Annettes Philosophenstübchen: Erkenntniskritik Translate this page Ein anderes Beispiel zeigt die Nobelpreisträgerin barbara mc clintock. barbara mc clintock und der wissenschaftliche Dogmatismus, in WECHSELWIRKUNG
Extractions: Eigentlich hatte ich immer eine recht romantische Vorstellung von der Wissenschaft. Als ich Physik zu studieren begann, um Astronom zu werden, sagten mir viele : "Als Berufsastronom siehst du die Sterne nur noch auf der Photoplatte, nicht mehr am wirklichen Himmel." Trotzdem mußte ich den Weg in der Wissenschaft weitergehen und konnte mich nicht mit dem Amateur-Niveau zufriedengeben. Und das war auch richtig so. In der Diplom-Arbeit durfte ich nur die Formeln für die Teilchenentstehung im frühen Kosmos aufschreiben, nicht die Einbettung der Fragestellung in ein umfassendes kosmologisches Weltbild. Ich akzeptierte das als "wissenschaftliche Methode", vollzog die Trennung in "physikalische (rechnende) Wissenschaft" und "weltanschauliche Philosophie" und wendete mich letzterer zu. Im Nachhinein sehe ich diese Problematik als symptomatisch an.
Seyla Benhabib: La Filosofia Politica Femminista Translate this page Evelyn Fox Keller ha studiato la vita di barbara mc clintock, la studiosa di Fox Keller afferma che barbara mc clintock ha elaborato una teoria genetica
Trecento Nobel, Solo Dieci Donne Translate this page Rosalyn Yalow (1977), barbara mc clintock (1983), Rita Levi-Montalcini (1986),Gertrude Elion (1988), Christiane Nusslein-Volhard (1995).
Extractions: "TRECENTO NOBEL, SOLO DIECI DONNE" di Stefania Maurizi pubblicato da "Tuttoscienze" de " La Stampa" il 19 dicembre 2001 S fogliando l'album dei vincitori del Nobel, in occasione del primo centenario del premio, ci ritroviamo a sperare che l'Accademia di Svezia abbia tradito gli slanci della buonanima di Alfred Nobel, perché, se come egli voleva, i suoi premi sono andati a tutte le grandi menti dell'umanità, senza omissioni, per noi donne il bilancio è pesantissimo. A fronte di oltre trecento Nobel per la scienza vinti dagli uomini, dieci donne hanno ottenuto undici premi: due per la fisica: Marie Curie (1903) e Maria Mayer (1963) ; tre per la chimica: Marie Curie (1911), Irene Joliot-Curie (1935) e Dorothy Hodgkin (1964) ed, infine, sei per la medicina: Gerty Cory (1947), Rosalyn Yalow (1977), Barbara Mc Clintock (1983), Rita Levi-Montalcini (1986), Gertrude Elion (1988), Christiane Nusslein-Volhard (1995) . (N.d.R.: si noti che gli 11 Premi Nobel sono stati assegnati a 10 donne, in quanto Marie Curie ne ha vinti due, uno col marito Pierre Curie e Henri Becquerel per la fisica nel 1903 e uno per la chimica nel 1911.) V anno meglio le cose in altri settori: riscattiamo, infatti, la miseria dei due Nobel per la fisica con la santità dei dieci per la pace. Ma, evitando toni piagnucolosi e sarcastici, ci limitiamo ad esporre alcuni fatti interessanti.
BrothersJudd Blog: BOXING BARBARA: BOXING barbara. Bill Jones Campaign Quandary With only tepid support fromBush, the GOP challenger to Bob Dornan and Tom mc clintock need not apply.
Extractions: Support from Bush which seems tepid at best won't do Jones much good in a state where only two of five likely voters say they back the president. And though a public embrace from Schwarzenegger, whose job-approval rating stands above 60%, might help, the freshman governor so far has kept Jones at arm's length. This is Jones' quandary. Despite campaign swings by such high-profile Republicans as Vice President Dick Cheney, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Sen. John McCain, the Republican Party has not given Jones the kind of support it has given candidates in other states, a disengagement that has left the former Fresno-area rancher mired in a political bog of low name recognition, low fundraising and low voter interest. The lukewarm Boxer-Jones campaign seems at odds with the candidates themselves. Each is capable of a hard fight, and, together, they offer what voters say they want real choices both in substance and in strategies, with Jones running as a conservative waving Schwarzenegger's bipartisan flag and Boxer seeking to make her race a referendum on national policies by campaigning against Bush as much as against Jones.
