Extractions: Text Size A A A Front Page ... Nobel Laureates : Corey, Elias James Acute-leukemia Sign May Signal Need For Different Therapy (September 9, 2005) full story Scientists Discover Scaramanga Gene's Bond With Breast Cancer (September 7, 2005) full story Researchers Describe New Cost-effective Method To Assess Sleep (August 30, 2005) full story Scientists Focus On 'Dwarf Eye' Genetic Finding May Have Implications For Farsightedness And Nearsightedness, Too (August 24, 2005) full story MRI Used To Map 'Silent' Heart Changes That 'Remodel' The Heart (August 23, 2005) full story Brain's Opioid Receptors or Endorphin System May Hold Key to Treatment Possibilities for Bulimia Patients (August 13, 2005) Journal of Nuclear Medicine full story New Analysis Of Pottery Stirs Olmec Trade Controversy (August 10, 2005) full story Possible Sasquatch Hair Turns Out To Be Bison (August 10, 2005) full story [ More news about Corey, Elias James
International: Italiano: Scienze: Chimica: Chimici E Ricercatori: Corey, Elias J Translate this page elias james corey è stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica, nel 1990,per lo sviluppo di nuovi metodi per la sintesi di composti naturali complessi http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Scienze/Chimica/Chimici_e_Ricercator
Extractions: Name Corey Haim Corey Feldman Elias James Corey Nickname Space Ace Core JC Bitchsmacka Height Not sure, but probably the tallest of the Coreys Hair Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Current age Age stardom hit Had role in classic 1989 body switching comedy, "Dream A Little Dream"? Yes Yes No, but really wanted to Best achievements "Lost Boys", "License to Drive" "Lost Boys", "The Goonies" Nobel Prize, spiffy eyeglasses Current standing Loser Loser Still has job Filed for bankruptcy? Yes Not yet No Drug problem? Yes YES! No A lardass now? YES No No Has herpes now?
Corey corey, elias james (szül. 1928. júl. 12. Methuen, Massachusetts, USA), amerikaivegyész; 1990ben kémiai Nobel-díjat kapott, elsôsorban a nagy, http://www.mezgazd-koszeg.sulinet.hu/diak/kemia/DATA/Tudosok/data/bh3/corey.html
Extractions: Corey, Elias James (szül. 1928. júl. 12. Methuen, Massachusetts, USA), amerikai vegyész; 1990-ben kémiai Nobel-díjat kapott, elsôsorban a nagy, összetett molekulák mesterséges elôállítását leegyszerusítô "retroszintetikus analízis" nevu módszer kifejlesztésében végzett munkásságáért. Corey a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT; Massachusettsi Muegyetem) hallgatója volt, s tudományos fokozatait (B. S., 1948; Ph. D. 1951) is ott szerezte. 1951 és 1959 között az Illinois-i Egyetemen tanított Champaign-Urbana városában. 1959-tôl a Harvard Egyetem kémiaprofesszora (1968-tól pedig a Sheldon Emory professzori cím birtokosa). Tanítványaival együtt mintegy száz, addig csak a természetben elôforduló vegyületet állított elô. Corey hírnevéhez nagyban hozzájárult munkája, amelyet a szintetikus prosztaglandinok néven ismert vegyületcsoporttal végzett ezek hormonszeru anyagok, amelyeket a meddôség kezelésére és a szülések megindítására használnak. Ô állította elô elsôként a ginkgolid B nevu, eredetileg a páfrányfenyôben megtalálható aktív vegyületet is, amelyet az asztma és keringési rendellenességek kezelésére alkalmaznak. A Corey által kifejlesztett retroszintetikus analízis során a vegyészek a célul kituzött természetes vegyületbôl indulnak ki, s onnan visszafelé haladnak: gondosan elemzik a molekula szerkezetét, és közben egyre kisebb részeire bontják azt. A célvegyület fô részeit összekapcsoló kémiai kötések céltudatos felbontásával a vegyészek végül eljutnak egy sor prekurzorhoz (kiindulási anyaghoz). Ezekbôl már a lehetô legkevesebb lépéssel, a lehetô legegyszerubb reakciók során alakíthatják ki a célvegyületet. Mindez gyorsítja, olcsóbbá teszi és megkönnyíti a szóban forgó vegyület mesterséges elôállítását.
