Hermann Emil Fischer - Wikipedia Hermann Emil Fischer. As a Wikipedia. Hermann Emil Fischer, (18521919), Ceimeagair. Duais Nobel Duais Nobel ann an Ceimeagachd http://gd.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Emil_Fischer
Extractions: Hermann Emil Fischer, (1852-1919), Ceimeagair Air tarraing " http://gd.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Emil_Fischer Views Innealan pearsanta Navigation Lorg Toolbox What links here M¹thaidhean buntainneach Cuir ri fhaidhle Duilleagan raidh ... Permanent link Bha atharrachadh mu dheireadh na duilleig seo 21:48, 1 December 2004. Gheibhear br¬gh na duilleig seo a-r¨ir an GNU Free Documentation License About Wikipedia icheidhean
Hermann Emil Fischer - Wikipedia Hermann Emil Fischer. Hermann Emil Fischer (* 9 oktober 1852 te Euskirchen, 15 juli 1919 te Berlijn) was een Duits scheikundige. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Emil_Fischer
Extractions: Hermann Emil Fischer 9 oktober te Euskirchen, â 15 juli te Berlijn ) was een Duits scheikundige bewerk Fischer is geboren en getogen in Euskirchen; hij was het jongste kind van de familie en de enige zoon, temidden van vijf zussen. In behaalde hij zijn diploma aan de middelbare school; hij studeerde af als beste van zijn klas. Hij ging in de leer als koopman , maar stopte er in mee. Vanaf pasen van dat jaar ging hij chemie studeren aan de universiteit van Bonn , waar hij in promoveerde bij Adolf von Baeyer . Zijn promotieonderzoek richtte zich op acyclisering van phtale¯nekleurstoffen. Dit was overigens zijn tweede promotieonderwerp; zijn eerste promotie moest hij opgeven omdat tijdens zijn experimenten een belangrijk appparaat onherstelbaar beschadigd was geraakt. In deed hij een habilitatie (een soort voortgezette promotie) in M¼nchen , op het onderwerp hydrazine . Hij bleef in M¼nchen en werd al in aangesteld als hoogleraar analytische chemie . In verkaste hij naar de universiteit van Erlangen Tussen 1884 en 1894 richtte hij zich op het onderzoek naar de structuur van suikers en purinen . Aan de hand van zijn onderzoek formuleerde hij theorie«n over de molecuulstructuur van alle suikers. Dit deed hij ondanks het feit dat hij gehinderd werd door de relatieve primitiviteit van de beschikbare apparatuur. Het zou tot de jaren 1960 duren voor de mogelijkheid bestond om Fischers resultaten analytisch te bevestigen. Toen die mogelijkheid ontstond, bleken zijn voorspellingen zonder uitzondering correct.
Hermann Emil Fischer â Wikipedia Hermann Emil Fischer. Hermann Emil Fischer. Hermann Emil Fischer (9. lokakuuta 1852 15. heinäkuuta 1919) oli saksalainen kemisti. http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Emil_Fischer
Extractions: Hermann Emil Fischer 9. lokakuuta 15. hein¤kuuta ) oli saksalainen kemisti . H¤n selvitti mm. sokereiden rakenteita ja keksi niiden synteettisi¤ valmistustapoja. Fischer sai Nobelin kemianpalkinnon vuonna uusien sokeri- ja puriiniryhmien synteesist¤. muokkaa Fischer aloitti uransa vuonna 1884 tutkimalla yksinkertaisia sokereita. Fischer esitti aldehydisokerien yleisen (avoketjuisen) rakenteen ja vuoteen 1891 menness¤ h¤n oli selvitt¤nyt glukoosin ja er¤iden muiden yksinkertaisten sokereiden avoketjuisen rakenteen. My¶hemmin h¤n selvitti kaikkien kahdeksan aldoheksoosiparin rakenteet, my¶s luonnossa esiintym¤tt¶mien guloosin ja idoosin. H¤n k¤ytti kokeissaan laajasti itse keksim¤¤ns¤ reagenssia, fenyylihydratsiinia Fenyylihydratsiini Fischer tutki my¶s puriineja kuten kofeiinia , ksantiinia, teobromiinia ja guaniinia . H¤n syntetisoi osan tutkimistaan puriineista. H¤n pystyi my¶s selitt¤m¤¤n, ett¤ proteiinien aminohapot liittyv¤t toisiinsa peptidisidoksella (-CONH-) ja nimesi yhdisteet polypeptideiksi. Fischerin luonnontuotteita koskevat keksinn¶t perustuivat yksinomaan orgaanisen kemian menetelmien soveltamiseen. H¤nen j¤lkeens¤ tutkimus on painottunut voimakkaasti fysikaalisiin menetelmiin kuten
