HeiDok - Sawitzki, Günther: Wie Funktioniert Das Gehirn? Translate this page Nobelpreisträger Professor bert sakmann im Max-Planck-Institut für Medizinische Forschung bert sakmann befasst sich mit der Erforschung des menschlichen http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2000/619/
Extractions: Kurzfassung in deutsch: Nobelpreisträger Professor Bert Sakmann im Max-Planck-Institut für Medizinische Forschung Heidelberg berichtet in Campus TV über seine neuesten Arbeiten. Bert Sakmann befasst sich mit der Erforschung des menschlichen Gedächtnisses: Wie arbeiten die Synapsen, die die Verbindungen zwischen den Gehirnzellen herstellen? Wie funktioniert der Prozess, dass Zellen lernen können und Erinnerungen speichern? Wenn diese Fragen eine Antwort finden, wird die Medizin irgendwann einmal in der Lage sein, bei Krankheiten wie Epilepsie und Alzheimer oder bei Schlaganfällen helfen zu können.
Science -- Author Index {11 June 1999; 284 (5421)} Abstract Full Text sakmann, bert (in Research Articles) Abstract Full Text Sattler, Rita (in Reports) Abstract Full Text Scherer, A. (in Reports) http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol284/issue5421/aindex.shtml
Extractions: A B C D ... Z Agnew, Bruce (in News of the Week) Alencar, Ane (in Reports) Alper, Joseph (in News Focus) Andersen, Per (in Research Articles) Antonenko, Svetlana (in Reports) ATOC Consortium (3);, (in Technical Comments) Ayala;, Francisco J. (in Letters) Barbul, Adrian (in Letters) Barinaga, Marcia (in News Focus) Barinaga, Marcia (in News Focus) Bellen, Hugo J. (in Reports) Ben-Arie, Nissim (in Reports) Berlin, Dorit S. (in Research Articles) Bermingham, Nessan A. (in Reports) Borchardt, Thilo (in Research Articles) Bowers;, David G. (in Technical Comments) Burke, John (in Letters) Burnashev, Nail (in Research Articles) Chen, Yan-feng (in Reports) Cochrane, Mark A. (in Reports) Collard, Mark (in Letters) Cook, Peter R. (in Review) Dapkus, P. D. (in Reports) Davidson, Eric A. (in Reports) Davis, Tamara L. (in Research Articles) Dawes, Heather E. (in Research Articles) Duarte, Carlos M. (in Technical Comments) Eatock, Ruth Anne (in Reports) Editors;, News (in Letters) Feng, Yi-Jun
Science -- Index By Author (29 June 2001; Volume 292, Number 5526) Abstract Full Text sakmann, bert (in Reports ) Abstract Full Text Samarth, N. (in Reports ) Abstract Full Text Schleyer, Paul von Ragué (in Reports http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol292/issue5526/aindex.shtml
Extractions: A B C D ... H I J K L M ... W X Y Z Allakhverdov, Andrey (in News of the Week ) Aprille, June R. (in Reports ) Awschalom, D. D. (in Reports ) Balazs, Anna C. (in Reports ) Bard, Edouard (in Perspectives ) Beatty, J. Thomas (in Reports ) Beck, J. Warren (in Research Articles ) (in Letters ) Bertozzi, S.
Scientific American Annual Index 1992 Neher, Erwin, and bert sakmann. THE PATCH CLAMP TECHNIQUE; March, page 28. PATCH CLAMP TECHNIQUE, THE, by Erwin Neher and bert sakmann; March, page 28. http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/toc/scam92.html
Extractions: Aihara, Jun-ichi. WHY AROMATIC COMPOUNDS ARE STABLE; March, page 44. Anawalt, Patricia Rieff, and Frances F. Berdan. THE CODEX MENDOZA; June, page 40. Anderson, Roy M., and Robert M. May. UNDERSTANDING THE AIDS PANDEMIC; May, page 20. Angus, John C., and Michael W. Geis. DIAMOND FILM SEMICONDUCTORS; October, page 64. Bazzaz, Fakhri A., and Eric D. Fajer. PLANT LIFE IN A CO2RICH WORLD; January, page 18. Beardsley, Tim. TRENDS IN SCIENCE EDUCATION: TEACHING REAL SCIENCE; October, page 78. Bennett, Charles H., Gilles Brassard and Artur K. Ekert. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY; October, page 26. Berdan, Frances F., and Patricia Rieff Anawalt. THE CODEX MENDOZA; June, page 40. Blumenschine, Robert J., and John A. Cavallo. SCAVENGING AND HUMAN EVOLUTION; October, page 70. Brade, Helmut, and Ernst Theodor Rietschel. BACTERIAL ENDOTOXINS; August, page 26. Brassard, Gilles, Charles H. Bennett and Artur K. Ekert. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY; October, page 26. Braude, Stanton H., Paul W. Sherman and Jennifer U. M. Jarvis. NAKED MOLE RATS; August, page 42. Bredt, David S., and Solomon H. Snyder. BIOLOGICAL ROLES OF NITRIC OXIDE; May, page 28.
