Ferrati - The Artist "There is no doubt that Ferrati is a superior pianist who has the spark of an artist" Hanoch Ron. Yediot Acharonot (Israel) 04.04.2001 http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Master Class English Version teacher Massimiliano Ferrati Massimiliano Ferrati, pianist. The teacher of the Master Class Meeting the Artist Home Su Regulations http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Classical Piano Links Diana Fanning Pianist Jos Feghali Pianist (BR) Massimiliano Ferrati Pianist (IT) Peter Feuchtwanger Pianist (DE/UK) http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Massimiliano Ferrati, Pianista MASSIMILIANO FERRATI pianista "There is no doubt that Ferrati is a superior pianist who has the spark of an artist http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Concorso Casagrande Massimiliano Ferrati, allievo di Mila Zamparo e Paul Badura Skoda, si sta perfezionando all fith finalist" to the Southcorean pianist Jimin http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Welcome To Piano.com ferrati, massimiliano Italian pianist offers biography, photos, sound clips oflive recordings, and more. Gavrilov, Andrei - provides information on the http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm
Massimiliano Ferrati Official Web Site Translate this page MASSIMILIAN O. ferrati. pianist. E N T E R. Best resolution 1024 x 768. html hitcounter. http://www.massimilianoferrati.com/
Ferrati - Press Excerpts massimiliano ferrati, a highly gifted young pianist extraordinarily musical,wellbalanced in the interpretation of the text His Mozart is so pleasant to http://digilander.libero.it/voxartis/master_eng_ferrati_press_excerpts.htm
Extractions: Massimiliano Ferrati's Press Excerpts "...Massimiliano Ferrati, a highly gifted young pianist: extraordinarily musical, well-balanced in the interpretation of the text...His Mozart is so pleasant to listen to, fluid and extremely clear in expressing the musical content...When he plays Chopin...he achieves exceptional effects..." Sergio Garbato. "Il Resto del Carlino" (Italy), 3.2.1993 "...a recital in memory of Magaloff...by a promising new young pianist: Massimiliano Ferrati won the hearts of the audience and made his way as a concert performer. He displays a wealth of vigorous resources and a penetrating understanding of the logic of the text. Filled with fervour, he "speaks the language" of the composers with enthusiasm of ideas, phrasing, questions. In his interpretation of Mozart...the image evolves moment by moment in a range of effective answers. In Chopin...his highly refined sound turns to magic, the breath being held momentarily...the vigour, the exaltation...His Chopin is authoritative, applauded even in the three encores." Franca Cella. "Corriere della Sera" (Italy), 4.5.1993
Classical Piano Links José Feghali pianist (BR) massimiliano ferrati pianist (IT) Peter Feuchtwangerpianist (DE/UK) Sergio Fiorentino pianist (IT) (d. 1998) http://www.carolinaclassical.com/pianolinks.html
Links Translate this page Gabriele Baldocci italian pianist. massimiliano ferrati italian pianist. Jenny Linamerican pianist. William Grant Naboré american pianist, http://www.geocities.com/alessandraammara/links.htm
Extractions: Gabriele Baldocci italian pianist Massimiliano Ferrati italian pianist Jenny Lin american pianist William Grant Naboré american pianist, Teahcer and Artistic Director of the International Piano Foundation Roberto Prosseda italian pianist and partner of the Ammara Prosseda Piano Duet Luca Rasca italian pianist Inna Faliks Russian-American pianist Monique de Saint Croix canadian photographer Esther Honens International Piano Competition Furcht Pianoforti Fondazione Internazionale per il Pianoforte "Theo Lieven" Pianomedia.com ... Musiciansgallery.com
Italiano massimiliano ferrati, pianist, was born in 1970. In 1991, he received afirstclass honours diploma at the A. Buzzolla Conservatory http://www.goumbria.it/turismo/cm_dettaglio.wbs?id_contenuto=150482&id_categorie
Links Gabriele Baldocci Italian pianist. massimiliano ferrati Italian pianist. Jenny LinAmerican pianist. William Grant Naboré American pianist, http://www.alessandraammara.com/friends.htm
Extractions: Alessandra's Friends Gabriele Baldocci Italian pianist Massimiliano Ferrati Italian pianist Jenny Lin American pianist William Grant Naboré American pianist, Teacher and Artistic Director of the International Piano Foundation Roberto Prosseda Italian pianist and partner of the Ammara Prosseda Piano Duet Luca Rasca Italian pianist Monique de Saint Croix Canadian photographer Esther Honens International Piano Competition Furcht Pianoforti "Theo Lieven" International Piano Foundation ... www.pianists-artists.com
Concorso Casagrande Translate this page Prosseda from Latina (third prize), massimiliano ferrati from Adria to Roberto Prossedaand Massirniliano ferrati for the to the South-corean pianist Jimin Lee http://www.concorsocasagrande.org/docs/doc4.htm
Extractions: L'ultima edizione del prestigioso concorso che ha laureato in passato pianisti del calibro di Alexander Lonquich, Boris Petrushallsky, Ivo Pogorelich, Guhel e Suher Pekinel, si e svolto dal 3 al 14 giugno 1998; unaa delle migliori edizioni, a detta del presidente Dario De Rosa e dell'intera giuria, per I' altissimo livello di preparazione dei giovani pianisti. Circa un centinaio gli iscritti di cui 51 presenti, numerosi gli italiani di cui tre finalisti premiati: Alessandra Maria Ammara di Firenze (II premio), Roberto Prosseda di Latina (III premio), Massimiliano Ferrati di Adria (IV premio). Inoltre e stato assegnato ex aequo un premio speciale a Roberto Prosseda e Massirniliano Ferrati per Ia migliore esecuzione della composizione "I segni dello zodiaco" di Alessandro Casagrande; premio speciale per l'esecuzione di Schubert a Alexei Nabioulin e diploma di finalista e "premio alla quinta finalista" alla pianista sud-coreana Jimin Lee Alexei Nabioulin ha studiato alla Scuola Speciale di Mosca sotto la guida di Gadjev Syavusc, attualmente studia con Michail Voskressellskij al Conservatorio di Mosca. Ha conseguito premi in impotanti concorsi in Russia e ha tenuto numerosi concerti nel Nord Europa.
Pianist massimiliano ferrati Mathieu Papadiamandis Matt Savage Matthew Fries Matthew Shipp Matthew Zachary Matthijs Verschoor Maurizio Pollini http://www.prartmusic.com/html/cool_piano.htm
Classical Pianists, Music And Videos: E-L ferrati, massimiliano Official Site FINCH, MATTHEW Official Site FOSSI, MATTEO GermanBiography FOUNTAIN, IAN FUJITA PIANO TRIO, THE Official Site http://www.musicportal.com/classical_pianists_e_l.html
Extractions: Competition Results N.B.: AAF manages a database that contains more than 28,000 names of pianists and their achievements in International Piano Competitions. That adds up to more than 80,000 competition results Here, you can only view a small selection . If you join the Alink-Argerich Foundation, you can obtain any further detail: names of prizewinners jury members contestants of hundreds of competitions