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61. Article About "Violinist" In The English Wikipedia On 24-Apr-2004 A violinist is an instrumentalist who plays the violin. Jan Kubel?/a (18801940);Sigiswald Kuijken Baroque; Rainer Kussmaul (1946 -; tasmin little http://fixedreference.org/en/20040424/wikipedia/Violinist | |
62. Jazz Police - San Fransico Jazz Festival 2004 Oct 14- Nov 7 and Britain s remarkable violinist tasmin little. Schedule Virtuosity TheMusic of Bach and Bart³k tasmin little, solo violin Grace Cathedral, http://www.jazzpolice.com/content/view/4653/2/ | |
63. The Standard Lane has performed many times with wellknown violinist tasmin little, who hasalso visited Zimbabwe previously and whose recording of the theme music from http://www1.thestandard.co.zw/sections/readers/archive_plus_reader.asp?st_id=502 |
64. WKSU Classical: Quicklinks violinist tasmin little believes that Delius may have had a romantic relationshipwith one of the workers. She thinks that Delius s remorse over subsequent http://www.wksu.org/classical/quicklinks.php | |
65. History Of The Proms At St. Jude's The celebrated violinist, tasmin little, requires no introduction. With theequally distinguished Martin Roscoe at the piano, she delighted the audience http://www.stjudes.org.uk/Proms History.htm | |
66. House Of Commons - Culture, Media And Sport - Written Evidence Past GSMD alumni include the singers Bryn Terfel, Beverly Worboys, and IsobelCooper, the violinist tasmin little, the baroque violinist Rachel Podger, http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200405/cmselect/cmcumeds/254/2543we36 | |
67. ABC Classic FM Music Details: Sunday 22 September 2002 tasmin little This young Londonborn award-winning violinist, who has recorded all Delius Violin Sonata in B 24 - tasmin little, v; Martin Roscoe, p http://www.abc.net.au/classic/daily/stories/s652910.htm | |
68. Guardian Unlimited | Arts Features | Bow Selecter Virtuoso violinist tasmin little reveals a liking for eastern European composers, tasmin little recently performed Ligeti s notoriously tough violin http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/homeentertainment/story/0,12830,1049678,00.html | |
69. KeepMedia | Rough Guides Music: Frederick Delius Though Delius was himself a talented violinist and the work was written for the EMI CDM 764725 2; with Elgar Violin Concerto. With tasmin little s http://www.keepmedia.com/ShowItemDetails.do?itemID=284560&extID=10030&oliID=226 |
70. Rattle And Ho-Hum the work was captured with exquisite grace by the soloist, the charming youngBritish violinist tasmin little, who also wrote the quicksilver cadenza. http://citypaper.net/articles/2003-11-20/music4.shtml | |
71. Piano Trios Hannah has enjoyed working with the late Lord Menuhin, pianist Martin Roscoeand violinist tasmin little, with whom she has recorded for ASV. http://www.crwth.org.uk/piano_trios.htm | |
72. BBC Online - The Works tasmin little is now regarded as one of the world s leading violinists. In Spring 1997 tasmin recorded a CD of Delius violin sonatas with Piers Lane http://www.bbc.co.uk/works/s3/delius/tlbiog.shtml | |
73. Apr28 tasmin little, violin. Piers Lane, - piano. Phototasmin little, Photo PiersLane. Sonata in E for violin and keyboard, JS Bach http://www.bognorregismusic.inuk.com/Season23/Apr28.htm | |
74. Bruch Brahms Violin Concertos Little [CF]: Classical Reviews- December 2001 Musi Violin Concerto in D Op.77 tasmin little (violin) Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra Vernon Handley (conductor) Recorded in the Philharmonic Hall, http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2001/Dec01/Bruch_Brahms_Little.ht | |
75. French Recital Tasmin Little[KS]: Classical CD Reviews- Dec 2002 MusicWeb(UK) Violin Sonata (1917) tasmin little, violin Piers Lane, piano Recorded in St.Georges, Brandon Hill, Bristol, 810 May, 1995 and St. Michaels Highgate, http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2002/Dec02/French_Little.htm | |
76. Violin Concerto By Stuart MacRae At ChesterNovello.com Stuart MacRae s Violin concerto, given by tasmin little and the BBC Scottish MacRae s Violin concerto, of which tasmin little gave the world premiere in http://www.chester-novello.com/work/16211/main.html | |
77. RIN:300 The Violin Titled "Messiah: Lord Of The Strings" A Stradivarius violin being played by tasmin little On song a Stradivarius violinbeing played by tasmin little before its auction in 2000. http://fritz-reuter.com/articles/guardian/messiah/lordofthestrings-messiahstrad. | |
78. Finzi: Violin Concerto Etc - Little / CLS / Hickox - Buy @ OpusCDs.com Music Cd tasmin little (violin); John Mark Ainsley tenor*; City of London Sinfonia; RichardHickox Gerald Finzi wrote his Violin Concerto in his mid twemties for a http://www.opuscds.com/cd/27375 | |
79. LIONEL SAINSBURY tasmin little performs Lionel Sainsbury s Cuban Dance No.2 in Japan with Akira In August 2002 Lionel Sainsbury s Violin Concerto was given its public http://www.lionelsainsbury.com/ | |
80. HKPO The Planets(change of soloist) Cathay Pacific Discovery Series. tasmin little.ARTISTS. Edo de Waart Conductor tasmin little Violin http://www.hkpo.com/eng/ticketing/programme.php?id=16 |
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