Energy And Momentum From Grau-Hall Scientific Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack Steinberger(1988); J. georg bednorz, K. Alexander Müller(1987); Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer(1986);
Extractions: Powered by Click on the triangle on the right to see a pull-down menu of laboratory supplies: Go to.... Atomic Structure Brushes Dissection Electrical Electrostatics Energy Fluids Glassware Hardware Heat Hydrometers Magnets Magnifiers Microscopes Microscopy Optical Organic Chem Owl Pellets pH Papers Police Science Preserved Refractometers Stoppers Thermometers
Nobel Laureates Of The 1980s J. georg bednorz (West Germany) and K. Alexander Muller (Switzerland). Their important breakthrough in the discovery of superconductivity in ceramic
Extractions: var TlxPgNm='id357'; setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Tripod 40 Yr Old Virgin Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next The Eighties Club Other Stuff Table of Contents Nobel Laureates of the 1980s The Nobel Foundation a private institution established in 1900 based on the will of Alfred Nobel, industrialist, inventor, and scientist manages the assets made available through the will for the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace. PHYSICS James W. Cronin (USA) and Val. L. Fitch (USA) The discovery of violations of fundamental symmetry principles in the decay of neutral K-mesons. CHEMISTRY Paul Berg (USA) His fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinant-DNA . Walter Gilbert (USA) and Frederick Sanger (USA/UK) Their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids. LITERATURE Czeslaw Milosz (Poland, USA)
Nobel Translate this page 1987 J.georg bednorz (Alm) K. Alex Müller (Ýsviçre). 1988 Leon Lederman (ABD) Melvin Schwartz (ABD) Jack Steinberger (ABD)
Extractions: Wilhelm G.Roentgen (Alm) Hendrik (A.Lorentz (Hol), Peter Zeeman (Hol) Antoine H. Becquerel (Fr), Pierre Curie (Fr), Marie Curie (Fr) John W.S. Rayleigh (Ýng) Phillip E. A. Lenard (Alm) Joseph J.Thomson (Ýng) Albert A.Michelson (ABD) Gabriel Lipmann (Fr) Guglielmo Marconi (Ýtl), Carl F. Braun (Alm) Johannes D.Vander Waals (Hol) Wilhelm Wien (Alm) Nils G. Dalen (Ýsveç) Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes (Hol) Max Von Laue (Alm) William H. Bragg (Ýng),William L. Bragg (Ýng) Ödül verilmedi Charles G. Barkla (Ýng) Max K. E.L. Planck (Alm.) Johannes Stark (Alm) Charles E.Guillaume (Fr) Albert Einstein (ABD) Niels H. D. Bohr (Dan) Robert A.Millikan (ABD) Karl M.G. Siegbahn (Ýsveç) James Franck (Alm), Gustav Hertz (Alm) Jean B.Perrin (Fr) Arthur H.Compton (ABD), Charles T.R. Wilson (Ýng) Owen W.Richardson (Ýng) Louis-Victor de Broglie (Fr) Chandrasekhara V.raman (Hint) Ödül verilmedi Werner Heisenberg (Alm) Erwin Scrödinger (Avusturya), Paul A.M. Dirac (Ýng)
Nobel ödülleri J. georg bednorz, K. Alexander Müller, Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack Steinberger. Seramik malzemelerinin süper iletkenligi üzerine önemli
Extractions: Nicolaas Bloembergen Arthur Leonard Schawlow Kai M. Siegbahn Kenneth G. Wilson Laser spectroscop'un geliþimine yaptýklarý katkýlarýyla Nicolaas Bloembergen'e; yüksek çözünürlü elektron spectroscop'un geliþimine yaptýðý katkýlarýylada Arthur Leonard Schawlow ve Kai M. Siegbahn'a verilmiþtir. Geçiþ safhalarýnýn kritik olgularý ile ilgili teorisi dalayýsýyla Kenneth G. Wilson' verilmiþtir. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar William Alfred Fowler Simon van der Meer Carlo Rubbia Yýldýzlarýn evrimi ve fiziksel süreçleri üzerine yapmýþ olduðu teorik çalýþmalardan dolayý Subramanyan Chandrasekhar'a; evrendeki kimyasal elementlerin oluþumunda nükleer reaksiyonlarýn etkisi üzerine teorik ve fiziksel çalýþmalarýndan dolayý William Alfred Fowler'e verilmiþtir. W ve Z alan parçacýklarýnýn keþfine yol açan büyük projeye katkýlarýndan dolayý Simon van der Meer ve Carlo Rubbia' ya verilmiþtir. Klaus von Klitzing Gerd Binnig Heinrich Rohrer Ernst Ruska Quantized Hall etkisi keþfinden dolayý Klaus von Klitzing 'a verilmiþtir. Tarayýcý tunneling microscope'un tasarýmý ile Gerd Binnig ve Heinrich Rohrer'e ; elektron optiði üzerine yaptýðý çalýþmalarý ve ilk elektron mikroskop'u öngörümü ile de
