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81. The WeeklyPress@Philly1.Com -- John Lane's Notes On Music And Other Artistic Ple Other PCMS events include violinist Scott St. John and pianist Anna Tony nominee Pamela Isaacs with Kenajuan bentley, Brienin Bryant, Jann Ellis, http://www.philly1.com/story10012605.html | |
82. World Music Ari Langer plays electric violin; Jennifer MacKnight, vocals; karen bentley, violin; Linton Hale, North Indian flute; and Glenn Shoonmaker, electric guitar. http://www.aquarius-atlanta.com/sarticles/smusic.html | |
83. Centregramme - June 2000 He is preparing his Violin Concerto of 1974 for future performance by Nancy Di 26 Euphrosyne Keefer A Fragrant Zodiack karen Noelbentley, clarinet, http://www.musiccentre.ca/bri/downloads/BC-june00.html | |
84. KHPR/KKUA/KANO Programming and Friends karen bentley Pollick, viola; Byron Schenkman, harpsichord; Orch.; Dimitry Yablonsky, cond.; BLOCH Violin Conc.; Oleh Krysa, violin; http://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/dplapr05.htm | |
85. Newsletterspring05 The panel included concert violinist and Longy School string department chair Janet Packer along with students Meredith Smith 05 and karen Chan 06. http://www.wellesley.edu/Music/newsletterspring05/articles/alumnae.html | |
86. OCUFA Report - Vol.11 No. 2 June 2005 Ontario Minister of Labour Chris bentley, moving first reading of Bill 211, Would anyone dare force a concert violinist to stop performing because of http://www.ocufa.on.ca/report/rept11-2.asp | |
87. Local Calendar Local Calendar (February 11, 2000) 13, at 230 pm featuring karen bentley, violin, with Dmitri Cogan, piano. Enjoy a musical afternoon when this dynamic duo performs works by Bolcom, Brahms, http://www.mv-voice.com/morgue/2000/2000_02_11.cal11l.html | |
88. Newsweek.MSNBC.com - Weekend Sharing Benjamin s dumpy apartment and his life is violinist Alice (Juliette Meanwhile, Jane falls for Ricky Fitts (Wes bentley), the new boy next door http://www.msnbc.com/m/nw/a/m/mv_a.asp | |
89. Verge Primary Colors (1995) Peter Joseff, clarinet; karen bentley, violin; karen Rosenak, piano. Into the Wild (1997) Paul Dresher Ensemble Craig Fry, violin; http://www.vergemusic.com/old/0702.htm | |
90. News-Record.com - Piedmont Triad - News-Record.com - Celebrations - Weddings - Music for the ceremony was provided by Maestro Alex Agrest, violinist. Christina Lynn Matthis and Michael Keith bentley were united in marriage at four http://www.gotriad.com/article/archive/71/ | |
91. P.A.M. Band Created by violinist/Composer Kurt Coble Artistic Director, University of APRIL 15 JUNE 13, 2004 Installation Perfect Pitch Curated by karen Shaw http://www.pamband.com/ | |
92. FindArticles In Prairie Schooner: March 2001 death of violinist Arden Brodsky) by Hunnicutt, Ellen; Mood Sonnet 6.(Poem) by Jaquish, karen I. Adventures in New Testament Greek Nous.(Poem) http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb246/is_200103 | |
93. Discoveries Their two violins, gamba and lute are joined by special guest violinist CBC Producers karen Wilson and Adrian Hoffman can be proud of this product. http://www.thewholenote.com/wholenote_may_03/discoveries.html | |
94. Broadway To Vegas August 15, 2004 karen Black A View Of The Heart August 2023 at Ars Nova in New York City. Lin is a first violinist for the BSO. The two have performed together in http://www.broadwaytovegas.com/August15,2004.html | |
95. IcBerkshire - This Week's Reviews Armenian violinist Tatevik and her partner, Alba, a Spanish pianist, formed a stunning with songs by Will Torrent and flute solos from Julia bentley. http://icberkshire.icnetwork.co.uk/0600whatson/0300theatre/tm_objectid=15402281& | |
96. Irvine Unified School District: Fine Arts Staff Biographies Gayle bentley Gayle bentley has been the Instrumental Music Director at University Dianna also enjoys performing as a freelance violinist and has a http://www.iusd.org/finearts/staff_biographies.htm | |
97. Entertainment Directory Norfolk Library, Route 44 in Norfolk presents violinist CURTIS MACOMBER AND PIANIST Harwinton Public Library, 80 bentley Dr. in Harwinton presents the http://www.thevoicenews.com/News/2002/1101/Entertainment_Directory/ | |
98. The Curtis Institute Of Music Pamela Frank, Violin, Chamber Music (Strings) In addition, she has studied conducting with Robert Spano and flute with Judith bentley. http://www.curtis.edu/html/30330.shtml | |
99. Clara Schumann Today Concerts And Presentations 22, by the Picture Gallery Concert Series, Katharine Ellis violin and For more information, contact karen Walsh via email at kbwalsh@indiana.edu. http://www.geneva.edu/~dksmith/clara/today1.html |
100. Company Dancers & Apprentices the Harvard Extension and participates in bentley College s Model United Nations. Some of her favorite pastimes include playing violin for the gypsy http://www.bostondancecompany.net/id5.html | |
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