Gestalt Therapy Institute Of Philadelphia (GTIP) Provides an overview and history of gestalt therapy, the approach to it at this training center, a newsletter, and a description of training opportunities
ROLF - CrimeServer Rezension des Romans Z¼rich bei Nacht von Roger Graf.
Extractions: Roger Graf: Zürich bei Nacht, Haffmans Verlag Zürich 1996, 271 Seiten, 29.80 DM. "Ich habe früher als Journalist gearbeitet. Heute schreibe ich schlechte Drehbücher für miserable Serien. Programmiere ein wenig auf dem Computer, und daneben suche ich Aufgaben, die mich davor bewahren, als Alkoholiker zu enden." Dieses eigenwillige Anti-Drogen-Programm ist für Marco Biondi der Fahrschein durch die nadelsüchtige Nachtseite Zürichs in die eigene Vergangenheit als Aktivist bei den Jugendkrawallen Anfang der 80-er Jahre und wieder zurück zu den Leichen im Keller seiner damaligen Mitstreiter, die nach Abwurf ihres ideologischen Ballast heute in den seichten Gewässern ihrer Karrieren dahindümpeln. Biondi ist Treibgut einer Jugendbewegung, die zwischen den Drogen Geld und Heroin verpufft ist. Sein gestalterisches Potential schluckt ein digitaler Fußballclub auf seinem Heim-PC, seine Träume der Alptraum der Depression. Der Auftrag, den Verbleib des verschwundenen Martin Boxlers ausfindig zu machen, entpuppt sich, nachdem dieser tot aufgefunden wird, immer mehr als Abrechnung mit den Gespenstern von Biondis eigener jugendbewegter Vergangenheit, die er lange Zeit in Alkohol zu ertränken versucht hatte. Er weiß, daß er, wenn er diesen Fall lösen will, sich diesmal dem Showdowndem er damals ausgewichen ist, stellen muß. Andernfalls hat er den Depressionen, die an seinem Lebensnerv nagen, nichts mehr entgegen zu setzten. Mit Marco Biondi versucht sich Roger Graf aus dem seiner Meinung nach zu engen Korsett des schnodderigen Philip-Maloney-Krimis freizuschreiben und einen Schritt in Richtung atmosphärischer Großstadtroman zu tun. Schade eigentlich, daß der Schritt in die E-Literatur immer mit dem Gestus des Abschieds von der U-Literatur verzwurbelt werden muß. Als Romanfigur ist der schweizer Marlowe Maloney sicher noch nicht ausgereizt, auch wenn der Name für eine eigenständige Entwicklung eine schwere Hypothek sein kann.
International Gestalt Journal Provides abstracts of past issues with subscription and contact information.
Extractions: As Gestalt therapy grows, evolves, and continues its maturation process, new voices become essential to keeping it a healthy and vibrant figure in the professional and academic community. The table of contents for the first six issues of the International Gestalt Journal includes familiar names and some new to the larger Gestalt community.
WebHome Gestalt News Artists gestalt Radio Merchandise Services Photos Mailing List Links About us gestalt Distribution Information.
Gestalt Theory - Authors, Autoren International metalist of gestalt Therapy Associations and Institutes offering professional gestalt psychotherapy training. gestalt Innovative RoleplayingWeb Site of the gestalt Roleplaying System. Featuring system rules and scenarios for free download.
Father Hans Urs Von Balthasar Tribute by Bishops Karl Lehmann and Walter Kasper.
Extractions: Preface to Hans Urs von Balthasar - Gestalt und Werk BISHOP KARL LEHMANN AND BISHOP WALTER KASPER When Hans Urs von Balthasar suddenly left us on June 26,1988 the world lost a man of a stature seldom found today. No less a person than Henri de Lubac considered him the most cultured man of our time. He was a man of the Gospel, of intellectual life, and of culture who uniquely encompassed the great Western and European heritage. Two days before he was to receive the insignia of Cardinal by which John Paul II wanted to honor this teacher of the Church, he took his farewell as if he still wanted to forego the honor which he had accepted in obedience: he was too shaped by the poverty and self-expropriation attested in the Gospel, especially with regard to himself. This man fits no theological, academic, cultural, or political pigeonholes. He was at home everywhere, and yet be was on a restless spiritual journey without ever giving the impression of hectic haste. The usual classifications and political labels (left-right, progressive-conservative-reactionary) could never capture him. His life is a rich testimony of new departures that never brought him to waver in his faithfulness to what is original and essential. Here lies the source of the sovereign manner in which he could judge the spiritual currents and fashions of our time. Although his work is inexhaustible in the abundant number of books he wrote, and although it developed with surprising freshness, it is always concerned with "the one thing" which he considered the one thing necessary, as his master did in the house of Mary and Martha. The deed of God's absolute love enraptured him unceasingly. Let us allow him to say in his own words where he saw the greatest gift given to the Church:
Behavior OnLine Forums - Gestalt Therapy A bulletin board nesting of discussion related to gestalt therapy theory and practice.
Home Provides a range of tertiary course including gestalt psychotherapy and counseling. Profile, information night, workshops, teaching faculty and contact details.
Extractions: Wollongong Harbor Residential Workshops Illawarra Gestalt Centre... Welcome to the Web Site of the Illawarra Gestalt Centre, which is situated in Wollongong near the University at Keiraville. This site provides information about our current training programs along with details about the centre and the teaching faculty. There is also details about upcoming workshops and the information night for enrolment in the 2005 programs. This is our 21st year as a training centre and many hundreds of students have attended the program in that time from across NSW, Victoria and ACT. One of our graduates have recently completed the Master of Gestalt Therapy at La Trobe and there are currently over 60 students enrolled in our Graduate Diploma in Gestalt Therapy Illawarra Gestalt Centre Counselling and Psychotherapy A Community Approach... IGC is a community of faculty, students and graduates and this is reflected in the training program. This community of people has played a significant role in the growth and evolution of Gestalt therapy both in Australia and overseas. The community of IGC supports the ongoing evolution of Gestalt therapy through a wide variety of activities such as conferences, journal editorial boards, research, publications and ongoing training and education. Het overzicht voor alles wat er in Nederland over/van gestalt op het internet staat. Verdeeld in uitleg gestalt, gestaltpraktijken, opleidingen,
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Gestalt Psychotherapy - Index links to major resources for gestalt psychotherapy areas of research and academic interest.
301 Moved Permanently Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Gstalt-J Email Discussion List Provides a description of this listserv discussion group, which is an online community of gestalt therapists, trainers, and trainees; includes a link to the archives of the list at St. Johns University.