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61. Dallas Morning News | News For Dallas, Texas | Entertainment: Overnight/Reviews The piece was suavely served up by violinist Mark Miller and harpist Jill Garcia Howard Garrett Joyce Sáenz Harris Jean Nash johnson Paula Lavigne Bill http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/fea/entertainment/overnight/stories/ | |
62. Any-Day-in-History PAGE Of SCOPE SYSTEMS. 1815 Jean Delphin Alard French violinist/composer 1825 George William Martin composer 1928 Judy johnson Norfolk VA, singer (Your Show of Shows) http://www.scopesys.com/cgi-bin/today2.cgi?askmonth=3&askday=8 |
63. Hereford Historical Characters In 1879 he had a few violin lessons in London, but as a composer Elgar was He studied with Samuel johnson at Lichfield academy and followed the great http://www.herefordwebpages.co.uk/histchar.shtml | |
64. Edinburgh International Festival Graham johnson Piano Tue 16 August 11.00am THE QUEENS HALL, Lawrence Power In Bartóks first violin sonata the influences of eastern European folk http://www.eif.co.uk/festival2005/queenshall.htm | |
65. Classical CD Review Archive - Classical - Nov 2002 Part 5 S-Y: Classical MusicWe Jean SIBELIUS (18651957) Symphony No. 2 (1901) 47.28 - Eduard TUBIN Emma johnson (clarinet); Gabor Takács-Nagy (violin); Rebecca Hirsch (violin); http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2002/Nov02/1aNov02-5.htm | |
66. Leonard Cohen Albums Violin Backing Vocals Trumpet Vocals Guitar Backing Vocals Jean johnson SuzieKatayama Randy Kerber Steve Lindsey Steve Meador Bob Metzger Paul Metzger http://www.softshoe-slim.com/lists/c/cohen.html | |
67. College Of Wooster: Wooster Magazine Fran continues to share her musical talents (violin and voice) in the jeanne Milanette Merlanti sold her employment agency last July but works for the http://www.wooster.edu/magazine/classnotes/spring035.html | |
68. Wooster Magazine Jeans next stop Patagonia. Dick and Gwen watkins Kiefers Christmas During the weekend, Sylvia did a clown and violin performance relative to her http://www.wooster.edu/magazine/classnotes/spring2005/50.php | |
69. The Quarter Note: The String Academy Of Wisconsin At UWM - Musical Education Foc Maurice F. Kipen was a violinist and great lover of music. Charles and DorothyWatkins Inbusch Foundation Herbert Kohl Charities Miller Brewing Company http://www.stringacademyofwisconsin.org/newsletter.html | |
70. Artist Jean D Estree Artist Jean d Estree Classical Music. watkins Ale. watkins Ale Music of theEnglish Renaissance. by Ann Marie Morgan, Richard Alison, Anonymous, http://www.thaipro.com/shop/12u-classical-Artist-Jean d Estree.htm | |
71. Playbill: Theatre Information June Moon, and the tart Jean Dixon, Philip Loeb, and Linda watkins Claude Rains and the fetching Jean Arthur could not save a drama called The Man http://www.playbill.com/reference/theatre_info/2156.html | |
72. Jazzology: New Releases Willie Bunk johnson, The Complete Jazz Information Recordings. AMCD119 Jean Kittrell And The Boll Weevil Jass Band, You Gotta See Your Mama BCD-051 http://www.jazzology.com/new_releases.php | |
73. Interprètes Commençant Par C - Jazz Et Musique Improvisée En Belgique - La M CATOUL JeanPierre Violon Violin synthesizer / MICAULT Gwenaël Accordéon BAILEY Benny Trompette / FARMER Art Trompette / watkins Derek http://www.lamediatheque.be/BELGIQUE/JAZZBELGE/INTERPRETESC.htm | |
74. All Things Strings: Summer Study Guide Faculty Jean Angers, Emanuel Borok, Lorand Fenyves, David Halen, violin; Contact Moira johnson or Claude Infante, 251 Laurier Ave. http://www.stringsmagazine.com/issues/strings84/summer/SummerCanada.shtml | |
75. RA Forum > Some Curiosities. I. The Voice Of The Violin Arthur V. johnson, Marion LEONARD, David MILES, George NICHOLS, Mack SENNET . inserting excerpts of The Voice of the Violin in their poignant ( ) http://raforum.apinc.org/article.php3?id_article=103 |
76. RA Forum > Matewan La Commune de 1999 . Un film de Peter watkins VIGO, Jean. 19301934 JeanVigo, un tournant. Par Isabelle MARINONE ACÍN AQUILUÉ, Ramón (1888-1936) http://raforum.apinc.org/article.php3?id_article=89 |
77. Requested Musicians And Leaders Found By The Dance Gypsy Eric Weest johnson Appears as musician ( guitar ) For Contra dances Appears as musician ( violin and vocals ) For International dances. Jere Canote http://www.thedancegypsy.com/performers/musiciansJJ.shtml | |
78. Véhicule Press - Montreal Jazz - Dobbin's Den - Mal Waldron Among those included in the exhibit Benoit Aquin, JeanFrancois Leblanc, Eric T. johnson, the guitarist leader is joined by a quartet including the http://www.vehiculepress.com/montreal/dobbin/denarchive17.html | |
79. University Of North Dakota University News Peter johnson. Media Relations Coordinator. Nyota Bisimwa, Fargo South; JeanneDambach, Fargo South; Nicole Danzelsen, Hazen; Arlene Edmundson, http://www.und.edu/news/NEW_SCRIPTS/newsrelease.jsp?id=1146 |
80. This Is Cheshire | CommuniGate | Cast Lists 1980s Onwards MARY DILLON COLIN CROWTHER ANN ARNOLD JEAN ALLEN johnson TRUEMAN VAL WATKINSBARBARA BOSTOCK LILLIAN BARLOW JOE KNIGHT RODNEY HADWEN MELANIE DAVY AMANDA http://www.communigate.co.uk/chesh/northendenplayers/page8.phtml | |
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