For More Information Norman BORLAUG. John HUME. Shimon PERES. Desmond TUTU. Jody WILLIAMS. Mgr CarlosFelipe ximenes belo. Oscar ARIAS SANCHEZ
Extractions: The Manifesto 2000 for a culture of peace and non-violence , was drafted by a group of Nobel Peace Prize , to translate the resolutions of the United Nations into everyday language and to make them relevant to people everywhere. The Manifesto 2000 does not appeal to a higher authority, but instead it is an individual commitment and responsibility.
Nobel Laureates' Appeal For A Decade Of Non-violence Mgr. Desmond Mpilo Tutu, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Yasser Arafat, Mgr. carlos FelipeXimenes belo, José RamosHorta, Norman Borlaug, Oscar Arias Sánchez,
Extractions: FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD Today, in every single country throughout the world, there are many children silently suffering the effects and consequences of violence. This violence takes many different forms : between children on streets, at school, in family life and in the community. There is physical violence, psychological violence, socio-economic violence, environmental violence and political violence. Many children ­ too many children ­ live in a "culture of violence". We wish to contribute to reduce their suffering. We believe that each child can discover, by himself, that violence is not inevitable. We can offer hope, not only to the children of the world, but to all of humanity, by beginning to create, and build, a new Culture of Nonviolence. For this reason, we address this solemn appeal to all Heads of States, of all member countries of the General Assembly of the United nations, for the UN General Assembly to declare:
La Tragedia Di Timor Est Translate this page A cominciare dalla micidiale encefalite giapponese. Monsignor carlos FelipeXimenes belo - Arcivescovo di Dili - Premio Nobel per la pace 1996
Extractions: M ai, eravamo andati a portare e a difendere la pace cosí lontano. Nemmeno quando si era trattato di spedire i nostri militari a salvar vite in posti come il Congo, la Somalia, il Mozambico o il Ruanda. Nemmeno allepoca di due delle tante missioni semi-dimenticate delle Forze Armate italiane. La prima, condotta nel 1979 da una squadra navale rischierata a 6.500 miglia dalle basi di partenza, si era conclusa con il salvataggio di quasi mille boat people vietnamiti abbandonati alla deriva nel Mar della Cina Meridionale. Di conseguenza, il fatto stesso di doversi integrare in una coalizione di nazioni assolutamente inedita (problema per altro comune a ciascuno dei nostri partner) spostava ancora piú in su la soglia fatidica del one team, one mission , al di là della quale inizia il successo di qualunque missione a carattere multinazionale. Quanto al tempo a disposizione per poter raccogliere ed elaborare le informazioni essenziali circa la effettiva situazione del teatro, meglio sorvolare. Lunico elemento sui cui non si potevano nutrire dubbi di sorta, al riguardo, era rappresentato dalle condizioni climatiche e igienico-sanitarie: 35-40 gradi di temperatura media e un tasso di umidità del 90 per cento anche nella stagione secca, il tutto guarnito dal piú completo campionario di malattie tropicali disponibile nellarea asiatico-pacifica. A cominciare dalla micidiale encefalite giapponese.
Office Of Public Affairs At Yale - News Release RamosHorta shared the Nobel Peace Prize for 1996 with carlos felipe XimenesBelo, a Dominican bishop of East Timor, who has advocated a peaceful resolution
Extractions: CONTACT: Gila Reinstein 203-432-1325 #109 For Immediate Release: November 15, 1999 New Haven, Conn. Jose Ramos-Horta , winner of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize, will be the keynote speaker at a panel discussion on Tuesday, November 16, 3-6 p.m. in the Divinity School 's Marquand Chapel, 409 Prospect St. The discussion, titled "The Case of East Timor," will also feature Shepard Forman , director of the Center on International Cooperation, and Arnold S. Kohen , author of "From the Place of the Dead: The Epic Struggle of Bishop Belo of East Timor." The public is invited to attend the free event, which is sponsored by the Yale-Griffin Center for Health and Human Rights and the Health and Human Rights Committee of the School of Medicine 's department of epidemiology and public health. Ramos-Horta shared the Nobel Peace Prize for 1996 with Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo , a Dominican bishop of East Timor, who has advocated a peaceful resolution to the conflict in his homeland. Ramos-Horta was honored for his role as the leading international spokesman and activist for East Timor's cause since 1975, when Indonesia took control of the country. He is credited with focusing international attention on East Timor's struggle for self-determination. It is estimated that 200,000 people one-third of the population of East Timor have since died from starvation, epidemics, war and terror. Born in East Timor in 1949, Ramos-Horta became a journalist with A Voz de Timor. He was exiled to Mozambique in 1970-71 on a charge of making anti-Portuguese comments. After his return to East Timor, he helped found the Timorese Association for Social Democrats, later called Fretilin, and began lobbying for East Timor's independence from Portugal.
Sitios Educativos - (sitio) Monseñor Belo Translate this page Página que contiene información sobre la vida y obra de Monseñor carlos FelipeXimenes belo, salesiano, Administrador Apostólico de Dili - Timor Oriental,
Extractions: @import "stylesheet-4903.css"; var aid = '61087'; var pvid = Array('28420', '22827', '42600', '42149', '42350', '42160', '43319', '43296', '42165', '42974', '42181', '46805', '44033', '37460'); var cid = '909'; var iid = '1618'; var pnid = Array('2512', '2520', '2516', '2540', '2541', '2517', '2518', '2519', '2527', '1', '2301', '2302'); Your browser does not support iframes! Your browser does not support iframes! ShowMenu("si", true); Monseñor Belo document.write( "' ); Por contenido curricular: Estudio y comprensión de la sociedad Problemas del mundo contemporáneo Por Sitio educativo: Sitios Asociados Nuestros Sitios Sitios Institucionales Sitios en la Web Clasificación curricular: Nivel Sector Estudio y comprensión de la sociedad Problemas del mundo contemporáneo Descripción Extendida Página que contiene información sobre la vida y obra de Monseñor Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo, salesiano, Administrador Apostólico de Dili - Timor Oriental, quien recibió el premio Nobel de la paz en 1996. La página contiene extractos del discurso que hizo en la ceremonia de entrega del premio y una entrevista. URL:
Warta Berita - Radio Nederland, 07 April 2005 Mantan uskup agung Dili, sekaligus pemenang hadiah Nobel perdamaian, carlos FelipeXimenes belo punya kenangan pribadi dengan Sri Paus sewaktu kunjungan
Allegro-Chronik 25 Jahre (2005) Internationale Kampagne zum Verbot von Landminen (ICBL); Williams, Jody