News From UiB - Encountering Nobel Minds - 02.10.2001 Professor Sir Harold Kroto (Chemistry 1996) and Professor gerardus t hooft (PhysicsProfessor Sir Harold Kroto (Chemistry 1996) and Professor gerardus
News And Information - The Ohio State University Nobel laureate gerardus t hooft has been professor of physics at the Universityof Utrecht in The Netherlands since 1977. Born into a family of scientists,
Gerardus 't Hooft - Wikipedia t. ALTERNATIVNAMEN, hooft, Gerard t. KURZBESCHREIBUNG,Niederländischer Physiker. GEBURTSDATUM, 5. Juli 1946't_Hooft
Extractions: Gerardus 't Hooft an der Harvard University Gerardus 't Hooft 5. Juli in Den Helder ; auch Gerard 't Hooft) ist ein niederl¤ndischer Physiker und Nobelpreistr¤ger Bearbeiten Gerard 't Hooft machte seinen Schulabschluss am Dalton Lyceum in Den Haag . Bis studierte er Physik und Mathematik an der Universit¤t Utrecht , wo auch mit einem Thema der Theoretischen Physik promovierte. Unterbrochen von einem zweij¤hrigen Aufenthalt am CERN ) blieb er bis am Institut f¼r Theoretische Physik in Utrecht. Nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt in Harvard und Stanford , wurde er Professor in Utrecht. Als Gastprofessor hielt er sich am Caltech an der Boston University und an der Duke University auf. Seit 1972 ist 't Hooft ist mit Albertha Anje Schik verheiratet, mit der er zwei T¶chter hat, Saskia Anne und Ellen Marga. Bearbeiten Er leistete wichtige Beitr¤ge zur Renormierung von Eichtheorien , zum Confinement von Quarks , zur Theorie der Anomalien in der Quantenfeldtheorie und zur Theorie der Instantonen . Er entwickelte eine st¶rungstheoretische Entwicklung von SU(N) Eichtheorien (Nââ), die sich als wichtig f¼r die
October 15, 1999, Hour One: Nobel Roundup gerardus t hooft, a professor at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands,and Martinus JG Veltman, a Professor Emeritus there, were awarded the Nobel
Extractions: Hour One : Nobel Roundup This week, an annual rite of fall took place. (No, not Columbus Day!) Early in the morning on Monday and Tuesday, several innocent, unassuming scientists were awoken by a telephone call from Sweden. And for a brief time after that call, those scientists enjoyed a little peace and quiet before the Nobel Prize winners were announced publicly, and a deluge of attention began. Gunter Blobel, a cell biologist at New York's Rockefeller University, was awarded the prize for Physiology or Medicine. His work focuses on working to understand cellular "trafficking" how proteins make their way through membranes surrounding the interior parts of a cell and how cells know where to deliver a protein within the cell. Blobel discovered that each protein contains a signal (often described as an "address" or a "ZIP code") that helps guide the protein across membranes - and that makes sure that proteins intended for the mitochondria doesn't get dropped off in the nucleus instead. His work is thought to have potential for helping treat diseases in which proteins don't get correctly handled by the body. We'll talk to him and find out more.
Nobel Prize gerardus t hooft receiving his Nobel Prize from His Majesty the King Martinus JGVeltman receiving his 1999 gerardus t hooft and Martinus Veltman
Extractions: home members masters program courses ... seminars conferences guests positions links Dutch Nobel Laureates in Physics The 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences jointly to Gerardus 't Hooft and Martinus J.G. Veltman for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics. Click on Papers in SPIRES-HEP related to their Nobel Prize and use search command: Find Note Nobel Prize 1999. Click on Photos for the Prize Award Ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall 1999.
European Commission Spokesman's Briefing For 00-06-09 Professor gerardus t hooft, who is himself a partner in one of the new networks,will give a plenary lecture on the research that led to his award.
Extractions: User ID: Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article Next Article CONTENTS / CONTENU Today at 15h00, the President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, meets Gerardus t'Hooft, one of the two European winners of the Nobel Prize in 1999. Professor t'Hooft, one of the world's leading physicists, is coming to Brussels to launch, together with Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin, a new batch of 167 training networks for young scientists from all over Europe. These networks, supported by the Commission through the Research Framework Programme, allow young researchers the chance to work and train with experienced scientists. The Commission will provide support through these networks for 4000 person-years of training to some of Europe's most talented young scientists over the next four years. Professor Gerardus t'Hooft, who is himself a partner in one of the new networks, will give a plenary lecture on the research that led to his award.
Gerardus 't Hooft - Wikipedia, Den Fria Encyklopedin gerardus t hooft. Född i Den Helder 5 juli 1946. Holländsk Nobelpristagare ifysik år 1999. Han tilldelades priset för sina avgörande insatser rörande't_Hooft
Extractions: Gerardus 't Hooft . F¶dd i Den Helder 5 juli . Holl¤ndsk Nobelpristagare i fysik ¥r . Han tilldelades priset f¶r sina " avg¶rande insatser r¶rande kvantstrukturen hos teorin f¶r elektrosvag v¤xelverkan i fysiken ". Han delade priset med sin landsman Martinus J G Veltman Han tog doktorsgrad i fysik 1972 vid universitetet i Utrecht och han har varit professor i fysik vid universitetet i Utrecht sedan 1977. Han ¤r ledamot av den holl¤ndska vetenskapsakademien sedan 1982. 't Hooft och Veltman har utvecklat de matematiska grunderna f¶r den s.k. standardmodellen f¶r elementarpartiklar som beskriver och grupperar alla k¤nda s¥dana partiklar. Genom deras arbete kan egenskaper hos gamla och nya partiklar b¤ttre ber¤knas och f¶ruts¤gas. redigera Den h¤r artikeln ¤r h¤mtad fr¥n Artikelkategorier Nobelpristagare i fysik Visningar Personliga verktyg Navigering S¶k Verktygsl¥da Andra spr¥k Deutsch English Espa±ol Nederlands ... Portuguªs Den h¤r sidan ¤ndrades senast 13 augusti 2005 kl.22.19.
ISSSP99.HTML These Special Sessions will be chaired by gerardus t hooft. Invited ScientistsA group of distinguished physicists has been invited to contribute to the
Extractions: FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS ERICE-SICILY: 29 AUGUST - 7 SEPTEMBER 1999 Sponsored by the: - Academies of Sciences of Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine - Chinese Academy of Sciences - Commission of the European Communities - European Physical Society - Italian Ministry of Education - Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research - Sicilian Regional Government - Weizmann Institute of Science - World Laboratory PROGRAMME AND LECTURERS OPENING LECTURE The Holographic Principle MINI-COURSES ON BASICS Bread and Butter Standard Model New Physics behind the Standard Model's door? Inflation, the Microwave Background, and Galaxies String Theory: the Basic Ideas B. GREENE, Columbia University, New York, USA
1999 Çì¶ó¸£µà½º ƮȣÇÁÆ®(Gerardus¡¯t Hooft), ¸¶¸£Æ¼´ Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Physics, Chemistry Nobels Awarded went to gerardus t hooft and Martinus JG Veltman, Dutch theorists whose t hooft, 53, and Veltman, 68, won the physics prize for tackling one of
Extractions: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 An ingenious method of taking snapshots of chemical reactions - with a "shutter speed" of a thousandth of a trillionth of a second - has won the 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for California scientist Ahmed H. Zewail. The physics prize, also announced yesterday in Stockholm yesterday, went to Gerardus 't Hooft and Martinus J.G. Veltman, Dutch theorists whose work in the 1970s helped make possible some of the most spectacular discoveries in modern physics, including the 1995 observation of the long-sought "top" quark. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the $960,000 chemistry prize to Zewail, 53, of California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, for devising a laser technique in the 1980s that allows chemists to witness how individual atoms in molecules rearrange themselves step by step as chemical bonds break and re-form during even the most rapid chemical events. The innovation, the Nobel announcement said, has "brought about a revolution in chemistry," including advances in understanding catalysts (compounds that prompt reactions), polymer formation, the workings of miniature electronic components and the details of such biological processes as photosynthesis and animal vision.
