Danacord Records: List Of Artists fialkowska, janina piano Fiorentino, Sergio - piano Five, The Nordic Flagstad,Kirsten Forsberg, Bengt - piano Fowke, Philip - piano http://www.danacord.dk/artists/_artists.html
Extractions: Violinist Annalee Patipatanakoon, cellist Roman Borys and my brother Jamie Parker at the keyboard, formed the Gryphon Trio in 1993. In addition to keeping up a hectic touring schedule, they also hold teaching positions and are committed to bringing music to young people. Interests: Trek and X-Files, cars and Canadian hockey, Belgian beer, wine and dogs! - even if they're a little rambunctious and jump right through basement doors and window screens, right Jamie ;) Gene, Chuck, Stuart, Joe and Jeff, A.K.A. the Canadian Brass , share my opinion that having fun and being serious about aspiring high quality in music performance can go hand in hand. Proof: they have dedicated fans who log 3850 miles/year driving to attend every Brass concert within their reach! These guys are fancy dressers, too, check out the footwear on some of their CD covers... Founder Janina Fialkowska likes to call Piano Six Cellist Bion Tsang 's sidekick on his tours is named "Screechy", a Giovanni Bianchi cello made in Florence, Italy in 1746. Golfer, websurfer and Miami Dolphins fan, he is also the artistic director of the Laurel Festival of the Arts . The artist line-up features an exquisite selection of musicians, among whom his wife, cellist Amy Levine Tsang, a member of the
Michelle Kyle's Personal Site - Piano My solo performance at this competition received praise from pianist JaninaFialkowska. Me and Tom Plaunt. I enjoyed playing chamber music with saxophonist http://www.iadesign.ca/michelle/piano.html
Extractions: Go to ... Baby squirrels Bouncing ball Eyeball page! Geoff Lee Michelle: Counterpoint Nursing Class of '53 Neat things Photoshop San Francisco Transformation Wave Who's this? I began piano lessons at age four, in a Yamaha music school classroom with a group of children using electronic pianos. I enjoyed playing, and soon began taking private piano lessons, playing piano for school assemblies and performing in local music festivals. My brother Dave, me and Uncle Frank Lukowich on fiddle As a child, an important part of my development as a musician was jamming with relatives in Saskatchewan. I have fond memories of us all sitting out in a field under the bright prairie sun. We played whatever was available, from accordions and guitars to spoons, pots and pans! While most child musicians either have classical training or a natural ability to play "by ear" (playing whatever you hear, without reading sheet music), I had both, which opened up interesting opportunities. At age 11, I began working as a musician, playing piano and accordion "by ear" for five Ottawa employers including Ukrainian dance schools, churches and the dance company Dnipro. When a singer of stature from Ukraine came to Canada to perform a recital, I was chosen to accompany her.
Concerti 2003 - 2004 pianisti canadesi, conosciuti a livello internazionale, che da 10 anni va http://www.ghione.it/Concerti/2005/Fialkowska/Comunicato.htm
Extractions: L'eccezionale talento artistico e la brillante virtuosità di Janina Fialkowska le hanno fatto guadagnare unaccoglienza entusiastica del pubblico e dei critici nel mondo. Celebre per le sue interpretazioni dei classici e romantici, è particolarmente acclamata come una delle più grandi interpreti di Liszt e Chopin. Acclamata anche per le sue interpretazioni di compositori viventi sia nelle registrazioni che nei concerti dal vivo. Regolarmente invitata a suonare con le più importanti orchestre dell America del Nord tra le quali: Chicago Symphony, Cleveland, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Houston Symphony, Pittsburgh Symphony e anche con tutte le principali orchestre Canadesi: Toronto Symphony, National Arts Centre Orchestra di Ottawa, Calgary Philharmonic e Vancouver Symphony.