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21. The Malta Council For Culture And The Arts elisabeth; OR TO BE A MANN a new Camilleri and SerracinoInglott Opera Violin Virtuoso featuring violinist Aleksandar Krapovski and pianist Eleonora http://www.maltaculture.com/page.asp?n=culturaleventsdetails&i=4394&l= |
22. Arlington Philharmonic Orchestra Soloists The Philharmonic Society of Arlington is proud to present violinist Cristina Buciu, As a student of elisabeth Phinney at the Boston Conservatory, http://cfa160.harvard.edu/~rmc/arlphil/soloists.html |
23. WFIU:Arts & Culture The program also shows how Swissborn psychiatrist elisabeth Kübler-Ross WFIU s Artist of the Month for June is conductor and violinist Paul Biss. http://www.indiana.edu/~wfiu/artjune_2004.htm | |
24. Composers Datebook, 10/18/2004 - 10/24/2004 in London at Queen elisabeth Hall, by the London Sinfonietta, 1 in Bb, Op.18, in Hanover, by violinist Joseph Joachim and his ensemble; http://composersdatebook.publicradio.org/listings/datebook_20041018.shtml |
25. Musicorda Festival Series - July 01 Concert Program Notes home of the wealthy widow elisabeth Rösing in Hamm, outside Hamburg. Brahmss friend Joseph Joachim, a violinist and composer who had already http://www.musicorda.org/festivalseries_0701_notes.html | |
26. Kko.de - Kurpfälzisches Kammerorchester - International - English The orchestra podium was placed across the glass facade in Rittersaal. Akemi Hasegawa Member of the KKO since 1985, violinist Akemi Hasegawa s violin http://www.kko.de/home/international/en/index.php | |
27. Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society :: 2005-06 Concert Series :: Mendelssohn String MIRIAM FRIED joined the Quartet as its first violinist in 1999 with a concert at Los Angeles Times music critic Herbert glass has called her one of the http://www.pittsburghchambermusic.org/series/2005/MSQ/bio.php | |
28. New York Chronicle By Jay Nordlinger In the next concert, Robertson teamed with the young German violinist ChristianTetzlaff Singing elisabeth was the elisabeth of our time, Deborah Voigt. http://www.newcriterion.com/archive/23/feb05/jay(jan05).htm | |
29. The Culture Of Classical Music Today By Samuel Lipman In the case of glasss several works, only Einstein on the Beach (1976), Much the same can be said of the Japanese violinist Midori, a successful http://www.newcriterion.com/archive/10/sept91/musicnow.htm | |
30. Budapest Spring Festival 2002 WITH MARIA CRISTINA KIEHR, elisabeth VON MAGNUS, HERBERT LIPPERT, TatjanaGrindenko, violinist, founded the first early music ensemble in Eastern http://www.festivalcity.hu/btf2002/english_zenekari.html | |
31. Elizabeth Brown Museum of glass, 1801 East Dock Street Tacoma. Friday, October 15, 2004, PLU Early and Baroque Concert, solo lute with Svend Ronning, violinist; http://www.plu.edu/~brownec/main.html | |
32. Hermann Hesse Web Magazine The glass Bead Game and the Information Age. Group Reading of The glass Bead Game as well as cellist Julius Berger and violinist Angelika Lichtenstern. http://ic.ucsb.edu/~ggotts/hesse/about-e.html | |
33. Artifact: Full Record For BBC Four : A-Z Interviews sculptor; Lutyens, elisabeth, 19041984 Musician, composer; Maconchy, Menuhin, Yehudi, 1916-1999 Musician, violinist; Rohe, Ludwig Mies van der, http://www.artifact.ac.uk/displayoai.php?id=288 |
34. Powered By Possibility EZine - September 2004 18, 1995, Itzhak Perlman, the violinist, came onstage to give a concert at People are like stainedglass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun http://www.balancepointinternational.com/ezine/archive/2004/pbp0904.htm | |
36. The Washington Diplomat violinist Dmitri Berlinsky and pianist Elena Baksht Operetta evening withbaritone Klemens Geyrhofer and soprano elisabeth Kulman http://www.washdiplomat.com/02-10/b2_02_10.html | |
37. City Of The Month Worth seeing the paintings by Coxie, the stainedglass windows Concours ReineElisabeth (in mai) A talented violinist, the wife of King Albert 1 took a http://www.music-opera.com/site_english/ville_bruxelles_e.htm | |
38. Belmont In The News: Belmont Camerata Musicale Featured In Sunday Paper First of all, they re aware that artistic director and violinist elisabeth Smallwill fashion a challenging, imaginative program that steers clear of the http://forum.belmont.edu/inthenews/archives/2003/11/belmont_camerat.html | |
39. For A Change Magazine: Making The Soul Dance elisabeth Smith, a Norwegian living in Zimbabwe, offered a patchwork quilt violinist Jonathan Sparey likened the artist s role to that of a conduit http://www.forachange.co.uk/index.php?stoid=53 |
40. Classical Music Links Ostap Shutko violinist with his own artistic style - Classical music services, Søren Nils Eichberg - winner of the Queen elisabeth Competition for http://www.mvdaily.com/links/ | |
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