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61. All Things Strings:GidonKremer All Things Strings offers violin, viola, cello, and bass resources for Kremer went on to win the 1967 Queen elisabeth Competition and first prize in the http://www.stringsmagazine.com/issues/Strings107/kremer.html | |
62. Jose Sanchez-Penzo: The Way Famous String Instruments Went - Players Gloor, elisabeth ? Remarks. Henley, William Antonio Stradivari His Life and Goodkind, Herbert K. Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari http://www.jose-sanchez-penzo.net/stIn_D-F.html | |
63. Sydney Symphony Elliott Carter s Violin Concerto and the Violin Concerto of Philip glass.In addition, he has performed world premieres of violin concertos by Ross http://www.sydneysymphony.com/page.asp?p=62 |
64. Dolmetsch Online - Composers Biography J Jacquet de la Guerre, elisabethClaude (see Guerre (de la), After the turnof the century, and with the arrival of violin virtuosos such as Viotti, http://www.dolmetsch.com/cdefsj.htm | |
65. Links In English 4 (October 1 To November 29, 1997) Allstar cast, including elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Irmgard 2 for Violin andOrchestra (1) Second Suite for Orchestra. Yehudi Menuhin, violin (1) http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/7863/furt/alfa_english04.html | |
66. John Philip Sousa: Biography And Much More From Answers.com Washington, DC He studied violin and harmony in his native city and learned bandinstruments The American Maid, 1909, also known as The glass Blowers. http://www.answers.com/topic/john-philip-sousa | |
67. Gidon Kremer: Information From Answers.com He began to play the violin at the age of four, receiving tuition from his father He won prizes at the Queen elisabeth Competition in Brussels in 1967 http://www.answers.com/topic/gidon-kremer | |
68. Classical CD Review Archive - March 2005 Part 3 C-L:Classical MusicWeb (UK] Samuel COLERIDGETAYLOR (18751912) Violin Concerto in G minor Op. 80 (1912) 31 55 Philip glass (b. 1937) Symphony No. 2 (1994) 4314 Symphony No. http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2005/Mar05/1aMar05-3.htm | |
69. Redcliffe Recordings RR007 Miles Baster violin Peter Markham violin Michael Beeston viola Mark Bailey cello So were her close contemporaries Michael Tippett and elisabeth Lutyens, http://www.musicweb-international.com/Redcliffe/RR007.HTM | |
70. DrumsOnTheWeb.com - Manufacturers News - Download Your Favorite elisabeth will be on tour in Holland during the month of December. ViolinistLudvig Girdland has been in the studio recording for several TV shows http://www.drumsontheweb.com/DOTWpages/Drumkeypages/manu-newspages/01-manunews/E |
71. Composers Datebook, 8/2/2004 - 8/8/2004 Philip glass (b.1937) Act 2 Interlude, fr Orphée 1972 Wuorinen ViolinConcerto, for amplified violin and orchestra, at the Tanglewood Festival in http://composersdatebook.publicradio.org/listings/datebook_20040802.shtml |
72. CONSERVATORY FACULTY Dedicated to teaching as well as performing, she is professor of violin and head of Bronze medalist of the Queen elisabeth International Competition in http://www.bard.edu/conservatory/faculty/ | |
73. KRILOFF (OR KRUILOV), IVAN ANDREEVICH - LoveToKnow Article On KRILOFF (OR KRUILO famous as a violinist, playing with great success at various continental capitals.It was to him that in 1803 Beethoven dedicated his famous violin sonata http://29.1911encyclopedia.org/K/KR/KRILOFF_OR_KRUILOV_IVAN_ANDREEVICH.htm | |
74. Bernard Zaslav: Reviews tones of stained glass supple, yet firm. ardent yet altogether unforced . sonority of the viola in contrast to the alltoo-commonly heard violin. http://www.viola.com/zaslav/reviews.htm | |
75. Records International Catalogue September 2001 The Fantasia dates from 1913 when glass was under the influence of Theosophy The first concerto of 1880 uses Mendelssohn s violin concerto as a formal http://www.recordsinternational.com/RICatalogSep01.html | |
76. Pensacola Symphony Orchestra - Profiles Allison received her Bachelor of Violin Performance from Temple University in Frachesca Winters elisabeth Havins, No information available http://www.pensacolasymphony.com/profiles.asp | |
77. Recommended CDs: Others An artful and fast performance by Jascha Heifetz (violin), Charles Munch (conductor) The music and lyrics by Philip glass, the contemporary composer. http://www001.upp.so-net.ne.jp/tsuribe/CDs/otherse.html | |
78. UO Music Service Discographies: Douglass Circulating CD Collection PERFORMERS Weilerstein Duo (Donald Weilerstein, violin and Vivian Hornik PERFORMERS elisabeth Soderstrom, soprano ; Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/music/Discographies/Circoll/circcoll.html | |
79. Kronos Quartet and the Queen elisabeth International Music Competition of Belgium. Alexandra du Bois grew up in Virginia, playing the violin from age two and http://www.carnegiehall.org/textSite/box_office/events/evt_4880.html?selecteddat |
80. Kronos Quartet Kronos Quartet ·· David Harrington, Violin ·· John Sherba, Violin Competition and the Queen elisabeth International Music Competition of Belgium. http://www.carnegiehall.org/article/box_office/events/evt_4880_pf.html | |
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