Extractions: Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-xvi 1 Introduction, pp. 1-12 2 A Firmament of Stars, pp. 13-24 3 New Opportunities, Traditional Expectations, pp. 25-30 4 Finding a Niche: Women Born Before 1920, pp. 31-50 5 Fiercely Independent: Women Born in the 1920's, pp. 51-90 6 Caught in a Tidal Wave of Change: Women Born in the 1930's, pp. 91-134 7 Through Open Doors: Women Born After 1940, pp. 135-170 8 Shared Experiences and Concerns, pp. 171-188 9 Balancing Career and Family, pp. 189-198 10 Righting the Balance, pp. 199-214 11 Conclusion, pp. 215-222 Notes, pp. 223-228 Appendix A: Academy Members Surveyed, Listed Alphabetically, pp. 229-234 Appendix B: Academy Members Surveyed, Listed by Scientific D..., pp. 235-240
Inventors And Inventions: K - EnchantedLearning.com (NRL) xray diffraction section in the Laboratory for the Structure of Matter.karle s husband, jerome karle, is a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/indexk.shtml
Extractions: Dean Kamen is an American inventor who has invented many revolutionary devices and holds over 35 U.S. patents. He developed the portable medical infusion pump, which allows patients to receive medication, like insulin, away from the hospital, and has allowed diabetic women to carry and deliver babies much more safely. Kamen designed the iBot, a revolutionary wheelchair (that uses gyroscopes and computers) that the user "wears" - it allows increased mobility (it can even climb stairs) and improved social interaction (the user can "stand"). He also invented intravascular stents (devices that hold blocked arteries open) and the portable kidney dialysis machine, which has enabled kidney dialysis patients to avoid long hospital visits - they can do the dialysis themselves while they sleep. The segway, his new personal vehicle, may revolutionize transportation. Kamen founded an educational learning center for children called Science Enrichment Encounters (or "SEE"), and
1985 ÇϹöÆ® ÇÏ¿ìÇÁÆ®¸Õ(Herbert A. Hauptman), Á¦·Ò Ä®(Jerom Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.newtonkorea.co.kr/newton/magazine/novell/1985.htm
Dra. Isabella L. Karle Químico Y Jefe De La Sección De Difracción Translate this page y se casó con el futuro ganador del premio Novel, jerome karle (Química, 1985).Para apoyar los esfuerzos de la guerra, los karle se unieron al proyecto http://www.awis.org/resource/karle.html
Extractions: Tuesday, March 8, 2005 Printer friendly version The Laboratory's Bradbury Science Museum is celebrating Women's History Month with a talk this afternoon by a Manhattan Project chemist and a new traveling exhibit. Other activities in March are planned as well. Isabella Karle will speak about her early work as a chemist during the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government's crash program to build an atomic bomb during World War II. Karle, a senior scientist specializing in crystallography at the Naval Research Laboratory, speaks at 4:30 this afternoon. Karle has worked at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., for the past 59 years, and, since 1959, as the head of NRL's X-ray Diffraction Section for the Structure of Matter. She has determined the structures of numerous biologically and medicinally important compounds, including peptides, antibiotics, toxins and anti-malarials. Coinciding with Karle's talk, the museum is hosting a reception this evening to open a new exhibit. The museum and the Lab's Physics (P) Division are co-hosting " Jewish Women Scientists Around the World," a national exhibit showcasing the lives and work of several Jewish women scientists, including two Nobel Prize winners, whose contributions have been made in fields ranging from astronomy to zoology. The women scientists were from the United States, Europe, Israel, South Africa and Turkey.
