B Classical Performers Index Backhaus, Wilhelm (VIL helm BAHK house) (26 MAR 1884 1969)Ger=pianist berman, bart Dutch=P; berman, Lazar (LAH zar BER man) (Leningrad, http://www.geocities.com/musiclassical/performers/b.html
Extractions: A B C D ... Z Soloists, conductors and Ensembles. MAJOR performing artists of the past and present, with date of birth, death, nationality and pronunciation. Remember the links are maintained by the source and we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Babin, Viktor (13 DEC - )Rus=p-comp Bachauer, Gina (21 MAY - )(GEE' nah BAHK' how er)Gr=P Bachir, Munir IRAQ=Oud ( - OCT 1997
Tutti Main Bal, Jeroen. Nederlands pianist Barenboim, Daniel. Israëlisch dirigent enpianist berman, bart. Nederlands pianist http://www.villatutti.nl/main.asp?item=tutti&id=itemlist2&avatar=9&type=10&sortb
Superzoeker, Dat Zoekt Super! Waardering 8.00 Stemmen 2 - Waardeer deze site Concert op 30 november 2002 inUtrecht. » Notes on Franz Schubert door pianist bart berman http://www.superzoeker.nl/html/sgp275.html
Site De Michel Baron - Liens Musicaux Translate this page Notes on Franz Schubert by pianist bart berman. The Davidsbündler, source surdivers compositeurs. The Harpischord music of Padre Antonio Soler. http://pages.infinit.net/baron/signmb.htm
Extractions: CANADA EUROPE AILLEURS Documentation Documentation Documentation En espagnol ... Éditeurs de partitions en anglais Pour revenir à ce menu, cliquez sur les Ajout/correction d'un lien ? En priorité ici, des sites concernant la musique dite "classique", mais aussi quelques trouvailles originales. Pour l'orgue, aucun lien ici. Consultez la meilleure banque de liens concernant l' orgue sur le site d'André Côté : La Scena Musicale , le guide canadien de la musique classique. www.canmusic.com , The Official Web Site of Canadian Music. Place des Arts , Montréal. Abonnez-vous gratuitement à votre agenda culturel régional personnalisé et hebdomadaire. La Toile des Arts (sur le site de la Place des Arts, Montréal). Concerts , spectacles musicaux (site Rideau-inc). Le Centre de musique canadienne Bibliothèque du Canada: Index des périodiques musicaux canadiens La revue Sonances Festival International de Duo-Piano du Québec FideArt , Chapelle Historique du Bon-Pasteur, Québec. Messe des artistes et autres concerts.
Www.dse.nl/pso en tenslotte pianist bart van de Roer (momenteel als hoofdvakdocent verbondenaan het en uitstekende musici, zoals Peter Frank en Boris berman. http://www.itoa.nl/pso/241storioni.htm
Extractions: Schitterende instrumenten, een veelomvattend repertoire, voortreffelijk spel en een uitgelezen visie, dat alles kenmerkt het in zijn bijna vijfjarig bestaan al meermaals gelauwerde Storioni Pianotrio. Want dat dit trio over bijzondere kwaliteiten beschikt, wordt niet alleen erkend door het enthousiaste publiek en de lovende pers. Ook de juryrapporten liegen er niet om: zo ontving het trio in juni 1999 op grond van 'integer en tegelijkertijd meeslepend musiceren' de 'Karel Hilsum Prijs' - een maand later gevolgd door de 'Parisot Price' voor het beste deelnemende ensemble aan het Norfolk Chamber Music Festival in de Verenigde Staten, wegens de capaciteit 'door te dringen tot de kern van de zaak'. Het wekt dan ook geen verwondering dat tal van gerenommeerde musici, onder wie Isaac Stern, Ralph Kirschbaum en de leden van het Emerson Kwartet, graag met het Storioni Pianotrio samenwerken. 'Het Storioni Pianotrio... , verrassend goed.' (NRC Handelsblad, december 1997)
Pianist bart berman; Boris berman a href= http//www.uni-protokolle.de/Lexikon/pianist.html pianist /a http://www.uni-protokolle.de/Lexikon/Pianist.html
EPTA Nederland History De jazzpianist Rob van Bavel sloot in 1987 zijn studie aan het Rotterdams Rotterdam als leerling van bart berman en in Amsterdam bij Willem Brons - was http://www.eptanederland.nl/history/20-worldsmeet.html
Extractions: Rob van Bavel De geschiedenis van de jazz-piano De jazz-pianist Rob van Bavel sloot in 1987 zijn studie aan het Rotterdams Conservatorium 'cum laude' af. Nadien won hij diverse prijzen, o.a. de Wessel Ilcken Prijs in Nederland en de tweede prijs van de prestigieuze Thelonious Monk Competition in de U.S.A. Naast drukke werkzaamheden als pianist, o.a. in het Piet Noordijk Quartet, het Dutch Jazz Orchestra en als begeleider van de vocalist Ronald Douglas, is Rob van Bavel docent aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium te Den Haag en de Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten te Amsterdam. Van de vele platen en CD's waarop hij als solist/leider of begeleider te horen is, werd de CD Rob van Bavel Trio met een Edison bekroond. In zijn lecture schetst Rob de historische ontwikkeling van de jazz-piano. De respectievelijke stijlen die in de loop van de 20-ste eeuw opgang maakten, met name de rol van de piano daarin, worden besproken en hetzij aan de hand van oude opnamen, hetzij 'live' aan de piano toegelicht. Bijzondere aandacht wordt besteed aan de rol van de linkerhand en de invloed van de klassieke (piano)muziek op de ontwikkeling van de jazzpiano.
