on genetic variation within as well as between species http://fabinet.up.ac.za/personnel/showperson.php?id=brendawingfield
McGraw-Hill's AccessScience Sections Heterokaryons; genetics of mating type; Mapping of genes and centromeres; Genes and enzymes; Genetic transformation; fungal transposons http://www.accessscience.com/content.aspx?id=275750
Extractions: University of Hamburg Faculty of Biology Biocenter Klein Flottbek Molecular Phytopathology and Genetics Publications Recent Gácser, A., Trofa, D., Schäfer, W., and Joshua D. Nosanchuk: Targeted gene deletion in a clinical Candida parapsilosis isolate demonstrates the role of secreted lipase in virulence and pathogenesis. Journal of Clinical Investigations; accepted, June 2007. Gácser, A., Schäfer, W., Jerome S. Nosanchuk, Salomon, S., and Joshua D. Nosanchuk: Virulence of Candida parapsilosis, Candida orthopsilosis and Candida metapsilosis in reconstituted human tissue models. Fungal Genetics and Biology, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, (Available online 21 February 2007). Voigt, C.A., von Scheidt, B., Gácser, A., Kassner, H., Lieberei, R., Schäfer, W., and Salomon, S.: Enhanced mycotoxin production of a virulence-reduced Fusarium graminearum mutant correlates to toxin-related gene expression. European Journal of Plant Pathology 117:112 (2007). Abstract Voigt, C.A., Schäfer, W., and Salomon, S.: A comprehensive view on organ-specific callose synthesis in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.): glucan synthase-like gene expression, callose synthase activity, callose quantification and deposition. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 44 (4): 242-247 (2006).
Sectie 3 Intro 2004 These technologies are currently introduced and implemented for application in the running fungalgenetic research. This implementation is facilitated by http://www.ibl.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?c=353
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