Transposonlar 1983te barbara mc clintocka misir bitkisi üzerindeki transpose olabilir elementlerhakkindaki çalismalarindan dolayi Nobel ödülü verildi. dunyasi/transposonlar.htm
Extractions: Hareketli Genler: TRANSPOSONLAR Referanslar: 1. 2. 3. 4.http://www.findartic p1/article.jhtml 5.International Human Genome Sequencing Contortium, "Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome," Nature, vol. 409, 15 February 2001. YILDIZ BOZKURT
Women's Lives A feeling for the organism, the lifeand work of barbara mc clintock Evelyn FoxKeller at MIT. The work and life of a nobel price scientist in corn plants
Extractions: Balm in Gilead , by Sarah Lawrence Lightfoot: The life of a black child psychiatrist. Paula , by Isabel Allende: The story of Isabel's life told to her unconscious daughter T he road from Coorain by Jill Ker Conway: Growing up to the Australian outback. Cafe Europa , by Slavenka Drakulic: Life in and out of the Eastern block. T he promised land by Mary Antin: A child's discoveries from the Jewish Pale to Boston Egg and I by Betty Macdonald: Marriage on a remote chicken farm Journal of a solitude by May Sarton: A year writing poetry Frida Kahlo by Herrera: An artist life born in the ashes of a disabling accident Girl interrupted by Susanna Kaysen: Adolescence in the MacLean psychiatrique hospital How I grew up by Mary McCarthy. Exile by Pearl Buck: The missionary life of Pearl Buck's mother Long loneliness by Dorothy Day: The life of a catholic social activist T estament of youth by Vera Brittain: The death of a generation of young men during world war I Calling of Katie Makanya's life by margaret mccord: travels and nursing life of a black South African woman. I ncidents in the life of a slave girl by Harriot Jacob: Women against the good war , by rachel Goosen: Women conscientious objector during worl war II Grey is the color of hope
Libri Preziosi Translate this page Vita e opere di barbara mc clintock, La Salamandra, Milano 1987. Gimbutas, Marija,Il linguaggio della dea, Longanesi, Milano 1990
Extractions: * indica la narrativa AUTRICE TITOLO CASA EDITRICE LUOGO e ANNO AAVV (Alma Sabatini) Il sessismo nella lingua italiana Ist. Pol. Zecca dello Stato Roma 1987 (esaurito) AAVV (Rivolta Femminile) Edizioni di Rivolta Femminile Milano 1977 AAVV La rivoluzione inattesa Pratiche Parma 1995 AAVV Duemilaeuna. Donne che cambiano l'Italia Pratiche Milano 2001 AAVV Buone notizie dalla scuola Pratiche Milano 1998 Alcott, Louise May
Memories Of Ira, Pt. 4 of wading for miles in the water along the Del Mar shore listening to anecdotesabout barbara mc clintock and Max Delbruck, and of Ira leaping up from
Extractions: In the course of a lunchroom conversation, the question emerged, "Where did laboratory yeast come from?" Who would even know? "Ira," said ten scientists in unison. I went down to his office, poked my head in the door, and asked. He was busy but invited me in, sat me down, and started pulling a torrent of books off of his shelves. (I managed to escape with only two of the dozen or so he offered to loan me a history of the Carlsberg Laboratory and a well-worn copy of Lindegrens "The Yeast Cell: It's Genetics and Cytology.") I thanked him and made to leave, muttering that I didn't want to bother him, but he urged me to stay he wanted to describe a few of the abstruse challenges that the early yeast genetics pioneers had faced as they reduced a polyploid agricultural workhorse down to a genetically tractable form, all without the benefit of molecular tools, adequate markers or even a clear idea of the nature of the genetic material. As he talked, he would occasionally point out a particularly clever thing that someone had done decades ago to solve some hairy genetics problem or other that would have sent me into the cold room (either to pursue biochemistry or to get a beer), saying, "See that?" And while we talked, we listened to a new CD of Celtic music he'd just purchased, and occasionally he would interrupt himself and gesture at the air, saying, "Hear that?" in the same tone of voice. I never did return those books.
