Jean-Yves Thibaudet (biografia) Translate this page Pianista de extraordinária sensibilidade musical, jean-yves thibaudet é conhecido Durante esta mesma temporada, jean-yves thibaudet tocou ainda com as
Salon | Sharps And Flats: Rachmaninov 4, Corelli Variations, Piano Sonata No. 2, Prelude in Csharp minor JEAN-YVESTHIBAUDET, PIANO THE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY VLADIMIR ASHKENAZY
Extractions: R achmaninov's music has always been invaluable, if not for its intrinsic merit, then for its ability to help us distinguish between two character types. Pluck a random person from a subway train or sidewalk and place her in a concert hall where Rachmaninov's music is being played. If she dissolves into a puddle of salty Russian tears, she is certain to be a member of the human race; if she runs sneering from the hall, she is most definitely a critic. After growing up an ardent fan and advocate of the composer (to the extent that an unfriendly middle school classmate signed my seventh-grade yearbook, "To Mr. Paul 'Rachmaninov's 3rd Piano Concerto' Festa"), I completely forgot about this music from about the age of 16 until this week, when I received from London Records the disc of Jean-Yves Thibaudet performing, among other works, the fourth piano concerto, with the Cleveland Orchestra under the direction of Vladimir Ashkenazy. On hearing the disc, I realized that I had indeed become a critic.
Beethovenfest 2005 unserer Zeit gilt, besticht durch seine ausdrucksstarken Phrasierungen,