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21. Artist-Show - The Largest Art Link Site In The World! golan, lawrence provides information on the American conductor and violinist.Jenson, Dylana - an interview with the violinist, in which she discusses her http://www.artist-show.com/ArtFields/Music/MuLinks/Classical/Artists/Violinists. | |
22. Conductors Of CYSO In 2001, lawrence golan joined the faculty at the University of Denver s As a violinist she has performed in recital and with chamber orchestras in http://www.coloradoyouthsymphony.org/211_conductors.html | |
23. MusicMoz - Test: Ensembles: Conductors golan, lawrence Conductor, violinist (Atlantic Chamber Orchestra; Universityof Southern Maine; Portland Symphony Orchestra). Great http://musicmoz.org/Test/Old_Styles/Classical/Conductors/Links/ | |
24. MusicMoz - Test: Ensembles: Conductors golan, lawrence Conductor, violinist (Atlantic Chamber Orchestra; Universityof Southern Maine; Portland Symphony Orchestra); Great Conductors Online - A http://musicmoz.org/Test/Ensembles/Conductors/ | |
25. MUSISCOPE - Instrumentistes - Violon Fischer, Julia violinist. golan, lawrence - provides information on the Americanconductor and violinist. Heifetz, Jascha (1899-1987) - offers biography http://www.musiscope.com/violon.htm | |
26. Netscape Search Category - Conductors golan, lawrence Conductor, violinist (Atlantic Chamber Orchestra; Universityof Southern Maine; Portland Symphony Orchestra); Great | |
27. Bates College | 04-24-98 GOLAN, QUIMBY AND KAUFMAN TO PERFORM AT BATES LEWISTON, Maine violinist lawrence golan and pianist Judith Quimby will bejoined by cellist Kurt Kaufman in a concert of classical music in the Bates http://www.bates.edu/x1849.xml | |
28. Bates College | 01-19-96 PIANIST JOINS VIOLINIST IN BATES CONCERT LEWISTON, Maine violinist lawrence golan, concertmaster of the Portland SymphonyOrchestra, will be joined by noted pianist Eva Virsik in a concert at http://www.bates.edu/x8799.xml | |
29. Shar Products: violinist lawrence golan, also a talented composer and rapidly becoming a wellknownconductor, studied with the composer, who was also his father s teacher. http://www.sharmusic.com/itemdy00.asp?T1=LG1CD&Cat= |
30. Musical-styles: Classical: Conductors: G So Musical golan, lawrence. Conductor, violinist (Atlantic Chamber Orchestra; University ofSouthern Maine; Portland Symphony Orchestra) http://www.somusical.com/musical-styles/classical/conductors/g/ | |
31. Lawrence Golan Violin Blogs Violin Discussion Violin Wikis violinist.com EmailRegistered users may send a message to lawrence golan from this page. http://www.violinist.com/directory/bio.cfm?member=LawrenceGolan |
32. Violins And Violinists What makes a great violinist? lawrence golan, a violinist and the conductor of theLamont Symphony Orchestra at DU, answers these questions and more. http://www.universitycollege.du.edu/program/ppe/ep/coursedetail.asp?QuarterTermC |
33. The Maestro Myth: What Does A Conductor Do? Instructor lawrence golan, Director of Orchestral Studies at Lamont School of Music,conductor, violinist, recording artist Format Four to Six Sessions http://www.universitycollege.du.edu/program/ppe/ep/coursedetail.asp?QuarterTermC |
34. Classical I spoke with lawrence golan last week he now of the Mile High City and I inhis former as it was, from being an orchestral violinist to a conductor. http://www.portlandphoenix.com/archive/music/01/11/01/classical_frotus.html | |
35. Classical lawrence golan If we fill the house with Portland Symphony Orchestra Though he started as a violinist, conducting is an everlarger part of his career http://www.portlandphoenix.com/archive/music/01/02/09/classical.html | |
36. Golan V. Ashcroft: Complaint lawrence golan is an acclaimed conductor, violinist, and professor of conducting,whose passion and professional mission is to bring classical music to new http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/openlaw/golanvashcroft/complaint.html | |
37. Celebrate Music Teachers And Students! The featured guest artist was lawrence golan, Conductor and violinist. The latter work featured the solo violin of lawrence golan accompanied by the http://www.scyo.org/celebrate.htm | |
38. HearMePlay.com golan, lawrence Conductor, violinist (Atlantic Chamber Orchestra; Universityof Southern Maine; Portland Symphony Orchestra); Goldman http://www.hearmeplay.com/resources/directory/index.cgi?base=/Arts/Music/Styles/ |
39. Biography Music Entry Concise Dictionary 7) golanlawrence Conductor, violinist (Atlantic Chamber Orchestra; University ofSouthern Maine; Portland Symphony Orchestra) www.lawrencegolan.com www http://music.wundermusic.com/music/dir/7/10026/g.html | |
40. Ocean City Pops—The Orchestra She was principal 2nd violinist with Allentown Symphony Orchestra. Patinka Kopec,Sylvia Rosenberg, Gregory Fulkerson, and lawrence golan. http://www.oceancitypops.org/orchestra.html | |
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