- Gerd Binnig (Physics, Biography) - Encyclopedia reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on gerd binnig, Physics, Biographies. Includes related research links.
Extractions: By Alphabet : Encyclopedia A-Z B Related Category: Physics, Biographies Gerd Binnig Pronunciation Key Rohrer built the first scanning tunneling microscope, an instrument so sensitive that it can distinguish individual atoms. For their innovation they shared the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics with Ernst Ruska , who invented (1933) the first electron microscope. Content on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. We accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from information published on this site. We encourage you to verify any critical information with the relevant authorities. About Us Contact Us Privacy Links Directory ...
Historical Perspective gerd binnig was born in Frankfurt, W. Germany on 7/20/47. gerd interest in physics started at an early age of ten. He began his studying of physics in
Extractions: The crucial role of scanning tunneling microscopy for our understanding of the material world, and its immanent significance for the future of scientific research and technical progress, has been duly appreciated by the awarding of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics to its developers Gerd Binning and Heinrich Rohrer. It represented the latest stage in the series of developments of microscopies not based on light, which started with the development of the electron microscope by Ernst Ruska. Gerd Binnig Gerd Binnig was born in Frankfurt, W. Germany on 7/20/47. Gerd' interest in physics started at an early age of ten. He began his studying of physics in Frankfurt where he attended two colleges. Gerd began losing his interest in physics to his hobby of music. In 1978 Gerd accepted a job offer from IBM Zurich Research Laboratory to join a physics research team. Here he met Heinrich Rohner who restored his curiosity in physics with his sense of humor and humanity. This is where his "exciting" years of research on STM began. Gerd worked on the research team with Heinrich Rohner, Christoph Gerber, and Edmund Weibel. They were awarded the German Physics Prize, the Otto Klung Prize, the Hewlett Packard Prize, the King Faisal Prize and now the Nobel Prize for Physics.
Binning, Gerd Karl binnig, gerd Karl binnig se narodil ve Frankfurtu a studoval zde na Goetheho universite, kde získal v roce 1978 titul Ph.D. V téme roce se stal
Extractions: Binnig se narodil ve Frankfurtu a studoval zde na Goetheho universitì, kde získal v roce 1978 titul Ph.D. V téme roce se stal zamìstnancem výzkumné laboratoøe IBM poblí Zürichu ve výcarsku a spoleènì s Rohrerem zaèali pracovat na problému, jak zobrazit jemné detaily struktury látek. Pøili na mylenku, e by se sonda emitující elektrony pohybovala kolem povrchu zkoumaného objektu a mapovala tak jeho povrch. Výsledkem práce byl tzv. vzorkovací tunelový mikroskop. Nový mikroskop je zaloen na vlnovém charakteru elektronu, na který poprvé upozornil ji ve dvacátých letech laureát Nobelovy ceny za fyziku - Louis Victor de Broglie . Malá sonda s ostrým hrotem se pohybuje ve vakuu podél povrchu vzorku a emituje proud (tunel) elektronù. Sebenepatrnìjí zmìna (i atomových rozmìrù) vzdálenosti sondy od povrchu se zaznamená. Vhodným vzorkováním povrchu se poøídí tøírozmìrný obraz. Mikroskop mùe odhalit strukturu materiálù na atomární úrovni a poskytnout dùleité informace o jejich sloení. Vzorkovací tunelový mikroskop se pouívá pøi studiu biologických vzorkù, k analyzování prùmyslových materiálù (jakými jsou jsou tøeba supravodièe) a k testování miniaturních elektrických obvodù.
Small Times: News About MEMS, Nanotechnology And Microsystems gerd binnig Without his inventions, there would be no nanotechnology as it gerd binnig and colleagues at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory achieved that
Gerd Binnig Infohub on gerd binnig. gerds. gerd binnig (born on July 20th, 1947) is a Germanborn physicist who shared erd Heinrich Rohrer half of the 1986 Nobel
Extractions: '''Gerd Binnig''' (born on July 20th, 1947) is a German -born physicist who shared with Heinrich Rohrer half of the 1986 Nobel Prize for Physics for their invention of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Ernst Ruska won the other half of the prize. Binnig graduated from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt and received a doctorate from the University of Frankfurt in 1978. He then joined the IBM Research Laboratory in Zurich, where he and Rohrer designed and built the first scanning tunneling microscope. This instrument produces images of the surfaces of conducting or semiconducting materials in such fine detail that individual atoms can be clearly identified. Quantum mechanical effects cause an electric current to pass between the extremely fine tip of the STM's tungsten probe and the surface being studied, and the distance between the probe and the surface is kept constant by measuring the current produced and adjusting the probe's height accordingly. By recording the varying elevations of the probe, a topographical map of the surface is obtained on which the contour intervals are so small that individual atoms are clearly recognizable. The tip of the STM's probe is only about one angstrom wide (100 picometers, or about the width of an atom), and the distance between it and the surface being studied is only about 5 to 10 angstroms (0.5
Gerd Binnig IBM Press Release gerd binnig, along with his colleague, Heinrich Rohrer, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in in 1986 for his work in scanning
Extractions: Gerd Binnig IBM Press Release: Gerd Binnig, along with his colleague, Heinrich Rohrer, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in in 1986 for his work in scanning tunneling microscopy. Binnig and Rohrer were recognized for developing the powerful microscopy technique, which can form an image of individual atoms on a metal or semiconductor surface by scanning the tip of a needle overthe surface at a height of only a few atomic diameters. They shared the award with German scientist Ernst Ruska, designer of the first electron microscope. Born in Frankfurt, Germany, on July 20, 1947, Dr. Binnig was educated at J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt, where he received his bachelor's degree in 1973 and his doctorate degree in 1978. That year he joined a physics research group at IBM's Zurich Research Laboratory. Dr. Binnig was assigned to IBM's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif., from 1985 to 1986, and was a visiting professor at nearby Stanford University from 1987 to 1988. Dr. Binnig was appointed an IBM Fellow in 1987 and remains a research staff member at IBM's Zurich Research Laboratory.