Extractions: von mehr Info Mitglied werden Suche: Bart Berman Bart Berman 29. Dezember in Rotterdam ) ist ein international wirksamer Pianist , bekannt als Interpret Franz Schuberts und neuer Musik . Als Solist wurde ihm der erste Preis im Gaudeamus Wettbewerb f¼r Interpreten zeitgen¶ssischer Musik und der Freundenkranz des Concertgebouw zugekannt. Bart Berman hat manche urspr¼ngliche Werke komponiert, Kadenzen zu allen Klavierkonzerten von Haydn Mozart und Beethoven und eine zweite Klavierpartei zu Sonatinen von Muzio Clementi und Daniel Steibelt. Am bekanntesten wurden seine Vollendungen zu Schuberts unvollendeten Klaviersonaten und zu J.S. Bachs Kunst der Fuge Personendaten NAME Berman, Bart ALTERNATIVNAMEN KURZBESCHREIBUNG niederl¤ndischer Pianist GEBURTSDATUM 29. Dezember GEBURTSORT Rotterdam STERBEDATUM STERBEORT Seitenkategorien: Mann Pianist Komponist Israeli ... Amazon.de
Bart Berman bart berman,Komposition Notes on Franz Schubert von bart berman http://www.netzwelt.de/lexikon/Bart_Berman.html
Extractions: Themen Ratgeber Shopping Forum ... PDA Sie sind hier: Home Lexikon Bart Berman 29. Dezember in Rotterdam ) ist ein niederländisch israelischer Pianist , bekannt als Interpret Franz Schuberts und neuer Musik Er studierte Klavier mit Jaap Spaanderman am Amsterdamer Konservatorium und vervollendete seine Studien mit Theo Bruins und mit einem Meisterkurs von Alfred Brendel Als Solist wurde ihm der erste Preis im Gaudeamus Wettbewerb für Interpreten zeitgenössischer Musik , der Freundenkranz des Concertgebouw und vier Erstpreise für junge Solisten zugekannt. Er tritt auf in Israel, Europa und in den Vereinigten Staaten als Solist und in verschiedenenen Kammermusikgruppen Bart Berman studierte Komposition mit Bertus van Lier am Amsterdamer Konservatorium und mit Wouter van den Berg. Er hat manche ursprüngliche Werke komponiert, Kadenzen zu allen Klavierkonzerten von Haydn Mozart und Beethoven und eine zweite Klavierstimme zu Sonatinen von Muzio Clementi und Daniel Steibelt. Am bekanntesten wurden seine Vollendungen zu Schuberts unvollendeten Klaviersonaten und zu J.S. Bachs
Kurt Ribak - June 2004 Gigs It s right across from the Palace Hotel and is right by the Montgomery StreetBART station. Eric berman, a noted local Latin pianist, will be with us. http://www.ribak.com/june04gigs.html
Extractions: art credit: El Rey - based on a photo by July gigs gigs gigs gigs gigs NOTE: Gigs are often added, canceled, or rescheduled at the last minute. You are welcome to call or e-mail me to confirm performance dates and times. The gigs listed below are an incomplete list and do not include private engagements. Tuesday, June 1, 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM Lorna K - classic jazz vocals 21 and over This is a lovely old bar and grill, founded 1908. It's right across from the Palace Hotel and is right by the Montgomery Street BART station. It's an easy place to have an after-work drink if you work downtown. I've worked with Lorna for many years, but was too busy with my band in May to play with her. It will be fun to play with her again, especially as Greg Sankovich will be on piano. Greg is the pianist in my trio. We play well together. Wednesday, June 2, 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Sequenza21/The Contemporary Classical Music Weekly Wuorinen and John Zorn, Donald berman will play Charles Ruggles entire piano The brilliant young Italian pianist Emanuele Arciuli pays homage to http://www.sequenza21.com/081202.html
Extractions: Today is the 10th anniversary of the passing of John Cage, the well-known mushroom eater, Mesotician, Zen Buddist andSchoenberg's rather hasty judgement that he was"not a composer, but an inventor of genius" asideavant garde composer. Virtually everyone agrees that Cage was one of the most influential figures in 20th century music. By the time of his death in New York on August 12, 1992, he was widely recognized as the initiator and leading figure in the field of indeterminate composition by means of chance operations. His invention of the prepared piano, his work with percussion, and his creative use of "silence" have all been absorbed into the modernism toolkit. There are lots of recordings of Cage pieces around in various anthologies but he is the Stephen Hawking of the music worldsomeone whose work is widely admired and purchased but rarely engaged. What might surprise Cage, were he alive today, is that a few enterprising performers have uncovered a secret that he took to his grave: some of his music is actually as fascinating to listen to as it is to talk about.