Hermann Emil Fischer - Wikipedia nemki kemik, * 9. oktober 1852, Euskirchen, Porenje, Nemcija, 15. julij 1919, Berlin. Hermann Emil fischer hermann emil Fischer. spremeni http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Emil_Fischer
Extractions: Hermann Emil Fischer spremeni Leta je maturiral z odliko. Å tudij na trgovski Å¡oli je prekinil, da bi od Velike noÄi leta Å¡tudiral kemijo na Univerzi v Bonnu Doktoriral je leta pri Adolfu von Baeyerju , tema njegove doktorske disertacije pa je bila acilizacija pthalinskih barvil (?). Leta je bil habilitiran v M¼nchnu in postal že leta profesor za analitiÄno kemijo . Leta odÅ¡el v Berlin in razvil Fischer-Idolovo sintezo Pomemben prispevek na podroÄju kemije je bila razlaga strukture glukoze spremeni Leta je prejel Nobelovo nagrado za kemijo za izredne dosežke na podroÄju sladkornih in purinskih skupin. Po njem se imenuje Fischerjeva nomenklatura Vzpostavljeno iz " http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Emil_Fischer Kategorije Rojeni v letu 1852 Umrli v letu 1919 ... Zgodovina strani Osebna orodja Navigacija IÅ¡Äi PripomoÄki Drugi jeziki Deutsch English Espa±ol Suomi ... Portuguªs Zadnja sprememba: 20:53, 2 september 2005.
Chemistry 1902 hermann emil fischer. hermann emil fischer. Germany. Berlin University The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902 Presentation Speech emil fischer http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/1902/
Fischer, Emil Hermann fischer, hermann emil (18521919). German chemist who produced synthetic sugars and, from these, various enzymes. His descriptions of the chemistry of the http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/F/Fischer/1.html
Extractions: About 1882, Fischer began working on a group of compounds that included uric acid and caffeine. He realized that they were all related to a hitherto unknown substance, which he called purine. Over the next few years he synthesized about 130 related compounds, one of which was the first synthetic nucleotide. These studies led to the synthesis of powerful hypnotic drugs derived from barbituric acids (barbiturates).
Fischer, Hermann Otto Laurenz fischer, hermann Otto Laurenz (18881960) fischer was born in Würzburg, Bavaria, the son of chemist emil fischer, and studied in the UK at Cambridge and http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/F/FischerHer/1.h
Extractions: Emil Fischer , and studied in the UK at Cambridge and in Germany at Berlin and Jena. In 1912, he returned to the Chemical Institute of Berlin University to continue research with his father, interrupted two years later by the outbreak of World War I. With the rise of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler , the Fischers left Berlin in 1932 and went to Basel, Switzerland. In 1937 Hermann moved to the Banting Institute in Toronto, Canada, where he stayed until moving, in 1948, to the University of California at Berkeley.
