Neuropsych Experiment Home Page Participate in online psychology experiments about cognitive neuropsychology.
Vanderbilt University - Psychology cognitive science is one of three main subfields for undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of psychology.
Extractions: The Department of Psychology in the College of Arts and Science at Vanderbilt University emphasizes the basic science of psychology. The faculty are particularly concerned with research on adult cognitive abilities; the lifetime development of cognitive and neural function; adult and adolescent psychopathology (with a particular focus on cognitive, emotional, and neuro-psychological dysfunction); and the development, organization, and function of the nervous system as it relates to these abilities and maladies. The Psychology Department consists of three general areas: Recent research by members of the Department of Psychology has been highlighted on Exploration , the online research journal of Vanderbilt University. Click here for some recent articles highlighted research by members of our department. The Department also offers an interdisciplinary major in Social Psychology. Many members of the Psychology faculty are also part of the Vanderbilt Vision Research Center , the Center for Integrative and Cognitive Neuroscience , the Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development , and the Learning Sciences Institute
Journal Of Experimental Child Psychology publishes articles on all aspects of the development of children, including research on cognitive, social, and physical development.
Extractions: Home Site map Regional Sites Advanced Product Search ... Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Journal information Product description Editorial board Abstracting/indexing For Authors Guide for authors Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Impact factor Other journals in same subject area About Elsevier Select your view JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY The Journal of Experimental Child Psychology is an excellent source of information concerning all aspects of the development of children. It includes psychological research on cognitive, social, and physical development. Although the focus is on reports of experiments with infants, children, and adolescents, the journal also includes theoretical papers and methodological notes. In the new Reflections format, a lead empirical article is followed by a set of reflections on the article. Scholars discuss one or more of the empirical, theoretical, methodological, or analytical issues raised by the initial paper. In addition, the journal periodically publishes Special Topic issues.
The Department Of Psychology At The University Of Alabama At the graduate level, the Department of psychology offers the Ph.D. degree in cognitive and clinical psychology. The stated mission of these programs is to
Extractions: SACS Reaffirmation of Accreditation Mission Although the authors of this Web site have made every reasonable effort to be factually accurate, no responsibility is assumed for editorial or clerical errors or error occasioned by honest mistake. All information contained on this Web site is subject to change without prior notice. For any comments or suggestions pertaining to this web site contact Darlene Smith
HCI International 2003 10th International Conference on HCI. Held jointly with Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2003, 5th International Conference on Engineering psychology and cognitive Ergonomics, and 2nd International Conference on Universal Access in Human Computer Interaction. 22-27 Jun 2003. Crete, Greece.
Consciousness The refereed journal provides a forum for new work relating the arts and literature to the exploration of consciousness currently flourishing in many disciplines such as philosophy, cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and physics.
UH Center For Neuro-Engineering And Cognitive Science Members of business, computer science, electrical engineering, optometry, philosophy and psychology comprise the cognitive Science Initiative, which instituted a graduate certificate program and a summer program for undergraduate research in 1998.
Extractions: UH Center for Neuro-Engineering and Cognitive Science The Cognitive Science Initiative has become a new center, CNECS. Our web pages are still being developed. During this time, please contact the director, Dr. Haluk Ogmen , or the associate director, Dr. Anne Jacobson , for further information. For the Spring 2003 Graduate Introduction to Cognitive Science, please click here For more information about our certificate, please click here See also our current lecture series
New Page 1 Undergraduate students may concentrate on basic or applied cognitive science at this Catholic institution. The program is administered by the Departments of psychology and Computing Sciences.
Extractions: Log on Cognitive Science Homepage Home Contact Information Academic Programs Academic Policies Advising Degrees/ Minors/Concentrations Departments/ Programs ... Graduate Studies Administration Library Documents Strategic Planning Committee Technical Support Faculty ... Students Publications Augustine Day by Day Enchiridion Handbook Graduate School Catalog Undergraduate Catalog ... Journals Special Events Mendel Medal Villanova University Prospective Students Students Parents Your browser does not support JavaScript! The C ognitive Science Program at Villanova University offer s a course of study related to intelligent systems with particular emphasis on the perspectives of cognitive psychology, computer science, philosophy and biology. A n undergraduate concentration and an undergraduate minor are available to students in all of the undergraduate colleges of the University. Coming Speakers Fall 2005 speaker TBA The Discipline of Cognitive Science Human beings are "intelligent systems" in that we can learn, remember, and think. But, do computers think? Do animals? What is thinking, anyway, and how do we do it? How is brain activity involved? What would it take to make a computer really see or understand language as we can? On a more practical level, why do diseases such as Alzheimer's and schizophrenia disrupt thought? How is it that a computer can beat a world champion in chess? Why is it so hard to program a VCR? These are some of the basic and applied questions addressed by the interdisciplinary field known as Cognitive Science.
Miami Univ. Department Of Psychology The Department of psychology features a program in brain and cognitive science, in the areas of behavioral neuroscience, human factors/ergonomics, and perception and cognition.
