Scientific American Digital Browse Profile brian D. josephson; May 1995; by Horgan; 2 page(s). brian D. josephson,Nobel laureate, stands at an incandescent intersection in Tucson, Ariz.,
Book Parapsychology Compare prices, brian D. josephson, brian D. josephson, McFarland Company,Paperback, 200412-23. 651665, Psychic Phenomena of Jamaica.
Extractions: BOOKS OCCULT PARAPSYCHOLOGY BOOKS OCCULT PARAPSYCHOLOGY Alchemy Astral Projection Controversial Knowledge Crop Circles ESP General Magic Metaphysical Phenomena Near-Death Experiences Occultism Parapsychology Rosicrucianism Satanism Shamanism Spiritualism Supernatural UFOs Unexplained Mysteries Wicca Witchcraft PRODUCT SEARCH Books Music DVD Software VHS MORE PRICE COMPARISON HOMEPAGE MUSIC VIDEOS/DVD SOFTWARE Books BOOKS-CHARTS - PARAPSYCHOLOGY All A B C ... O P Q R S T ... Z Rank Thumb Product/Title Author Press Format Released Psychic Energy: How to Change Your Desires Into Realities
Book Mysticism Compare prices, brian D. josephson, brian D. josephson, McFarland Company,Paperback, 200412-23. 817721, Passion for Creation The Earth-honoring
Extractions: BOOKS NEW AGE MYSTICISM BOOKS NEW AGE MYSTICISM Astrology Chakras Channeling Divination Dreams General Meditation Mysticism New Thought Reference Reincarnation Self-Help Theosophy Urantia Visionary Fiction PRODUCT SEARCH Books Music DVD Software VHS MORE PRICE COMPARISON HOMEPAGE MUSIC VIDEOS/DVD SOFTWARE Books BOOKS-CHARTS - MYSTICISM All A B C ... O P Q R S T ... W X Y Z Rank Thumb Product/Title Author Press Format Released Practical Mysticism: Plainly Cut
Parapsychology, Anomalies, Science, Skepticism, And CSICOP Utts, Jessica and josephson, brian D. The Paranormal The Evidence and Its josephson, brian D. Unfounded criticism of a parapsychology book in Nature
Extractions: Parapsychology: Selected Articles, Books and Websites Parapsychology, [Marcello] Truzzi contends as a sociologist, is more tough-minded than many other academic fields, yet paradoxically, it remains a fringe subject. "Parapsychologists really want to play the game by the proper statistical rules," he expounds. "They're very staid. They thought they could convince these sceptics but the sceptics keep raising the goalposts. It's ironic, because real psychic researchers are very committed to doing real science, more than a lot of people in science are. Yet they get rejected, while we can be slipshod in psychology and sociology and economics and get away with it. We're not painted as the witchdoctors, but they are."
D. Dutch Accuses D. Dutch Accuses Prof. brian josephson of Preaching Unlikely Physics josephson committed the faux pas of suggesting that Quantum Mechanics may some day
Extractions: BEDLAM, UKRecently, Dr. Double Dutch (more about him here ), professor at Oxford University, expressed much dissatisfaction with the teachings of Dr. Brian Josephson , professor at Cambridge University and winner of the 1973 Nobel prize in physics. This box is a brief explanation of Prof. D. Dutch's Multiverse Theory of Quantum Mechanics. The writer of this article doesn't claim to understand the theory, but, probably, the reader won't be able to tell the difference. We tried really hard to understand the "Fabric of Reality", but were making no headway, so we decided, hey, what we need are some examples. That's when we set out to find some examples of the Multiverse in D. Dutch's writings, and we came up with some intriguing ones: In the universe familiar to us, Jozsa and Dutch collaborated to invent a quantum algorithm for deciding whether a function is balanced or unbalanced(crazy). As with all famous quantum algorithms, this one is of much practical value. The surprising thing is that in an alternate universe, D. Dutch invented the algorithm all alone
Brian D. Josephson Translate this page Begrifferklärung brian D. josephson. Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikelbrian D. josephson (http// aus
Extractions: Personendaten NAME Josephson, Brian David ALTERNATIVNAMEN KURZBESCHREIBUNG britischer Physiker GEBURTSDATUM 4. Januar GEBURTSORT Cardiff Wales STERBEDATUM STERBEORT Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel Brian D. Josephson aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation . In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.