Hermann Emil Fischer Pagina do Professor Carlos Fernandes resumos de biografias de personalidades da historia da humanidade premios nobel, cientistas, engenheiros, escritores, http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/Emil0Her.htm
Extractions: Emil Hermann Fischer purina Estudou em Bonn e Estrasburgo, tendo sido assistente de Adolf von Bayer diazo , d escobrindo a fenilhidrazina glucose (1875). Realizou ainda estudos sobre as propriedades do e por seus ensaios a respeito das , d esenvolveu in vitro veronal , assim denominado em homenagem a cidade de Verona. Casou-se (1888) com Agnes Gerlach , filha de J. von Gerlach Hermann Otto Laurenz Fischer Medalha Emil Fischer Figura copidada da MSU CHEMISTRY HOME:
Hermann Emil Fischer - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (Redirected from emil Fisher). hermann emil fischer (October 9, 1852 July 15, 1919) was a German chemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Fisher
Extractions: (Redirected from Emil Fisher Hermann Emil Fischer October 9 July 15 ) was a German chemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in . Fischer was born in Euskirchen, near Cologne , the son of a businessman. After graduating he wished to study natural sciences, but his father compelled him to work in the family business until determining that his son was unsuitable. Fischer then attended the University of Bonn in , but switched to the University of Strasbourg in 1872. He earned his doctorate in with his study of phthalein and was appointed to a position at the university. In he followed one of his teachers to the University of Munich and became a professor of chemistry. In he became a professor at the University of Erlangen . In 1888 he was asked to become Professor of Chemistry at the University of W¼rzburg and here he remained until 1892, when he was asked to succeed A. W. Hofmann in the Chair of Chemistry at the University of Berlin . Here he remained until his death in 1919. Fischer is noted for his work on sugars among other work the organic synthesis of (+) glucose and purines His name can still be found in the names of many chemical reactions and concepts: German Chemical Society medals are named after him edit edit Biography at nobel.se
Biography Of E. Fischer - Peptides International hermann emil fischer 18521919. fischer s Picture The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902 hermann emil fischer was born on October 9, 1852, at Euskirchen, http://www.pepnet.com/fischerbio.html
Extractions: "In recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine synthesis." Hermann Emil Fischer was born on October 9, 1852, at Euskirchen, (Cologne, Germany). His destiny was in the family business, lumber, at least that is what his father wanted. Only after proving to be unsuccessful at business was he allowed to pursue his true passion - the sciences. Actually physics was his favorite but he was persuaded to study chemistry by mentor Adolf von Baeyer at the University of Bonn in 1871. In 1874 he received his Ph.D. and he was appointed assistant instructor at Strasbourg University where he discovered the first hydrazine base, phenylhydrazine. In 1875 von Baeyer was asked to succeed Liebig at the University of Munich and Fischer followed him to Munich becoming an assistant in organic chemistry. He was then appointed Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry in 1879. In 1881 he was appointed Professor of Chemistry at the University of Erlangen. In 1883 he refused an offer from Badische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik to serve as scientific director because his true passion was academic research and it did help that he was independently wealthy from his father's fortune so he could chose to do so. In 1888 he became a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Würzburg where he served until 1892. He then moved to the University of Berlin where he succeeded A. W. Hofmann as the Chair of Chemistry until his death in 1919.
Extractions: showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Food Games ... More... On this page: Definition Kind Of Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Fischer, Emil Hermann Fischer Definition Fischer Emil Hermann Fischer German chemist noted for work on synthetic sugars and the purines (1852-1919) ... is a Kind of Fischer, Emil Hermann Fischer is a kind of: Definition information about Fischer, Emil Hermann Fischer More from Definition Jump to: Definition Kind Of Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Send this page Print this page Link to this page Tell me about: Home About Tell a Friend Buzz ... Site Map
Fischer, Emil in full emil hermann fischer (b. Oct. 9, 1852, Euskirchen, Prussia Germanyd. July 15, 1919, Berlin, Ger.), German chemist who was awarded the Nobel http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/210_3.html
Extractions: Emil Fischer Hulton Deutsch Collection/Corbis in full EMIL HERMANN FISCHER (b. Oct. 9, 1852, Euskirchen, Prussia [Germany]d. July 15, 1919, Berlin, Ger.), German chemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1902 in recognition of his investigations of the sugar and purine groups of substances. Educated at the universities of Bonn and Strasbourg (Ph.D., 1874), Fischer held several posts before becoming professor of chemistry at the University of Berlin in 1892. Under his direction, the chemical laboratory at Berlin became one of the most important in the world and attracted to itself a constant stream of brilliant pupils. During World War I Fischer was responsible for organizing the production of chemicals in Germany. He committed suicide in 1919, after two of his sons had been killed in the war. Fischer's research on the purines was instituted in 1881. He determined the structures of uric acid, xanthine, caffeine, theobromine, and other related compounds, and he showed that they are all derivatives of a single compound, a nitrogenous base that he named purine. Fischer's researches on the purines, begun in 1894, culminated in his pioneering efforts to determine the structure of proteins. It was already known that proteins were composed of amino acids, but Fischer found new ways of purifying amino acids and determining how they are combined together within the protein molecule. He then found ways to link amino acids to each other and began synthesizing proteinlike substances; in 1907 he was able to combine 18 amino acids into a polypeptide, which he then broke down by enzymes in the same manner as would occur in a natural protein.
