Jacques Maritain Center: JM Index (C) Case Ten Years After by Robert F. Drinan 1957/02/09 cassin, rene 17/01 } cassin, rene; Instruction Publique, Eng. 1942/06/16 17/01 } cassin, rene; http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/jm-c.htm
Rene Cassin Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everything from antiSemitism to Zionism. It includes a glossary, bibliography of web sites and http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/cassin.html
Extractions: Rene Cassin Rene Cassin was born on October 5, 1887, in Bayonne, France Cassin was the French delegate to the League of Nations from 1924 to 1938. He served on both the United Nations World War II , Cassin served as the French delegate to the United Nations in 1946, 1948, 1950, 1951, and 1968. Additionally, from 1959 to 1965, Cassin was a prominent member of the European Court of Human Rights. Then, in 1965, Cassin was elected President of the court and held that position until 1968. After World War II, and the atrocities of the Holocaust had been uncovered, Cassin, together with Eleanor Roosevelt, wrote of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights General Assembly Nobel Peace Prize . Cassin died on February 20, 1976, at the age of 89. Sources: Wikipedia
Extractions: Speech to the Decalogue Lawyers Society Rene Cassin Mr. President, May I first convey to you and to the members of the Decalogue Lawyers Society my gratitude for your kind invitation which was relayed to me in Paris by my friend Wourgast of the World Federation of War Veterans. My friends and comrades in the struggle for the rights of man, - humanity, though fragmented into tribes and other social groups at first and later formed into nations and empires, was conscious from its darkest and earliest beginnings of a brotherhood founded on religious and moral concepts rather than on material and economic interests. The Decalogue is one of the earliest formally recorded expressions of this community of principles. It was formulated, however as a series of imperative precepts: "Ye shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. Honor thy father and thy mother. Keep the sabbath day." Or else in the form of interdictions: "Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain." But never was it meant to appear as a proclamation of human rights or prerogatives. For thousands of years the religious organization of society made itself felt as an authoritarian concept even when altruistic precepts were involved: The Bible reads "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
Default René cassin Competition 29 March to 1 April 2005 Ludi 17 rue de la Haute-Montée, 67000 Strasbourg. reference website. René cassin Competition Website. http://www.coe.int/Rene-Cassin/
Extractions: The teams will each present a written analysis of problems raised by a fictitious case, taking into account the European Convention on Human Rights and the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg court. They will then take part in open legal debates, leading up to the final at 2.30pm on 1 April in the hearing room of the European Court of Human Rights. A team of students from the Poitiers University won the 21st René Cassin European Human Rights Competition, beating the team representing the University of Paris Dauphine in the final on Friday 1st April. The winning team argued a fictitious case before the European Court of Human Rights on striking a balance between personal freedom, police interrogations and psychiatric detention. (
Default Dal 1985, il Concorso René cassin si tiene ogni anno ed è organizzato http://www.coe.int/Rene-Cassin/it/
Extractions: Durante la prima fase della gara, ogni squadra redige una memoria in due parti - parte ricorrente e parte convenuta. Questa tesi deve unire l'analisi approfondita delle disposizioni della Convenzione europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo, lo studio del caso di specie, la ricerca della dottrina, ad un ragionamento giuridico, coerente e solido, fondato su argomenti pertinenti e alla buona padronanza della lingua francese, lingua officiale del Concorso. La seconda fase si svolge al Palazzo dei Diritti dell'Uomo a Strasburgo, e permette alle squadre di mostrare il loro talento d'oratori e di confrontare le proprie ragioni giuridiche, svolgendo il ruolo di avvocati o di agenti del Governo di fronte a una giuria formata da universitari, magistrati, funzionari internazionali e avvocati.
Extractions: Then press GO All Links. . . Academic Calendar Academic Counseling Academy on Human Humanitarian Law Administration Law Admin Law Review Admissions Alumni Relations Alumnus of the Month Appleseed Application (JD) Arbitration Program Asian Law Society AU Int'l Law Review AU Journal of Gender, Law Audio Visual AU Law Review Benefits Blackboard Business Law Brief Calendar of Events Calendar, Academic Career Services Humanitarian Law Childcare (AUCDC) Chile Summer Prgm Civil Practice Clinic Class Cancellations/ Notices Class Schedule Clinical Program Commencement Communications Economic Develop. Law Clinic Contact WCL Continuing Legal Education Counseling Course Catalog Course Schedule Criminal Justice Clinic Criminal Law Society Current Students Curricular Information Dean's Office Development Office Directions to WCL Directory Disabilities Support Diversity Service Docket, The Domestic Violence Law Clinic Dual Degree Programs E-Commerce Employers Employment- AU/WCL Environmental Law Europe Summer Prgm Events Calendar Evidence Project Exam Schedule Externships Facilities Management Faculty Faculty Projects Faculty Resources Financial Aid Founders Gender Studies Give Online Global Partnerships Graduation Require.