Erwin Neher Og Bert Sakmann Den omhandler derfor videnskabsmændene bert sakmann og Erwin Neher, som i 1991 modtog nobelprisen i kategorien Medicin, for deres opdagelse af hvordan ioner http://www.nat.sdu.dk/users/sdu/arasm03/index.php
Brujula.Net Wikipedia Translate this page bert sakmann. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. bert sakmann nació en 1942 en Stuttgart, Alemania. Estudió Medicina en la Universidad de Gottingen. http://www.brujula.net/wiki/Bert_Sakmann.html
Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents 47, and bert sakmann, 49, of the MaxPlanck Institutes in Goettingen and Including Neher and sakmann, 14 Germans have been awarded the prize since http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1991/1991k.html
Extractions: STOCKHOLM Two Germans won the Nobel Prize in medicine yesterday for discovering how cells communicate, a development that has helped scientists better explain the cause of such debilitating diseases as diabetes and cystic fibrosis. Awarded the $1 million prize by the Nobel Assembly of the Karolinska Institute were Erwin Neher, 47, and Bert Sakmann, 49, of the Max-Planck Institutes in Goettingen and Heidelberg, Germany. Through their findings, "researchers have been able to look at old medicines with new eyes and it is now possible to tailor-make a drug in order to achieve an optimal effect," said Alf Lindberg, secretary of the Nobel Assembly. It is unusual for Nobel Prize winners to be so young, but the methods developed by Neher and Sakmanns are now used worldwide by scientists. Their technique was perfected in 1981, and was used immediately to test and modify existing medicine.
Den Geheimnissen Des Gehirns Auf Der Spur Translate this page Prof. Dr. bert sakmann zu Gast beim Universitätsabend Seine Wurzeln liegen in Stuttgart, wo bert sakmann im Jahr 1942 geboren wurde und das http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/aktuelles/presse/1997/86.html
Extractions: uni suche sitemap kontakt ... Uni-Infos Aktuelles Home Newsletter Veranstaltungen - Veranstaltungen-Archiv Pressemitteilungen Uni-Infos "Den Geheimnissen des Gehirns auf der Spur: Grey matters" Ein Wissenschaftler von Weltruf, ausgezeichnet 1991 mit dem Nobelpreis für Medizin, wird zu Gast sein beim Universitätsabend der Universität Stuttgart am Mittwoch, den 26. November: Prof. Dr. Bert Sakmann vom Max-Planck-Institut für Medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg. Mit seinem Vortrag "Den Geheimnissen des Gehirns auf der Spur: Grey matters" gibt er einen Einblick in die Welt seines über mehrere Jahrzehnte aufgebauten wissenschaftlichen Werkes. Zeit: Mittwoch, 26. November 1997, 18.00 Uhr c.t. Referat für Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Keplerstraße 7
Stuttgarter Unikurier Nr. 77/78 / Februar 1998 - Nachrichten & Berichte Translate this page Nobelpreisträger bert sakmann beim Universitätsabend bert sakmann seine Hörer ein, das Zentrum unseres Seins kennenzulernen. Seit sakmann Ende der http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/uni-kurier/uk77_78/nachr/a_s10.htm
Extractions: Den Geheimnissen des Gehirns auf der Spur "He has the uncommon gift of brains" - ein Churchill-Zitat entführte das Publikum des Universitätsabends am 26. November in die faszinierende Welt des Gehirns. Ein Zitat, das mit Sicherheit auf den vortragenden Wissenschaftler zutrifft, der seit Jahrzehnten Botschafter deutscher Forschungsleistung in aller Welt ist. Den Geheimnissen des Gehirns auf der Spur: Grey matters", unter diesem Titel lud Nobelpreisträger Prof. Bert Sakmann seine Hörer ein, das Zentrum unseres Seins kennenzulernen. Seit Sakmann Ende der sechziger Jahre mit der Erforschung des Zentralnervensystems (ZNS) begann, ist sein akademisches Leben gespickt mit wissenschaftlichen Erfolgen und Auszeichnungen; den vorläufigen Höhepunkt bildete 1991 die Verleihung des Nobelpreises für Physiologie. Das Gehirn - nur ein Klumpen von Gewebe oder der Sitz und die Idee geistiger Tätigkeit?", diese Frage bildete den Auftakt zu einem kurzen Streifzug des Nobelpreisträgers durch die Geschichte der jahrtausendelangen Beschäftigung von Dichtern und Denkern mit der Materie. Im Zentrum des wissenschaftlichen Interesses stehen heute besonders die höheren Hirnfunktionen", wie Bewegung, Denken, Bewußtsein und Seele.
