Kémiai Nobel-díjak, 1996 sir harold W. kroto, Prof. Richard E. Smalley. Rice University, Texas, USA,University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, Rice University, Texas, USA http://www.kfki.hu/chemonet/hun/olvaso/nobel96/nobel.html
Press Releases - Public Affairs Office - The University Of Nottingham The honorary degree of Doctor of Science will be conferred upon four distinguishedpeople Professor sir harold W kroto, the Nobel prizewinner from the http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/public-affairs/press-releases/index.phtml?menu=press
Www.vega.org.uk Il Sito Ideato Da Sir Harry Kroto Http//www.vega Translate this page sir harold W. kroto è presidente eletto della Royal Society of Chemistry eProfessore di Chimica alla Sussex University (UK). Ha ricevuto il Ph.D. nel 1964 http://wwwcsi.unian.it/educa/links/vega_it.html
Extractions: www.vega.o r g.uk Il sito ideato da Sir Harry Kroto http://www.vega.org.uk/info/index.html Sir Harold W. Kroto è presidente eletto della Royal Society of Chemistry e Professore di Chimica alla Sussex University (UK). Ha ricevuto il Ph.D. nel 1964 per le sue ricerche svolte con R. N. Dixon sugli spettri elettronici ad alta risoluzione di radicali liberi prodotti per flash fotolisi. Dopo che per tre anni ha svolto lavoro di ricerca nel National Research Council in Ottawa, Canada, e negli Bell Laboratories, NJ, ha iniziato la sua carriera accademica all'University of Sussex (Brighton, UK) nel 1967, dove è diventato full professor nel 1985. Nel 1991 è diventato Royal Society Research Professor e dal 1990 è presidente dell'editorial board del Chemical Society Reviews. Presidente del Vega Science Trust (da lui iniziato nel 1994 con Patrick Reams), promuove gli scopi del progetto Vega in tutto il mondo. Sir Harry è una persona molto interessata all'insegnamento delle scienze, all'immagine dello scienziato nella società, appassionata e piena di entusiasmo entusiasmo che trasmette a chiunque voglia ascoltare!
Molecular Design Institute - Guest Lectures Professor sir harold W. kroto. (taken from the 1997 MDI Fall Lecture Program)sir harold W. kroto has been a Royal Society Research Professor in the School http://www.chemistry.gatech.edu/mdi/guest.html
Extractions: Molecular Design Institute / Guest Lectures Upcoming Lecture: No information available at this time. About: MDI offers a series of distinguished guest lectures. All of these are located on the Georgia Tech Campus and are open to the Public. Past Lectures: Spring 2003 Professor George M. Whitesides - Harvard University
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker E. V., GDCh - Plenarvorträge Translate this page Zur Webseite of Professor sir harold W. kroto. Montag, 12.09.2005, 9.15 10.00Uhr, Konrad-Henkel-Hörsaal (HS 3A). prof. dr. dr. eh utz-hellmuth felcht http://www.gdch.de/vas/tagungen/tg/5560/wissprogramm/plenar.htm
Extractions: University of Sussex 2010, NanoSpace Odyssey Harold W. Kroto was born in 1939. He graduated in Chemistry at the University of Sheffield in 1961 and in 1964 received his PhD. After two years postdoctoral research in electronic and microwave spectroscopy at the National Research Council in Ottawa, Canada, he spent one year at Bell Laboratories NJ. He started his academic career at the University of Sussex (Brighton) in 1967, where he became a professor in 1985 and in 1991 he was made a Royal Society Research Professor. His main research interests are: Creation and spectroscopic characterisation of new molecules, in particular unstable species and reaction intermediates which contained labile multiple bonds. This work led to the production of the first molecules with carbon phosphorus double bonds as well as the development of the first analogues with carbon phosphorus triple bonds.
