Austria - Bands And Artists Top Links Schubert Boys Choir Based in Vienna. albert sassmann - piano - This is theofficial Homepage of the Austrian pianist albert sassmann.
CompuServe - Search Centre MATCHING SITES. albert sassmann piano This is the official Homepage ofthe Austrian pianist albert sassmann. http//members.tripod
Untitled My name is albert sassmann, I am an Austrian concert pianist (see also Curriculumin Italian and English on the end of the mail) and I have the honour to
Extractions: Associazione Culturale di Musica e arti Multimediali Dear Sirs, My name is Albert Sassmann , I am an Austrian concert - pianist (see also Curriculum in Italian and English on the end of the mail) and I have the honour to play a Piano Solo - Recital in Rome in co-organization with the Istituto Austriaco a Roma and a Roman concert promoting association. The concert will take place on Sunday, July 8 th 2001 in Rome either in Marcellus Theatre or in Casina delle Civette at Villa Torlonia. The title of the recital is and is a compilation of Viennese and Viennese influenced music abroad. (Detailed Program on the bottom of the mail) I wanted to contact you directly if your Association would be interested to promote a concert with this specific program in addition to my performance in Rome. I will presumably also have an appearance in Marche some days later and one in Alto Adige at this time. So please let me know if you are interested in any artistic collaboration. In order to gain a better impression of my person and repertoire and program ideas please feel free to visit my Homepage, where you can also listen to sound files, at
Pianists S sassmann, albert Official site of the Austrian pianist. http// Sattler, Michael German piano player and accompanist.
S Pianists Piano sassmann, albert Official site of the Austrian pianist. mitglied.lycos.deView ratings for sassmann, albert or rate sassmann, albert. » sassmann, albert Official site of the Austrian pianist. » Sattler, Michael -German piano player and accompanist. Jazz, tango and world music.
Pianist albert sassmann Aldo Alessandra Ammara Alexandre Pirojenko Alexei Sultanov Alexis Alexander Ffrench Alfred Brendel Alfred Cortot Ali Wood
Orpheus Musikverzeichnis: Suchergebnisse Österreich Translate this page (anderes, 185). Musiker Klavier albert sassmann - Klavier Der pianist albertsassmann stellt sich mit zahlreichen Links und Soundbeispielen vor
Tasten - Verzeichnis Translate this page sassmann, albert - Homepage des österreichischen pianisten mit Lebenslauf undHörbeispielen Schlüter, Michael - Der deutsche pianist informiert über sich - Suche Translate this page Roggan, Carlos Der pianist und Kammermusiker, Interpret spanischer und sassmann,albert Homepage des österreichischen pianisten mit Lebenslauf und Urayama, Junko Biography, diary, repertoire, MP3 clips and mailing list.sassmann, albert - Official site of the Austrian pianist.
RUED.NET - Interpreten - Tasten Translate this page http// sassmann, albert Homepage des österreichischenpianisten Schlüter, Michael Der deutsche pianist informiert über
Tasten In Kategorie Interpreten :--> Bei DE4YOU - Verzeichnis Deutscher We Translate this page Der pianist und Kammermusiker, Interpret spanischer und zeitgenössischer Musik,informiert über sich und stellt Hörproben eigener MP3s zur sassmann, albert.
Allesklar Webkatalog: Pianisten Translate this page albert sassmann (Wien) - Solist. Der österreichische pianist stellt sich mitzahlreichen Links und Soundbeispielen vor.
Tiscali - Search Translate this page Der pianist und Dirigent aus der Schweiz informiert über sich, sassmann, albert.Homepage des österreichischen pianisten mit Lebenslauf und
Arts & Crafts Europe -> Music In Austria Bands and Artists albert sassmann piano This is the official Homepage of the Austrian pianist albert sassmann.