Extractions: Psychology at Miami University Department News With over 40 faculty and staff members, the Dept. of Psychology offers courses that serve nearly 3,000 students every semester, including over 1,000 undergraduate majors . We also train approximately 70 graduate students in three major areas of research emphasis in our doctoral programs The department resides in Benton Hall (see photo), which houses our offices, classrooms, and research laboratories. We invite you to learn more about our department and its mission. Progress on the new Psychology Building is continuing, with the building growing month by month (this photo was taken in May 2005, and clicking on it provides larger photos). The new state-of-the-art building is being constructed on Patternson Avenue, and it will house our classrooms, offices, and labs. The new building is scheduled for a 2006 move-in date. Research areas For undergrads For grads Contacting us Our department is a collection of researchers whose interests fall into three primary subareas
Extractions: Hebrew University MAPS has pledged $5,000 to this research into the analysis of ayahuasca visions from a cognitive psychology perspective. Returning Home Admittedly, ayahuasca would not have been known to us in the West had it not been for the daring adventures of botanists and anthropologists. Yet, the real puzzles this brew presents pertain, I think, neither to botany nor to culture but rather to the hum an mind. As such, the study of ayahuasca belongs first and foremost to the domain of psychology, and more specifically cognitive psychology - the discipline investigating the workings of the human mind. While there have been some clinical psychological stu dies of ayahuasca, to date no cognitive investigation has been carried out. Research Resumes In the course of my stay in South America, I interviewed many users of ayahuasca regarding their experiences. At first, the interviews were conducted in a non-systematic fashion. Later, I returned to Brazil and Peru and employed a structured questionnaire. In it people were asked about the content of their visions, as well as other effects that the brew produced in them. The informants included indigenous and non-indigenous persons, medicine men and masters of ayahuasca ceremonies, people with long-time experience with the drink and ones who had taken it for the first time.
Psychology At Trinity The psychology Department has many course offerings in cognitive science for undergraduate students.
Department Of Psychology - Home Some main areas of research in the Department of psychology are developmental psychology, cognition and cognitive neuroscience, language, and perception.
University Of Memphis Through the Department of psychology, the M.S./Ph.D. program in Experimental psychology trains students in cognitive science and its related fields.
Extractions: ENTER A WARM WELCOME FROM I.A.C.E.P. The International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology IACEP offers you a warm (and thoughtful) welcome to our website. We hope that you will frequently find your way here. We expect to update content regularly. Here, you will discover information about our organization its purposes, functions, and history and why you should consider being a part of IACEP, and how you can do that. Here, you will learn about cognitive education: its meaning and its mission, and also much about cognitive psychology. You will see the latest issue of the Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, a peer-reviewed publication published exclusively at this site. You will see news about recent and upcoming meetings sponsored by IACEP, as well as other newsworthy events relevant to cognitive education and cognitive psychology. If you are a member of IACEP, you will have access to our membership directory (in addition to full access to the text of current and prior issues of the Journal.) And of course, all readers are invited to contact the organization. We appreciate your comments, questions, and ideas. In fact, we welcome them!
HCII 2005: Home 11th International Conference on HumanComputer Interaction. Jointly organized with Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2005, 6th International Conference on Engineering psychology and cognitive Ergonomics, 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, 1st International Conference on Virtual Reality, 1st International Conference on Usability and Internationalization, 1st International Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing, and 1st International Conference on Augmented Cognition. 22-27 Jul 2005. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Professor Ned Block Philosopher of psychology, cognitive Science, and Consciousness. Online articles and course outlines.
Extractions: e-mail: NED BLOCK (Ph.D., Harvard), Silver Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, came to NYU in 1996 from MIT where he was Chair of the Philosophy Program. He works in philosophy of mind and foundations of neuroscience and cognitive science and is currently writing a book on consciousness. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences has been a Guggenheim Fellow , a Senior Fellow of the Center for the Study of Language and Information, a Sloan Foundation Fellow, a faculty member at two NEH Institutes and two NEH Seminars, the recipient of fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies and the National Science Foundation ; and a recipient of the Robert A. Muh Award in Humanities and Social Science from MIT. He is a past president of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, a past Chair of the MIT Press Cognitive Science Board of Syndics, and past President of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness The Philosophers' Annual selected his papers as one of the "ten best" in
SBBS The School of Human Development offers B.A./B.S. programs in cognitive Science, psychology, and Neuroscience, and an M.S. program in Applied Cognition and Neuroscience.
Extractions: THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS SCHOOL OF BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES About us Admissions Undergraduate Graduate ... Webmaster Dr. Bert S. Moore Dean, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences About the Dean The School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences is concerned with the study of human development throughout the life span, including normal perceptual, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, social, and physiological processes, as well as individual differences in these processes. The School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences is housed in Green Hall on the main campus of The University of Texas at Dallas and in the Callier Center for Communication Disorders. Green Hall contains numerous laboratories and observation rooms for research on perception, memory, psycholinguistics, and social interaction, as well as extensive neuroscience facilities The Callier Center with locations both on campus and downtown Dallas, houses sophisticated behavioral and neuroscience facilities for research in the communication sciences and disorders. The Callier Center provides excellent opportunities for study of a broad range of communication disorders. Outpatient clinics for persons having speech, language, and hearing disorders see more than 75,000 clients per year. Infant and preschool programs serve nearly 200 hearing, hearing-impaired, and language-impaired children. Students also participate in research at the nearby University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and at area hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation facilities.
UCI Department Of Cognitive Sciences Visual and auditory perception, experimental psychology, and mathematical psychology predominate the curriculum and research in the Department of cognitive Sciences.
Extractions: Margaret Diddams, PhD, Microsoft Corporation Most people do not think of psychology in their image of the high-tech world of software applications. Yet at Microsoft (MS), many psychologists make significant contributions in both software and people development in different groups across the company. Several psychologists are directly involved with product development. Mary Czerwinski researches user interface technologies. Her research interests include navigation on the web, as well as attention and perception questions in 3D environments. She has found that her psychology background is invaluable in exploring the best coupling between the user and the computing technologies she works with. Mary received her PhD in Cognitive Psychology from Indiana University in 1988 and has published in both the attention and human-computer interaction fields. Mary came to Microsoft because this is the place to do software or any other kind of advanced user-technology interaction, and because they were extremely supportive of her quantitative approach to user research as it applies to software design.