A New Class Of Carbon Structures awarded to Richard E. Smalley and Robert F. Curl, both supported by the Officeof Science, and Curl s colleague sir harold W. kroto of Great Britain. http://www.er.doe.gov/Sub/Accomplishments/Decades_Discovery/8.html
Extractions: A new allotrope of carbon that consists of 60 carbon atoms, shown above, in the shape of a soccer ball. Scientific Impact: The discovery of fullerenes launched a new branch of chemistry, and related studies have contributed to growing interest in nanostructures in general and the principles of self-assembly. Fullerenes also have influenced the conception of diverse scientific problems such as the galactic carbon cycle and classical aromaticity, a keystone of theoretical chemistry. Social Impact: Fullerenes are highly versatile (there are literally thousands of variations) and thus have many potential applications. For example, fullerene structures can be manipulated to produce superconducting salts, new three-dimensional polymers, new catalysts, and biologically active compounds. Reference: "C60: Buckminsterfullerene," H.W. Kroto, J.R. Heath, S.C. O'Brien, R.F. Curl, and R.E. Smalley, Nature 318, 162, November 14, 1985" URL: http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/carbon-36-superconductor.html
SCCT? Translate this page sir harold W. kroto(1996?)? sir harold W.kroto ( University of Sussex , UK , The Florida State University , USA ) http://ccce.sjtu.edu.cn/news/list.asp?id=193
NanoXchange.com - Nanotechnology Business Services Nanometerscale Architecture on March 22, 2002 sir harold W. kroto Provided bythe Advanced Research Computing Cooperative through the UCLA School of http://www.nanoxchange.com/Seminar_Vids.asp
TU-Spektrum Translate this page Mit sir harold kroto eine Cola schlürfen bescheidene Herr im kurzärmeligenHemd und ohne Krawatte ist sir harold W. kroto, Chemie-Nobelpreisträger 1996. http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/spektrum/98-3/tu34.html
Caramba! - Nobelova Cena - Chemie (1986-2002) Curl, Robert F. Jr. I. kroto, sir harold WI kroto, sir harold W. II. Smalley,Richard EI Smalley, Richard E. II. http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=1017
ChemFan - Publikacje Chemfan jest najatrakcyjniejszym i najwiekszym chemicznym serwisem w Polsce Za odkrycie fullerenow Profesor sir harold W. kroto, Profesor Robert F. Curl http://znik.wbc.lublin.pl/ChemFan/Publikacje/Wegiel60.html
Extractions: Ka¿dy chemik wie, ¿e czysty wêgiel wystêpuje w postacji dwóch krystalicznych odmian alotropowych - grafitu i diamentu. W zaawansowanych ksi±¿kach mo¿na jeszcze znale¼æ wzmianki np. o diamencie heksagonalnym ( lonsdaleit ) lub formach alfa - i beta -grafitu, ale s± to tylko warianty powszechnie znanych alotropów. Ma³o kto chyba liczy³ na to, ¿e w dziedzinie alotropii wêgla mo¿na dokonaæ jeszcze postêpu. A jednak - sta³o siê! Opowie¶æ nale¿y zacz±æ w koñcu lat sze¶ædziesi±tych. Astrofizycy zastanawiali siê wówczas nad pochodzeniem kilku widmowych linii absorpcyjnych wi±zanych z py³em miêdzygwiezdnym. Teza, ¿e py³ ten mo¿e zawieraæ maleñkie ziarenka grafitu, by³a popularna, ale nie potwierdzona. potrzebne by³y badania. Posuwa³y siê one powoli, bo sponsorzy sk±pili pieniêdzy... Prze³om nast±pi³ w 1985 roku. Wówczas to amerykañsko-brytyjska grupa kierowana przez Kroto bad³a jony i cz±steczki powstaj±ce z grafitu w bardzo wysokich temperaturach. Spektrometria masowa wykaza³a nadspodziewanie du¿o jonów o masie odpowiadaj±cej C . Jon ten by³ znacznie trwalszy od innych, a zwiêkszona trwa³o¶æ czêsto wi±¿e siê z symetryczn± budow±. Po pewnych wahaniach zaproponowano strukturê tak±, jak± mo¿ecie zobaczyæ na ok³adce. Cz±steczkê C
The Nanotechnology Site kroto, sir harold W.kroto,Indexed 7/4/00; Title kroto, sir harold W; URL http//www.fwkc.com/encyclopedia/low/articles/k/k014000937f.html; http://www.pa.msu.edu/cmp/csc/nanotech/
Extractions: The Nanotechnology Site started as a research project, inspired by the friendly atmosphere of the Erice Summer School in 2000 . For the initial realization, many suggestions, and tons of work, the credit goes to Dr. Debajyoti Sarangi This compilation of listings has been partly computer generated by monitoring recent web postings on "nanotubes" and "carbon". Web conversion and posting has been performed by Debajyoti Sarangi (d_sarangi@yahoo.com) and Keith Freel (freelkei@msu.edu) Indexed: 6/6/00 Title: LAE Publications URL: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Research/SCRIBA/LAE/pubpaps.html Description: Publications by the LAE group. 2000 Publications. Electronic conduction in ion implanted amorphous carbon thin films R.U.A. Khan and S.R.P. Silva... Indexed: 6/6/00 Title: Polymeerikotisivu /Kari Vaahtera URL: http://www.helsinki.fi/~vaahtera/ Description: Linkkejä kemian (ilmais)palveluihin.Uusin lisäys 02.04.00 ) Chemistry Teaching Resources Knut Irgum, U of Umeå. Anal.Chem. Springboard. InfoChem... Indexed: 6/6/00 Title: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Events Calendar URL: http://www.eng.rpi.edu/dept/NewsComm/Calendar/
