Ernst Ruska Prize 2005 ernst ruska PRIZE 2005. for outstanding achievements in the field of Electron The ernst ruska PRIZE consists of a certificate, a financial award,
Extractions: deadline: 30 November 2004 The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie invites to propose candidates for the newly established Ernst-Ruska-Prize. The prize is awarded for work carried out by younger scientists pioneering new capabilities of Electron Microscopy as a scientific technique through innovative instrumen-tation or novel methods of basic and general interest. Work carried out by pure application of existing techniques will not be considered. The eligible work should not date back more than 7 years. It must be published or it must be accepted for publication at the time of submission of the proposal. The decision will be made by an independent committee. The ERNST RUSKA PRIZE consists of a certificate, a financial award, as well as the honor of giving an Ernst-Ruska Distinguished Lecture at the Ceremony of Award. If a group of authors receives the award, they will be awarded jointly. The ceremony will take place at the Dreiländertagung 2005 meeting in Davos, Switzerland, 28. 8. - 2. 9. 2005.
Extractions: Name: Ernst August Friedrich Ruska Birth Date: December 15, 1906 Death Date: May 30, 1988 Place of Birth: Heidelberg, Germany Place of Death: West Berlin, Germany Nationality: German Gender: Male Occupations: engineer Ernst August Friedrich Ruska Main Biography The German engineer Ernst August Friedrich Ruska (1906-1988) designed and built the first electron microscope, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986. The electron microscope, like many other complex technological developments based upon current scientific research, cannot be associated exclusively with a single inventor. In the early 1930s several laboratories were at work on a super-microscope that would use electron waves, instead of light waves, to magnify a microscopic specimen. However, it is generally agreed that the German engineer Ernst Ruska designed and built the first working electron microscopes (1931-1933). Ruska's contribution to the science of physics, and to its applications in the fields of biology and medicine, was recognized in 1986 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize along with two other pioneers of modern microscopy, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer.
Ruska, Ernst August Friedrich - Gedächtnis Berlin Translate this page ruska, ernst August Friedrich - Lebensdaten und Erinnerung in Berlin.
MSN Encarta - Ruska, Ernst Translate this page ruska, ernst (1906-1988), physicien allemand connu pour sa contribution audéveloppement de la Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher ruska, ernst
Ernst Ruska Translate this page Durante su vida ernst ruska aporto numerosas investigaciones para el desarrolloy mejora del microscopio electrónico. Murió en mayo de 1988 en Berlín
Extractions: Ernst Ruska Inventor del microscopio electrónico de transmisión , junto a Max Knoll, en 1931. Ganador Del Premio Nobel. en 1986. El Dr. Ruska era natural de Alemania y profesor de la Universidad técnica de Berlín. Durante su vida Ernst Ruska aporto numerosas investigaciones para el desarrollo y mejora del microscopio electrónico. Murió en mayo de 1988 en Berlín occidental con 81 años de edad
Ruska, Ernst August Friedrich ruska, ernst August Friedrich. (19061988) ruska doufal, e magnetické polemue ovlivnit svazek elektronu, prípadne ho zaostrit.
