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Home - Violinists - Gluzman Vadim |
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61. The Durango Telegraph renowned violinist vadim gluzman will play at the DMR tent on July 17.gluzman will play selections from Mozart, Prokofiev and Bruch with guests http://www.durangotelegraph.com/03-07-10/second2.htm | |
62. Project MUSE 24 Preludes for Violin and Piano. T filah. Postlude. vadim Guzman; Angela Yoffe . Violin and Piano in 1999, and dedicated them to violinist vadim gluzman http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/notes/v060/60.3anderson.html | |
63. Vadim Gluzman - From Vadim - Unanswered Questions `vadim gluzman belongs to the great Russian Violin School.´ Violin School Belongs I myself don´t know what school I belong to. http://www.vadimgluzman.com/questions.html | |
64. History List vadim gluzman (2005) played a 1690 exLeopold Auer Stradivari violin CarrollGlenn (1939)* Nathan Goldstein (1950) Sidney Harth (1973, 1975)* http://naumburgconcerts.org/history.htm | |
65. Jose Sanchez-Penzo: The Way Famous String Instruments Went - Players Françaix, JeanFantasie; Françaix, JeanKonzertvariationen; Hindemith, PaulViolinConcerto no. 2; Puolenc, FrancisSerenade gluzman, vadim http://www.jose-sanchez-penzo.net/stPl_G-I.html | |
66. UTD School Of Arts And Humanities - Vladim Gluzman vadim gluzman performs on the exceptional Antonio Stradivari violin exLeopoldAuer on loan to him from the Stradivari Society of Chicago. http://ah.utdallas.edu/events2002_2003/vladimgluzman.htm | |
67. Musicians Gallery Index Page vadim gluzman violin Golomb Concert Management Miriam GómezMorán piano RobertGoodhew bass trombone Catherine Gordeladze piano Mark Gould trumpet http://www.musiciansgallery.com/ | |
68. Vadim Gluzman - Diskographie vadim gluzman Diskographie Violine. Lera Auerbach, 24 Preludes for Violin andPiano, T filah, Postlude with Angela Yoffe, Piano http://www.impresariat-simmenauer.de/gluzman_dg.html | |
69. Music In The Mountains - Schedule Featuring vadim gluzman, violin. 20 July Wednesday, 730 pm Conservatory Faculty BRAHMS Violin Concerto vadim gluzman, soloist. 25 July Monday, 330 pm http://www.musicinthemountains.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=statc.home&file=dsp_sche |
70. North Carolina Blumenthal Performing Arts Center For more information about vadim gluzman, Violin Plan your visit to seevadim gluzman, Violin at Belk Theater with this helpful information http://www.performingartsctr.org/events/detail.asp?id=55 |
71. Compositions vadim gluzman (violin) Wendy Warner (violoncello) Angela Yoffe (piano) CD BIS 1242 (vadim gluzman, violin Angela Yoffe, piano) http://www.leraauerbach.com/pages/new pages/compositions_catalogue.html | |
72. Dossier_biography Wu Han, Hamburg Ballet, vadim gluzman, Akiko Suwanai, Philippe Quint, Lera Auerbach s Suite for Violin , Piano and Strings, was a virtuoso showcase http://www.leraauerbach.com/pages/new pages/dossier_biography.html | |
73. ArkivMusic Auerbach 24 Preludes For Violin And Piano, Etc / Gluzman Performer vadim gluzman (Violin), Angela Yoffe (Piano) Country of Origin RussiaPeriod 20th Century Written 1999. 2. T filah, Op. 33 by Lera Auerbach http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/album.jsp?site_id=CTRV&album_id=74357 |
74. Korean Concert Society He is currently studying violin with Edouard Grach at the Conservatoire. Nam Yoon Kim, vadim gluzman, Petru Munteanu, and Victor Danchenko. http://www.koreanconcertsociety.org/ | |
75. Caldwell Fine Arts Past Performances vadim gluzman Angela Yoffe. Violin and Piano vadim demonstrated the poisednaturalness, poetry of expression and flawless finesse of a born fiddler. http://www.albertson.edu/cfa/archive/vadimangela/vadimangela.htm | |
76. BIS Records vadim gluzman violin about vadim gluzman. Available on BIS Auerbach 24Preludes for Violin and Piano, Mar 03, ·, CD-1242. http://www.bis.se/index.php?op=people&pID=2826 |
77. Colorado Music Alliance vadim gluzman, compared by some critics to the late violin virtuoso Isaac Stern,will return to Music in the Mountains for his eighth appearance. http://www.coloradomusicalliance.com/presscenter.cfm?id=10 |
78. News by vadim gluzman. vadim participated in the first Keshet Eilon Violin Mastercourse,and today is a member of the mastercourse faculty . Riga, Latvia. http://www.keshetei.org.il/news.html | |
79. All Things Strings: Reviews vadim gluzman, violin; Angela Yoffe, piano. (Bis, 1242) Israeli violinistvadim gluzman and Latvian pianist Angela Yoffe, both about Auerbach s age, http://www.stringsmagazine.com/issues/strings115/reviews.html | |
80. The Flint Institute Of Music vadim gluzman, violin Diemecke, One5-0 Tchaikovsky, Violin Concerto in D majorShostakovich, Festive Overture Glinka, Russlan and Ludmilla Overture http://www.thefim.com/classicalconcerts.asp | |
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