LP: Nobel Prizes (Men Vs Women) Jack Steinberger, 1987 J. georg bednorz, K. Alex Müller, 1986 Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer, 1985 Klaus von Klitzing, 1984 Carlo Rubbia,
Extractions: on the occasion of the one-hundredth anniversary of the Nobel Prize Zhores I. Alferov (Physics, 2000) Sidney Altman (Chemistry, 1989) Philip W. Anderson (Physics, 1977) Oscar Arias Sanchez (Peace, 1987) J. Georg Bednorz (Physics, 1987) Bishop Carlos F. X. Belo (Peace, 1996) Baruj Benacerraf (Physiology/Medicine, 1980) Hans A. Bethe (Physics, 1967) Gerd K. Binnig (Physics, 1986) James W. Black (Physiology/Medicine, 1988) Guenter Blobel (Physiology/Medicine, 1999) Nicolaas Bloembergen (Physics, 1981) Norman E. Borlaug (Peace, 1970) Paul D. Boyer (Chemistry, 1997) Bertram N. Brockhouse (Physics, 1994) Herbert C. Brown (Chemistry, 1979) Georges Charpak (Physics, 1992) Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (Physics, 1997) John W. Cornforth (Chemistry, 1975) Francis H.C. Crick (Physiology/ Medicine, 1962) James W. Cronin (Physics, 1980) Paul J. Crutzen (Chemistry, 1995) Robert F. Curl (Chemistry, 1996) His Holiness The Dalai Lama (Peace, 1989) Johann Deisenhofer (Chemistry, 1988) Peter C. Doherty (Physiology/Medicine, 1996) Manfred Eigen (Chemistry, 1967)
C&EN: IT'S ELEMENTAL: THE PERIODIC TABLE - YTTRIUM A new, recordhigh Tc of 35 K was discovered in La2CuO4 slightly doped with La by Alex Mueller and J. georg bednorz in 1986. My students and I detected
Extractions: Periodic Table Element Symbols Ac Ag Al Am Ar As At Au B Ba Be Bh Bi Bk Br C Ca Cd Ce Cf Cl Cm Co Cs Cr Cu Db Ds Dy Es Er Eu F Fe Fm Fr Ga Gd Ge H He Hf Hg Ho Hs I In Ir K Kr La Li Lr Lu Md Mg Mn Mo Mt N Na Nb Nd Ne Ni No Np O Os P Pa Pb Pd Pm Po Pr Pt Pu Ra Rb Re Rf Rh Rn Ru S Sb Sc Se Sg Si Sm Sn Sr Ta Tb Tc Te Th Ti Tl Tm U Uub Uuq Uuu V W Xe Y Yb Zn Zr Element Names Actinium Aluminum Americium Antimony Argon Arsenic Astatine Barium Berkelium Beryllium Bismuth Bohrium Boron Bromine Cadmium Calcium Californium Carbon Cerium Cesium Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Copper Curium Darmstadtium+ Dubnium Dysprosium Einsteinium Erbium Europium Fermium Fluorine Francium Gadolinium Gallium Germanium Gold Hafnium Hassium Helium Holmium Hydrogen Indium Iodine Iridium Iron Krypton Lanthanum Lawrencium Lead Lithium Magnesium Manganese Meitnerium Mendelevium Mercury Molybdenum Neodymium Neon Neptunium Nickel Niobium Nitrogen Nobelium Osmium Oxygen Palladium Phosphorus Platinum Plutonium Polonium Potassium Praseodymium Promethium Protactinium Radium Radon Rhenium Rhodium Rubidium Ruthenium Rutherfordium Samarium Scandium Seaborgium Selenium Silicon Silver Sodium Strontium Sulfur Tantalum Technetium Tellerium Terbium Thallium Thorium Thulium Tin Titanium Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Xenon Ytterbium Yttrium Zinc Zirconium Author Names M. Feroze Ahmed
GRANDS SAVANTS - PRIX - PRIX NOBEL - 3 Translate this page 87 bednorz J. georg (1950, Ouest-All.), Müller K. Alexander (1927, Sui.). 88 Leon Lederman (1922, Amér.), Melvin Schwartz (1932, Amér.), Jack Steinberger
Extractions: Accueil Tout sur tout Villes et villages de France Atlas Sélections Web ... Vente Garanti livres dvd cd portables ... tous les produits Jeudi 15 Septembre St Roland Possesseur de Quid 2005 ? 3 mois d'accès à offerts PRIX NOBEL - 2 AUTRES PRIX PHYSIQUE Wilhelm Röntgen (1845-1923, All.). Hendrik Lorentz (1853-1928) et Pieter Zeeman (1865-1943, Néerl.). 03 Henri Becquerel Pierre et Marie Curie (1867-1934, d'origine pol.). John Strutt (lord Rayleigh, 1842-1919, Angl.). Philipp Lenard (1862-1947, All.). sir Joseph Thomson (1856-1940, Angl.). Albert Michelson (1852-1931, Amér. d'origine pol.). 08 Gabriel Lippmann Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937, It.), Ferdinand Braun (1850-1918, All.). Joh. D. van der Waals (1837-1923, Néerl.). Wilhelm Wien (1864-1928, All.). Gustaf Dalén (1869-1937, Sué.).
