Encyclopedia: Philipp Eduard Anton Von Lenard Other descriptions of philipp eduard anton von lenard. philipp eduard anton vonlenard (born in Bratislava on June 7, 1862 died May 20, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Philipp-Eduard-Anton-von-Lenard
Extractions: Related Articles People who viewed "Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard" also viewed: Philipp Lenard Deutsche Physik Nobel Prize for Physics Baroness Bertha Sophie Felicita Von Suttner ... Flag of Germany What's new? Our next offering Latest newsletter Student area Lesson plans Recent Updates Zany Golf Youtiao Yeoncheon County Yasser Arafat ... More Recent Articles Top Graphs Richest Most Murderous Most Taxed Most Populous ... More Stats Updated 213 days 5 hours 58 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard (born in Bratislava on June 7 May 20 in Messelhausen) was a physicist and the winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in for his research on cathode rays and the discovery of many of their properties. Lenard is remembered as a strong German nationalist who despised English physics, which he considered as having stolen their ideas from Germany. During the Nazi regime, he was the outspoken proponent of the idea that Germany should rely on " Deutsche Physik " ("Aryan physics") and ignore the (in his opinion) fallacious and perhaps deliberately misleading ideas of "Jewish physics", by which he meant chiefly the theories of
Extractions: Related Articles People who viewed "X-ray" also viewed: Cold War (1953_1962) Waterbury, Nebraska Rock of Cashel Cocker spaniel ... Computed tomography What's new? Our next offering Latest newsletter Student area Lesson plans Recent Updates Zany Golf Youtiao Yeoncheon County Yasser Arafat ... More Recent Articles Top Graphs Richest Most Murderous Most Taxed Most Populous ... More Stats Updated 2 days 22 hours 16 minutes ago. Other descriptions of X-ray Chest X-ray X-Ray during Cholecystectomy An X-ray or R¶ntgen ray is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength in the range of 10 nanometers to 100 picometers (corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 PHz to 3 EHz ). X-rays are primarily used for diagnostic medical imaging and crystallography . X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation and as such can be dangerous. Download high resolution version (2560x1920, 591 KB) Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. ... Download high resolution version (2560x1920, 591 KB) Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. ... Chest X-ray A chest X-ray is a radiological film obtained by X-ray taken of the thorax which is used to diagnose problems with that area. ...
Philipp Lenard - Definition Of Philipp Lenard In Encyclopedia philipp eduard anton von lenard (June 7, 1862 May 20, 1947) was a Slovakphysicist and the winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1905 for his research http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Philipp_Lenard
Extractions: Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard June 7 May 20 ) was a Slovak physicist and the winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in for his research on cathode rays and the discovery of many of their properties. Lenard is remembered as a strong nationalist who despised English physics, which he considered as having stolen their ideas from Germany. During the Nazi regime, he was the outspoken proponent of the idea that Germany should rely on " Deutsche Physik " ("Aryan physics") and ignore the (in his opinion) fallacious and perhaps deliberately misleading ideas of "Jewish physics", by which he meant chiefly the theories of Albert Einstein , including "the Jewish fraud" of relativity . An advisor to Adolf Hitler , Lenard became Chief of Aryan Physics under the Nazis. He was expelled from his post at the University of Heidelberg by Allied occupation forces in about Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard http://www.nobel-winners.com/Physics/philipp_lenard.html
Nobel Prize In Physics 1905 philipp eduard anton von lenard Button Germany Button born 1862 (Pozsony (Pressburg),Hungary), died 1947 Button Kiel University, Kiel, Germany http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/nobel1905.html
Short Life History: Philipp Lenard Short life history philipp eduard anton lenard. * June 7, 1862 Preßburg, May20, 1947 Messelhausen. After his study of science in Budapest and Vienna and http://www.einstein-website.de/biographies/lenard_content.html
