JSPS Awards For Eminent Scientists In conjunction with the project in which Professor jeanmarie lehn was invited to Japan, Professor jean-marie lehn delivered a special lecture at the http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-awards/report/lehn.html
MSN Encarta - Lehn, Jean-Marie Translate this page lehn, jean-marie (1939- ), chimiste français et prix Nobel de chimie en 1987, spécialiste de Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher lehn, jean-marie http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761590267/Lehn_Jean-Marie.html
SVIBOR - Papers - Project Code 1-07-188 Authors iniæ, Mladen (55613). Radio station radio Zagreb III program Name of emission (broadcast) Velikani dananjice, jeanmarie lehn Year 1993 http://www.mzos.hr/svibor/1/07/188/rad_e.htm
SVIBOR - Radovi - Projekt Broj 1-07-188 Naslov Velikani dananjice, jeanmarie lehn; urednik R. Vince. Autori inic, Mladen (55613). Radio postaja radio Zagreb III program http://www.mzos.hr/svibor/1/07/188/rad_h.htm
ZKM | Events | 04/2003 | Jean-Marie Lehn Nobel prize winner jeanmarie lehn * 1939 in Rosheim, France studied chemistry in jean-marie lehn has published more than 500 articles and books, http://on1.zkm.de/zkm/stories/storyReader$3150
Extractions: Nobel prize winner Jean-Marie Lehn Lehns extensive work on the chemistry of molecular definition began with research into the synthesis of molecules with inner cavities, in which other chemical elements can be included. These trail-blazing discoveries opened up a whole new area of chemistry, which he referred to as supra-molecular chemistry. - > Jean-Marie Lehn : Biographical Information Impressum/Web Site Credits
ZKM | Veranstaltungen 03-04/2003 Lehn Translate this page Der Nobelpreistäger jean-marie lehn *1939 in Rosheim, Frankreich studierte jean-marie lehn ist Autor von mehr als 500 Publikationen, Mitglied und http://on1.zkm.de/zkm/stories/storyReader$3208
J L Davies Author :: Books From Books.co.uk Author(s) lehn, jeanmarie (Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France) ~ Atwood, JL (University Research Professor, Department of Chemistry, http://www.books.co.uk/author_j-l--davies.html
BRIDGES-Dialogues Towards A Culture Of Peace jeanmarie lehn Prof. Sheldon Lee Glashow Prof. Riccardo Giacconi Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo Prof. Mario J. Molina Prof. Peter Agre
Extractions: Jean-Marie Lehn Science and society: Some reflections Science provides knowledge that technology transform into means of action. Their impact on society will depend on the effective use that is being made of them. Chemical and physical sciences have profoundly modified the living condition of mankind, in particular chemistry ahs played a central role. Its creative power has made available a range of new materials and processes for the transformation of matter. These have often been perceived as unnatural and opposed to the natural ones. As a result the question of a control by society has become more and more actual. This requires information of the public and of decision-makers for evaluating the potential impact of technology on society as well as for preserving the necessary freedom of scientific research and of quest of knowledge. Nobel Laureates
Extractions: um 10 Uhr c.t. Vita: http://www.smau.it/nobel/biograph/blehnen1.htm Over the years his work has defined a new field of chemistry, which he has proposed calling "supramolecular chemistry" as it deals with complex entities formed by the association of two or more chemical species held together by intermolecular forces, whereas classical chemistry studies the bonds between the atoms within a molecule. This is a conceptual revolution in which the imagination of the chemist "forges the key that opens the door to a land of wonders".
Biografia De Lehn, Jean-Marie Pierre Translate this page lehn, jean-marie Pierre. (1939- ) Químico francés, n. en Rosheim. Doctorado en química por la Universidad de Estrasburgo en 1963, en 1970 ingresó como http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/l/lehn.htm
Extractions: Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Lehn, Jean-Marie Pierre (1939- ) Químico francés, n. en Rosheim. Doctorado en química por la Universidad de Estrasburgo en 1963, en 1970 ingresó como profesor de química en la Universidad Louis Pasteur de Estrasburgo, donde permaneció hasta 1979, fecha en la que pasó como docente al Collège de France, en París. En 1987 compartió el premio Nobel de Química con los investigadores estadounidenses D. J. Cram y Ch. J. Pedersen. La contribución de Lehn fue la creación de una molécula capaz de combinarse con el neurotransmisor acetilcolina, el transmisor químico de las señales en el sistema nervioso. En la manipulación de los compuestos bicíclicos del tipo éter corona, Lehn amplió los hallazgos de Pedersen a tres dimensiones y desarrolló una terminología que pasaría a ser aceptada en la nomenclatura de la química orgánica: a las cavidades que existen dentro de las moléculas las denominó criptas, criptandos a los componentes y criptatos a sus complejos. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio
Olma Messen St.Gallen Dr. jeanmarie lehn. Abstract. Self-Organization of Functional Supramolecular Supramolecular chemistry aims at constructing highly complex chemical systems http://www.nanofair.ch/wDeutsch/messen/nanofair/wDeutsch/01_besucher/konferenzen
LEXPRESS.fr - La Recherche - Jean-Marie Lehn : «En Sciences, Il Faut Prendre De Translate this page Lactualité scientifique, de la recherche et de la santé. Des dossiers sur la médecine, les nouvelles technologies, les sciences, lastronomie, la biologie http://www.lexpress.fr/info/sciences/dossier/recherch/dossier.asp?ida=428261
The Nobel Prize In Chemistry: Donald J. Cram jeanmarie lehn *1939 (France). For their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity http://www.nobelpreis.org/english/chemie/lehn.html
Allegro-Chronik 25 Jahre (2005) lehn, jean-marie; Pederson, Charles. 1988, Deisenhofer, Johann; Huber, Robert; lehn, jean-marie (1987) MacDiarmid, Alan G. (2000) http://www.allegro-c.de/chronik/a28c.htm
Extractions: Berg, Paul; Gilbert, Walter; Sanger, Frederick Fukui, Kenichi [Japan]; Hoffmann, Roald [USA] Klug, Aaron Taube, Henry Merrifield, Robert B. Hauptman, Herbert A.; Karle, Jerome Herschbach, Dudley R.; Lee, Yuan Tseh; Polanyi, John C. Cram, Donald J.; Lehn, Jean-Marie; Pederson, Charles Deisenhofer, Johann; Huber, Robert; Michel, Hartmut Altman, Sidney; Cech, Thomas Corey, Elias J. Ernst, Richard Marcus, Rudolph A. Mullis, Kary B.; Smith, Michael Olah, George A. Crutzen, Paul J.; Molina, Mario J.; Rowland, F. Sherwood; Smalle, Richard E.; Curl, Robert F.; Kroto, Harold W. [UK] Boyer, Paul D.; Skou, Jens C. [D¤nemark]; Walker, John E. [UK] Kohn, Walter; Pople, John A. [UK] Zewail, Ahmed H. Heeger, Alan J.; MacDiarmid, Alan G.; Shirakawa, Hideki [Japan] Knowles, William S.; Noyori, Ryoji [Japan] Fenn, John B.; Tanaka, Koichi [Japan] Agre, Peter; MacKinnon, Roderick Ciechanover, Aaron; Hershko, Avram; Rose, Irwin Alphabetische Liste
Lista De Managers Jacques lehn Lagardère Active Broadcast exEurope 1 Communication, jean-marie Thomine-Desmazures Algeco SA (Alliance et Gestion commerciale), http://es.transnationale.org/manager/manager_J.htm
Extractions: Inicio : Empresas > Lista de managers: A B C D ... I J K L M N ... Z J A Chegwidden: J A Horning: International Forest Products Ltd J Barclay Collins II: Amerada Hess Corp J Battenberg: Delphi Corp J Brian Ferguson: Eastman Chemical Co J Cronin: Cytec Industries Inc. J Currie Bechtol: Frontier Oil Corp J David Greenwood: JJB Sports plc J Drennan Lowell: Waste Management Inc. J E Andriessen: Randstad Holding NV J F M Peters: Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten J G Dopper: European Chemical Industry Council, J Gregory Ness: StanCorp Financial Group, Inc J Howard Watson: Telewest Communications plc J Ira Harris: Manpower J K Kim: Anam Semiconductors J Keith Lousteau: Tidewater J Kendall Huber: Allmerica Financial Corp J Kenneth Alley: Suncor Energy Inc. J Kevin Buchi: Cephalon J L Dehaene: Telindus Group J Landis Martin: Crown Castle International Corp Halliburton Co. J Lawrence Wilson: J M Fernández Sousa-Faro: Zeltia SA J M Haggar: Haggar Corp J M Henderson: KPN J M Robinson: Footstar, Inc J M Sunderland: Cadbury Schweppes plc Rank Group plc. J Marvin Quin: Ashland Inc. J Michael Fitzpatrick: J Michael Schlotman: Kroger Co.
MSN Encarta - Lehn, Jean-Marie Translate this page lehn, jean-marie (Rosheim, Francia 1939), chimico francese. Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta lehn, jean-marie http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_981535987/Lehn_Jean-Marie.html
Hommes Célébres D'Alsace - Suzyland Translate this page Ce nouveau domaine de la chimie vaut à jean-marie lehn de se voir décerner Les travaux de jean-marie lehn illustrent parfaitement combien la recherche http://sites.estvideo.net/suzyland/page_hommes_celebres.htm
Extractions: Hommes célèbres HANS ARP Peintre et sculpteur Biographie En savoir plus sur son parcours Quelques oeuvres BARTHOLDI Frédéric Architecte et sculpteur Biographie C entenaire de sa mort en 2004 En savoir plus sur son parcours Le Musée Bartholdi MATHIS Emile Constructeur Automobiles Biographie En savoir plus sur son parcours Les Ford-Mathis SCHWEITZER Albert Docteur Biographie Site de Gunsbach Association Internationale pour l'Oeuvre du Docteur Albert Schweitzer de Lambaréné (AISL) BADER Theophile Fondateur des Galeries Lafayette En savoir plus sur son parcours Schueller Eugène Fondateur de l'OREAL En savoir plus sur son enfance En savoir plus sur son parcours MIME MARCEAU Marcel Il est né Marcel Mangel