UCL News He received his award with bert sakmann in 1991 for his studies on the properties of the ion bert sakmann went to London, to work with Sir Bernard Katz. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/feature/newsitem.shtml?hongradsen
WikipediaList Of Encyclopedia Topics/Biographies S - Wikipedia bert sakmann (born 1942), German biologist; codeveloped patch-clamp technique; Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology 1991 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:List_of_encyclopedia_topics/Biographies_S
Document: Nobel Prizes Erwin Neher, bert sakmann. Erwin Neher, bert sakmann. bert Sakman, Nobel Prize for Medicine, 1991. For visual reference, the two scientists of the Max http://www.zeiss.com/C12567BE0045ACF1/allBySubject/AA29E8977D731ABDC1256C0200321
Extractions: Koch is considered the founder of modern bacteriology. In the eighteen-eighties, the country doctor discovered the bacilli that caused tuberculosis and cholera. In a letter to Carl Zeiss he wrote, "A large part of my success I owe to your excellent microscopes". In 1904, he received the 10,000th Zeiss objective, a homogeneous immersion system, as a present. Robert Koch Richard Zsigmondy Richard Zsigmondy , Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1925. As a professor at Göttingen, Zsigmondy conducted pioneering research in colloid chemistry. He invented the ultramicroscope in 1903, and two types of membrane filters in 1918 and 1922. Ultramicroscopy after Siedentopf and Zsigmondy makes visible submicroscopic particles whose linear extension is below the microscope's resolution limit. Frits Zernike , Nobel Prize for Physics, 1953.
Previous Gairdner Foundation Winners bert sakmann, Lloyd D.MacLean (Wightman). 1988, Albert J. Aguayo, Michael J. Berridge, Yasutomi Nishizuka. Thomas R. Cech, Michael A. Epstein http://www.gairdner.org/priorwinner.html
Extractions: The Foundation is proud to present a complete list of winners from previous years and congratulate all of them on their impressive list of achievements and their contributions to our understanding of health, healing and the natural world. To return to the Foundation home page, click here Jeffrey M. Friedman Douglas Coleman Craig C. Mello ... James D. Watson (Award of Merit) Clay Armstrong Bertil Hille Roderick MacKinnon Marc Kirschner ... Janet D. Rowley Bruce M. Alberts Arthur Kornberg Roger Y. Tsien Pamela J. Bjorkman Don C. Wiley Tony Hunter Anthony J. Pawson Donald Metcalf Mario R. Capecchi Oliver Smithies Alvin R. Feinstein Stanley B. Prusiner Michel M. Ter-Pogossian Leland H. Hartwell Yoshio Masui Paul M. Nurse Richard Peto Bert Vogelstein Robert A. Weinberg John R. Evans (Wightman) Sydney Brenner John E. Sulston M. Judah Folkman Robert F. Furchgott David H. MacLennan Kary B. Mullis Francis S. Collins John R. Riordan Lap-Chee Tsui Victor Ling Oliver Smithies Edwin M. Southern E. Donnall Thomas Mark M. Davis Tak W. Mak Jean-Marie Ghuysen Louis M. Kunkel
Nobel Prize - Neuroscience sakmann, bert, 6/12/1942 to, German, Function of single ion channels in cells. 1994, Gilman, Alfred G. 7/1/1941 to, American, Discovery of Gprotein coupled http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/nobel.html
Extractions: Nobel Prize - Neuroscience Year of Award Name(s) Birth and Death Dates Nationality/Citizenship Field of Study Golgi, Camillo 7/7/1843 to 1/21/1926 Italian Structure of the Nervous System Ramon y Cajal, Santiago 5/1/1852 to 10/18/1934 Spanish Structure of the Nervous System Gullstrand, Allvar 6/5/1862 to 7/28/1930 Swedish Optics of the Eye Barany, Robert 5/22/1876 to 4/8/1936 Austrian Physiology and pathology of the vestibular apparatus Wagner-Jauregg, Julius 3/7/1857 to 9/27/1940 Austrian Discovery of Malaria inoculation to treat dementia paralytica Adrian, Edgar Douglas 11/30/1889 to 8/4/1977 British Function of neurons in sending messages Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott 11/27/1857 to 3/4/1952 British Function of neurons in the brain and spinal cord Dale, Sir Henry Hallett 6/9/1875 to 7/23/1968 British Chemical transmission of nerve impulses Loewi, Otto 6/3/1875 to 12/25/1961 German, American Citizen Chemical transmission of nerve impulses Erlanger, Joseph 1/5/1874 to 12/15/1965 American Differentiated functions of single nerve fibers Gasser, Herbert Spencer