Extractions: Ruska, Ernst August Friedrich Nìmecký fyzik, elektroinenýr a dritel Nobelovy ceny za fyziku pro rok 1986 za návrh prvního elektronového mikroskopu a dalích vylepení tohoto zaøízení. O cenu se dìlí spolu s Gerdem Karlem Binnigem z Nìmecka a Heinrichem Rohrerem ze výcarska, kteøí cenu obdreli za návrh vzorkovacího tunelového mikroskopu. Narodil se v Heidelbergu. V roce 1931 dostal titul elektroinenýr na universitì v Berlínì a o dva roky pozdìji také titul Ph.D. V roce 1937 pøijal místo v laboratoøích Siemens-Reiniger-Werke. Zùstal zde a do roku 1955, kdy se stal øeditelem Institutu pro elektronovou mikroskopii, který byl zøízen pøi Fritz Haberovì institutu. V tée dobì uèil jako profesor na Berlínské technice a to od roku 1957 a do roku 1972, kdy odeel do dùchodu. Pøed tím, ne opustil ve tøicátých letech universitu v Berlinì, ji pøispìl k vìdeckému poznání. Vìdìl, e elektrony mají vlnový charakter a vìøil, e je pùjde vyuít k podobným úèelùm jako svìtlo. Ruska doufal, e magnetické pole mùe ovlivnit svazek elektronù, pøípadnì ho zaostøit. Poté, co si vechny pøedpoklady ovìøil experimentálnì, zaèal vytváøet elektronový mikroskop. Ruska si uvìdomil, e zvìtení elektronového mikroskopu bude mnohem vìtí ne u jeho optického protìjku, protoe vlnové délky elektronù jsou mnohem kratí ne vlnové délky viditelného svìtla. V 1932 Ruska a spolupracovníci, nìmecký fyzik Max Knoll (pod jeho vedením dostal doktorát) postavili první primitivní elektronový mikroskop. Pøestoe to byl jen první pokus a mikroskop nebyl pøímo pouitelný dokázal pozorované pøedmìty zvìtit 400×.
Erfindergalerie Des DPMA: Infos Translate this page ruska, ernstPrivatbesitz Fam. ruska Sauer, Hans Privatbesitz U. Sauer ruska, ernst Auszug aus seiner Rede zur Nobelpreis-Verleihung 1986
Extractions: Skip Navigation You Are Here ENC Home ENC Features Classroom Calendar Search the Site More Options Don't lose access to ENC's web site! Beginning in August, will showcase the best of ENC Online combined with useful new tools to save you time. Take action todaypurchase a school subscription through Classroom Calendar By Category By Month ... Ask ENC Explore online lesson plans, student activities, and teacher learning tools. Find detailed information about thousands of materials for K-12 math and science. Read articles about inquiry, equity, and other key topics for educators and parents. Create your learning plan, read the standards, and find tips for getting grants. April 7 Ernst Ruska. (c) The Nobel Foundation. As a student, Ernst Ruska experimented with the theory that electron currents, which have a shorter wavelength than light, could magnify images beyond the capabilities of the light microscope. On April 7, 1931 (at the ripe old age of 24), Ruska conducted the experiments that would earn him a Nobel Prize. He obtained experimental proof that, similar to using multiple lenses to magnify specimens in light optics, an object's image could be further magnified by using two short electromagnetic coils. The resolving power of a light microscope is limited by the wavelength at which light travels (about 4,000 angstroms). The electron microscope uses an electron beam with a wavelength of less than 1 angstrom, which can magnify objects up to 1 million times. Some of the electrons pass through the specimen, and others bounce off it. The scattered electrons, focused by a pair of electromagnets that form the "lens" of the microscope, produce a visible image on a fluorescent screen or photographic film.
Ernst Ruska-Centre The ernst ruskaCentre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C) isa multidiscipline division headquartered at the Institute of Microstructure
Extractions: The Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C) transmission electron microscopes and provides an extensive bunch of numerical analysis tools for structural nanocharacterisation. The ER-C operates on national programmes on the physical fundamentals of nanoelectronics and condensed matter. Within this framework, the main fields of activity comprehend the development of state-of-the-art high-resolution microscopy techniques for the quantitative analysis of nanoscale materials at the verge of present instrumental resolution capabilites together with the application of these techniques to the analysis of a multitude of solid state materials. For these purposes, specifically developed quantitative techniques of high-resolution, analytical, in-situ and conventional transmission electron microscopy are applied to the investigation of lattice defects and for the atomic scale characterisation of heterointerfaces. Materials currently on focus cover oxide ceramics and superconductors metals and semiconductors as well as heterostructure combinations synthesised upon these materials.