Prix Nobel De 1990 à 1994 Translate this page elias james corey. Pour le développement magistral de la théorie méthodologiquede la synthèse organique. (Methuen, Mass, 1928 - ). corey a soutenu sa thèse http://membres.lycos.fr/xjarnot/Chimistes/Nobel_1990.html
Extractions: P rix Nobel de 1990 à 1994 Elias James Corey Pour le développement magistral de la théorie méthodologique de la synthèse organique. (Methuen, Mass, 1928 - ) Corey a soutenu sa thèse en 1951 au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) avant d'être nommé professeur à l'Université de l'Illinois et, en 1959, à l'Université de Harvard où il enseigne actuellement. La décision du Comité de l'Académie des Sciences de Stockholm n'a nullement surpris la communauté des chimistes puisque, aujourd'hui, la synthèse de molécules organiques se fait généralement selon un protocole décrit par Corey. Cependant, la tâche du jury ne semble pas avoir été très facile puisque les débats se sont prolongés, retardant d'une heure environ -ce qui est inhabituel- l'annonce officielle du choix du lauréat. Les attendus de l'Académie des Sciences stipulent que "le développement de l'art de la synthèse organique, depuis un peu plus d'un siècle, a donné des méthodes industrielles egicaces pour la fabrication de matériaux plastiques, de fibres synthétiques, de pesticides et de produits pharmaceutiques... Ces productions ont contribué au haut niveau de vie et d la longue espérance de vie humaine dont profite aujourd'hui le monde occidental..." On peut résumer brièvement les travaux de Corey, considéré comme le père de l'analyse rétrosynthétique qui eut pour conséquence la mise au point de synthèses organiques assistées par ordinateur (S.O.A.O.). Utilisant cette méthode, Corey a effectué la synthèse de plus d'une centaine de substances organiques complexes.
Extractions: After the final exam . . . Paul Crutzen holds of challenge from Kurt Alder, while Kenichi Fukui makes gallant effort!! After test 2 . . . . Congratulations to Paul Crutzen, winner of 4000 mL of pepsi products!!! And to Kurt Alder, winner of 2000 mL of pepsi products!!! average average test lab op scan final final curved final alias opscan essay score opscan essay score avg avg FE EXAM average average grade alias Crutzen, Paul A Crutzen, Paul Alder, Kurt A Alder, Kurt Fukui, Kenichi A Fukui, Kenichi Bosch, Carl A Bosch, Carl Cram, Donald J. A Cram, Donald J. Hauptman, Herbert A. A Hauptman, Herbert A. Catsenkradle, Rober A Catsenkradle, Rober Gilbert, Walter B Gilbert, Walter Fischer, Ernst Otto B Fischer, Ernst Otto Kuhn, Richard B Kuhn, Richard Aston, Francis William B Aston, Francis William Deisenhofer, Johann B Deisenhofer, Johann Altman, Sidney B Altman, Sidney Herschbach, Dudley R. B Herschbach, Dudley R. Harden, Sir Arthur B Harden, Sir Arthur Langmuir, Irving B Langmuir, Irving
ACS Journal Archives: About The Journal Archives elias james corey awarded Nobel Prize for development of the theory and In 1990, elias james corey was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for http://pubs.acs.org/archives/timeline.html
Extractions: American Chemical Society founded on April 6, 1876, at the College of Pharmacy of the City of New York (now New York University). By year's end, ACS had a total of 35 members. Journal of the American Chemical Society . With this, ACS became the first society in the U.S. to publish a journal specifically for chemists. Radioactivity discovered by Antoine-Henri Becquerel. The first issue of The Journal of Physical Chemistry PART A and B is published (originally The J. of Phys. Chem. , 1896 - 1946: renamed J. of Phys. and Colloid Chem. , 1947 - 1950; changed back to The J. of Phys. Chem. , 1950 - 1996; split into PART A and B
Nobel Prizes (Jews Vs Muslims) elias james corey, Peter Brian Medawar and Ferid Mourad are Nobel Prize winnersbut are ArabChristians, not Muslims http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1456395/posts
Lebanese Lobby News ::::::: elias james corey has been lauded as one of the giants of 20thcentury chemistry,and as the father of synthetic organic chemistry. http://www.lebaneselobby.org/lebanese/Elias Corey.htm
Extractions: Elias J. Corey(Khoury) Elias James Corey has been lauded as one of the giants of 20th-century chemistry, and as the father of synthetic organic chemistry. In 1990, at the age of 62, Corey was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his contributions to the development of organic synthesis, a recognition that many of his colleagues said was long overdue. In 1931, our family grew to include my mother's sister, Naciby, and her husband, John Saba, who had no children of their own. We all lived together in a spacious house in Methuen, still a gathering place for family reunions. My uncle and aunt were like second parents to us. As a youngster I was rather independent, preferring such sports as football, baseball and hiking to work. However, when my aunt, who was much stricter than my mother, assigned a household chore, it had to be taken seriously. From her I learned to be efficient and to take pleasure in a job well done, no matter how mundane. We were a very close, happy and hardworking family with everything that we needed, despite the loss of my father and the hard economic times. Uncle John died in 1957, and too soon afterwards, in 1960, my aunt passed away. My mother died in 1970 at the age of seventy. They all lived to see each of the four children attain a measure of success.