Premios Nobel De Medicina descubrimiento de los genes saltarines , clintock, barbara mc
Extractions: Premios Nobel de Medicina PRINCIPAL ÍNDICE Notas [ Nobel Medicina ] Nobel Química Tema Ganador Behring, Emil Adolf Von Ross, Sir Ronald Finsen, Niels Ryberg Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich Koch, Robert Cajal, Santiago Ramon Y.; Golgi, Camillo Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse Ehrlich, Paul; Metchnikoff, Ilya Ilyich Kocher, Emil Theodor Kossel, Albrecht Gullstrand, Allvar Carrel, Alexis Richet, Charles Robert Barany, Robert Bordet, Jules Krogh, Schack August Steenberger Hill, Sir Archibald Vivian; Meyerhof, Otto Fritz; Banting, Sir Frederick Grant; Macleod, John James Richard; Einthoven, Willem; Fibiger, Johannes Andreas Grib Wagner-Jauregg, Julius Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri Eijkman, Christiaan; Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Landsteiner, Karl Warburg, Otto Heinrich Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas; Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott Morgan, Thomas Hunt Minot, George Richards; Murphy, William Parry; Whipple, George Hoyt Spemann, Hans Dale, Sir Henry Hallett; Loewi, Otto Nagyrapolt, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Von Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois Domagk, Gerhard
Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Winners 2004-1901 barbara mc clintock for her discovery of mobile genetic elements. 1982 The prizewas awarded jointly to. SUNE K. BERGSTR, BENGT I. SAMUELSSON and SIR JOHN
Extractions: Bibliographie sur les femmes ingénieurs et scientifiques Bibliographies AUTREMENT, Le sexe des sciences, les femmes en plus , novembre. Baudelot, C., and Establet, R., 1992, " Succès féminins : un phénomène international" dans E. Plaisance, Permanence et renouvellement en sociologie de l'éducation, , pp 149-167. Bonora, D., and Huteau, M., 1991, "L'efficience comparée des garçons et des filles en mathématiques", dans L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle , N°3, juillet-sept, pp 269-290. Byrne, E., 1993, Women and Science : The Snark Syndrome, London, Falmer. Chamozzi, F., Degenne, A., Grelon, A., Marry, C., and Ternier, A., 1987, Projet de banque de données sur les ingénieurs français, enquête exploratoire sur les élèves-ingénieurs de Lorraine, Paris: IRESCO-CNRS. (cf. chapitre sur filles). Clair, R., 1995, (réalisé sous la conduite de ), La formation scientifique des filles, un enseignement au-dessus de tout soupçon ? , Paris, Editions Liris-Editions UNESCO, Londres, Jessica Kingsley Publishers-UNESCO Publishing, Madrid, Los libros de la Catarata-Ediciones UNESCO.
BUIATTI, CONDIZIONAMENTI POSITIVISTI SULLA BIOLOGIA Translate this page Richard A. Goldschmidt e barbara mc clintock (a questultima fu attribuito In particolare la mc clintock scoperse lesistenza di elementi genetici, CONDIZIONAMENTI POS
Extractions: In questa lettura il genetista Buiatti sottolinea i pesanti condizionamenti che il positivismo, soprattutto con la componente meccanicista e determinista, esercita ancora nel campo della biologia. Ma lapproccio deterministico al DNA viene sempre piú smentito dallesperienza, dal momento che questa struttura si sta rivelando instabile. M. Buiatti, Da Mendel allingegneria genetica [...] la contrapposizione ideologica di cui sopra, di cui i dati scientifici non erano causa ma voluto e parziale supporto di una controversia del tutto politica, ha gravemente ritardato lemergere, nella scienza, di concezioni diverse, piú recentemente avvalorate da una crescente quantità di dati. In realtà le due estremizzazioni non sono mai state interamente fatte proprie da nessuna corrente scientifica e rappresentano piuttosto il risultato della scelta esterna di privilegiare punti di osservazione diversi cogliendo di volta in volta i dati utili per confermare opinioni che vengono piú dalla sfera ideologica e politica che da quella della scienza sperimentale. Ciò non toglie che i biologi, a loro volta, siano coscientemente o inconscientemente influenzati da tali opinioni e tendano anchessi a scegliere ottiche diverse con cui guardare gli esseri viventi. Con il risultato, spesso, di trovare quello che cercano. Come ha fatto lo stesso Mendel che, scegliendo caratteri che si presentavano sotto forme alternative (piselli gialli e verdi, lisci o rugosi ecc.), per poter contare quanti individui presentavano luna o laltra forma di generazione in generazione e trovare cosí leggi matematiche generali, ha dimostrato, guarda caso, che i caratteri sono discontinui (alternativi) e si distribuiscono a caso. Cose ambedue vere, ma solo in certi casi, come è stato dimostrato non molto dopo la riscoperta del lavoro dellabate di Brno. Sintetizzando questi concetti si può quindi dire che, da un lato, la società sceglie i dati scientifici ed attribuisce loro valore e spazio diversi nella trasmissione di massa in base ai modelli culturali prevalenti, dallaltro questi ultimi influenzano la scelta dei punti di osservazione della natura da parte dei ricercatori.