Spektrumdirekt t hooft und Martinus JG Veltman stellten diese Theorie mit ihren gerardus t hooft wurde 1946 in Den Helder in den Niederlanden geboren.
Extractions: Drehungen im Raum Leserbrief schreiben wissenschaft-online Der Science-Shop bietet Ihnen ausgewählte Bücher zu Die Königlich Schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften hat den Nobelpreis in Physik für das Jahr 1999 an Gerardus 't Hooft und Martinus J.G. Veltman 'für ihre entscheidenden, die Quantenstruktur betreffenden Beiträge zur Theorie der elektroschwachen Wechselwirkung in der Physik' verliehen. Die beiden Forscher erhalten den Nobelpreis dafür, daß sie die Theorie der Elementarteilchenphysik auf festeren mathematischen Grund gestellt haben. Sie haben im speziellen gezeigt, wie die Theorie zu genauen Berechnungen physikalischer Größen angewendet werden kann. Experimente an den Teilchenbeschleunigerlaboratorien in Europa und den USA haben kürzlich viele der berechneten Ergebnisse bestätigt. Die Gegenstände in der Welt um uns herum - und wir mit ihnen - bestehen aus Atomen, die aus Elektronen und Atomkernen aufgebaut sind. In den Kernen befinden sich Protonen und Neutronen, deren Bausteine wiederum die Quarks sind. Um diese Strukturen der Winzigkeit voneinander zu trennen und ihre Eigenschaften untersuchen zu können, benötigen Wissenschaftler gewaltige Apparaturen von mehreren Kilometern Ausmaßen. Denn nur in der Wucht heftiger Zusammenstöße steckt genug Energie, um die Anziehungskräfte zwischen den Teilchen zu überwinden. Erst in den fünfziger Jahren entstanden die großen Beschleuniger, mit denen die Elementarteilchenphysiker in das Innere von Atomen blicken konnten.
Nobel-premio Pri Fiziko En 1999 La Nobel-premion Pri Fiziko En La Nobelpremion pri Fiziko en 1999 ricevis gerardus t hooft, de la Universitatode Utrecht (Nederlando) kaj Martinus Veltman, antaûe profesoro de la
Extractions: Nobel-premio pri Fiziko en 1999 La Nobel-premion pri Fiziko en 1999 ricevis Gerardus 't Hooft , de la Universitato de Utrecht (Nederlando) kaj Martinus Veltman Veltman naskighis en 1931, kaj 't Hooft Richard Feynman kaj Julian Schwinger per procezo nomita "renormaligo" atinginte la Teorion de Kvantuma Elektrodinamiko, kiun multaj sciencistoj konsideras "la plej preciza teorio ghis nun atingita en la scienco". 't Hooft kaj Veltman estis la forigo de tiuj problemoj per alia "renormaligo" kiu reprezentas la solvon de granda matematika malfacilajho. Matematike ni diru ke la chefa diferenco inter la laboro de Feynman Schwinger kaj tiu de 't Hooft Veltman 't Hooft Veltman estas renormaligo de ne-Abelisma teorio, en kiu la rezulto de aplikado de transformo " A " kaj poste transformo " B " estas malsimila al la rezulto de apliko de transformo " B " kaj poste " A
370 t hooft, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, gerardus thooft and Martinus JGVeltman are being awarded this year s Nobel Prize for
Extractions: Spin Especial Horacio O. Girotti PRESS RELEASE 12 OCTOBER 1999 The Prize I Further reading I The laureates The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded e 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly to Professor Gerardus 't Hooft , University of Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and Professor Emeritus Martinus J.G. Veltman , Bilthoven, the Netherlands. The two researchers are being awarded the Nobel Prize for having placed particle physics theory on a firmer mathematical foundation. They have in particular shown how the theory may be used for precise calculations of physical quantities. Experiments at accelerator laboratories in Europe and the USA have recently confirmed many of the calculated results. The Academy's citation: "for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics." Particle physics theory on firmer mathematical foundation The everyday objects in our surroundings are all built up of atoms, which consist of electrons and atomic nuclei. In the nuclei there are protons and neutrons, which in turn are made up of quarks. To study matter at this innermost level, large accelerators are required. Such machines were first designed in the 1950s, signifying the birth of modern particle physics . For the first time it was possible to study the creation of new particles and the forces that act between them. 991012 - Nobelpriset I Fysik Årets Nobels i fysik går till de två holländarna gerardus t hooft och MartinusJG Veltman för att de har satt partikelfysikens teori på fastare matematisk
Extractions: Lars Brink från Vetenskapsakademien förklarar fysikpristagarnas upptäckt Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien har gett 1999 års Nobelpris i fysik till professor Gerardus 't Hooft vid Utrecht Universitet i Nederländerna och professor emeritus Martinus J.G. Veltman, Bilthoven, Nederländerna. Prissumman som de två pristagarna får dela på är 7,9 miljoner kronor. De två forskarna får priset för att ha satt partikelfysikens teori på fastare matematisk grund. Det handlar om atomernas inre. Förutom elektronen, protonen och neutronen har fysiker hittat 24 andra partiklar i atomens inre. Hooft och Veltman har med beräkningar visat att det sannolikt finns en 25:e partikel, kallad Higgs partikel.