ACTIVIDADES DEL CSIC Translate this page Conferencia del premio Nobel de medicina bert sakmann El Premio Novel de Fisiología y Medicina de 1991, bert sakmann, pronunciará mañana, viernes 15, http://www.csic.es/prensa/Noticias 2004/conferencianobel.html
Extractions: Noticia ACTIVIDADES DEL CSIC Conferencia del premio Nobel de medicina Bert Sakmann Sakmann diseñó la única técnica válida para estudiar la actividad de un complejo multiproteico en vivo Mañana viernes, a las 12.30 horas, en el Insituto de Neurobiología Ramón y Cajal (calle Doctor Arce, 37. Madrid) Madrid, 14 de octubre, 2004.- El Premio Novel de Fisiología y Medicina de 1991, Bert Sakmann, pronunciará mañana, viernes 15, en el Instituto Neurobiología Ramón y Cajal, perteneciente al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) una conferencia bajo el título Cortical microcircuits 100 years after Cajal [12.30 horas, calle Doctor Arce, 37, Madrid]. Sakmann, que junto a su colega Neher diseñó un método capaz de estudiar la actividad de un complejo multiproteico en vivo, trabaja en la actualidad en el desarrollo de métodos para estudiar la actividad de neuronas alojadas en la corteza cerebral y visualizar la actividad en las ramificaciones más pequeñas, las dendritas, a través de las cuales la neurona suele recibir las señales de otras neuronas. La técnica desarrollada por Sakmann y Neher, que sigue siendo el único método válido para realizar este tipo de estudios funcionales, ha permitido obtener el registro de la variación que sufre una molécula para poder impulsar el flujo de la corriente eléctrica con una frecuencia de millonésima de segundo y una intensidad de millonésima de amperio.
EMBO - Promoting Molecular Biology In Europe. bert sakmann. 1993. Philip A. Sharp (Associate Member). 1995. Christiane NüssleinVolhard. 1995. Eric F. Wieschaus (Associate Member) http://www.embo.org/organisation/nobel.html
Nobel Laureate Erwin Neher To Speak Neher won the Nobel Prize with bert sakmann of the MaxPlanck-Institute for medical biology in Heidelberg, Germany, for discoveries concerning the function http://www.news.cornell.edu/Chronicle/01/3.29.01/Neher.html
Extractions: By David Brand German scientist Erwin Neher, joint winner of the 1991Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine, will present a special colloquium at Cornell Friday, March 30. It will take place at 12:30 p.m. in Room G10 of the Biotechnology Building, and it is free and open to the public. The colloquium, jointly sponsored by Cornell's School of Applied and Engineering Physics, the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and the graduate field of biophysics, is titled "Exploring the Functional Role of Synaptic Proteins with Rapid Techniques." It will be hosted by Manfred Lindau, Cornell associate professor of applied and engineering physics. Neher won the Nobel Prize with Bert Sakmann of the Max-Planck-Institute for medical biology in Heidelberg, Germany, for discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells. Neher and Sakmann conclusively established with their technique that ion channels do exist and how they function. They demonstrated what happens during the opening or closure of an ion channel with a diameter corresponding to that of a single sodium or chloride ion. Many ion channels are regulated by a protein spanning the cell membrane that upon activation alters its shape and forms a transmembrane channel for inorganic ions. Neher and Sakmann showed which parts of the molecule constitute the "sensor" and the interior wall of the channel. They also showed how the channel regulates the passage of positively or negatively charged ions. This new analytical tool has revolutionized modern biology in the past two decades. It also has contributed to the understanding of how brain cells communicate and of the cellular mechanisms underlying several diseases, including diabetes and cystic fibrosis.