Class Notes 1929-39 It s appropriate for us to pay tribute to some famous Cornell women graduates,I think barbara mc clintock 23, PhD 27, Nobel prize winner in Physiology
Extractions: CLASS NOTES November-December 2000 Dear Friends, Agnes Gainey Williams died in the spring but I was unaware of it until I had a note from her daughter Pat telling me of it. Agnes and I roomed together in two different places in New York City soon after graduation, about the time we were both engaged, so I knew her husband Bill (Harold H.), PhD '33, quite well. He was a professor of Bionutrition at Cornell. Both were charming, memorable people. I have heard that Ethel Corwin Ritter will be moving in September to Bay Village, 8400 Vamo Rd., Sarasota, FL 34231. She has been living for years in a beautiful townhouse overlooking the water, and we wish her well in the adjustment. I have spoken by phone to Rosalie Cohen Gay, and Jo (Mills) and San Reis. Rosalie and I always end our conversation by singing "We Came to School Together," which she composed, back in the days when college was "Ra Ra" with songs, mascots, officers (WSGA), and "togetherness." It's appropriate for us to pay tribute to some famous Cornell women graduates, I think: Barbara Mc Clintock '23, PhD '27, Nobel prize winner in Physiology and Medicine; Toni Morrison, MA '55, Pulitzer and Nobel prize winner in Literature; Janet Reno '60, Attorney General; Susan Rothenberg '66, BFA '67, painter; Joyce Brothers '47, psychologist and media icon; Susan Brownmiller '56, author and feminist; Pearl S. Buck, MA '25, also a Pulitzer and Nobel prize-winning author; Ruth Bader Ginsburg '54, Supreme Court Justice; Jane Brody '62, health columnist and science writer; Margaret Bourke-White '27, photojournalist. Agnes "Tib" Kelly Saunders, 106 Spencer Ave., Lynbrook, NY 11563; e-mail,
Féminin-Masculin - La Maison De La Science Translate this page mc clintock barbara Prix Nobel 1983 Discipline Médecine / physiologie. Nobel.NUSSLEIN-VOLHARD Christiane Prix Nobel 1995
Extractions: Exposition "Femmes, Sciences et Technologies" Conçue et réalisée par la Maison de la Science de Liège Problématique Biographies Prix Nobel Science ... Plate-forme Ce site internet a été développé en prolongement de l'exposition "Femmes, Sciences et Technologies" qui s'est tenue à Liège du 13 novembre 2004 au 31 janvier 2005
Maisons De La Science Translate this page Crwfoot-Hodgkin, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Gerty Radnitz Cori, Rosalyn SussmanYalow, barbara mc clintock, Gertrude Elion, Christiane Nusslein-Volhard).
Extractions: et Technologies Dans le cadre de l'exposition "Féminin-Masculin", La Maison de la Science présente "Femmes, Sciences et Technologies". Il ne s'agit pas d'un projet féministe, mais de mettre en évidence quelques grandes figures féminines qui ont marqué l'histoire et le présent de la Science. 10 expériences seront présentées et commentées par un guide scientifique. 20 expériences seront à réaliser par vous. Des petits films illustreront aussi certains concepts. L'exposition sera complétée par un cycle de conférences. Les alchimistes (Marie la Juive, Marie Le Jars de Gournay, Pernelle Lethas) Les astronomes (Caroline herschel) Les biologistes (Maria Sibilla Merian) La structure de l'ADN (Rosalind Franklin) Botanique (Marie-Anne Libert) Informatique (Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper)