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Home - Violinists - Lefohn Kevin A. |
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21. Finkweeklyguide Masterworks of Schubert Brahms Gregory Hamilton (cello), kevin A lefohn (violin), Marama Chamber Orchestra directed by kevin A lefohn. http://www.fink.net.nz/finkweeklyguide.html | |
22. Twofold Media - Violin Alive Tremendously valuable . kevin A. lefohn, Lecturer in Violin, University ofOtago, Director, Marama Strings Project http://www.twofold.com.au/violinalive.html | |
23. Inaugural Violin Summer School - New Zealand Music - Workshop more * kevin lefohn Violin kevin lefohn is Lecturer in Violin a.d Directorof the Ma.a.a.Strings Project a. the University of Ota.o. http://www.artscalendar.co.nz/event/9514/ | |
24. Biographical Sketch Dr. lefohn ha. two grown sons, kevin a.d a.ron. kevin is a.professiona., performingviolinist who is a. a.sista.t Professor of Violin a. the University of http://www.asl-associates.com/bio.htm | |
25. Web Page Design kevin A. lefohn Professional Performing violinist Dunedin, New Zealand Queenstown, NZ Violin Summer School Artisan Dance. We look forward to helping you http://www.asl-associates.com/web.htm | |
26. Festival International Musique Concours Violon a. Interna.iona. Music Festiva. a.d a. Interna.iona. Violin Competition, underdirection of Ma.stro Shlomo Mintz Professor kevin a. lefohn (New Zea.a.d) http://www.sion-festival.ch/e/concours/reglement.asp | |
27. Queen City News - 'Two Hemispheres' Brings Chamber Quartet Together For Concert violinist kevin A. lefohn and pianist Terence Dennis, both of New Zealand, and violistKate Hamilton and cellist Greg Hamilton, both on the Illinois State http://queencitynews.com/print.php?sid=3458 |
28. Open To The Public, University Of Otago, New Zealand Gregory Hamilton, cello (USA), kevin A lefohn, violin, Terence Dennis, piano,Judy Bellingham, soprano and male voice quartet. Marama Hall, Sunday 7 August http://www.innovateotago.com/news/opentothepublic.html | |
29. Diary - Communications And Development - University Of Canterbury kevin lefohn (violin), Ashan Pillai (viola), Edith Salzmann (cello), TerenceDennis (piano). Admission $20, $15, door sales. Great Hall, The Arts Centre of http://www.comsdev.canterbury.ac.nz/diary/2004/041119.shtml | |
30. Diary - Communications And Development - University Of Canterbury kevin lefohn (violin), Ashan Pillai (viola), Edith Salzmann (cello), TerenceDennis (piano). Admission $20, $10, door sales. Marama Hall, University of http://www.comsdev.canterbury.ac.nz/diary/2004/041126.shtml | |
31. ☞ Violin - Violinist kevin A. lefohn, violinist. Vadim Gluzman violinist Vadim Gluzman is among themost dynamic and thrilling violinists of his generation having established http://www.aboutviolin.com/violinist/ | |
32. Open Doors At OSU E-newsletter kevin lefohn, violin and Terrance Dennis, piano. Thursday, January 17, 1200 PMMemorial Union Lounge 7374061 FREE http//osu.orst.edu/dept/music/ http://oregonstate.edu/enews/archive_2003/enews01122003.html | |
33. *Welcome To The Open Doors At OSU E-newsletter!* *Dear $subst Room 211 7376031 FREE http//www.bus.orst.edu/ *Thursday, January 17* *Music `ala Carte Presents* kevin lefohn, violin and Terrance Dennis, piano. http://oregonstate.edu/enews/archive_2003/enews01122003.txt |
34. SurfWax -- Accumulating News And Reviews On 50,000 Topics a.tend violin school 8 Ja. 2004 The school is the bra.nchild of Mr La.sen, violintea.her a. Ca.terbury University, a.d kevin lefohn, violin tea.her a. the http://news.shopeasier.com/files/shopeasier_Canterbury_University.html | |
35. Classical Violinists, Music And Videos: #-L KOELMAN, RUDOLF Official Site KOPELMAN QUARTET, THE (with violinist MIKHAILKOPELMAN) Booking Agency Site lefohn, kevin Official Site http://www.musicportal.com/classical_violinists_a_l.html | |
36. Messages Thinking of you from a.long time a.o a.ron lefohn 08 Sep of You Connie Bolinger05 Jul 2003 Ha.py 4th kevin Cla.k 04 Jul 2003 The best violin tea.her ever http://www.jeanparks.com/disc22_toc.htm | |
37. Music Academy kevin A. lefohn, violinist kevin a. lefohn, violinist, professional performer,university of otago, new zealand, marama music academy, Dorothy DeLay http://www.all-creations.com/music_academy/ | |
38. EWebEye.com Search Results. annual, boosting, mentor, robot www.qvss.com violin, new zealand, marama musicacademy, violin summer camp, queenstown, kevin lefohn, stephen larsen http://www.ewebeye.com/ewe_showaz.php?il=a&w1=antonio&w2=school&ewlang=eng |
39. Queen City News - Helena's FREE Weekly Newspaper violinist kevin A. lefohn and pianist Terence Dennis, both of New Zealand, andviolist Kate Hamilton and cellist Greg Hamilton, both on the Illinois State http://www.queencitynews.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=& |
40. NAFA Commuter Series: Lefohn/Goh - 14 May 2001 - INKPOT George GERSHWIN (arr. Heifetz) My Man s Gone Now; It Ain t Necessarily So fromPorgy and Bess. Performers. kevin lefohn violin Sutini GOH piano http://inkpot.com/concert/nafa010514com.htm | |
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