Ernst-Ruska-Centrum Translate this page Diese methodische Expertise fließt in das ernst ruska-Centrum für Mikroskopieund Spektroskopie mit Elektronen (ER-C) ein. Das ER-C ist eine zu gleichen
Extractions: Das ER-C nimmt innerhalb von Forschungsprogrammen der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft zur Erforschung der Grundlagen einer Informationstechnologie mit nanoelektronischen Systemen und zur Physik der kondensierten Materie eine offensive Beteiligung wahr. Relevante Projekte befassen sich mit der oxidischer Keramiken und Supraleiter metallischer Legierungen und halbleitender Werkstoffe sowie daraus synthetisierte Heterostrukturen die Schwerpunkte der wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten des ER-Cs.
Lexikon Ernst Ruska ernst ruska aus der freien EnzyklopädieWikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz. Die Liste der Autoren ist unter
Extractions: Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Ernst Ruska Ernst August Friedrich Ruska 25. Dezember in Heidelberg 27. Mai in Berlin ) war ein deutscher Elektrotechniker und Erfinder des Elektronenmikroskops Ruska studierte Elektrotechnik in M¼nchen , ab an der TH Berlin und promovierte im August "ber ein magnetisches Objektiv f¼r das Elektronenmikroskop . Danach war er in der Entwicklungsabteilung der Berliner Fernseh AG t¤tig. Ab Februar leitete er mit Bodo von Borries die industrielle Entwicklung der Elektronenmikroskopie bei der AG in Berlin . Nach dem Krieg baute er das Laboratorium f¼r Elektronenoptik bei Siemens wieder auf und ¼bernahm die Abteilung f¼r Elektronenmikroskopie beim Fritz-Haber-lnstitut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Berlin-Dahlem, die
The Nobel Prize In Physics 1986: Ernst Ruska The Nobel Prize in Physics 1986 ernst ruska *1906, 1988. External links.The Nobel Prize ernst ruska The Nobel Foundation
Berliner Stadtplan - Ernst-Ruska-Ufer / Berlin Translate this page Stadtplan Berlin Online ernst-ruska-Ufer - der Stadtplan für Berlin.Mit GPS-Unterstützung, Routen und Positionen im Stadtplan. Ferienwohnung.
Extractions: Hinweis: Ohne JavaScript stehen Ihnen nicht alle Suchfunktionen zur Verfügung. Sie haben JavaScript deaktiviert. Straße / Platz / Name: Nr.: PLZ Suche in Berlin Berlin mit Umland Werder Teltow Stahnsdorf - Sputendorf Stahnsdorf - Schenkenhorst Stahnsdorf Seeburg Schönwalde Schönfließ Schildow Schenkenhorst Rehbrücke Potsdam-Uetz-Paaren Potsdam-Satzkorn Potsdam-Sacrow Potsdam-Rehbrücke Potsdam-Neu Fahrland Potsdam-Marquardt Potsdam-Krampnitz Potsdam-Kartzow Potsdam-Groß-Glienicke Potsdam-Golm Potsdam-Gemeinde Schwielowsee-Geltow Potsdam-Fahrland Potsdam-Eichholz Potsdam-Drewitz Potsdam-Babelsberg Potsdam Neu Fahrland Mühlenbeck Kleinmachnow Hennigsdorf Hannover-Mitte Hannover Güterfelde Großziethen Großbeeren - Kleinbeeren Großbeeren - Heinersdorf Großbeeren - Diedersdorf Großbeeren Gemeinde Schönefeld - Waßmannsdorf Gemeinde Schönefeld - Großziethen Gemeinde Schwielowsee-Petzow Gemeinde Nuthetal-Philippsthal Geltow Falkensee Dresden-Altstadt
Ernst August Friedrich Ruska Translate this page ernst August Friedrich ruska (1906 - 1988). Ingeniero alemán nacido en Heidelbergel día de Navidad. Estudió ingeniería en la Escuela Politécnica de Munich