Allesklar Webkatalog: Marie Curie marie curie bei Ausgewählte, redaktionell geprüfte Links zum Thema marie curie in Deutschlands größtem Webkatalog.
Extractions: Autorin: Stefanie Winkler Schulreferat GK Geschichte 11.2 Marie Curie Marya Salomee Sklodowska wurde am 7. November 1867 in Warschau, Polen geboren. Ihr Vater war Physik- und Mathematiklehrer, ihre Mutter starb an Tuberkulose , als sie 9 Jahre alt war. Zwei Jahre zuvor erkrankten ihre beiden Schwestern Bronia und Sofia an Typhus, Sofia starb an den Folgen. Ihrem Bruder Joseph war es als einzigem aus der Familie erlaubt, an der Universität in Warschau zu studieren. Am 12. Juni 1883 machte sie ihr Abitur, wie alle Kinder der Familie Sklodowska als Schulbeste. In den folgenden Jahren nahm sie verschiedene Stellen als Gouvernante an, da ihr ein Studium als Mädchen in Warschau nicht möglich war. Es war im 19. Jahrhundert noch in fast allen europäischen Ländern unmöglich, daß ein Mädchen ein Universitätsstudium absolvierte. Lediglich Frankreich war so fortschrittlich, Mädchen als Studentinnen zu akzeptieren.
Extractions: Auteur(s) : Wolkowski, Z. W. Consacré au premier siècle de la radioactivité ce site offre un historique et une chronologie des découvertes. Les discours prononcés à l'Académie des sciences lors de la cérémonie du centenaire de la découverte du radium sont en ligne. Le site accueille aussi un cybersymposium interdisciplinaire concernant la postérité de Marie et Pierre Curie.
Teylers Museum curie, marie PoolsFrans natuur- en scheikundige (1867-1934) marie curie stierf op 4 juli 1934 aan leukemie, een gevolg van de overdosis straling die ze
Marie Curie - Marie Curie Websites, discussions and pictures about marie curie.
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help European History Famous People Curie, Marie Homework Help European History Essentials Ready Reference ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the European History newsletter! See Online Courses Search European History A pioneer in the fields of radiation and x-rays, twice winner of the Nobel Prize and part of the formidable husband and wide Curie team, Marie Curie is undoubtedly one of the most famous scientists of all time. Alphabetical Recent Up a category About: Marie Curie Your Guide to Inventors, Mary Bellis, profiles Marie Curie. Marie Curie This page contains a mass of information - biography, quotations on and by Marie Curie, her achievements, scientific definitions - but the layout is confusing and some perseverance will be needed. Marie Curie: A Remarkable Scientist A lucid and comprehensive biography covering Curie's whole life, with a postscript on her children and current internet activity about her. Marie Curie: Picture A nice black and white picture of the older Marie Curie, accompanied by a very brief biography.
Marie Curie - Marie Curie Comprehensive links for websites, discussions and pictures about marie curie.
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help European History Homework Help ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the European History newsletter!
Extractions: Suche in ganz Kelkoo Bücher Geschenke Musik Reisen Tickets Weitere Kategorien setTimeout('document.productsearchForm.siteSearchQuery.value=decodeQuery("marie curie")', 500); Home Suche nach "marie curie": 1-20 von Ergebnissen (von 48 Shops) Die Suchzeit betrug 0.206 Sekunden Verfeinern Sie Ihre Suche Accessoires (13) Bücher (2,445) Damenmode (3) Fanartikel (2) Filme auf VHS (7) Haushaltswaren (8) Hotels (1) Kassetten (6) Musik (673) Musikinstrumente (2) Möbel (1) Pflege (7) Schulausstattung (6) Sonstige Sportprodukte (1) Sonstiges (4) Tickets (8) Urlaubsreisen (10) Vinyl (8) Sonstige Angebote (115) Wie wir unsere Ergebnisse anzeigen var months = new Array( "Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez" ) var jsalert1 = "Bitte überprüfen Sie das Datum" var jsalert2 = "Bitte überprüfen Sie das Datum" var jsalert3 = "Bitte überprüfen Sie das Datum" Marie Curie. Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. ( Tb) Verlag: VÖGTLE, FRITZ Jahr: 0.0 Autor: Ksoll, Peter
NRK - Portretter Dette fenomenet fascinerte marie curie. Det var hun som først brukte Men det virker som om marie curie rett og slett ikke var i stand til å gi opp.
Extractions: Curie, Marie (1867-1934) Publisert 20.12.2000 16:22 - Oppdatert 20.12.2000 16:55 Den 7. november 1867 hadde herr og fru Sklodowski ingen anelse om at deres lille nyfødte datter skulle bli en av verdenshistoriens mest betydningsfulle kvinner. At akkurat hun skulle lede vitenskapen i et nytt kjempeskritt mot framtiden. Lille Marja Sklodowska var den yngste i en søskenflokk på fem. Det skulle vise seg at hun hadde evner og egenskaper som forbløffet både foreldrene og søsknene. Da hun var bare 4 år, lærte hun seg å lese. Storesøsteren Bronya som hadde begynt på skolen syntes slett ikke det var lett å lære seg lesekunsten. Ikke var det moro heller. Derfor spritet hun opp leksene ved å leke skole med lille Marja. Da Bronya senere stavet seg igjennom leksene høyt for foreldrene klarte ikke Marja å dy seg. Hun rev til seg boka og leste, høyt, tydelig og helt flytende.
Marie Curie IV37 1984 North Korea stamp features marie curie in her laboratory. One of the greatest women of all time, she has the distinction of receiving two Nobel
Super Scientists - Marie Curie Energy Quest is the California Energy Commission s energy and environmental education site for students, parents and teachers.
Extractions: Original name, Marja Sklodowska. Born in Warsaw, Poland. She studied mathematics, physics and chemistry in Paris, where she met and married Pierre Curie (1859 - 1906). In 1903, she and Pierre were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for research on the radioactivity of uranium, along with Antonie Becquerel. She discovered the radioactivity of thorium; discovered polonium and radium, and isolated radium from pitchblende. She and her husband, Pierre, were awarded the Nobel prize in physics (1903), but she won the prize on her own in chemistry (1911). In 1910 she had published a long paper on radioactivity and this time it was all her own work. She was given a second Nobel Prize, and became the first person to receive this award twice. Unfortunately, the repeated contact with radioactive elements took their toll on Madame Curie. She died from leukemia, a type of cancer, "in July 1934, exhausted and almost blinded, her fingers burnt and stigmatised by 'her' dear radium." Madame Curie's name is also used as a unit of measurement of the radioactivity of an element.