Articles - Elias James Corey under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License Source Original textfrom the article in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia elias james corey. http://www.sewing-center.com/articles/Elias_Corey
Extractions: Sewing Machines Embroidery Machines Sergers He has developed several new synthetic reagents: His method for asymmetric reduction of ketones to chiral secondary alcohols using oxazaborolidine/ borane Corey-Bakshi-Shibata reduction (CBS Reduction) ) has become popular. His total synthesis of several prostaglandins is considered a classic. Corey has gained a certain infamy in the field of chemistry for having two graduate students commit suicide and explicitly blame their advisor (Corey) for doing so.
Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents elias james corey was a whiz kid from Methuen who wrote his doctoral thesis infour weeks, earned a PhD at age 22 and was made a full professor at 27. http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1990/1990h.html
Extractions: Elias James Corey was a whiz kid from Methuen who wrote his doctoral thesis in four weeks, earned a PhD at age 22 and was made a full professor at 27. Yesterday, at 62, he won an award that friends and colleagues said was years, even decades, overdue: the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. At Harvard University, Corey, a veritable institution known as "E.J." to graduate students and faculty members alike, has been professor of chemistry since 1959. He is the 33d Harvard faculty member to win a Nobel Prize, and the sixth Harvard professor to win a Nobel in chemistry. Described by current and former students as a man of enormous drive, dedication and concentration, Corey is also a stern but fair taskmaster who, they say, does not suffer fools gladly. His hobbies? David A. Evans, a fellow chemistry professor at Harvard, put it bluntly, "Chemistry. He works seven days a week." His father died when Corey was 18 months old, and his mother and aunt pooled their households to survive the Depression years. "It never occurred to me that I'd be a professor," Corey recalled yesterday. "One's expectations were not high in those days. It was enough to get an education and do the best I could."
Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents elias james corey of Harvard won the prize in chemistry for basic research thatrevolutionized the ability of chemists to create synthetic versions of http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1990/1990g.html
Extractions: Three Boston-area scientists, two from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and one from Harvard University, were among the four winners of this year's Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry announced yesterday by the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Henry W. Kendall and Jerome I. Friedman of MIT, along with Richard E. Taylor of Stanford University, will share the prize in physics, worth about $700,000, for work in the late 1960s that proved the existence of quarks, the smallest known component of matter. Elias James Corey of Harvard won the prize in chemistry for basic research that revolutionized the ability of chemists to create synthetic versions of organic chemicals in the laboratory. His work made it possible to make many important pharmaceuticals more easily and cheaply and improved the theoretical understanding of how these chemicals work. Corey learned about his $700,000 prize from a graduate student as he arrived at his laboratory yesterday morning. "It was a surprise," said Corey, who has been rumored to be a Nobel candidate for years. Winning the Nobel Prize, he said, "is a statistically improbable event for any scientist. So many good scientists don't get it. I've always maintained a solid skepticism, for which I'm still not sorry."
Nobel Prizes elias james corey (1928 ), 1990, Novel chemical synthesis Calvin, MelvinCech, Thomas corey, elias james Cornforth, John Warcup Cram, Donald Curie, http://hilltop.bradley.edu/~rbg/Nobel.html
Corey Elias corey elias posters, filmography, news, and forum. Annette Bening, Halle Berry,Sandra Bullock, Tim Burton, james Cameron, Jackie Chan, Sean Connery http://www.rottentomatoes.com/p/corey_elias/
Extractions: CELEB QUIK BROWSER > Select A Celebrity WEEKLY SPOTLIGHTS Jon Bon Jovi Lindy Booth Agnes Bruckner Nicolas Cage Rick Cramer Jon Heder Jonathan Jackson Jared Leto Julian Morris Bridget Moynahan Mark Ruffalo Reese Witherspoon MOST POPULAR Ben Affleck Christina Aguilera Gillian Anderson Pamela Anderson Annette Bening Halle Berry Sandra Bullock Tim Burton James Cameron Jackie Chan Sean Connery Russell Crowe Tom Cruise Leonardo DiCaprio Robert De Niro Johnny Depp Cameron Diaz Kirsten Dunst Carmen Electra Rupert Everett David Fincher Harrison Ford Jodi Foster Brendan Fraser Sarah Michelle Gellar Mel Gibson Cuba Gooding Jr. Selma Hayek Jennifer Love Hewitt Anthony Hopkins Angelina Jolie Ashley Judd Nicole Kidman Martin Lawrence Heath Ledger Bruce Lee Jet Li Jennifer Lopez George Lucas Ewan McGregor Marilyn Monroe Julianne Moore Eddie Murphy Mike Myers Edward Norton, Jr. Al Pacino Gwyneth Paltrow Michelle Pfeiffer Brad Pitt Natalie Portman Julia Roberts Arnold Schwarzenegger Will Smith Britney Spears Steven Spielberg Sylvester Stallone Julia Stiles Charlize Theron John Travolta Denzel Washington Olivia Williams Bruce Willis Kate Winslet John Woo Michelle Yeoh
Chemical Genealogy corey, elias james Danheiser Katzenellenbogen Lansbury Myers, AG Virgil Corn, Robert M. Cornwell, Charles Daniel http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/~mainzv/Web_Genealogy/c-list.htm