Percy Williams Bridgman -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article percy williams bridgman. Categories 1961 deaths, 1882 births, percy williamsbridgman (April 21, 1882August 20, 1961) was an (A native or inhabitant
Extractions: Bridgman was born in (Click link for more info and facts about Cambridge, Massachusetts) Cambridge, Massachusetts . He entered (A university in Massachusetts) Harvard University in 1900, studying (The science of matter and energy and their interactions) physics , and from 1910 he began teaching at Harvard, finally as a professor from 1919. He had, in 1905, begun undertaking research regarding certain phenomena under the influence of pressure. Due to a machinery malfunction, he modified his pressure apparatus, and the result was that he had invented a new piece of machinery that would enable him to create pressures up to and above 100,000 (One thousand grams; the basic unit of mass adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites)
Harry Drickamer Symposium was percy williams bridgman, Professor of Physics at Harvard University. Drickamer became the first recipient of the percy williams bridgman Award.
Extractions: 19 November 1918 - 6 May 2002 In studying matter, scientists do many things. They measure weights and dimensions. They heat substances or cool them, shine light on them (or through them), stretch them or squeeze them. Harry Drickamer was a master at squeezing matter to tease scientific information from nature. One of the most famous practitioners of this art, who many would call its father, was Percy Williams Bridgman, Professor of Physics at Harvard University. He developed methods of subjecting samples to very high pressures and used these methods to explore the properties of many materials. For this pioneering work, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1946. He virtually singled handedly created a field of research, the effect of very high pressure on the properties of matter. The International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT), formed some years after Bridgman’s death, instituted a prize in his honor. In 1977, Harry G. Drickamer became the first recipient of the Percy Williams Bridgman Award. In his remarks on the occasion of the award Harry said "Many people have asked me whether I was a student of Bridgman. Formally, of course, I was not. However, in a very real sense we all are students of Bridgman. We all share his enthusiasm for high pressure research. We can all hope to reflect something of his intellectual honesty. Today we still use his techniques, or modifications and extensions of those he developed….Today, fourteen years after his death, his spirit and his ideas still permeate the field. Seldom, if ever, has one man been so significant for any important area of research".
Percy Williams Bridgman (1882 - 1961) pour ses études du comportement de la matière à haute pression.
MSN Encarta - Related Items - Pressure bridgman, percy williams (18821961), American physicist and Nobel laureate, whowas noted for his study of the behavior of materials at high pressure
MSN Encarta - Related Items - Pressure geologic pressure imperial and metric conversion factors ocean pressure percy williams bridgman, study of behavior of materials at high pressure
Bridgman, Percy Williams bridgman, percy williams. (1882 1961) bridgman byl synem novináre. V roce1900 se zapsal na Harvardskou univerzitu, kde v roce 1905 získal magisterský
Extractions: Bridgman byl synem novináøe. V roce 1900 se zapsal na Harvardskou univerzitu, kde v roce 1905 získal magisterský titul a o tøi roky pozdìji doktorát. Svou práci na statice pøi vysokých tlacích zahájil v roce 1908. Nejprve dosáhl tlaku o velikosti 6 500 atmosfér, postupnì se mu vak daøilo tlak zvyovat, a dosál hodnoty okolo 400 000 atmosfér. V této neprozkoumané oblasti si musel sám vyvinout mnoho pomùcek a pøístrojù. Jeho nejdùleitìjsím vynálezem byla tlaková nádoba se samoutìsòovacím uzávìrem. Pozdìji vyvinul mnoho typù ocelí a slitin eleza s velkou odolností vùèi vysokým teplotám a tlakùm. Mnoho z jeho prací se týká mìøení stlaèitelnosti kapalin a pevných látek, zmìn skupenství za vysokých tlakù a mìøení rùzných fyzikálních velièin (napø. elektrického odporu).