New Page 9 Az 1999. évi fizikai Nobeldíj kitüntetettjei gerardus t hooft és Martinus Mára gerardus t hooft, és Martinus JG Veltman, a tavalyi év fizikai
Extractions: FIZIKAI NOBEL-DÍJ '99 Az 1999. évi fizikai Nobel-díj kitüntetettjei: Gerardus 't Hooft és Martinus J.G.Veltman "az elektrogyenge kölcsönhatás kvantumelméletének szilárd matematikai alapokra helyezéséért" A tizenkilencedik század folyamán alapvetõen megváltozott a világról alkotott kép. A századfordulóra az atomelmélet többé-kevésbé elfogadott nézetté vált. Csakhamar kiderült azonban, hogy amit atomnak neveztek - atom (gör.): oszthatatlan -, korántsem az, hanem egy belsõ pozitív töltésû magból , és az azt körülvevõ negatív elektronokból áll. De az atommag építõkövei, a pozitív proton és a semleges neutron sem bizonyultak kellõen elemieknek. Számos kísérleti eredmény utalt arra, hogy a proton és a neutron további részecskékbõl, az ún. kvarkokból állnak. Az 1950-es években aztán megépült az elsõ nagyteljesítményû gyorsítóberendezés , melyben olyan óriási energiával ütköztették össze a részecskenyalábokat, hogy feltárulhatott az anyag legbelsõ szerkezete. Az ütközések energiáját növelve sorra jelentek meg különféle, addig ismeretlen részecskék. Az ötvenes évek közepe táján aztán megfogalmazták az elsõ modern részecskefizikai elméletet. Ez volt az úgynevezett gerardus, t hooft (1946). Narodil se v roce 1946 v prístavním meste Den Helderv Nizozemí. Vysokou kolu dokoncil v Haagu v roce 1964.
Gerardus T Hooft 1946 Gerard T Hooft Studied Mathematics And Gerard t hooft was supervised by Veltman when taking his PhD and easy tomake a trade of being a Nobel Prize winner t hooft states. gerardus t hooft
Extractions: Gerard 't Hooft was supervised by Veltman when taking his PhD and together they were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1999. The whole university, students and staff, had cake and joined in the festivities. Gerard 't Hooft is still surprised at what being a Nobel Prize winner brings about. He receives many invitation for lectures, interviews, television performances and receptions. 'It is easy to make a trade of being a Nobel Prize winner' 't Hooft states. They received their Nobel Prize for their work on the weak force, one of the four basic forces of nature next to gravitation, electromagnetic forces and the strong force. 't Hooft is now searching for the key to the all inclusive theory combining the four forces. The answer, according to 't Hooft is not in 'string theory' but in 'black holes' which do not only exist in the universe but also at the level of the elementary particles.
Veltman Et ,t Hooft t hooft. Veltman, né en 1931; t hooft, né en 1946aux Pays-Bas (Hollande). Prix Nobel 1999