AJ René Cassin - Strasbourg, France I stayed at hostel rene cassin in Strasbourg it s pretty grim but cheap and the rooms are clean. No atmosphere to meet people and relax, the kitchen is http://www.hostelz.com/display.php/9952 AJ René Cassin
Extractions: Address: 9, rue de l'Auberge de Jeunesse, Strasbourg Website: www.fuaj.org Telephone: Fax: Price: (Help keep Hostelz.com accurate... To add or correct information for this listing, please use the listing update form Number of Beds: Bedsheets: sheets are free Free Breakfast: YES Coed Dorm Available: No Bathroom in Room: No Credit Cards Accepted: YES Kitchen: YES Lockers: No Reservations Accepted: YES Internet Computers: Pay Age Range Allowed: All Ages Minimum Stay: No Minimum Maximum Stay: Checkout: 10 AM (10:00) Reception Hours: 7h to 12h30, 13h30 to 19h30, 20h30 to 23h30 Clubs/Networks: HI, FUAJ Membership Required: Hostelling International (HI) required Open Dates: From Feb.1st to Dec.31 Youth Hostel : 24h/24h ; Reception : 7h to 12h30, 13h15 to 19h30, 20h15 to 23h30 This is a Hostelling International (HI) hostel. A valid HI membership card is required to stay at HI hostels. Some HI hostels may allow non-members, but an extra fee will apply. You can get a membership card before your trip
EVENE - René Cassin Translate this page René cassin , cassin René biographie, anecdotes, citations, livres, photo http://www.evene.fr/celebre/biographie/rene-cassin-14773.php
Site Du Collège René Cassin à Guénange Translate this page Site du collège René cassin de Guénange, en Moselle (57). Il regroupe des informations administratives pratiques concernant le collège, des contenus http://www3.ac-nancy-metz.fr/clg-rene-cassin-guenange/
Le Lycée René Cassin Translate this page En 1968, le Prix Nobel de la Paix lui est attribué. René cassin meurt en 1976. Ses cendres seront transférées au Panthéon en 1987. http://www.ac-versailles.fr/etabliss/lyc-cassin-arpajon/rene.htm
Extractions: - FIN - Charron, Claude-Yves Chica, Maria Camila C hen, Marty C.A.C. International C.Smith, Elise Cabal, Alfonso Borrero Caballero, Lorenzo Mozambique : Food and agriculture sector... [m] Swedish bilateral cooperation to Latin America during the 1980's... [m] The Mozambian agricultural sector : A background information...
Les Adresses - Portail Officiel De La Ville Du Havre Translate this page Salle de réunion René cassin. 130, rue Anatole France 76600 - Le Havre. Visite virtuelle de la salle (3 photos) 1 2 3. - Descriptif http://www.ville-lehavre.fr/delia-CMS/adresse/index/article_id-2009/plus-1/topic
René Cassin - Biography René cassin A jurist, humanitarian, and internationalist, René Samuel cassin cassin, René, La Conception des droits de l etat dans les successions http://nobelprize.org/peace/laureates/1968/cassin-bio.html
Extractions: HOME SITE HELP ABOUT SEARCH ... EDUCATIONAL A jurist, humanitarian, and internationalist, (October 5, 1887- ) is one of the world's foremost proponents of the legal as well as the moral recognition of the rights of man. Neither a pessimist nor an optimist, the peace laureate, eighty-one years old when awarded the prize in 1968, confessed that "men are not always good" but he has based much of his life's work on the premise that human responses can be constructive if states will transform the conditions that breed ill will into those that recognize the dignity of man. Cassin has made his career in law as practitioner, professor, scholar, administrator, and promoter. The legal career which he began in 1909 in Paris, where he was a counsel at the Court of Paris, was brought to an end when he was inducted into the infantry in 1914. Severely wounded in 1916 by German shrapnel, he survived, but only because his mother, serving as a nurse in the field hospital to which he had been carried, persuaded the doctors to perform surgery. Although the injury he sustained was to give him acute discomfort throughout his life, he recovered, married Simone Yzombard of Marseilles, and entered upon his career as a professor of law at Aix late in 1916. He moved to a professorship in law at Lille in 1920 and in 1929 to the chair of fiscal and civil law at the University of Paris, where he remained until his retirement from formal teaching in 1960. His teaching career included various scholarly assignments that took him to other countries. He lectured at the National School of Overseas Territories; undertook academic missions in Europe, French Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East; lectured at the Academy of International Law at The Hague, and at the University Institute of Advanced International Studies in Geneva.