Josephson, Brian josephson, brian David (1940 ) In 1962, josephson saw some novel connectionsbetween solid-state theory and his own experimental problems in
Extractions: In 1962, Josephson saw some novel connections between solid-state theory and his own experimental problems in superconductivity. He then calculated the current due to quantum mechanical tunnelling across a thin strip of insulator between two superconductors, and the current-voltage characteristics of such junctions are now known as the Josephson effect.
Brian Weidel brian WEIDEL. Graduate Student Center for Limnology University of WisconsinMadison December, 2003. Weidel, B., C. Kraft, and D. josephson. 2003.
Extractions: EXPERIENCE Fall 2003 - May, 2005 Research Assistant Developing a multiple gear data base for the Adirondack Fishery Research Program for both current data collections and 50 years of historical collections. Using Microsoft Excel and Access. Supervise data entry personnel. Graduate Research Assistant Reversing an introduction: effects of smallmouth bass removal on a native littoral fish community Thesis research: experimentally removed 28,000 non-native smallmouth bass from a 271 ha lake, to establish if a native littoral fish community could be restored and determine specific mechanisms and habitats through which introduced littoral predators affect native fishes. Designed, constructed, and operated a 22 foot pontoon-style electrofishing boat to complete the experiment. Techniques used: boat electrofishing, gillnetting, transect snorkeling, minnow trapping, tethering, gut content analysis, age interpretation (otoliths), all statistical analyses, report and manuscript preparation. May 1998-2000 Adirondack Fishery Research Program
HistoryForSale - Nobel Prize Autographs Autographs brian D. josephson FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED CIRCA 1957 brian D.josephson - FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED CIRCA 1957 - DOCUMENT 267592, $139.00
Extractions: The PREMA Primary Josephson Voltage Standard JVS 7000 is a PC and manually controlled system to facilitate a variety of DC voltage calibration and measuring functions: Calibrating your secondary DC-reference Zeners, calibrating your working standards, checking linearity and accuracy of DC-voltmeters and DC-calibrators. Since the PREMA JVS 7000 implements the world wide adopted SI Volt representation through the Josephson quantum physics phenomenon, it achieves direct traceability for your secondary DC standards, such as the Fluke 734A, right at your calibration lab. Repetitive shipment of your Zener references to any national laboratory such as PTB or NIST becomes obsolete. The PREMA JVS 7000 includes specialized microwave components, the 7040 Current/Voltage Source, the 7041 Bias Power Supply, the 7042 Bias Control, the 7050 Precision Scanner, voltage sensing electronics and the null detector. All instruments used, including the PREMA JVS Carrier and Cryoprobe, on which the PREMA Josephson Junction Array Chip is mounted for immersion into liquid helium, are manufactured and supplied according to PTB / NIST designs or specifications.
Extractions: Comments: 20KB HTML file. To appear in the Proceedings of the Second European Samueli Symposium, Freiburg, October 2003. In this version minor errors have been corrected, and a concluding comment added concerning classification. Keywords: ESP, string theory, anthropic principle, thought bubble, universal mind, mental state A model consistent with string theory is proposed for so-called paranormal phenomena such as extra-sensory perception (ESP). Our mathematical skills are assumed to derive from a special 'mental vacuum state', whose origin is explained on the basis of anthropic and biological arguments, taking into account the need for the informational processes associated with such a state to be of a life-supporting character. ESP is then explained in terms of shared 'thought bubbles' generated by the participants out of the mental vacuum state. The paper concludes with a critique of arguments sometimes made claiming to 'rule out' the possible existence of paranormal phenomena. References and citations for this submission:
Josephson: String Theory, Universal Mind, And The Paranormal brian D. josephson Department of Physics, University of Cambridge CavendishLaboratory, Madingley Rd, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK. http//
Extractions: Critics of claims of the paranormal, e.g. Deutsch (2001) (Radin 1997) in support of the reality of such processes, and seem naive given the range of imaginative proposals concerning the nature of reality currently being put forward for serious consideration by conventional physicists. One important advance has been the superseding of the so-called Standard Model as a fundamental theory of nature by string theory ( ), where the Standard Model features merely as a subset of the set of permitted possibilities. As Carr ( ) (whose approach is centred on the alternative Randall-Sundrum picture) has suggested, such a change in perspective opens up new possibilities in science, including the possibility of accommodating paranormal phenomena within physics. In the following a number of concepts are combined, each in essence consistent with accepted ideas, resulting in a qualitative explanation for ESP, with the promise of an eventual clear cut basis for understanding paranormal phenomena in general.
20th Century Awards- 1973 josephson, brian D., Great Britain, Cambridge University, Cambridge, b. 1940 forhis theoretical predictions of the properties of a supercurrent through
Extractions: Eudora Welty ... "The Optimist's Daughter" History Michael Kammen ... "People of Paradox: An Inquiry Concerning the Origins of American Civilization" International Reporting Max Frankel ... "New York Times" National Reporting Robert Boyd & Clark Hoyt ... "Knight Newspapers" Public Service "Washington Post" Chemistry
The Quantum Basis Of Natural Intelligence? of Quantum NonLocality , by brian D. josephson and Fotini Pallikari-Viras, brian josephson is a Nobel Prize winning Physicist who thinks that
Extractions: , commercial use is prohibited. This material cannot be quoted at length or posted elsewhere on the net or included in CD ROM collections. Short quotations are permitted provided proper attribution is given. But better yet, since I'm hardly an expert on the subject, don't quote me. Papers "A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter" by David Bohm, Philosophical Psychology , VOL. 3, NO. 2, 1990, pp. 271-286 available online from an individual on AOL. (There must be an original online source for this somewhere, if you find it let me know.) In this article Bohm reviews the problems with the Bohr/Copenhagen interpretation of QM especially via the two slit experiment and then goes on to show how his version of QM compares with it. A fairly easy read. "Learning in Protozoa" by PB Applewhite in Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa Volume 1 edited by M Levandowsky and SH Hunter, Academic Press, 341-355, 1979. "Tube Escape Behavior of Paramecia", by PB Applewhite and FT Gardner, in Behav Biol "Trial and Error Learning in Paramecium" by JW French in J Exp Psychol "Spiral Motion of Paramecium Caudatum in a small capillary Glass Tube" by K Fukui and H Asai in J Protozool Hameroff 1993, Stuart Hameroff, Judith E. Dayhoff, Rafael Lahoz-Beltra, Steen Rasmussen, Ezio M. Insinna and Djuro Koruga, "Nanoneurology and the Cytoskeleton: Quantum Signaling and Protein Conformational Dynamics as Cognitive Substrate", in
MSN Encarta - Josephson, Brian David Translate this page 34,99 par an (service daccès à Internet non compris). josephson, BrianDavid (1940- ), physicien britannique, auteur de travaux sur la physique du
