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21. Gil Shaham Orli Shaham violinist gil shaham is internationally recognized by audiences and critics asone of todays most virtuosic and engaging classical artists. http://www.carnegiehall.org/textSite/box_office/events/evt_4720.html | |
22. Hagai Shaham Do not confuse Hagai shaham with gil shaham, also a talented violinist. Also,search the web for hagai shaham using Google, the web search engine I find http://members.aol.com/micke5000/music1/hagai_shaham.htm | |
23. IClassics On the Road with gil Orli shaham. Though violinist gil shaham and his sisterpianist Orli shaham made their first recording together only Read more http://www.iclassics.com/artistDiscography?contentId=915 |
24. Great Performances . Dialogue . Berlin Philharmonic Europakonzert: From Palermo Interview with violinist gil shaham. gil shaham performs Brahms ViolinConcerto in D Major. Watch a Video Clip http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/dialogue/dialogue_gshaham.html | |
25. Great Performances . Berlin Philharmonic Europakonzert: From Palermo | PBS violinist gil shaham joins the Berlin Philharmonic for the latest Europakonzert,at Palermo s historic Teatro Massimo. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/shows/europapalermo/europapalermo.html | |
26. Henry Doktorski And Gil Shaham as guest accordionist with violinist gil shaham and the Pittsburgh Symphony Mr. shaham briefly chatted with me; he noted that the solo violin and http://henrydoktorski.com/misc/shaham.html | |
27. Concert's Details > Grand Concerts : Gil Shaham And Elgars Romanticism gil shaham, violinist. Edward Elgar, Violin Concerto Johannes Brahms, Symphony No.4. Read the Programme Notes To know more about the Grand Concerts http://www.osm.ca/en/index_calendrier_concerts_fiche.cfm?ID=96&laDateID=165 |
28. Gil Shaham-Comments&Opinions I have to say he s my favourite violinist. gil shaham is not only a great player,but also a *great* person. I am sure everyone would agree with me how nice http://www.violinist.com/discussion/response.cfm?ID=5244 |
29. Violinist.com: Laurie Niles On Jun. 25, 2005 At 11:10 AM I had forgotten how sublime the Bach Double can be, but gil shaham and his wife, I had never seen gil shaham or Adele Anthony play before, but they were http://www.violinist.com/blog/archive.cfm?article=2980 |
30. WBHM.Org (Gil Shaham) Renowned violinist gil shaham visited WBHM for a live interview. shaham was inBirmingham for a recital the following night with guitarist Goran Sollscher. http://www.wbhm.org/News/News_Features/Gil_Shaham_Interview.html | |
31. Gil Shaham | HarrisonParrott At age 33 violinist gil shaham is internationally recognised by noted gil shaham has recorded much of the central violin repertoire both solo and http://www.harrisonparrott.com/artists/Gil_Shaham.asp | |
32. Dallas Symphony Orchestra violinist gil shaham is internationally recognized by audiences and many notedcritics as one of todays most virtuosic and engaging classical artists. http://www.dallassymphony.com/?crs=mm&mmi=orchestra&mmid=304 |
33. WGBH Online violinist gil shaham, gil shaham violinist gil shaham, winner of the 1990 AveryFisher Career Grant, dropped by WGBH s Studio One and performed the http://streams.wgbh.org/scripts/player.php?launch=gil_shaham |
34. DAILY BRUIN ONLINE - Grammy-nominated Violinist Plays At Royce Hall violinist gil shaham thinks luck is what kept him from playing on any streetcorners to pay rent. But his natural ability to manipulate a violin bow has http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/04.28/ae.shaham.html | |
35. ACCLAIMED VIOLINIST GIL SHAHAM PERFORMS RECITAL AS PART OF WILLIAM JEWELLS HAR Come and listen to violinist gil shaham and pianist Jonathan Feldman as they violinist gil shaham is internationally recognized as one of classical http://campus.jewell.edu/contacts/headlines/headline_484.html | |
36. Ionarts The shaham s, violinist gil and his most exquisitely playing sister Orli, performeda delicacy of a concert at the Kennedy Center last Sunday (November 7). http://ionarts.blogspot.com/2004/11/gil-and-orli-shaham.html | |
37. Kimmel Center, Inc. > News Releases > Internationally Renowned Musicians And Sib Internationally recognized violinist gil shaham and his sister, pianist Orli violinist gil shaham is recognized around the world by audiences and many http://www.kimmelcenter.org/news/item.php?item=2004-10-15 |
38. Untitled Document gil shaham. violinist gil shaham is internationally recognized by audiences andmany noted critics as one of today s most virtuosic and engaging classical http://www.kpbs.org/summerfest/biographies_2003/shaham_gil.html | |
39. French Culture | Music | Faure/Shaham CD Contest violinist gil shaham fulfills a longheld dream of paying tribute to one of hisfavorite composers, Gabriel Fauré, with the release on Oct. 7, 2003, http://www.frenchculture.org/music/events/03shahamfaurecdcont.html | |
40. Profile: Gil Shaham gil shaham. Skip to main navigation. Photo of gil shaham. Violin. violinist gilshaham is internationally recognized by audiences and many noted critics as http://www.philharmonia.co.uk/meettheorchestra/players/gilshaham/ |
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