List Of Dictionaries Directory by the University of Paderborn, Germany.
Extractions: [Other Resources] [top] [top] [top] [top] [top] [top] [top] [top] The HTML Dictionary INFOMEDICAL Dictionary of Information for Patients and Support Groups Dictionary of On-Line Medical Resources ArtLex - lexicon of art terminology ... Glossaire d'Accès Aux Autoroutes de l'Information (french/english)
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ZMisc case became upper case. zLinks. Here are links that lead to offsite pagesabout Languages. dictionaires
Extractions: Multi-lingual sites for a multi-lingual world. Here are stats on the top living world languages. [Ref National Geographic 1999] Language Millions of Speakers Chinese (Mandarin) English Spanish Arabic Bengali Hindu Portuguese Russian Japanese German Chinese (Wu) Linguistics is a very broad topic and may be divided up as follows [paraphrased from Theoretical v Applied Theoretical or general linguistics describes individual languages and universal aspects of languages. Phonetics, the study of the different sounds that are employed across all human languages Morphology, the study of the internal structure of words Syntax, the study of how words combine to form grammatical sentences Semantics, the study of the meaning of words (lexical semantics), and how these combine to form the meanings of sentences Pragmatics, the study of how utterances are used (literally, figuratively, or otherwise) in communicative acts Historical linguistics, the study of languages whose historical relations are recognizable through similarities in vocabulary, word formation, and syntax.
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Extractions: It is not necessary for you to utter the civilities "Please" and "Thank you"; that's a matter for you to decide. However, your expressing these indications of gratefulness would go a long way to show that you appreciate the help you are receiving, even if you consider it a failed effort at helping you. Communicating with courtesy is not only civil, but is also smart: other posters will go a lot further in trying to help a courteous person than one who is desultory, demanding, and ungrateful.
Espin I couldn t find out the word espin in any dictionaires in my hand, would you liketo tell me what is it? Context Factin, espin, and myosin VIIA.
Extractions: Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 7:04 am Post: 547440 - Can't help you this time. I would suspect that these terms form parts of a scientific vocabulary which has not yet risen above the horizon of lexicographers, and so is not yet included in dictionaries. The author refers to them as proteins, so you might want to go on-line and look for a bio-chemical dictionary.
Zoek België: Search Belgium. Start Pagina, Index, Directory Translate this page The goal of Science, math, Technology Project planners is to pull together researchand - by using the most effective programs and ideas - implement it into
La Classe Virtuelle > Goulet, Jean James Rainvilles ESL Page, esl links, games,activities, dictionaires,quizzes, fun, language, learning, english, elementary,
Python - Datentypen Translate this page Reservierte Worte Operatoren math Funktionen cmath Funktionen Man kann sichDictionaires wie ein einfaches Wörterbuch vorstellen, in dem ein Element
Extractions: Beispiel Ergebnis der Auswertung Long-Integer Werte: Bei den Long-Integer-Werten Beispiel Ergebnis der Auswertung Fliesskommazahlen: Fliesskommazahlen d.h. Beispiel Ergebnis der Auswertung Oktal- und Hexadezimalzahlen: Oktal- und Hexadezimalzahlen d.h. Zahlen zur Basis 8 oder zur Basis 16. Oktalzahlen beginnen mit einer Null ("0"), Hexadezimalzahlen beginnen mit "0X" oder "0x". Beispiel Ergebnis der Auswertung Komplexe Zahlen: Komplexe Zahlen . Die Zahl wird von einem "J" oder "j" abgeschlossen. Vor diesem Buchstaben muss auf jeden Fall eine Wert stehen, sonst wird "j" oder "J" als Variable interpretiert. cMath importieren und die Methoden aus diesem Modul anwenden. Beispiel Ergebnis der Auswertung sequentielle Datentypen Zeichenketten / Strings Listen Dictionaries Tupel Dabei handelt es sich um verschiedenartige Sammlungen von Objekten. Die einzelnen Elemente dieser Datentypen sind indiziert, das heisst, jedes Element besitzt eine Positionsnummer. In Python beginnt deren Nummerierung bei Null, wie in den meisten anderen Programmiersprachen auch. Das erste Element einer Sequenz hat also immer den Index 0.