Encyclopedia: Percy Williams Bridgman Other descriptions of percy williams bridgman. percy williams bridgman (April21, 1882âAugust 20, 1961) was an American physicist who won the 1946 Nobel
Extractions: Related Articles People who viewed "Percy Williams Bridgman" also viewed: New Zealand Culture of New Zealand Nobel Prize in Physics Kabbalist ... Hino Nacional Brasileiro What's new? Our next offering Latest newsletter Student area Lesson plans Recent Updates Samuel Taylor Coleridge SS United States Rucker Park Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve ... More Recent Articles Top Graphs Richest Most Murderous Most Taxed Most Populous ... More Stats Updated 67 days 6 hours 51 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Percy Williams Bridgman Percy Williams Bridgman April 21 August 20 ) was an American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the physics of high pressures. April 21 is the 111th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (112th in leap years). ... 1882 was a common year starting on Sunday (see link for calendar). ... August 20 is the 232nd day of the year (233rd in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar. ... 1961 was a common year starting on Sunday (link will take you to calendar). ... Many famous physicists of the 20th and 21st century are found on the list of recipients of the Nobel Prize in physics. ...
Lexikon Percy Williams Bridgman percy williams bridgman aus der freienEnzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz.
Extractions: Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Percy Williams Bridgman Percy Williams Bridgman 21. April in Cambridge (Massachusetts) Massachusetts 20. August in Randolph, N.-H ) war ein amerikanischer Physiker. Bridgman erhielt den Physik Nobelpreis f¼r seine Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Hochdruck-Physik. Er ist ebenfalls bekannt f¼r seine Studien ¼ber die elektrische Leitf¤higkeit in Metallen und ¼ber Kristalleigenschaften. Er verfasste auch Werke ¼ber die Philosophie der modernen Wissenschaft, speziell des Operationalismus Er ist Miterfinder der Bridgman-Stockbarger-Methode zur Herstellung von Einkristallen ( Kristallzucht ). Ein anderer Name f¼r die Methode ist
Store Product Details Item ID, bridgman percy D2. Title, percy williams bridgman, Arthur Holly Compton,Irving Langmuir, Harold Clayton Urey
Store Product Details , suit; laboratory; equipment; LR percyItem ID, bridgman percy D3. Title, percy williams bridgman, Irving Langmuir,Herbert Maxwell Strong.
Percy William Bridgman. Fyzik percy williams bridgman se narodil 21. dubna 1882 v Cambridgi ve státeMessachusetts v USA. Základní a strední vzdelání získal na kolách poblí mesta
Extractions: "'Vìdecká metoda'" bývá ta nejhorí ze vech moných." Fyzik Percy Williams Bridgman se narodil 21. dubna 1882 v Cambridgi ve státì Messachusetts v USA. Základní a støední vzdìlání získal na kolách poblí mìsta Newton. V roce 1900 zaèal navtìvovat Harvardskou univerzitu. V roce 1904 ji ukonèil s titulem bakaláø svobodných umìní, v roce 1908 získal doktorát v oboru fyziky. V roce 1919 se stal asistentem profesora v Harvardské univerzitì, kde vyuèoval matematiku a fyziku. V roce 1950 se stal profesorem Higginsovy univerzity. Své výzkumy zahájil v oblasti vysokých tlakù (a 10 000 MPa), kde zkouma l jejich vliv na materiály a jejich termodynamické chování. Vysokým tlakùm se pak vìnoval po celou svoji kariéru. V krystalografii pøispìl svým návrhem metody r ùstu jediného krystal u. Za své objevy pøedevím v oblasti vysokých tlakù obdrel v roce 1946 Nobelovu cenu za fyziku. Profesor Percy Williams Bridgman zemøel 20. srpna 1961.
Science Quotes percy williams bridgman (18821961) US physicist, Nobel Prize, 1946. The dispassionateintellect, the open mind, the unprejudiced observer,
Extractions: I have attempted to give dates for each major author, and an indication of that person's claim to fame. Some specific documentation of sources is given, but that task has a long way to go. Readers are invited to supply additional information. Science is organized knowledge. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) English philosopher. Education Science is the systematic classification of experience. George Henry Lewes (1817-78) English writer and critic. Science is simply common sense at its best that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic. Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95) English biologist. Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense differing from the latter only as a veteran may differ from a raw recruit: and its methods differ from those of common sense only as far as the guardsman's cut and thrust differ from the manner in which a savage wields his club. Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95) English biologist. "The Method of Zadig" in Collected Essays IV. Science is nothing but developed perception, interpreted intent, common sense rounded out and minutely articulated.
MSN Encarta - Bridgman, Percy Williams Translate this page bridgman, percy williams (1882-1961), physicien américain qui sest fait connaîtrepour ses études du Plus de résultats pour bridgman, percy williams