ScienceWeek In 1986, Karl A. Mueller and J. georg bednorz discovered that certain materials exhibit superconductivity at temperatures as high as 35 degrees kelvin,
Extractions: 1) Throughout the history of superconductivity, optical spectroscopy through the scattering of light by a material has been a vital tool. It was the existence of a gap in the excitation-energy spectrum of electrons, first observed in optical studies, that set Bardeen on the path to the celebrated Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superconductivity. That theory, in which electrons move as Cooper pairs, is now the established description of the low-temperature phenomenon. 2) For copper oxides, the transition temperature at which they become superconducting is much higher than in other materials hence the name "high-temperature superconductors". Hwang et al(1) have looked at the so-called optical self-energy of a bismuth-containing copper oxide (known as Bi-2212). This self-energy quantifies the deviation of the measured energy spectrum of electrons in the material from that predicted by the simple Drude theory of elementary metals. In the Drude theory, electrons are treated as hard spheres that travel in straight lines between collisions; deviations from this behavior are thus a measure of the strength of the many-body interactions that the electrons undergo.
Extractions: On the 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize. Dateline Stockholm; December 11, 2001 The attached Statement was released as 150 Nobel Laureates gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, and Oslo, Norway, for an unprecedented celebration marking the 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize. (The prize winners in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Economics meet in Stockholm where their prizes were awarded, and, correspondingly, the Peace Prize winners meet in Oslo.) In brief, the Statement warns that the world may explode into war if modern weapons continue to spread, and environmental strains remain unchecked. It stresses that we shall not have enduring peace until we address the twin scourges of poverty and oppression, and calls for a new sense of global responsibility. It hardly need be said that the signatories make no claim to oracular status, but offer their views as a group of concerned citizens.
Nobel Statement Oscar Arias Sanchez (Peace, 1987) J. georg bednorz (Physics, 1987) Bishop Carlos FX Belo (Peace, 1996) Baruj Benacerraf (Physiology/Medicine, 1980)
Science -- Sign In superconductivity research in 1972 to John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, and J. Robert Schrieffer, and in 1987 to J. georg bednorz and K. Alexander M¸ller.
Extractions: You do not have access to this item: Full Text : Hemley, HIGH-PRESSURE PHYSICS:Enhanced: Superconductivity in a Grain of Salt, Science You are on the site via Free Public Access. What content can I view with Free Public Access If you have a personal user name and password, please login below. SCIENCE Online Sign In Options For Viewing This Content User Name Password this computer. Help with Sign In If you don't use cookies, sign in here Join AAAS and subscribe to Science for free full access. Sign Up More Info Register for Free Partial Access including abstracts, summaries and special registered free full text content. Register More Info Pay per Article 24 hours for US $10.00 from your current computer Regain Access to a recent Pay per Article purchase Need More Help? Can't get past this page? Forgotten your user name or password? AAAS Members activate your FREE Subscription
Portada bednorz, J. georg. b. May 16, 1950, West Germany. In full JOHANNES georg bednorz German physicist who, along with Karl Alex Müller, was awarded the 1987
Extractions: ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA Superconductividad Bardeen, John b. May 23, 1908, Madison, Wis., U.S. d. Jan. 30, 1991, Boston, Mass. American physicist who was cowinner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in both 1956 and 1972. He shared the 1956 prize with William B. Shockley and Walter H. Brattain for their joint invention of the transistor. With Leon N. Cooper and John R. Schrieffer he was awarded the 1972 prize for development of the theory of superconductivity. Bardeen earned bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin (Madison) and obtained his doctorate in 1936 in mathematical physics from Princeton University. A staff member of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, from 1938 to 1941, he served as principal physicist at the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory in Washington, D.C., during World War II. After the war Bardeen joined (1945) the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J., where he, Brattain, and Shockley conducted research on the electron-conducting properties of semiconductors. On Dec. 23, 1947, they unveiled the transistor, which ushered in the electronic revolution. The transistor replaced the larger and bulkier vacuum tube and provided the technology for miniaturizing the electronic switches and other components needed in the construction of computers. In the early 1950s Bardeen resumed research he had begun in the 1930s on superconductivity, and his Nobel Prize-winning investigations provided a theoretical explanation of the disappearance of electrical resistance in materials at temperatures close to absolute zero. The BCS theory of superconductivity (from the initials of Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer) was first advanced in 1957 and became the basis for all later theoretical work in superconductivity. Bardeen was also the author of a theory explaining certain properties of semiconductors. He served as a professor of electrical engineering and physics at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, from 1951 to 1975.