Extractions: British physicist. He received a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and began building on earlier work done by Leo Esaki of IBM and Ivar Giaever (b. 1929) of General Electric. For his discovery of what is now called the Josephson effect in superconductivity, he shared a Nobel Prize with Esaki and Giaever in 1973. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1970 and was named a professor at Cambridge in 1974. var mm = [["Jan.","January"],["Feb.","February"],["Mar.","March"],["Apr.","April"],["May","May"],["June","June"],["July","July"],["Aug.","August"],["Sept.","September"],["Oct.","October"],["Nov.","November"],["Dec.","December"]]; To cite this page: MLA style: "Josephson, Brian D." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Paraphysics Bibliography brian D. josephson and Beverly A. Rubik, The Challenge of Consciousness brian D. josephson and Jessica Utts, The Paranormal The Evidence and Its
FITM HTS SQUID An essential element for producing SQUIDs was predicted by brian D. josephson whotheoretically investigated two weakly coupled superconductors,
Extractions: HFD SQUID-Based Field Distribution Measuring System HSM2 SQUID-Based Spinner Magnetometer ... News HTS SQUIDs Mail The picture shows a photograph of the HS20 SQUID Chip In 1986, a new class of superconductors has been discovered which become superconductive at temperatures even higher than 100 K. Cooling these materials can now be performed by liquid nitrogen which is cosiderably less expensive than liquid helium, and has a much longer hold time due to its greater heat capacity. Because of their higher operating temperature, these materials are called 'High Temperature Superconductors' (HTS). An essential element for producing SQUIDs was predicted by Brian D. Josephson who theoretically investigated two 'weakly coupled' superconductors, an element that is now called a Josephson junction. Josephson considered two pieces of superconductor which are separated by a very thin (only a few atoms thick) layer of insulating material. He could show that despite the thin insulating layer, a current can flow from one superconductor to the other due to quantum-mechanical tunneling effects. Up to a certain value, this current flow is without losses. If, however, this certain value - which is called the critical current - is exceeded, the current flow encounters resistance, and a voltage can then be measured across the thin insulating layer. Wb. SQUIDs are owing their ability to detect extremely low fluxes down to values making only a few millionth parts of this quantity.
Jessica M. Utts Radin, D. and J. Utts. (1989). Experiments investigating the influence of intentionon random and josephson, brian and Jessica Utts. (1996).
Extractions: About the PA Member Index Who is Jessica M. Utts? Professor of Statistics University of California, Davis Collaborated with Professor Ray Hyman (University of Oregon) to prepare a report assessing the statistical evidence for psychic functioning in U.S. government sponsored research. The report was part of a review done by the American Institutes of Research (AIR) at the request of Congress and the CIA. Personal website Selected Publications: Utts, J. M. (1986).The Ganzfeld debate: a statistician's perspective . Journal of Parapsychology, 50:393-402. G. P. Hansen and J. Utts. (1987). Use of both sum of ranks and direct hits in free-response psi experiments. Journal of Parapsychology, 51:321-335. Utts, J. (1987). Psi, statistics, and society. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10:615-616. Palmer, J. A., C. Honorton and J. Utts. (1988). Reply to the National Research Council study on parapsychology, Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 83(1):31-49. Utts, J. (1988). Successful replication versus statistical significance. Journal of Parapsychology, 52(4):305-320. Radin, D. and J. Utts. (1989). Experiments investigating the influence of intention on random and pseudorandom events. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 3(1):65-79.
Josephso brian D. josephson. This paper extends previous proposals concerning the designof the nervous. system given in papers at the ECHO and NESCI conferences
Extractions: This paper extends previous proposals concerning the design of the nervous system given in papers at the ECHO and NESCI conferences (the ECHO paper can be found at and the NECSI paper at The nervous system is idealised as a collection of capacities, generated by corresponding mechanisms which drive the individual to attempt to accomplish particular kinds of tasks, and provide support for such attempts. The feasibility of such mechanisms is related to the extendibility of the activities concerned, i.e. the ease with which extended goals can be achieved on the basis of existing accomplishments. If activities are extendible in principle in this sense, then the actual nervous system design is a matter of arranging for the appropriate exploration of the space of accomplishments to take place, with retention of successes in the form of new modules which can be optimised, a process leading to the emergence over time of the new capacity contingent upon the design. This theory has implications for how we view capacities such as