Extractions: Short life history: Philipp Lenard " Our old fights were sure victorious; only few obstinate people are still grouping around the Captain of Koepenick. The youth however clearly knows about German physics and Jewish physics; " Philipp Lenard in a greeting card to his colleague Ernst Gehrcke, June/July 1937 Short life history: Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard * June 7, 1862 Preßburg, May 20, 1947 Messelhausen After his study of science in Budapest and Vienna and physics in Berlin and Heidelberg, Lenard obtained a doctorate in Heidelberg in 1886. He went to Breslau in 1890 as assistant and a year later to Bonn to Heinrich Hertz (18571894) where he also qualified as university lecturer. Then he changed to Aachen, Heidelberg and Kiel. Back in Heidelberg in 1907 he became head of the Physical Institute there. From 1909 he was leading the Radiological Institute at the University of Heidelberg which was also founded by him. He stayed at the University of Heidelberg until he conferred emeritus status (1931). After the war Lenard moved to Messelhausen (Badenia). Philipp Lenard, ca. 1930
Kurzbiographie Philipp Lenard Translate this page Kurzbiographie philipp eduard anton lenard. * 7. Juni 1862 Preßburg, 20.Mai 1947 Messelhausen. Nach dem Studium der Naturwissenschaften in Budapest und http://www.einstein-website.de/biographien/lenard_inhalt.html
Extractions: Die Jugend ist sich jedenfalls schon klar über Deutsche Physik und Jüdische Physik; ..." Philipp Lenard in einer Grußkarte an seinen Kollegen Ernst Gehrcke, Juni/Juli 1937 Kurzbiographie: Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard * 7. Juni 1862 Preßburg, 20. Mai 1947 Messelhausen Nach dem Studium der Naturwissenschaften in Budapest und Wien sowie der Physik in Berlin und Heidelberg, promovierte Lenard 1886 in Heidelberg. 1890 ging er als Assistent nach Breslau und ein Jahr später nach Bonn zu Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894), wo er sich auch habilitierte. Er wechselte dann nach Aachen, Heidelberg und Kiel. 1907 wieder in Heidelberg wurde er Direktor des dortigen Physikalischen Instituts. Das von ihm ins Leben gerufene Radiologische Institut an der Universität Heidelberg leitete er ab 1909. Bis zu seiner Emeritierung im Jahr 1931 blieb er an der Universität Heidelberg. Nach dem Krieg zog Lenard nach Messelhausen (Baden). Philipp Lenard, um 1930
Extractions: Úvodní strana Fyzici Nìmecký fyzik maïarského pùvodu Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard se narodil 7. èervna 1862 v Bratislavì. Rodina se do Bratislavy (Pressburgu) pøestìhovala z Tyrolska. V Nìmecku zaèal Lenard studovat chemii. Pozdìji studoval fyziku v Budapeti, Vídni, Berlínì a Heidelbergu. 1886 - doktorát na univerzitì v Heidelbergu. Od roku 1892 pracoval Lenard jako asistent profesora Hertze na univerzitì v Bonnu a od roku 1894 byl profesorem na univerzitì ve Vroclavi. V roce 1895 se stal Lenard profesorem v Aix-la-Chapelle a v roce 1896 profesorem teoretické fyziky na universitì v Heidelbergu . V roce 1898 se stal profesorem na universitì v Kielu. Phillip von Lenard se vìnoval výzkumu katodových paprskù, fotoelektrickému efektu, fosforescenci a luminiscenci. 1893 - Lenard prokázal, e katodové paprsky (objevené 1859 nìmeckým fyzikem J. Plückerem) nemusí existovat jen ve výbojové trubici. Zjistil, e nositelé elektrického náboje katodových paprskù jsou elektrony. 1900 - Lenard vypracoval dynamickou teorii tìles, v mnoha bodech spoleèné s
Philipp Lenard philipp lenard. philipp lenard AKA philipp eduard anton lenard. Born 7Jun-1862Birthplace Pressburg, Hungary Died 20-May-1947 http://www.nndb.com/people/441/000099144/
Nobel Peace Prize 1905 philipp eduard anton von lenard for his work on cathode rays. 1906 - JosephJohn Thomson in recognition of the great merits of his theoretical and http://din-timelines.com/1901s-npp.shtml
Nobel Prizes In Physics philipp eduard anton lenard. HungarianGerman. cathode rays. 1906. Sir JosephJohn Thomson lenard, philipp eduard anton. 1886. Heidelberg. 1862 - 1947 http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/PHYS/
Extractions: 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONTARIO M3J 1P3, CANADA For suggestions, corrections, additional information, and comments please send e-mails to jandraos@yorku.ca http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/ NOBEL PRIZE PHYSICS YEAR NAME OF SCIENTISTS NATIONALITY TYPE OF PHYSICS Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen German radiation Henrik Antoon Lorentz Dutch magnetism, radiation Pieter Zeeman Dutch magnetism, radiation Pierre Curie French radiation Marie Curie French radiation Antoine Henri Becquerel French radiation Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh British gases Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard Hungarian-German cathode rays Sir Joseph John Thomson British gases Albert Abraham Michelson German-American spectroscopy Gabriel Lippmann French optics Guglielmo Marconi Italian telegraphy Carl Ferdinand Braun German telegraphy Johannes Diderik van der Waals Dutch gases Wilhelm Wien German radiation Nils Gustaf Dalen Swedish gases Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes Dutch cryogenics Max von Laue German crystallography Sir William Henry Bragg British crystallography Sir William Lawrence Bragg British crystallography no prize awarded Charles Glover Barkla British radiation Max Planck German quantum theory, radiation