Enciclopedia :: 100cia.com Translate this page jerome karle. (En este momento no hay texto en esta p�gina. Para iniciar elart�culo, click editar esta p�gina (http//es.wikipedia.orgjerome_karle).) http://100cia.com/enciclopedia/Jerome_Karle
Extractions: Buscar: en Google en noticias en Enciclopedia Estás en: 100cia.com > Enciclopedia Jerome Karle (En este momento no hay texto en esta p�gina. Para iniciar el art�culo, click editar esta p�gina http://es.wikipedia.orgJerome_Karle Información de Wikipedia (Licencia de uso GFDL) e Internet
MSN Encarta - Karle, Jerome Translate this page karle, jerome (New York 1918), biofisico e cristallografo statunitense. Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta karle, jerome http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761583226/Karle_Jerome.html
Harvard Gazette: Honorary Degrees Awarded To Eleven With her husband, fellow graduate student jerome karle, she worked briefly onthe Manhattan Project at the University of Chicago before becoming the first http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2001/06.07/01-hondegrees.html
Extractions: News News, events, features Science/Research Latest scientific findings Profiles The people behind the university Community Harvard and neighbor communities Sports Scores, highlights, upcoming games On Campus Newsmakers, notes, students, police log Arts Museums, concerts, theater Calendar Two-week listing of upcoming events Doctor of Letters Endlessly challenging and inexhaustibly avant-garde, John Ashbery has emerged, after publishing more than 20 volumes and garnering many important honors and awards, as one of America's most revered and respected poets. A graduate of Harvard College, Ashbery earned a master's degree from Columbia, then went to France on a Fulbright scholarship, remaining there 10 years. His collections of poetry include "Some Trees" (1956), "The Tennis Court Oath" (1962), "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror" (1975), "Flow Chart" (1991), "Girls on the Run" (1999), and "Your Name Here" (2000). As an art critic he has written for Art News, New York Magazine, and Newsweek. He has also published essays, translations, plays, and a novel. He delivered the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures at Harvard in 1989-90, published as "Other Traditions" (2000).
Science -- Author Index {19 March 1999; 283 (5409)} Abstract Full Text Kaneshima, Satoshi (in Reports) Abstract Full Text Kárason,Hrafnkell (in Reports) Letter karle, jerome (in Letters) Abstract http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol283/issue5409/aindex.shtml
Extractions: A B C D ... Z Ahern, Kevin (in ) Altshuler, B. L. (in Perspectives) Arrow, Kenneth J. (in Letters) Axelrod, Julius (in Letters) Aziz, Hany (in Reports) (in Reports) Balter, Michael (in News Focus) Baltimore, David (in Letters) Barinaga, Marcia (in News of the Week) Barinaga, Marcia (in News of the Week) Benacerraf, Baruj (in Letters) Bjorkman, Pamela J. (in Reports) Bloch, Konrad E. (in Letters) Bloembergen, Nicolaas (in Letters) Blumenthal, Jonathan (in Reports) Bradke, Frank (in Reports) Brand, Ulrike (in Reports) Brannon, Elizabeth M. (in Letters) Brown, Herbert C. (in Letters) Brown, Michael S. (in Letters) Brown;, Sandra (in Technical Comments) Campman, K. (in Reports) Chirino, Arthur J. (in Reports) Chiu, Daniel T. (in Reports) Cibelli, Jose B. (in Letters) Clarke, A. R. (in Reports) Cobb, Stephen (in Policy Forum) Cohen, Jon (in News of the Week) Cohen, Stanley (in Letters) Collinge, J. (in Reports) Collins, D. Louis (in Reports) Cooper, Leon N. (in Letters) Corey, E. J.
AIT - News And Events jerome karle marks AIT Nobel Laureates lecture series debut. Prof. jerome karle (left),Nobel Laureate for Chemistry will lecture at AIT on Wednesday, http://www.misu.ait.ac.th/newsandevents/bulletinByIssue.cfm?Date=24-Nov-2003
Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents The American scientists, Herbert Hauptman and jerome karle, are physicists, butNobel officials took the exceptional step of awarding them the chemistry http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1985/1985p.html
Extractions: Two American scientists won the 1985 Nobel Prize for chemistry yesterday for their work in determining molecular structure, which has been used to develop hundreds of drugs. Also yesterday, Sweden's Royal Academy of Sciences awarded the 1985 Nobel Prize for physics to Klaus von Klitzing of West Germany, who made a discovery that is expected to lead to higher-quality electronic goods. The American scientists, Herbert Hauptman and Jerome Karle, are physicists, but Nobel officials took the exceptional step of awarding them the chemistry prize because their work in finding a method to determine crystal structure has become indispensable to chemists. Karle, 67, is director of research at the Laboratory for Structure of Matter at the US Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. Hauptman, 68, is director of research at the Medical Foundation of Buffalo in Buffalo. "I'm still numb. I was terribly surprised. I still can't believe it," Hauptman said.
Lindau 2002: 2002 Trip Report Lindau Conference Day 2 Above Nobel Laureate jerome karle engages the students at his table in some lively Left Glake Hill listens intently to Nobel Laureate jerome karle. http://www.orau.gov/orise/edu/lindau2002/day2.htm
Extractions: On the Agenda: Daily info session Dr. Ahmed Zewail presentation: "Chemistry and Biology in a New Light" Dr. Jean-Marie Lehn presentation: "Self-organization of Functional Supramolecular Systems" Dr. Richard Ernst presentation: "Fourier Transform Methods in Spectroscopy, A Key Towards Insight and Comprehension" Dr. Paul Boyer presentation: "The Oxygen we Breath - Friend or Foe" Dr. Hartmut Michel presentation: "Cytochrome and Oxidase: The Biosynthesis of Water" Scientific discussion between Nobel Laureates, assistants, and students at the Inselhalle Goldenes Lamm Dinner with Laureates A crowd gathers outside the Inselhalle each morning as eager students await the beginning of lectures by the Nobel Laureates. Read about it!
Extractions: Theatrum Chemicum Personae: Jerome Karle Jerome Karle n. 1918 Premio Nobel per la chimica 1985 con Herbert A. Hauptman Premio Nobel 1984 Premio Nobel 1986 Jerome Karle è stato uno dei 110 premi Nobel che hanno sottoscritto l' appello promosso da John Polanyi in difesa della pace e dell'ambiente. Nel punto centrale della dichiarazione dei 110 premi Nobel si legge: "La sola speranza per il futuro riposa nella collaborazione internazionale, legittimata dalla democrazia. È tempo di voltare le spalle alla ricerca unilaterale di sicurezza, in cui noi cerchiamo di rifugiarci dietro ai muri. Dobbiamo invece insistere nella ricerca dell'unità d'azione per contrastare sia il surriscaldamento del pianeta che un mondo armato". Monografie, articoli e tesine di storia della chimica! var site="s10minerva"
Extractions: P rix Nobel de 1985 à 1989 Herbert A. Hauptman et Jérôme Karle Dudley R. Herschbach Yuan Lee John Charles Polanyi ... Donald J. Cram et Jean-Marie Lehn Johann Deisenhofer Robert Huber et Hartmut Michel Sydney Altman et Thomas Cech Pour leurs travaux décisifs pour l'élaboration de méthodes directes permettant de déterminer la structure des cristaux. Herbert A. Hauptman est né le 14 février 1917 à New York. Ayant accompli ses études primaires et secondaires, il obtient en 1937 le dip16me de Bachelor of Science de mathématiques du City College de New York; il est reçu deux ans plus tard Master of Science dans la même spécialité à l'Université de Columbia. Après la guerre, il entreprend de travailler en collaboration avec Jér8me Karle tout en préparant à l'Université de Maryland un Ph. D. qu'il soutient en 1954. Les travaux effectués avec Karle conduisent les deux chercheurs à formuler les fondements d'une nouvelle méthode directe d'études cristallographiques. Leurs idées fondamentales ont été détaillées dans leur monographie, Solution of the Phase Problem