Inventor Of The Week: Archive binnig The incredible advance in microscopy of being able to see objects as tiny atoms was achieved by physicists Heinrich Rohrer and gerd Karl binnig.
Extractions: This Week Inventor Archive Inventor Search Inventor of the Week Archive Browse for a different Invention or Inventor Scanning Tunneling Microscope The incredible advance in microscopy of being able to see objects as tiny as individual atoms was achieved by physicists Heinrich Rohrer and Gerd Karl Binnig. The pair developed the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981 while working for IBM in Zurich, Switzerland. Binnig was born in Frankfurt, Germany, on July 20, 1947. He studied physics at J.W. Goethe University, where he completed his bachelor's degree in 1973 and his doctoral degree in 1978. That year he accepted a position with IBM's Research Laboratory in Zurich, working with the physics research group. For their work, Binnig and Rohrer were honored with numerous awards including the German Physics Prize, the Otto Klung Prize, and the Hewlett Packard Prize, the King Faisal Prize. In 1986, they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics along with German scientist Ernst Ruska, who designed the first electron microscope. Rohrer became an IBM Fellow in 1986 and managed the physical sciences department at the Zurich Research Laboratory from 1986 to 1988. He retired from IBM in July 1997.
DBLP: Gerd K. Binnig Translate this page gerd K. binnig. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ 2, EE, gerd K. binnig, Heinrich Rohrer Scanning tunneling microscopy.
Extractions: List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Coauthor Index - Ask others: ACM DL ACM Guide CiteSeer CSB ... T. R. Albrecht , Gerd K. Binnig, Michel Despont Ute Drechsler B. Gotsmann D. Jubin ... D. Wiesmann : A Nanotechnology-based Approach to Data Storage. VLDB 2003 EE Gerd K. Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer : Scanning tunneling microscopy. IBM Journal of Research and Development 44 EE Peter Vettiger Michel Despont ... Roland Widmer , Gerd K. Binnig: The "Millipede"-More than thousand tips for future AFM storage. IBM Journal of Research and Development 44 T. R. Albrecht G. Cherubini Michel Despont A. Dholakia ... D. Wiesmann DBLP: [ Home Author Title Conferences ... Michael Ley ( Wed Sep 14 20:37:40 2005
Lexikon Gerd Binnig gerd binnig aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz. Die Liste der Autoren ist unter
Extractions: Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Gerd Binnig Gerd Binnig Gerd Karl Binnig 20. Juli in Frankfurt am Main ) ist deutscher Physiker und Nobelpreistr¤ger 1978 promovierte er in Physik ¼ber "Tunnelspektroskopie an supraleitendem (SN)x" Binnig entwickelte mit dem Schweizer Heinrich Rohrer im IBM-Forschungslabor bei Z¼rich das Rastertunnelmikroskop erhielt er daf¼r den Otto-Klung-Preis als bester deutscher Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Fach Physik. 1986 erhielten Binnig und Rohrer zusammen mit Ernst Ruska den Nobelpreis f¼r Physik. Binnig entwickelte anschlieend auch das Rasterkraftmikroskop 1994 gr¼ndete er die Firma Delphi2 Creative Technologies GmbH , die sp¤ter umbenannt wurde in Definiens GmbH , heute Definiens AG und heute in M¼nchen sitzt. Aus ihr ging auch die
IngentaConnect Table Of Contents: Nanotechnology Authors Lantz, Mark A.; binnig, gerd K.; Despont, Michel; Drechsler, Ute. Measurement of the Young s moduli of individual polyethylene oxide and glass
Harvard Businessmanager Translate this page Kreativität ist für den Physiker gerd binnig zum Lebensthema geworden. Ohne sie hätte er weder das Rastertunnelmikroskop erfunden und dafür den Nobelpreis!_DIG30949438
20th Century Year By Year 1986 binnig, gerd, Federal Republic of Germany, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, R Mac217;schlikon, Switzerland, b. 1947; and ROHRER, HEINRICH, Switzerland
G. Peez: Kreativität Translate this page binnig, gerd/ Steiner, Tilman Von Nix kommt nix. gerd binnig im Gespräch mit Tilman Steiner über Kreativität. In Daucher, Hans (Hg.) Kinder denken in
Extractions: Im Text "Das Gehirn ist kein Computer. Neuere Erkenntnisse der Neurowissenschaft" (Stand 1997) fasst Karl-Heinz Brodbeck (FH Würzburg) gut verständlich und sehr anschaulich mit integrierten Abbildungen Forschungsergebnisse zusammen, die u.a. Kreativitätsforschung, Wahrnehmungsverarbeitung und Gestalterkennung thematisieren, und somit wichtige Informationen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Maschine enthalten.
IEEE Spectrum Careers In 1986, gerd binnig and Heinrich Rohrer received the Nobel Prize in physics for MASTER MICROSCOPER gerd binnig at IBM s Zurich Research Laboratory in