Fischer, Emil -- Encyclopædia Britannica in full emil hermann fischer German chemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1902 in recognition of his investigations of the sugar and http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9034371
Extractions: Home Browse Newsletters Store ... Subscribe Already a member? Log in Content Related to this Topic This Article's Table of Contents Emil Fischer Print this Table of Contents Shopping Price: USD $1495 Revised, updated, and still unrivaled. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (Hardcover) Price: USD $15.95 The Scrabble player's bible on sale! Save 30%. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Price: USD $19.95 Save big on America's best-selling dictionary. Discounted 38%! More Britannica products Fischer, Emil
Hermann Emil Fischer - Nobelpreis Für Chemie Translate this page hermann emil fischer *1852, 1919 Nach seinem Studium promovierte hermann emil fischer 1874 an der Universität Straßburg und ging 1875 an die Universität http://www.nobelpreis.org/chemie/fischer.htm
Fischer, Emil Hermann fischer, emil hermann. German chemist who produced synthetic sugars and, from these, various enzymes. His descriptions of the chemistry of the carbohydrates http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0001303.html
Extractions: Or search the encyclopaedia: Fischer, Emil Hermann German chemist who produced synthetic sugars and, from these, various enzymes. His descriptions of the chemistry of the carbohydrates and peptides laid the foundations for the science of biochemistry. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1902 for his work on the synthesis of sugars and purine compounds. In about 1882, Fischer began working on a group of compounds that included uric acid and caffeine. He realized that they were all related to a hitherto unknown substance, which he called purine. Over the next few years he synthesized about 130 related compounds, one of which was the first synthetic nucleotide. These studies led to the synthesis of powerful hypnotic drugs derived from barbituric acids (barbiturates).
Emil Fischer emil fischer. AKA hermann emil fischer. Born 9Oct-1852 Birthplace Euskirchen, Prussia, Germany Died 15-Jul-1919 Location of death Berlin, Germany http://www.nndb.com/people/703/000091430/
Encyclopedia: Hermann Emil Fischer Other descriptions of hermann emil fischer. hermann emil fischer (October 9, 1852 July 15, 1919) was a German chemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize for http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Hermann-Emil-Fischer
Extractions: Related Articles People who viewed "Hermann Emil Fischer" also viewed: List of chemists Eduard Buchner Emil Abderhalden Chemist ... Alitame What's new? Our next offering Latest newsletter Student area Lesson plans Recent Updates The Crown (band) Terry Holland Tentacle rape Ten Commandments ... More Recent Articles Top Graphs Richest Most Murderous Most Taxed Most Populous ... More Stats Updated 217 days 3 hours 50 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Hermann Emil Fischer Hermann Emil Fischer October 9 July 15 ) was a German chemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in . Fischer was born in Euskirchen, near Cologne , the son of a businessman. After graduating he wished to study natural sciences, but his father compelled him to work in the family business until determining that his son was unsuitable. Fischer then attended the University of Bonn in , but switched to the University of Strasbourg in 1872. He earned his doctorate in with his study of phthalein and was appointed to a position at the university. In he followed one of his teachers to the University of Munich and became a professor of chemistry. In