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41. Asia Pacific Arts: Feb. 20, 2004: News From Abroad Hong Kong singer and actress miriam Yeung held her third solo concert at the HungHom Gidon Kremer, one of the worlds most famous Virtuoso violinist http://www.asiaarts.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=7689 |
42. Instructor Bios Eileen kramer has been a freelance technical editor for 15 years and a web developer miriam K. Sokoloff has been sewing since she was five years old. http://www.brooklineadulted.org/aboutus/bios.shtml | |
43. Close Encounters With Music Artist Biographies Her film credits include kramer vs. kramer, All the Presidents Men, Shmuel Ashkenasi, first violinist of the Vermeer Quartet and Professor of Violin at http://www.cewm.org/aboutartist.html | |
44. Leonid Kinskey miriam s Young Man; A Trip to Paris (1938) . Emile; The Big Broadcast of1938 (1938) Hans, Conservatory violinist; Girl Without a Room (1933) . http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0455893/ | |
45. Southwest Jewry New York, NY, Jacobs, Dr. David E. Mar 11 1888, Aug 27 1911, miriam Sapiro Russia, Lubovicki, Calmon, 1894, Ella Gerhardt, violinist http://home.earthlink.net/~nholdeneditor/Southwest Jewry.htm | |
46. Benslow - Course Programme Laurence Jackson, Michal Kaznowski, miriam kramer, Martin Lawrence Look atdifferent styles of improvisation on the violin gypsy jazz, http://www.benslow.org/courses.php?yr=2005&mn=10 |
47. Artistic Judaic Promotions: Title Page Kline, Melanie, Kohl, Tammy, Konig, Irene, kramer, Boris Richard, Kremer,Jonathan violinist s Place. Artist, Shlomo Alter About the Artist http://ajp.com/title.php?ititlenum=3017&artistId=1805 |
48. Records International Catalogue November 1999 miriam kramer (violin), Simon Over (piano). ASV Quicksilva QS 6235 (England)11B071 $11.98. CHINESE VIOLIN MUSIC Jolly Meetings, The Moonshine over the http://www.recordsinternational.com/RICatalogNov99.html | |
49. Performance Tours - 763-576-6909 (Beth Wolfe, violinist in performance at the First Unitarian Society of kramer vs. kramer 5. The French Lieutenants Woman 6. Death in Venice 7. Platoon http://www.perftours.com/nav02e.htm | |
50. The Music Of Christopher Kaufman Norwegian horn player Karl kramerJohansen is a member of the Jupiter Symphony violinist - CAROLINE CHIN made her solo debut with the South Suburban http://www.chkaufman.com/BIOS.htm | |
51. Ponytail Productions Carol kramer has trained with Herbert Berghof, William Hickey, AJ Antoon andElizabeth Takumi assisted the famous Jazz violinist and Film/TV composer, http://www.ponytailproductions.com/bios.html | |
52. Encyclopedia: Polar Music Prize miriam Makeba (born March 4, 1932) is a South African singer. Portrait photographof Bob Dylan taken by Daniel kramer Bob Dylan (born Robert Allen http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Polar-Music-Prize | |
53. Yiddish Teachers Heroes Then And Now International Association Of This icon brought to life by Klezmer vocalist/violinist Rebekka Weinstein Here is just a forshpayz Troim Katz Handler, miriam Beckerman, Herman Taube, http://www.derbay.org/iayc8th/ | |
54. The Association Of Jewish Refugees Gumprecht, Gotthold violinist and director of Ziskoven Conservatory of Music in Also Edgar Hammond and miriam Siodmak. Last known address of Michael http://www.ajr.org.uk/searchnotices.htm | |
55. Ernest Bloch : Sonata For Violin & Piano No. 1 miriam kramer (violin) Simon Over (piano), CD DDD, NAXOS 8.554460, rec. 1998.Hermilo Novelo (violin) Violina Stoyanova (piano). LP. Pavane ADW7089 http://homepage3.nifty.com/bloch/works/violin_sonata_1.htm | |
56. Ernest Bloch : Poeme Mystique For Violin & Piano miriam kramer (violin) Simon Over (piano), CD DDD, NAXOS 8.554460, rec. 1998.Lydia Mordkovitch (violin) Julian Milford (piano) http://homepage3.nifty.com/bloch/works/poeme_mystique.htm | |
57. CLS BACI-BLZ E. VIOLIN SONATAS NO.1 2 1 CD 12.99 NAXOS 8554460 NL W/miriam kramerVIOLIN,SIMON OVER-PIANO 719026 BLOCH, E. VIOLINENKONZERT/POEMS OF 1 CD 24.99 CAPRC http://allimportmusic.com/CLS-BACI-BLZ-EXC-BEETHOVEN.html | |
58. Mad About You (5th Season Episode Guide) Jamie pays the price for commenting about Ryan s ability as a budding violinist, Eric Allan kramer Skippy , Ann Walker Joan s Receptionist http://epguides.com/MadAboutYou/season5.shtml | |
59. 2000-2001 For the third year in a row pianist Natalie Erlich (12), violinist Ariel John S. Kim, Mari Kim, Maria V. Kosovsky, Elise A. kramer, Michelle Lee, http://www.hchs.hunter.cuny.edu/honors_and_awards/2001-2002.html | |
60. New Page 3 Carl Stamitz CelloConzert G-Major (Solistin miriam Erig) Kurt Collinet,violinist of the WDR Rundfunkorchester Köln, instructor for violine at the http://www.idyllion.gr/ProgrE2001_2002.htm | |
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