- Understanding Claude Simon (Understanding Modern European and Latin Literature) by Ralph Sarkonak, 1990-01-01
- The Wind by Claude Simon, 1986-03
- Novels of Claude Simon by J.A.E. Loubere, 1975-09-25
- Claude Simon, La route des Flandres (Collection "Parcours critique") (French Edition) by Alain Cresciucci, 1997
- Les sites de l'ecriture: Colloque Claude Simon, Queen's University (French Edition)
- Simon, Claude by Histoire, 1967-01-01
- John Fowles, John Hawkes, Claude Simon: Problems of self and form in the post-modernist novel : a comparative study (Epistemata) by Robert Burden, 1980
- Wandel und Kontinuitat in Claude Simons Prosa: Am Beispiel der Romane Histoire, La Bataille de Pharsale, Les corps conducteurs und Triptique (European ... language and literature) (German Edition) by Elsbeth Hennermann-Bellina, 1993
- Claude Simon by Sal Jimenez Fajardo, 1975-01-01
- Schreiben nach dem Krieg: Studien zur Poetik Claude Simons (Studia Romanica) (German Edition) by Dorothea Schmidt, 1997
- Die "Ermordung" des Existentialismus oder das letzte Engagement: Kunstlerische Selbstfindung im Fruhwerk von Claude Simon zwischen Sartre und Merleau-Ponty (Romanica Monacensia) (German Edition) by Vera Szollosi-Brenig, 1995
- L'echeveau de la memoire: La route des Flandres de Claude Simon (Collection Unichamp) (French Edition) by Christine Genin, 1997
- L'ecriture du labyrinthe: Claude Simon, La route des Flandres (References) (French Edition) by Catherine Rannoux, 1997
- Claude-Henri de Saint-Simon, die Gesellschaft als Werkstatt (Beitrage zur politischen Wissenschaft) (German Edition) by Thomas Petermann, 1979