AIP Niels Bohr Library lenard, philipp eduard anton, 1862 ed. Jones, Daniel Evan, 1863- tr. Walley,John Thomas, joint tr. Helmholtz, Hermann von, 1821-1894. http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/25741.html
Extractions: My List - Help Browse Books Archival Resources Archival Finding Aids Photos Browse FAQs Past Searches History Home Search: Author Subject Title Journal/Newspaper Title Series Computer File (Software) Title Video Title Refine Search AIP Niels Bohr Library Item Information Holdings More by this author Hertz, Heinrich [Rudolph] 1857-1894. Subjects Mechanics, Analytic. Browse Catalog by author: Hertz, Heinrich [Rudolph] 1857-1894. by title: The principles of me... MARC Display The principles of mechanics presented in a new form by Heinrich Hertz; with an introduction by H. von Helmholtz. Authorised English translation by D. E. Jones and J. T. Walley. by Hertz, Heinrich [Rudolph] 1857-1894. London, New York, Macmillian and co., ltd., 1899. 1899. Call Number: N8 HER z Description: xxviii, 276 p. 23 cm. Notes: Edited by P. Lenard. "Forms the third (and last) volume of his collected works, as edited by Dr. Philipp Lenard. English translations of the first and second volumes (Miscellaneous papers and Electric waves) have already been published."Translator's note. Added Author: Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton, 1862- ed.
Atomic Evolution philipp eduard anton lenard (1862 1947). German physicist who figured out thatcathode rays could pass through atoms, and this allowed him to conclude http://library.thinkquest.org/C0110925/html/history/disciplesoftheatom/disciples
Extractions: Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard (1862 - 1947) German physicist who figured out that cathode rays could pass through atoms, and this allowed him to conclude that the center of the atom was concentrated in a tiny fraction of the atomic volume. He was also the first to realize that the atom must have a structure and that it was mostly made up of empty space.
Extractions: Feedback lend (l nd) v. lent (l nt) lend·ing lends v. tr. a. To give or allow the use of temporarily on the condition that the same or its equivalent will be returned. b. To provide (money) temporarily on condition that the amount borrowed be returned, usually with an interest fee. To contribute or impart: Books and a fireplace lent a feeling of warmth to the room. To accommodate or offer (itself) to; be suitable for: The Bible lends itself to various interpretations. v. intr. To make a loan. See Usage Note at loan Idiom: lend a hand To be of assistance. [Middle English lenden , alteration of lenen (on the model of such verbs as senden to send , whose past participle sent rhymed with lent ), from Old English
Philipp Lenard - Linix Encyclopedia philipp eduard anton von lenard, in Hungarian F?lrd (born in Bratislava onJune 7, 1862 died May 20, 1947 in Messelhausen) was a physicist and the http://web.linix.ca/pedia/index.php/Philipp_von_Lenard
Extractions: Lenard.jpg Lenard studied under the illustrious Bunsen and Helmholtz , and obtained his doctoral degree in 1886 at the University of Heidelberg . After posts at Aachen, Bonn, Aix-la-Chappell, Breslau, Heidelberg (1896-1898), and Kiel (1898-1907), he returned finally to the University of Heidelberg in 1907 as the head of the Philipp Lenard Institute. Lenard is best remembered as an "experimentalist of genius" whose major contributions were in the study of cathode rays. Prior to his work, cathode rays were produced in Crookes ' tubes (an early form of the now ubiquitous cathode ray tube , or CRT), which are partially evacuated glass tubes that have metallic electrodes in them, across which a high voltage can be placed. The rays were difficult to study because they were inside sealed glass tubes, difficult to access, and because the rays were in the presence of air molecules (fully evacuated tubes didn't produce rays). He overcame these problems by devising a method of making small metallic windows in the glass that were thick enough to be able to withstand the pressure differences, but thin enough to allow passage of the rays. Having made a window for the rays, he could pass them out into the laboratory, or, alternatively, into another chamber that was completely evacuated. He was able to conveniently detect the rays and measure their intensity by means of paper sheets coated with phosphorescent materials.
Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Translate this page lenard, philipp eduard anton. (1862 - 1947), Physiker. PUBLIKATION ÖBL 1815-1950,Bd. 5 (Lfg. 22), S. 127. Biographie (PDF) http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/oebl/oebl_L/Lenard_Philipp-Eduard-Anton_1862_1947.xml
The Discovery Of Electron 1905, philipp eduard anton von lenard, Germany, in Physics for his work on cathoderays. 1906, Sir Joseph John Thomson, Great Britain, in Physics for the http://www.vigyanprasar.com/dream/may2001/electron.htm
Extractions: Emergence of Modern Science The Discovery of the Electron V.B.Kamble A s early as about 1830, electrical discharges in gases were intriguing a number of experimental physicists in Europe. In 1881, at the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge, J.J.Thomson began experimenting with gaseous discharges, and continued to do so for the next 50 years. When Thomson started his research, cathode rays had already been known for about 50 years, but their nature was controversial. As Thomson later wrote in the paper reporting his discovery of the electron, "The most diverse opinions are held as to these rays; according to the almost unanimous opinion of German physicists they are due to some process in the ether to which. no phenomenon hitherto observed is analogous; another view of these rays is that, so far from being wholly ethereal, they are in fact wholly material, and that they mark the paths of particles of matter charged with negative electricity." J.J. Thomson
Lakatos Collection Authors L-P lenard, philipp eduard anton, 1862 Great men of science a history of scientificprogress / translated from the 2nd German edition by H. Stafford Hatfield http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/collections/lakatos/lakatos_l.htm
Extractions: Home Help Search Index ... LSEforYou You are here - Welcome to LSE Library What's in the Library? Lachelier, Jules, 1832-1918. Philosophy of Jules Lachelier : Du fondement de l'induction. Psychologie et métaphysique. Notes sur le pari de Pascal / together with contributions to Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie and a selection from his letters ; translated and i The Hague : Nijhoff, 1960. B2289.L162.E L13 LAK. Normal loan Ladrière, Jean. Limitations internes des formalismes : étude sur la signification du théorème de Gödel et des théorèmes apparentés dans la théorie des fondements des mathématiques. Louvain : E. Nauwelaerts, 1957. (Collection de logique mathématique,Sér. B ; no. 2). QA9.A5 L15 LAK. Normal loan Laer, Pierre Henry van. Philosophico-scientific problems / by P.Henry van Laer. Pittsburgh : Duquesne University Press, 1953. (Duquesne studies Philosophical series ; 3). Q175 L15 LAK. Normal loan Lakatos, Imre. Wetenschapsfilosofie en wetenschapsgeschiedenis : de controverse tussen Popper en Kuhn / Imre Lakatos ; vertaling van Karel van der Leeuw. Nederlandse editie. Boom Meppel, [1972]. (Teksten wetenschapsfilosofie.). ISBN 9060091752 . Q175 L19 LAK. Normal loan
A Chronology Of The Atomic View Of Nature 1899, philipp eduard anton VON lenard (Germany, 18621947), showed that photoelectricemission is due to electrons. 1899, JOSEPH JOHN THOMSON (England, http://www.3rd1000.com/chronoatoms.htm
Extractions: A CHRONOLOGY OF THE ATOMIC VIEW OF NATURE c. 550 B.C. THALES of Miletus (Greece, c. 640-546 B.C.) recorded the attractive properties of rubbed amber and of lodestone. c. 450 B.C. LEUCIPPUS (Greece) proposed an atomic concept of matter. c. 400 B.C. DEMOCRITUS of Abdera (Greece, c. 460-357 B.C.) pupil of Leucippus, was the most famous of the atomists in ancient times. He taught: "The only existing things are the atoms and empty space; all else is mere opinion. " c. 335 B.C. ARISTOTLE (Greece, 384-322 B.C.) held that all matter was basically composed of the same continuous primordial stuff. c. 300 B.C. EPICURUS of Samos (Greece, c. 342-270 B.C.) founded a philosophical system based on the atomism of Democritus. c. B.C. ZENO of Cition (Greece, c. 336-264 B.C.) founded the Stoic school of philosophy which held that matter, space, etc. were continuous. c. 60 B.C. TITUS LUCRETIUS CARUS (Rome, c. 96-55 B.C.) attempted to formulate a rational explanation of natural phenomena by extending the beliefs of Democritus and Epicurus.