Sequenza21/The Contemporary Classical Music Weekly As a pianist, Bruce is best known for his recordings of American music, Wuorinen and John Zorn, Donald berman will play Charles Ruggles entire piano http://www.sequenza21.com/081902.html
Extractions: O ne of the great joys of New York City in the summer is walking through Central Park on any sunny Saturday and Sunday and simply letting yourself be pulled from one siren's song to anotherfrom the samba band with the drums and the whistles to the Caribbean steel drummers to the bagpipers and the Peruvian flutists with their Andean reels to the kids with their radios permanently tuned to rap. Every ethnic group, it seems, likes its music al fresco with the result that the park is often a magical collision of sounds that are both a tribute to the democratic nature of the city and a vibrant listening experience. Composer Neely Bruce recreated some of that happy feeling of musical serendipity yesterday in the scorching hot plaza at Lincoln Center and surrounding streets by restaging his giant Millennial pieceConvergence: Some Parades For Charlies Dad. First staged on the New Haven Green in 2000, Convergence has become one of the American Composers Forums Continental Harmony programs most legendary performances. This time around, Convergence was performed as part of Lincoln Centers Out-of-Doors concert series. The roughly 90-minute experiment in musical collision is a series of intertwining, outdoor parades in the spirit of Charles Ives that requires more than 1,000 performers to stage. It is scored for four marching bands, nine choruses, three organs, three handbell choirs, two fife and drum corps, two solo trumpets, bagpipes, a mariachi, a samba, African drummers and dancers, Native American ensemble (Algonquin), a jazz quartet, chamber orchestra and full orchestra.
Piano Compact Discs In The UNLV Music Library Mykola Suk, pianist. Lomita, CA Troppe Note Recordings/Cambria, p1996. Mykola Suk,piano 6); Lazar berman, piano (Années de pèlerinage, auszüge) http://www.library.unlv.edu/music/info/pianocds.html
Extractions: Music Library Homepage Pathfinders Piano ... Collections - Music Navigator - Music Library Home Page Using the Music Library: - Music Library Tutorial Pages - Music Library How To Page - How to Find Music in the Online Catalog - How to Find A Song in the Music Library - How to Find Music in Collections - Can't Find It in the Catalog? - Guide to Music Call Numbers - Principles of Music Uniform Titles - Work Numbers for Selected Composers - Glossary Information Resources: - Music Subject Resources - Indexes and Databases - Electronic Journals - Selected Internet Resources - Selected Print Resources Pathfinders - Art Song - Music Theater - Opera - Sacred Vocal Music - Vocal Pedagogy - Choral Music - Flute (Piccolo) / Recorder - Oboe (English horn) - Clarinet - Bassoon - Horn - Trumpet - Trombone - Percussion - Piano - Violin - Cello - Chamber - Symphonies - Jazz - Band / Wind Ensemble Selected Sources: - Classical Music - Jazz, Blues, and Soul
The International Holland Music Sessions Lazar berman, Kevin Fitz Gerald, Lorin Hollander, Gilbert Kalish, Anton Kuerti, She has been described as a brilliant pianist on the verge of a http://www.hollandmusicsessions.com/history/careers12.html
Extractions: web link Nadia Shpachenko, piano Shpachenko began studying piano, cello, and composition at the age of five, and at the age of thirteen won recognition as both pianist and composer, performing with the Kharkov Philharmonic Orchestra and placing second in the All-Ukrainian Young Composers Competition. Her piano teacher was Sima Shwartz. At the same time, she was a founding member of the Ukrainian Folk Hebrew Orchestra, where she performed as a cellist. She then emigrated to Israel, where she studied with Professor Victor Derevianko and participated yearly in the Tel-Hai International Summer Piano Festival and in many master classes. She received a full scholarship