Jahrestagung Der Chemiker 2005 In Düsseldorf Translate this page der Chemie-Nobelpreisträger von 1996, Professor sir harold W. kroto sir harold kroto entführt in seinem Plenarvortrag in die faszinierende neue Welt http://www.chemlin.de/news/jul05/2005071304X.htm
Fachschaft Chemie, Universität Bielefeld - Neues Aus Der FaKo - Druckversion Translate this page Juni 2001 Herrn Professor sir harold W. kroto PhD FRS NL (Fellow of the RoyalSociety, Nobel Laureat) aus Brighton den Doktortitel ehrenhalber verliehen. http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/chemie/fachschaft/chemopol/ss2001/neues_fako.htm?__x
Research In Review At Florida State University sir harold W. kroto, one of the corecipients of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry,joined FSU as a Francis Eppes Professor in the Department of Chemistry http://www.research.fsu.edu/researchr/fall2004/departments/abstracts.html
Extractions: Departments > Abstracts Fall 2004 Cover Story Features Departments Cover ... FSU Home Abstracts Nobelist Now a 'Nole Sir Harold W. Kroto, one of the corecipients of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, joined FSU as a Francis Eppes Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in October. Kroto spent most of last spring as a visiting professor on campus, giving a highly popular series of public lectures, visiting area schools to promote science education and teaching a graduate class on interstellar chemistry. He comes to FSU from the University of Sussex in England, where he taught for 37 years. Kroto said his move will allow him to "not only open up some new research avenues" but "also maintain the considerable momentum that (his research has) built up over the past 10 years in my international educational outreach work." Kroto's Nobel Prize was based on his co-discovery of buckminsterfullerene, a form of pure carbon better known as "buckyballs." The extraordinary molecule consists of 60 carbon atoms arranged as a spheroid, in a pattern exactly matching the stitching on soccer balls. The configuration reminded Kroto of the geodesic domes designed by the late inventor/architect Buckminster Fuller, hence the name "buckminsterfullerines." Kroto is the second Nobelist (with J. Robert Schrieffer of the National Magnetic Field Laboratory) now serving on the FSU faculty. Others to serve at FSU were Konrad Bloch, human sciences; James Buchanan, economics; Paul Dirac, physics; and Robert Sanderson Mulliken, chemical physics.
Vesmír - Nejkulatìjí Molekula sir harold W. kroto ( * 1939 WIESBECH, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, VELKÁ BRITÁNIE).Studoval chemii na Univerzite v Sheffieldu a tam získal i doktorát (1964). http://www.vesmir.cz/clanek.php3?CID=2616
Kända Kemister I Storbritannien fanns en forskare som hette harold W kroto och Robert föreslog Han fick nobelpriset i kemi 1996 tillsammans med sir harold W kroto och http://www.draknet.nu/Kanda_kemister/Curl_sid2.htm
Extractions: @import "http://www.delta.tudelft.nl/css.css"; NR JAARGANG Op 13 november is de vierde Technologiedag TU Delft voor alumni, wetenschappers TU-medewerkers en studenten. Wellicht een prima gelegenheid om te netwerken? highlight-tours Prof. Kroto heeft samen met Robert Curl en Richard Smalley ( Rice University Texas ) in 1996 de Nobelprijs voor chemie gekregen voor de ontdekking van fullereen moleculen (koolstofnanobuisjes). Zijn Stevinlezing heeft als titel: The new round world of carbon sheet materials waarin hij de invloed van fullerenen en aanverwante koolstofnanobuisjes op de materiaaltechnologie behandelt. De voordracht die prof. Dekker 's middags houdt, 'Elektronica met enkele moleculen', schetst wat er op de TU op het terrein van fullerenen gebeurt. Nieuw dit jaar zijn de presentaties van de Delftse interfacultaire onderzoekscentra (Diocs). ,,Wij vonden dat er in het programma van andere jaren te weinig aandacht was voor de ontwikkelingen op onderzoeksgebied binnen de TU. Alumni hebben veelal geen idee meer van hetgeen er allemaal op 'hun' vroegere universiteit gebeurt. Daarom staan dit jaar de Diocs in de schijnwerpers. Prof. dr. ir. A.J. Berkhout verzorgt een inleiding en vervolgens geven vier Dioc-leiders een presentatie van hun huidige onderzoek.'' Het bezoekersaantal lag vorig jaar rond de 1200 en de organisatie hoopt dat er dit jaar 1500 mensen komen. ,,Hoe meer, hoe gezelliger, vinden wij. Alleen heb je dat niet helemaal zelf in hand. Wij constateerden de afgelopen jaren dat er vooral veel jongeren en ouderen kwamen. De leeftijdscategorie tussen de 35 en 55 was minder aanwezig. Wij hebben recent een uitgebreid onderzoek bij de alumni gedaan. Daar kwam helaas geen eenduidige conclusie uit waarom juist deze groep niet naar de Technologiedag kwam. Dit blijft voor ons wel een aandachtspunt.''
Extractions: Select Search All Bartleby.com All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Nobel Prizes (table) Year Peace Chemistry Physics Physiology or Medicine Literature W. C. Roentgen
Winning The 1996 Nobel Prize For Chemistry Professor Robert F. Curl, Jr., Rice University, Houston, USA,; Professor SirHarold W. kroto, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, and; Professor Richard E. http://www.seed.slb.com/en/scictr/watch/fullerenes/prize.htm