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21. Straight.com Vancouver | Arts | Four-Alarm Meyers violinist anne akiko meyers has always been interested in contemporary music, asis obvious from her discography her very first recording, http://www.straight.com/content.cfm?id=5731 |
22. Straight.com Vancouver | Arts - Music | Critic's Picks - Big Names Equal Safe Be anne akiko meyers (October 23 and 25 at the Orpheum; matinee October 24) As part of the VSO brings renowned American violinist anne akiko meyers to the http://www.straight.com/content.cfm?id=4949 |
23. Deseretnews.com | Listen To Bruch At Deer Valley What violinist anne akiko meyers, conductor Keith Lockhart, Utah Symphony WhereDeer Valley Amphitheater When Friday, 730 pm How much Reserved, $44; http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,600150441,00.html | |
24. Deseretnews.com | Listen To Bruch At Deer Valley | Deseret Morning News Web Edit What violinist anne akiko meyers, conductor Keith Lockhart, Utah Symphony.Where Deer Valley Amphitheater. When Friday, 730 pm. How much Reserved, $44; http://deseretnews.com/dn/print/1,1442,600150441,00.html | |
25. INKPOT#76 CLASSICAL MUSIC REVIEWS: Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra - 26 May 199 JapaneseAmerican violinist anne akiko meyers is one of those soloist names whoare known by many, but to whom full-fledged fame remains elusive. http://inkpot.com/concert/hkpo99.html | |
26. WNYC - About WNYC With Performances by violinist anne akiko meyers, Pianist Arturo O Farrill violinist anne akiko meyers has been praised for her sweet and winsome tone http://www.wnyc.org/about/media_17.html | |
27. Welcome To Utah City Guide | Your City. Your Guide. meyers, the linebacker? The last time violinist anne akiko meyers collaboratedwith conductor Keith Lockhart, there was a live audience of 10000 in the http://www.utahcityguide.com/new/entertainment/6232.asp | |
28. The World Violinist Links (Page 2 (K-Q)) meyers, anne akiko (1970 ) USA. anne akiko meyers. Official site with biography,tour schedule, discography, gallerey, booking information, http://www2.osk.3web.ne.jp/~wistaria/violinists2.htm | |
29. The Seattle Times: Music & Nightlife: Chances To Hear, Study Classical Music Thr violinist anne akiko meyers joins the ensembles for works of Strauss (PianoQuartet on Monday), Mendelssohn (a trio, on Wednesday) and Janácek (a violin http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/musicnightlife/2002382208_conc15.html | |
30. The Seattle Times: Music & Nightlife: Newcomers Deliver Passion, Tonal Beauty violinist anne akiko meyers gave a stunning account of the tricky Janácek ViolinSonata with pianist Adam Neiman. It s not an easy sonata with which to make http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/musicnightlife/2002400333_fest25.html | |
31. Meyer's E-string Log In Register Forget Password? / Violin Discussion /. July 21, 2005 at 618PM (MST) Anyone know what kind of Estring anne akiko meyers uses? http://www.violinist.com/discussion/response.cfm?ID=7299 |
32. Fanfare: Office Of Marketing And Publicity: School Of Music: Indiana University violinist anne akiko meyers likes to talk about fire. She describes her violin,which was made in 1850, as a fabulous projecting instrument, http://www.music.indiana.edu/publicity/press/ArticlesPreviews&Reviews/articles/2 | |
33. Classical Voice Of North Carolina revenge and a work of a manic depressive genius made for a pretty intenseevening under guest conductor Fabio Mechetti with violinist anne akiko meyers. http://www.cvnc.org/reviews/2003/february/Mechetti.html | |
34. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Features anne akiko meyers mesmerized the audience with what seemed to be a duet being created equal Renowned violinist and model anne akiko meyers glided on http://starbulletin.com/2002/04/09/features/story2.html | |
35. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Features Bullet April 6 and 7 anne akiko meyers Symphonic Dances; Connie Uejio, harp.violinist meyers won classical music s premiere award, the Avery Fisher http://starbulletin.com/2001/01/22/features/story2.html | |
36. La Jolla Summerfest 2005 Schedule | The San Diego Union-Tribune Postcards From Prague, with violinist anne akiko meyers, pianist Shai Wosner,cellist Harrell and the Calder Quartet. Janacek s Violin Sonata; Smetana s http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20050731/news_1a31festsked.html | |
37. April 17, 1998 Weekender On The Scene Internationally acclaimed classical violinist anne akiko meyers will appear ina recital at Tokyo s Suntory Hall on Wednesday, May 6, at 7 pm She will be http://www.weekender.co.jp/LatestEdition/980417/onscene.html | |
38. October 20, 2000 Weekender On The Scene Internationally known classical violinist anne akiko meyers will appear in arecital on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 7 pm at Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall. http://www.weekender.co.jp/LatestEdition/001020/onscene.html | |
39. Schwantner, Joseph Premiered by anne akiko meyers, violinist and the National Symphony Orchestra,Marin Alsop, conducting. vn solo 22(2. eh)2(2. bcl)2 4220 timp 3perc pno hp http://www.eamdc.com/composers/schwantner.asp | |
40. Sensible Sound: Satoh: Birds In Warped Time II.(Brief Article)(Sound Recording R Neither violinist anne akiko meyers nor the firstlisted composer, Somei Satoh,is exactly a household word. Although this CD might be difficult to find, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb278/is_200404/ai_hibm1G1115226219 | |
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