to study in Boston at the Longy School of Music with Professor Victor Rosenbaum. She graduated with an Undergraduate Diploma in 1997, having won various competitions and awards and performed with the Longy Chamber Orchestra. At age twenty-five, she is currently completing her Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the University of Southern California on a full scholarship, studying with Professor John Perry. Nadia graduated with a Master's Degree from the University of Southern California, where she was presented with a Keyboard Studies Ensemble Award and invited to join the Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society. International Holland Music Sessions , Aspen, Sarasota, Manchester, TCU/Cliburn, and Saluzzo International Music Festivals and worked with such musicians as Dmitri Bashkirov, Lazar Berman, Kevin Fitz - Gerald, Lorin Hollander, Gilbert Kalish, Anton Kuerti, Robert Levin, Jerome Lowenthal, Boris Petrushansky, Menahem Pressler, Abbey Simon, Susan Starr, Nina Svetlanova, and Vladimir Viardo.
Cuts: A - C Van Cliburn, pianist Kyle Clifton, New York Jets Lee J. Cobb, Actor James Coburn, Dancer Jeff Conaway, Actor Bill Cone, Actor/Musician bart Conner, http://www.sleepy.net/men/tart/cut-ac.html
Ursinus College Gazette Weekly Calendar 29 at 730 pm in the Main Gallery of the Philip and Muriel berman Museum of Art . Dance artists Chris Aiken and Peter Bingham, worldclass pianist and http://www.ursinus.edu/content.asp?page=ActivitiesAndNews/GazetteArchive/032204g
UNIS Dion Driver was born in New York City and has worked as a jazz pianist, Locally, she has performed at St. barts Chapel Series, Lincoln Centers Clarke http://www.unis.org/curriculum/music/privlessons/piano.htm
Extractions: Calendar Admissions Curriculum Tutorial House ... Back To Private Lesson Faculty Main Page Carlos Correa Dion Driver Karen Lerner Maureen Molloy ... Erasmia Voukelatos Carlos Correa began his piano studies at the age of twelve at the Music Conservatory in his native Peru. At the age of eighteen, he made his debut with the National Symphony Orchestra of Peru. He quickly garnered several awards in national and international competitions. Having emigrated to the United States, Mr. Correa received a full scholarship to attend Brigham Young University and later to the Juilliard School and the Manhattan School of Music where he earned a Master of Music degree in 1990. He has appeared as soloist with the National Symphony Orchestras of Argentina, Ecuador and Peru, as well as the Utah Symphony, The Philippine Philharmonic, The Manhattan Philharmonic, The New Britain Symphony and the SAR Ensemble of Hong Kong. In 1997 he made his New York debut at Lincoln Center with duo piano partner Daniel Stroup. He also performed solo recitals and at piano festivals in Berlin, Prague, Warsaw, Italy, USA, Canada, Bermuda, the Far East, England and South America. Back to Top Dion Driver was born in New York City and has worked as a jazz pianist, arranger, composer and orchestrator for Broadway, jingles, recordings and industrials for over 25 years. He has played at Birdland in NYC, opening for the Duke Ellington Orchestra as well as for numerous jazz bands and Brazilian ensembles here in the United States and abroad. A graduate of The Dick Grove School of Music in Los Angeles, California, Mr. Driver majored in arranging, orchestration and film composition. Some of his more notable instructors were Nelson Riddle, Henry Mancini, Lalo Schifrin, Billy Byers and Sammy Nestico. He has also had the privilege of studying piano privately with Darius Brubeck, Lou Stein, John Serry, and Garry Dial.
Extractions: Bart Berman hat manche urspr¼ngliche Werke komponiert, Kadenz en zu allen Klavierkonzert en von Haydn Mozart und Beethoven und eine zweite Klavierpartei zu Sonatinen von Muzio Clementi und Daniel Steibelt . Am bekanntesten wurden seine Vollendungen zu Schuberts unvollendeten Klaviersonate n und zu J.S. Bach s Kunst der Fuge