IBM Research | Zurich Research Laboratory portrait Mueller bednorz, Nobel laureates J. georg bednorz (left) and K. J georg bednorz, Nobel laureate J. georg bednorz in his laboratory in the
Extractions: Download Nobel prize medal depicting Alfred Nobel. 72 dpi 300 dpi 72 dpi 300 dpi ... 300 dpi Nobel laureate J. Georg Bednorz in his laboratory in the mid-1990s. 72 dpi 300 dpi 72 dpi 300 dpi Computer model of the structure of yttrium-barium-copper oxide, the "work horse" among the superconductors. 72 dpi 300 dpi A levitating magnet, demonstrating the so-called Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect, is the proof of superconductivity in the material below it. 72 dpi 300 dpi The first high-temperature superconductors consisted of pulverized substances sintered in a furnace. 72 dpi 300 dpi A so-called zone melting technique is used to grow crystals and to create superconducting bulk material samples.
åwQP¢ICOE@uÖ¨Hwv@ÛV Session 1, J. georg. bednorz (IBM Zurich Research Lab) Progress in oxide based non volatile memories . S. Tarucha (Applied Physics, UT)
Global Energy J. georg bednorz. Nobel Prize winner, Professor, IBM Fellow, Johannes georg bednorz received his master s degree from the University of Münster in 1976
ASÍ FUNCIONA Translate this page bednorz, J. georg (Compartido), Alemania, 1987. Bethe, Hans, EE.UU. 1967. Binnig¸ Gerd (Compartido), Alemania, 1986. Blackett, Patrick MS, Inglaterra, 1948
Extractions: APELLIDO - NOMBRE PAÍS AÑO Abrikosov, Alexei A. (Compartido) EE.UU. - Rusia Alferov, Zhores I. (Compartido) Rusia Suecia EE.UU. Anderson, Carl D. (Compartido) EE.UU Anderson, Philip W. (Compartido) EE.UU. Appleton, Edward V. Inglaterra Bardeen, John (Compartido) EE.UU. Bardeen, John (Compartido) EE.UU. Barkla, Charles Glover Inglaterra Basov, Nicolay G. (Compartido) URSS Becquerel, Henri (Compartido) Francia Bednorz, J. Georg (Compartido) Alemania Bethe, Hans EE.UU. Alemania Blackett, Patrick M. S. Inglaterra Bloch, Felix (Compartido) EE.UU. Bloembergen, Nicolaas (Compartido) EE.UU. Bohr, Aage N. (Compartido) Dinamarca Bohr, Niels Dinamarca Born, Max (Compartido) Inglaterra Bothe, Walther (Compartido) Alemania Bragg, Lawrence (Compartido) Inglaterra Bragg, William (Compartido) Inglaterra Brattain, Walter H. (Compartido) EE.UU Braun, Ferdinand (Compartido) Alemania Bridgman, Percy W. EE.UU. Brockhouse, Bertram N. (Compartido) Chadwick, James Inglaterra Chamberlain, Owen (Compartido) EE.UU Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan (Compartido) EE.UU
Extractions: die Entdecker der Hochtemperatursupraleitung Im Rahmen des diesjährigen "Tages der Physik" verlieh die Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II - Physik am 15. Juli die Ehrendoktorwürde an die Nobelpreisträger Prof. Dr. K. Alex Müller und Dr. J. Georg Bednorz, die sich durch ihre Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Hochtemperatursupraleitung große Verdienste erworben haben. die zweite und dritte Durch die Verleihung des Doctor honoris causa, stets mehrere Adressaten angesprochen. "vom Sitz gerissen", so der Rektor, wenn an seiner Universität ein großer bayerischer Forschungsverbund "Hochtemperatursupraleitung" nicht nur koordiniert wird, sondern auch zu mannigfachen ausstrahlenden Untersuchungen führt, und wenn er überdies in beratender Funktion in anderen Bundesländern erfährt, für wie wichtig man es hält, hier ebenfalls "am Ball zu bleiben". Spiegelt doch diese regionale Aufmerksamkeit, die das Thema Hochtemperatursupraleitung erfährt, das internationale Interesse und den internationalen Wettbewerb um spin offs. Zu allererst
The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physics J. georg bednorz, Switzerland Germany. 1988, Leon M. Lederman Melvin Schwartz Jack Steinberger, United States United States United States
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help 20th Century History Homework Help ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the 20th Century History newsletter!